218 posts by Kaye

Just for the record, I believe we have all the answers inside of us.  I believe I am a spiritual being living in a human condition.  That spiritual being within me is my absolute essence…..My whole beingness….the very core of me that connects me directly to my Creator…as a drop of water is to the ocean.

This said, all my life……… and I know I am not alone in these kinds of experiences……… there has been  a ‘little voice’ that spoke to me from time to time…..sometimes it was but a whisper, other times it was more obvious, like when I skinned my  knees over and over again (which should have meant to me, “grow a little bigger before you ride that bike!”),  but instead, came the real fall with pain that opened a 2 inch fleshy wound…to this day showing the healed scar as the reminder….I chose not to listen!

Then there was the time, 13 years old, or so,  I was in the Woolworth’s  downtown with a friend, and she suggested we ‘take’ some lipstick from the bin.  Of course, I heard “I wouldn’t do it”, or something like that, but I did…brought the red stuff home, threw it in a drawer and began to feel really guilty…painfully guilty…I wasn’t ‘into’ lipstick in the first place, so why did I do that?!  As my memory has it, I pocketed the tube, got on the bus, walked into the store and put it back into the bin.  No words to anyone…but I tell you, the pain of that guilt left instantly…….Whew!!

Another time I said to a friend, do you think I drink too much?  She didn’t give her opinion, but she did hook me up with someone to talk to about it.  The answer that came back was, “What do you think?”…..of course, under the rug that answer went until many close calls later, for sure all marriages later, another relationship later,  along with more pain and  confusion until these many years later, when I’ve been able to unscramble ‘what might be what’  and give myself the obvious answer!  I could have saved myself years of confusion and pain had I wanted to face that truth, once and for all.

What about all those nagging thoughts I’ve had as I’ve been living my life?…..Was my boyfriend seeing another woman?  Why did I taunt myself stalking him, trying to catch him in the act, when inside, I already knew that answer.

Was I or wasn’t I overweight?  Why did I keep looking in the mirror, expecting to see a model figure in a different outfit?  I knew I felt I looked ‘chubby’.   Why didn’t I just decide to change my eating habits!

My little voice has been working overtime to save me from years of pain and self abuse and heartache. ….I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO TELL MYSELF THE TRUTH ALL MY LIFE  so I could enjoy the real privilege of living life freely and everso happily!

Why was it that I wouldn’t  just face up to the honesty of it all and make the appropriate decisions toward a more peaceful and less painful life path?

I’m bearing this torch at near 79, and desperately want to pass it on.  I don’t plan to make myself experience any more pain by my own hand.



I’ve never liked platitudes…they’re so wishy-washy, don’t really say anything to any point…just words of response with no sincerity or comfort or solution behind them.   They  miss the mark of Action and Feelings and Understanding and Compassion.  They’re so aloof and cold, so general.   Of course, this is My Opinion!

I had a friend years ago who said to me she never worried about me because I was so strong and a survivor, and I could always take care of myself..  All true, but what was the point of saying anything?  I wasn’t comforted…my life hadn’t magically changed because I heard her words of supposed encouragement and understanding.  I already knew everything she said!  She had known me for years, but what she DIDN’T KNOW was she  had  set my bar higher so I had to appear even stronger and more capable as a struggling young single mother of two who constantly worried about having enough money, or even food sometimes, and who prayed my rattletrap of a car would not break down.  To me, her distancing comments were sideways, and allowed her a wide berth to not have to ask me how I was doing, or if everything was going okay.

Time heals all wounds…Don’t worry, things always get better…He’ll grow out of it..You can handle it…Life isn’t fair…Life isn’t what it’s cracked up to be…They’re always thorns with the roses…You can’t always be a winner…No one ever said life was easy…It’s a great life if you don’t weaken…Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone…You made your bed, you sleep in it…forgive and forget….This always happens…When it rains it pours…Another day another dollar…Into each life a little rain must fall….It always gets better….Don’t worry, you’ll get over it…and too many more!

I don’t want to be a person who uses platitudes in response to another’s difficulty in their life.  I want to be part of a solution to any problem someone might be having…. or, at the very least, show my interest and concern to their plight.  I want to try to relieve or soften, if I can, a person’s suffering or sadness …I want to reach the heart of another to show them how deeply I care…  I want to touch the shoulder, hold a hand, look at the person straight in the eye, to show them my level of caring and sincere inquiry, how can I help?  What do you need?  I want to make the effort to listen and try to understand.

It has always been very easy for me to speak to a stranger…I really don’t have much fear of contact.  I am proud to say I have had wonderful conversations with “David”, my homeless friend whom I run into from time-to-time in front of my store.  But, I don’t think I’m doing enough to show to my “World Island” how interested I am in another’s world.  I want to be a human being who is connected to others, not disconnected.

The next time I ask someone “How are you?”, I’m going to listen very hard and long for the answer.  “Fine” will not do it!…I’m going to ask another question, I’m going to make sure that I have an exchange to show my sincere interest in this person, OR WHY HAVE I ASKED THE QUESTION IN THE FIRST PLACE?  After all, when I am asked a question, I give an honest straightforward response.  I will spend those few minutes valuing the experience of this human connection, and if nudged, ask  “Is there anything I can do?”…. I will  extend myself.  I think this is the very least I can do.

Everyone counts….and I never want to be ignorant to another who has been counted out!  To my mind, the act of omission is far greater than the act of commission.

There are  times I must put my nose in someone else’s business!

I’ve been trying to excavate my feelings beneath my words these days…to not only feel the feelings but bring them into the light so I can interpret them.

I discovered how absolutely wonderful it felt (while in the shower, of course) to know  my intention was to get back into my morning routine for my peace of mind.   Clearly, if I have peace in my mind there is clarity of thought that provides me with ideas and words that become the action of who I am and whom I am trying to become.

As I stand at the helm of my ship, and look out into the ocean of my world, it occurs to me that I am always looking for beacons (Liferays, if you will), to shine toward me  to show me some direction.  The life inside me stirs and awakens this naturally, I think….if I can be as peaceful and quiet in my mind to be able to ‘hear’ and ‘see’ the gifts that are being extended to me.  By the same token, I, too, send forth beacons that might find places to shine for another.

I’ve openly stated that I write my blog for me first…  it has served as a rewarding and enlightening personal therapy.  As I intuit the material for each article, I am forced to face my words and live them the best way I know how…always learning, always growing.  In so doing, I absolutely know that I am changing and growing in a good way…I know it’s good because I feel extreme freedom and peace as I journey through the whole process.

The windows and doors I’ve opened have allowed a dimension to my life that is proving to be exhilarating and fulfilling.  I have begun sharing ME with an audience. I am amongst likeminded friends and  I now have another way to send a different beacon from my lighthouse.

As I find  my pathway opening up…I am proof that when I intend to make some change, The Universe flings open and sends to me whatever will be to my greatest good.

There’s a subtle caveat within my enlightening journey, however.   As I  move ahead, there are pieces that I want to bring forward with me.  People whom I love and want to keep in my life….Memories that have flavored my soul and softened my hard corners as I learn to accept love and give love.  I have to be careful when I consider all of this, and more than ever keep my eyes on my compass and look for the beacons that are trying to shine toward me.  I proceed in the Faith that my decisions will be made with total consideration and care to the greatest good of All.
















What an amazing concept I intuited this morning.

I recognize when ‘the synchronicity in something’ coincides with my writing or thinking or speaking.  But,  what if it’s me synchronizing with the Universe!  What if it’s my internal recognition of this ‘familiar connect’ and  I’m ready to move and develop in another enlightened way.?   Maybe it’s the communion of my thoughts swirling with likeminded thoughts and when  these thoughts meet, there’s  a natural surge and awakening.   I like it!!  

I did my New Year’s Eve ‘rest, as I encounter my life’, and in this process had to add a few unplanned-for ‘beats to my rhythm’ as the Alpha Year 2016 opened up to me.  Steady as she goes…. I’m still at the helm of my ship!    I must be reading my compass right, because  each day has provided a bit of a cliff to look over, before I jump!  Fact is, I’m loving the new activity  I have introduced into my life and heart! 

I continue to treasure the treasured parts of last year, and have brought them forward to intermingle and shape and sharpen my new learning and enlightenments.   New friends are coming along too – they’re part and parcel of my Treasure Chest!  I’m Joyful and Grateful because of the plethora of experiences that brought me here….SO FAR…SO GOOD.

There’s no question that all of this is coming from inside Me!   This is but another nudge from that which  lives within me…my Soul…my Life Spirit…my Creator…the Universe…The Source… I have  somehow been able to  swing open my heart with the desire to claim and enjoy the life of loving and receiving love, the life of emotional freedom, the life of authenticity – top to bottom – the life of the Joy and Gratitude I’ve been claiming all this time but not feeling it entirely until now.  I know I’m on a marathon journey…I know I haven’t figured any of this out for sure…but I also know, it’s exciting and liberating and full of wondering what’s going to present itself to me?    I’m still on the elevator, going up, taking baby steps.   I’m keeping my eyes and heart wide open.  There’s a giggle and a skip as I continue onward.


Living Life Is Such A Treasure

Living Life Is Such A Treasure






Elevator Story, Third Floor,  No Coincidences!  This business of peeling the onion – from the outside in, or the  inside out –  is becoming a remarkable experience!  WOW, the Universe sure responds!  (No surprise…after all, I wrote  Second Floor, Baby Steps –  the precursor!)

No time for tears behind my eyes now.  The loose ends are beginning to tie  together…the dots are slowly connecting….the t’s are starting to cross, and i’s are dotting too.

I’ve taken some action,  which has begun to totally shift my world!  Doing the deep digging,  I just might reach China!

It’s hard to admit I’ve been lonely!  It’s hard to admit I want to be loved and I’m ready to love!  It’s hard to admit I’ve opened the doors and windows that I’ve kept shut for too many years.   I’m starting to breathe in fresh new air from a fresh new year!  I’m  an opening flower…I like it!

Of course, this is scary…. not a Kodiak bear!

Today’s the day I return to the gym…strength training, I love it…

Today’s the day I stop twisting in the wind….a little bit more….

Today’s the day I’m trashing more  baggage…

Today’s the day the rubber hits the road….I can hear the screech!

Nothing more to add except….”LIFE”, I JUST LOVE THE ADVENTURE!

Open Wide

Open Wide



What an eye opener!  Why do tears erupt without warning anyway?  Why, when something joyful happens can I be brought to tears?  Why, when I see an intimate love scene in a movie do I erupt with emotion?  Why, when the horses are running am I crying as they pass the finish line?  Where is this emotion coming from within me?  What is my Soul trying to tell me?  Am I reacting to some guilt or shame?  I don’t think so.  Am I longing for the warm feelings of demonstrative love?  Am I dealing with pent-up love  inside me that I haven’t been able to express all these many years?   Have I come to overflow…  Are these unpredictable tears a spilling out of the love inside me that triggers when I witness feelingful emotional events?  If so, I need to level my playing field!

When have I felt authentic love?  When have I felt someone loved me just for me? Unconditionally?  Good questions, all.

Now my work begins!   Mindful of the mirror, now I really begin to go inside.  It feels like a slippery slope, but I have to admit, there’s a stir within me to get that worm can opened.  I know whatever I discover is not worth keeping under wraps!

Living alone as I have for many years does create biased ways of looking at some things.    The floodgates of my emotions have opened, and  I don’t feel at my wits’ end….I don’t feel crazy….I’m not in a fetal position of fear. I’m  wide-eyed and bushy-tailed and ready for bear….even my oft’ referred- to Kodiak one!

What perfect timing…day before my New Years Eve tradition.   The very time I treasure to be ‘at rest as I encounter my life’.  How exciting!  Lots to think about and try to figure out….not going to happen overnight, of course.   I am experiencing a huge relief in knowing I am pursuing to my greatest good.



Who knew?…..My workbook of life affirms that all the conversations I’ve been having with myself for some several years have been working mini-miracles in my favor!

Every morning I look in the mirror and provide the daily pep talk with gusto!  First of all, it’s my affirmation that I’m alive and ‘pumpin’, and I really do think I’m doing well in many areas of my life and I’m proud I’m heartily keeping on keeping on!

Very recently I’m taking a new tact, and I’m looking at myself in the mirror as though I’m inside myself and observing me as I’d see myself from an onlooker’s point of view.  (This is difficult to put into words.)  This takes some concentration and fortitude because it’s inside my onion!

I have to keep on staring while I turn myself inside out and then very carefully look…and see what I have to see, not what I want to see!  For instance, I remember years ago when I was sitting in a therapist’s office  recounting a terribly awful personal event.  When I finished speaking, the therapist said to me something like, “Do you know while you were telling me your appalling and heartbreaking story, you had a smile on your face?”  What a jolt!  Talk about a mask!  On one hand I was telling the truth, and on the other hand I was masking my outside appearance to the world, trying to  hide my feelings about that truth!

This  From-The-Inside-Out approach really pushes me now to want to come clean.  There’s one thing about being honest when telling the story, but another for me to get to the gut-wrenching feelings of it.   I’m sharing a WOW moment.  This isn’t about confessing actions of which I’m not so proud, this is about hiding the destructive feelings inside me that keep me from becoming more whole.  This is about who I am, and who I want people to think I am.  Simply stated, I want to be who I really am!

I don’t see any Kodiak bear in front of me….and, I won’t be destroyed!   What I do see is I’ll try to achieve  more clarity and uncover more answers that will fill in some gaps of my beingness that I don’t even know exist!  This is wonderment time!  This is Kaye, Revelations, Ch. l, v. 1.    My unfoldment.

I’m prepared to stand in front of my full-length mirror from this day forward.  HAPPY DAY.

Yes, It's Really Me

Yes, It’s Really Me



Those of you who follow my blogs, know I receive intuits while I am in the shower, and when I go walking.  Weather in Phoenix has been “bitterly” cold (an expression from my Minnesota days), and I don’t want to wear gloves in Arizona, so thank God I take daily showers and I’ve been relying on ‘information’ this way for the time being until the temperature raises up more than a bit and I can resume my daily walk again.

I’m pursuing an online course in search of my Sacred Purpose.  The absolute in this is that I be brutally honest with myself, and accept that I’m on this path because I’m ready for it now, and have willfully chosen it.   I am, I do and I have.

Doing something just for me, without any consideration for what others think about it, at the same time knowing I’m loving every minute of it and I know I’m not hurting anyone else nor myself, IS THE MOST FREEING EXPERIENCE.

It has always been difficult for me not to share anything and everything with my friends when I have my WOW moments (hopefully not crossing personal boundaries).  And now, I continue to share  with the public at large vis-à-vis Liferays.net.

Now I have the opportunity to spread my bread with butter and everyone knows which side the butter’s on!

Don’t think for a minute that I’m sitting in some ivory tower someplace staring down at the world!   Some of my friends have known me for 50-60 years…. they know exactly where I’ve been in detail, and they know me now… some are my closest of friends, some have backed away, and some friends are new in my life, and the test of time will reveal the strength and meaning in our current experience.

“If you’re gonna’ run with the big dogs, you gotta’ get off the porch”…..”Put your money where your mouth is” …..”If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”  These sayings just rippled off my tongue.  Guess they have good meaning to me.  I like it!

So, readers, on this day not too far from my favorite day of “personal tradition”, my New Year’s Eve ‘rest, as I encounter my life’….holding dear that which I choose to focus upon…..my magical thinking running it’s reel…..I wish everyone their own Joy, Peace and Clarity.  It’s all so personal to us.


Magical Thinking - Magical World

Magical Thinking – Magical World




Elevator Story, Second Floor, Baby Steps, there’s no going back, and it must come from my heart!

I’m on a journey, that’s for sure, and there’s no sense in running!  I get it…there are good days, really good days, and days bad enough to make me feel like I’ve fallen down the shaft!  Not so though!

This is my story, and if I look back to my history, that’s how I got to where I am right now!  Rocky roads don’t mark failure for  me…they’re Blue Ribbons of Success…as long as I stay on the road!   Feeling, living, thinking, receiving inklings of progress, and sensing those assuring nudges along the way to ‘keep on keeping on’…That’s what this is all about for me!  I love that phrase:  Keep On Keeping On!  I can see the glow coming from the Pot o’Gold!  I continuously drink the half-full glasses of lemonade, and whenever I try to read the clouds, there’s always a stream of silver coming straight for me!

I’m pursuing Life’s Path…diligently trying to find some sense of purpose and order for my life while I’m on this planet.  It’s so exciting, scary, unknown, unfamiliar, unending…so many ‘uns’…will I ever reach some kind of plateau of ‘semi’-consciousness?  Come to think, I may be in the state of ‘consciousness’ right now!  My sense is that there is more!  I’m resonating with new authors who subtly lead me to new vistas…I’m consuming information almost by osmosis sometimes.  New friends have appeared offering their knowledge and perspective.  Puzzle pieces keep fitting into place, and I have some WOW moments of encouragement.

I am so very grateful to be able to summon my courage to write this for anyone who may find it interesting and helpful to their own experience.

I’m searching for real peace:  It’s about authenticity.  The real space I’m meant to inhabit and enjoy; the love I have for myself and others; to quietly be whom I am meant to be and find and serve out my purpose in this world.  It’s a process of hard work and brutal self-honesty, toward continuing enlightenment and fulfillment, with spurts of exhilaration beyond measure that accompany my journey.

I’ve enrolled in Life’s University…My diploma:  New Peace…New Understanding.

My Life Formula continues to prevail:  Intention + Effort =  Success

Birth of Consciousness

Birth of Consciousness

I’ve just entered this elevator, and there are no numbered floors.  There’s a button to push and it’s my responsibility to label it.

First Floor, always be kind.  Kindness comes in all shapes and sizes…it could be a smile or a wink… it could be helping a disabled person with a door…it could be just hoping for the best for someone…it could be listening and supporting another’s pathway…it could be the  swelling tears in my eyes realizing that something has seen fit to enlighten me and I’m resonating with it… it could be taking a deep breath of ‘I Love Myself’ and not be so critical of my shortcomings…it could be allowing others to enjoy their lives in their way, without any input from me!…and it is so much more.

I’m learning I don’t know much for sure …. except, I know my Joy and Gratitude for the privilege of living this generous life;  I know this is another beginning for me in my Spiritual Quest.   I know when I feel love,  I know when I give love, and I know when I’m receiving love from someone else. I can only hope I give the same feelings to everyone else whom I love.

I don’t want to carve anything in stone….nor write anything in ink.  And, I don’t want to hold anyone else accountable in that way either.  Life is so fluid, changing second to second, and I’m realizing now it’s all I can do to keep up with this fluidity and motion.  This concept is absolutely freeing to me.  Weights are lifting; there’s a window shining light into  some of my darkened rooms, and I’m straining to see and feel as much as I can.

Although this is  new to me,  it’s not as much  a breakthrough, as it is a plunge-into…..and there’s no going backward.

This is the pathway of Liferays.net .  I  beckoned, and am now accepting,  my own invitation which I stated in my About Me page…..”Let’s Walk this path together and share our Life Rays.”

My intention is to engage with My World…A new step off the cliff of fear and the unknown  into the expanse of stars and endless pure space.   I’m not here to instigate others’ worlds, just navigate and situate my own.    I feel the wind at my back.  This is My Ship, This is My Helm.

Explosion of Life

Explosion of Life