218 posts by Kaye

My interpretation…  my “nod”, if you will…. forms who I am and what I think.

All these many years I have anointed a select few with my ‘respect’ and credited them with enlightening me, correcting my path,  and caring enough for me to bother to  ‘try’ to reach me.   I now know that it is every single event, happy or sad, devastating, painful or joyful, and every single person in my life, that  are responsible for bringing me to  who I am today and whom I will become in the future.  I am a fluid being, growing all the time, learning all the time and loving all the moments of the student/teacher circle of my life.

I now can feel compassion, forgiveness, and am moving toward love, for those who did not have my best interests at heart and I feel sorry that they had to go to such lengths to fulfill their path of learning, and at the same time, I am grateful they were the teachers in my path of learning.  By the same token, I forgive myself for having strode my path at anyone else’s expense and I’m saddened I was at such a low ebb in my life at those times.   I have suffered my own pain as a result of my choices, and I’m more than aware I’ve experienced myriad life’s learnings the hardest of ways!

No question, when I began to trust my own intuits, I entered the world of my Spirituality, my Quest for meaning of my Creator, my Universe, my Being here, my Lessons , my Joys and my Gratitude, as they all relate to me and those I encounter in this world… in this time.

Keeping my own counsel is a huge intention for me because I’m a talker and a writer.  I know this is the right time in my life to present my Blog.  I’m experiencing a wonderful journey of expressing and receiving new learning.  I’m finding out I am who I am  for TODAY.    Life is about change, and I’m experiencing great comfort as I open and explore  unknown horizons.   I now trust my heart and my soul….my all-knowing Essence.

My friend is an artist….she painted a rock for me when she was here.  I see  Sun, Sky, Clouds, Seagulls, and Water.



Enlightenment and Freedom.

Not Your Ordinary Rock!

I’ve referred to my three step-granddaughters, and how much I love them.   I don’t know how I’ve gotten along without their presence in my life for the better part of  the last 28 years!

In another lifetime,  I was in a 5 1/2 year relationship with their grandfather.   It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that we kindled ties. They’ve all come to visit…one of them twice… and there are plans for a November visit this year and an April visit in 2016!  These cherished women are my loving and extremely loved extended family… right beside my son!  He knows them, of course,  and makes a point of seeing them when they’re here.

All this time, we have been in each others’ hearts and it feels so comfortable and natural.  As I reflect, I should have known there was a significance to the “Pampered Chef” apron I’ve donned all these many years  and, the tiny hand-painted china jewelry jar that I fondly place on my dresser, and not to forget, a miniature figure of a grey cat which I’ve always imagined to be the perfect inclusion in a terrarium, along with small rabbits and a squirrel!  These treasures have had their place alongside a leather cowboy boot key chain that holds a cigarette lighter given to me by my son so very long ago.

Pieces of My Heart

Pieces of My Heart

‘…God works in mysterious ways…his wonders cease to perform.’   I now  look back on the relationship that disappointed me so, and thank my LUCKIEST OF STARS!  But for that relationship, I don’t believe I would have had the boundaries of  my life’s fulfillment thrown open this wide!

I wasn’t able to see what the Universe had in store for me…but I’m sure…more than ever before… that everything that happens in my lifetime has a purpose and moreover, it works toward my greatest good! 

I’m utterly grateful again that Providence… God… the Universe… took the reins and led me to yet another magnificent Wonder of My World!





I hope you’ve taken the time to visit Liferays.net and see how I introduced myself and explained my intentions for my Blog.  If so, you’ll know I referred to the suicide of my eldest son which occurred almost four years ago.

Intimate details aren’t important here, but I think what happened to me is!

My son and I had been estranged for almost 15 years, and there was no contact between us during that time.  I didn’t know where he was, nor whether he was alive.  I had hunched on several occasions that he was in the neighborhood, but never saw him.   Suffice to say, there had been troubling years; however, those were not all bad years!  I never knew what was really wrong, and I was unable to heal our hearts….at that time.

The morning I received that dreadful call, I became numb…in disbelief…I hadn’t let myself dwell on those years past, and honestly, I hadn’t done much wondering about where he was or whether or not he was alive.  Our separation had been my decision, and I had no regret.

I deal with a crisis in a “removed” sort of way…taking care of business almost robotically,  then falling apart afterward.  As I handled my son’s affairs I was relieved to learn that he spent the last five years at his apartment complex; had not been alone; had not fallen off life’s grid, and had been productive.  Reportedly, he had suffered severe depression in earlier months, had several back surgeries, was on disability,  another surgery was imminent,  and  he had been in extreme physical and emotional pain for some time.

NOW, HERE IT COMES!!!  Two days after his death, while washing  items I had taken from his kitchen,  I looked up, and there on the wall, was a bust of my son….a formation made up of thousands  of glistening silvery pixels!  He was wearing a white tee, was grinning from ear to ear, and looked exactly as he had the last time I had seen him.  He didn’t speak to me, but I knew he was happy, pain free, and at total peace.  I knew he loved me….and he knew I loved him.  WE ARE HEALED.

In Memoriam


July 22, 1965 –



Love is Life

Love is Life

I kept my rat alive all these years.  I fed it and nurtured it like a pet.   Until  now, I was willing to forego my own happiness and joy and peace of mind… my own creativity and ability to love and be compassionate toward myself, much less others!   I was obsessed with self-perpetuated issues in my life…. repeating the same thinking and behavior over and over again and expecting I was going to achieve a different result!  That’s the definition of insanity!

My testimony is that I’ve been trying for many years to become a better person….a happier person, a person nicer to myself and others, a person who faces the facts of my life as honestly as possible and accepts responsibility for my participation in outcomes.  My efforts have paid off!

“Too Soon Old…Too Late Smart”  isn’t true!  It’s never too late  if I have a desire to make changes in me!  All of these obsessive thoughts have been about circumstances or people I can’t change!  I can only  change  myself and my perceptions. 

Finally, and without notice, my rat eased off and walked away from the wheel.  I’ve tossed that wheel away, and I hope I have the continued good sense never to run  ’round and ’round aimlessly again.

Live and Let Live!

I Love Poppies! I Love Life!

I Love Poppies! I Love Life!



I’ve been a big picture thinker!  I tend to see the end result… I’m usually not concerned with the steps I have to take to get there!  This  forms my dreams, goals and optimism, and gathers my momentum to move forward.  I’m a risk taker, trust myself, and have faith in my abilities.  Admittedly, a certain amount of naiveté accompanies this kind of thinking.

The bad choices I’ve made in my life had nothing to do with an end result….they were spontaneous and thoughtless and this careless behavior was a  testament to whom I was at the time, not whom I wanted to become!

I seem to identify my life in terms of events – sad and happy times, marriages, divorces, births, deaths, friendships made and lost, moving in and out-of-state, changing jobs, etc.  But,  this big picture thinking  omits surrounding circumstances that qualify these events……”Just the facts, ma’am.”

I’ve been thinking of  folks who have responded to me on Facebook,  my recent adventure.   Some of these people were in my life over 25 years ago!  They connected with me as though it was yesterday, in heartfelt ways that made me feel fondly remembered, liked, even loved.  I had lost sight of the value of their peripheral presence in those days that had dovetailed into my experiences.

Clearly, I haven’t treasured my whole life story.   In retrospect, I can see that I’ve focused on a small picture and have ignored the integral weavings of affection, caring support, understanding and fellowship….  the background music that has provided the basis for my symphonic life!

A rock in and of itself is just a rock!  A rock amongst others in a garden of colorful flowers,  fountains and statues is a thing of beauty.

I want to savor the whole cherry,  bright red, the crunch between my teeth as I bite into it,  and the sweet tartness as it reaches my palate….. while I’m removing the pit!  A Whole Picture Thinker!




One might say I was a vocal child!   I wasn’t so sassy; rather, I had the tendency to announce my presence and speak my mind at an early age.  I know I rendered words for mere shock value but this developed later in my life.

All too often I heard“….You and your big mouth!”

Some fifty years later I’m sitting in a dentist’s chair, and  the doctor remarked I had quite a small mouth in which to work.  I reached up,  pushed his hand aside, and exclaimed vehemently, “You’re wrong, I have a big mouth!”.  We talked about this, and clearly, I had the impression that I had an unusually large mouth.  I don’t recall  feeling self conscious about it, but until I learned differently that day,  I really thought I had a big mouth!

I often look back on my childhood and  I can relate to other times I’ve carried  false truths into my adulthood.

One time I was sitting in a beauty salon getting a new hair style, and reminded the stylist to take into account  I had a round face….. No!… I learned I do not have a round face, it is oval- shaped! 

I’m not overweight either, but that’s not what  I see in the mirror.  My truth relies on the scale and my clothes size.   My older sister was petite and undersized for her age.  I knew when my mother sewed clothes for us,  she bought the smaller pattern with my sister’s size in mind, and enlarged it a couple of inches for me!

Youngsters observe and hear and interpret literally.  I don’t believe  any malicious intent occurred; however, now I am much more aware of the power my own words and actions may possess.

Gosh, it’s exciting peeling my onion!

It's Worth It!

It’s Worth It!


…. And thank God for truth tellers!




I don’t suffer from depression, but my mother wrestled with it and during one of these times a well-meaning friend of mine suggested she’d offer  mother a needlepoint…. yet to be started…. and ask her if she’d have time to do it.  The ruse was that my friend had promised to do it for someone else,  couldn’t get to it and was looking for a favor!

If you’re familiar with how depression can debilitate a person,  you’ll appreciate that my mother was listless, disinterested in practically everything.  Life held very little meaning to her and she had no energy or motivation to do much of anything.

Upon hearing  the proposal,  mother had little hope she could honor the request, but  something within  appealed to her pride in her needlepointing skills, as well as her benevolent nature, and she agreed to try.

A month or so later,  mother proudly handed over the finished needlepoint . “I hope you like it” she said……… “It’s lovely…..I couldn’t have done a better job for you! , my friend said smiling, as she placed the handiwork back into my mother’s hands and gave her a big hug.

Here’s to the finished down filled needlepoint pillow all these many years later – a tribute to the will to live, against difficult odds – and a tribute to my friend, whose act of kindness  and understanding toward my mother made a meaningful difference in her life……… and in mine as well!

One stitch at a time

One stitch at a time

Sadly, back then, I lacked neither the understanding and compassion to appreciate the depth of my friend’s actions, nor the miracle of the mind, body and spirit that had occurred.  I’m ever so grateful I understand now.

Yogurt 'n Life

Yogurt ‘n Life

Let’s get this show on the road!  I know how to drink alcohol; Eat!…Eat!… Eat!…;  popped “uppers” when I was in my twenties; and for over 40 years I smoked my brains out!  Proudly, I’ve conquered these addictions –  but  I’m always keeping both eyes open – never to forget my self esteem and self respect are on the line!

On the other hand, about a year ago, one of my  “granddaughters” (a tale to tell later) sent me a yogurt maker.  I make plain whole milk yogurt and Greek yogurt at least twice a week – sometimes more.  There’s nothing like it!  I am a yogurt junkie!!!

I don’t need to kick this healthy habit, but I’d be happy to discuss how  I’ve successfully kicked the others.  Interested?