This past week I did some planting. My friend offered me some very small saplings from a tree in her yard, along with some Mexican Bird of Paradise sprouts.

Our weather has just begun to turn to Spring, and this kind of work has to be done when it’s not so windy! On the spur-of-the-moment, last Monday was the digging and planting day to get these into the ground and hope for the best.  I had some compost which I’ve cultivated this past year  so I used some in each hole as I went along.  I also had two Hesper  aloe cacti which I had started from seeds I took from my home in Phoenix, and had ‘hardened’ them as well the week before, so I intended to dig them in too.

That’s what I love about living in the NOW! I just never know how I am going to create my life and circumstances!  I had to clear away weeds and other debris in the areas I planned to plant before I worked even harder digging in four trees, and was totally random about how I was spacing them.  I dug the wells around them and filled them up with water. The Bird of Paradise and cacti had to wait till the next day,  cuz I was whipped! So far so good!

Next day, I finished the job, and now I admire my work.  Every morning since, I get out there to make sure everything is still alive, and thankfully, I’m still seeing some green.  I’m extremely hopeful that the plantings will survive and thrive.  There’s no telling how long I’ll be admiring them, but my effort and intention is the most important. I’m beautifying DreamCatcher Ranch on the outside and the inside, just as I try to beautify my own mind when it comes to how I think and how happy and joyful I am each day.

Nothing gets done by itself.  It needs my help all of the time.  The wonderful part of all this is we are the dictators of our thoughts.  I can replace sad or worrisome or unhealthy thinking with inspirations.  I am my own Fairy Godmother! I guess that’s why I’ve always loved projects so much.  Once I begin, they take on a shape and character of their own and the results are so self-fulfilling.

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.

Loving brings out your best.     ~Gaya