I am Happy I bought the winter jacket five years ago in Phoenix, cuz it surely gets worn here in New Mexico lately!

I am Happy I saved all my cashmere sweaters from Minnesota over 30 years ago, cuz they’re getting worn lots these days in New Mexico!

I am Happy I lived in real Winters in Minnesota, cuz it’s a piece of cake here in New Mexico!

I am Happy I like wind, cuz it’s windy in New Mexico!

I am Happy I have Porter!  All the time I have spent training him has really paid off!  He’s such a character and he keeps me on my toes!

I am Happy I can still cut my own hair!  That was one of the greatest things I started all those many years ago. I’d be spending a bundle for gas if I had to drive to a beauty salon every month or so to have it done!  And I’ve saved a bundle doing it myself  all this time!

I am Happy I can still type, cuz the Blog keeps going as long as I do!

I am Happy I have a spiritual practice that has grown through the years and it has brought me to a place in my life that is so peace giving and so awakening.

I am Happy that I am so grateful for all that I have.

I am Happy that I can laugh at myself and my antics (there are many associated with aging but also there are many that just plain tickle me, when I’m being ME!)

I am  Happy that I recognize just how happy I am! It is a Blessing.  It is a Gift of Life.

Life has been continuously preparing me for what has been coming to me.  I have been making choices which provided me the experience and learning that enhanced me and my capabilities. I remember saying to myself when I was working in the yard at my last house in Phoenix digging the ‘River Faux’, “you’re showing you’re capable of doing this hard work now in preparation for that ranchy thing when you’ll really be working harder”, or something like that. True enough, Life Prepares us for Life. We are writing our own Life manual as we live it! 

I am Happy I see what a treasure Life is and what a privilege it is to live it the best way I can.

Blessed Be.   To All Blessed.

You give to your own life and you give back to Life.

Graciousness and Gratitude.   ~Gaya