Energy Connection

No question, ‘in the middle of my life’ in my senior years, I am taking a renewed interest in Life and how I’m living mine.  I’m all for making whatever changes which suit my attention and intention.  I want to achieve as much peace and joy in my life as possible.

“Peace” is a big word…and I can see how I instigate myself away from peace when I choose to get involved in another’s experiences.  I know I mean well, but the fact is, just because I think I may have a remedy to be considered, that isn’t to say that it’s workable to another person whose mind isn’t at that same place.  Said another way, maybe I should  listen and offer nothing!  Now that would be a switch!

I think I confuse myself when I think how I define ‘communication’:  The giving and receiving of information between people.  There is more to it than this.  Some people just want to vent.  Maybe they like to be in their quandary.   It’s just something on their mind and sometimes I’m the handy one to receive it.  I think it’s me assuming that because a person wants to say something to me, they’re interested in my response...but they are not!

I recall hearing years ago something like this:  When you’re in a room with a group of people – say 5, as the example – each person is responsible for only 1/5 of the conversation.  I also remember this particular wisdom included that people are very uncomfortable in silence, and what may seem like minutes between talking, is really only a few seconds, and most usually, one of the 5 will begin speaking just to break that silence.  Sit in the silence!

Sometimes when a person makes a less-than-flattering statement about themselves, most usually a listener will jump right in and ‘get them off a hook’.  A person might make a leading comment, such as ” I think I’m way too outspoken, bordering on rude.”  Quick enough the savior will respond, “Oh, no, I don’t think so.  You’re just being honest.”   A manipulation occurred, and there was approval.  The wisdom to this example is to let the would-be manipulator have that last word. Allow people to be responsible for what they say. 

I love looking into myself.  I am giving myself this attention for a reason.  My entire life has been a series of lessons of polishing …allowing me to keep on shining more brightly, making everything worthwhile.  It’s the opportunity to revive some of my greatest moments in gratitude and maintain humility, as I  continue to tweak and make changes that I know enhance me, my character and my authenticity, as I awaken and fill my Soul.

We so enjoy these conversations, Kaye. Look straight into your crystal ball.

You will not lead yourself astray.  We are One and we are Peace and we are Joy.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.




Variety is the spice of life!  Trying something new!  Hearing a suggestion and mulling it over for a while and VOILA’….new ideas come into the brain and all of a sudden another picture is formed.  I LIKE IT!

That’s what life is all about, isn’t it?  Clicking our feet in the air!  Resounding with vigor and intention, “YES!”

I can tweak my life any which way I wish.  I can turn a word or phrase into a painting…it depends upon the descriptive words I use.

I will bring new life into my blog.  After all, everything I write about is about me and what I am doing to continue to fulfill my authenticity.

I invite you to come along with me as I share in yet another way.  If you wish to subscribe to, scroll down to the bottom of the Ease of Living page and complete the form and you will receive emails whenever a blog is published.

I am now observing myself in a much different mode.  This feels interesting and new and exciting.  I am thrilling myself.

We share in this new adventure…we’ve been waiting…it has been

stirring and whirling and bubbling to the surface awaiting Creation.

Leave no stone unturned…it is all in your good timing.   ~ Gaya

“You’ve been talking with us incessantly for weeks. 

You’ve been thanking us for your joy and happiness.

You’ve been connecting with us at various levels…in your meditation, on your walks, and in your car.

  You know how this works. 

You begin with your attention and follow through with your intention and then your miracles appear…

we align.”    ~Gaya

First I get the title, then I begin.

There’s no getting around it…I must have a clear head, no interference. I’m the one who has to clear the airwaves in my brain and this goes far deeper than sitting down in ‘the position’ readying myself for a meditation.  There is a focus that is required.  I cannot be going about my daily life in a robotic manner…life is new and different every day and it requires me to focus and be mindful of what is presenting to me each day.   I didn’t know I was going to begin today with this blog in this way!

I never know how I am going to begin my day, aside from the routine I go through when I first get out of bed.   It’s a week ago today since my dog, Rosie, crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.  It doesn’t seem that long at all.  My cat, Tippy, has taken the event in stride, and I’ve been sleeping almost two hours later.  My 3:00 A.M. ‘bark alarm’ is no longer, and admittedly, this is a relief.

Back to the title of this blog!  I feel more expansive this morning.  I feel more free.  I feel more organized.  I feel lighter….more peaceful…more directed too.  I have lots of energy and am looking forward to getting into the shower and out on the hoof.  I have a wonderful feeling of well being.

What a grand feeling to the start of this day!  I am working in unison with Source, my Gaya.   No rushing, no pushing or shoving.

I set my daily stage for what I want.  How fitting, it’s the first day of a new month.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.



I had a rear-bumper-bender on June 4th.  Thankfully, after the bumper was taken off the car was still operable.   What followed was a week of  receiving information.  I got ‘her’ to a body shop for a damage repair estimate.  Would my car be totaled?  This prospect didn’t rest well with me.    In the past 6 months I had spent well over one thousand dollars in repairs!  A 1999 Chevrolet Malibu doesn’t have much book value, but she has much heart value to me.  Her gas mileage is outstanding (23-28 mpg in town), and besides, she’s the vehicle I had purchased  in 2011, just prior to the death of my eldest son.  I had relied on her to make several trips  when I retrieved his belongings, and I was so grateful ‘we’ accomplished those trips without event.  That’s how she got her name:  Angel. 

After discussion with my son and deliberation over my options, I decided to keep the car and have her repaired.  I know her better than I would another used car that would most probably have its own set of problems.

It’s June 25th, Angel hasn’t come home yet.  On the 19th, I returned my rental, knowing I could manage without a car for a ‘period of time.’  At the latest, I thought she’d be back by yesterday.

As I’ve stated many times, Life is a Series of Events.  I’m sharing this experience to express my gratitude for the privilege of living my life, as these events occur.  During this time I have relied upon my intuition, and I am aware that it feels like I am going with the flow.  I had even gone to the store before returning the rental to pick up a few items, just to be safe.  When I was in the store, I kept thinking get cat food.  I bantered with myself back and forth…the car would be back in but a few days…no, I don’t need it…or, do I?  I walked away from the pet food aisle, and stopped.  Go back and get cat food!  As it turned out, today I ran out.  Not to worry,  as I looked at the bag on the shelf and smiled.

This is my testimony and my affirmation of my gratitude.  I am so grateful when I am able to witness these series of events and recognize that this is what it means when I am in tune.   It will be nice to have Angel back home.

We’re together in all of these events.  We’re in your heart space.     ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.





Life can be such a hustle-bustle sometimes!  As a ‘woman of years in the “Middle” of my life’, I keep trying to see the beauty, the good, the remarkable, the peaceful, the joyful side of life…it’s what keeps me keeping on!  I’m a proponent of The Law of Attraction, and I make conscious effort to keep  my innermost Self  connected to Source Energy.  I believe  the energy that comes from me is exactly the energy which will be returned to me in life experience.

On any given day, I awaken to the NOW, and usually,  the day unfolds happily to moments of fruitful labor around my house, or from other intentional activities.  I entertain light-hearted loving thoughts.  I forget that my love to others is the greatest gift I can give.  The more unconditional it is, the more powerful it is as it leaves me and finds its way to someone else.  It’s not even a deliberate action by me…it is by nature an extension of me.  I’m not even aware of the many different displays that my love shows.  It just happens when it happens and all is well, until there’s a disruption…a backlash…a crashing sound to my beingness that hurts!  Oh, does it hurt!  Of course, I dig deep into my thoughts wondering how this can happen when essentially I know my intentions are good.

Love displays differently…from a smile, to  any number of simple kind actions – even a spontaneous gift.  When we display our  love to our dearest ones, it is that deep-love connection that kindles our feelings in warm and sincere ways, and there’s no telling how it manifests its goodness.  How, then, can such a selfless action result in hurt?

I’ve come to now believe when I give love it is the giving of Essential Self and there can be no room for hurt or disappointment.  It is when I make it personal, I feel hurt.  But love isn’t personal…it just IS.  It is our natural, essential state of being.   Said a different way:  a person needs money, and I ask “how much do you need?”  The person answers “twenty-five dollars will do”, and I respond, “take fifty, just in case.”   All in good will. All from the heart.  All in the name of love. I have it to give. If it is paid back, this is good.  If it is not, it is still good.

When a person means well, and in good heart acts accordingly, this intention is love.  What the recipient does with a loving gift need not concern  the giver.       ~Gaya 

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.


Need More?  No I have plenty.

I was musing the word “abundance” the other day, and it is such a big word!  In my mind’s eye I see overflowing…every thing in every way!  We’ve seen the grand cornucopia with foods of every variety flowing outward.  We see homes that are really mansions, in which the staff to keep them up far outnumber the owners.  Collectors display garages full, rooms full, wine cellars full.  All this, and more, is Abundance.

There are those who have aged gracefully who have an aura about them of peace and tranquility, of appreciation for their stage of life and what they have accomplished, and these same ones are in touch with their health which allows them to enjoy their privilege of living the life they have been given.  This is Abundance.

There is the family, young or old, which celebrates reunions and holidays and all togetherness with the extension of that family, with exuberance and joy and gratitude and love, and this fabulous connection has nothing to do with where they live, how much money they have, or even how much food they have in their pantry.  It has to do with the heart of it all.  This is Abundance.

There are those in life who have no living family, few friends, live meagerly, and look forward to every day, in full appreciation of the ‘nature of it all’…they notice the ‘little things’…they’re grateful for the warmth of the sun, the flowers that bloom, the smiles on others’ faces, their ability to get where they have to go.  They take each day as it comes and at the end of each, they are satisfied.  This is Abundance.

I’ve stated all the time we have is all the time we need.  Now I ponder the word “satisfied”.  I’m sitting in my own home, typing on my own computer, fully clothed, looking forward to breakfast, listening to the wind chimes from the sweet breeze outside.  My doors and windows are open and here, it is the latter part of May, in Arizona.  The temperature is a bit chilly!  There is nothing but ‘good’ around me…and I feel ‘good’ within me too.  I like the feeling of ‘enough’.  I muse now, why do I keep looking for another brass ring to grasp?  Perhaps, it has more to do with ‘filling in the gaps’ of awareness and bringing myself even more joy and happiness than I already express with my gratitude for each and every day.

Well, whatever it is, I don’t ever want to lose sight of the peace I know when I can truly say, I have more than enough right now, I live an extraordinarily abundant life right now, I am so grateful for the Blessings and Grace that have been bestowed upon me and my son, and I humbly say “Thank You”.

      We’ve enjoyed this interaction in this silence.  We concur, keep on keeping on!    ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.






It surely is time well spent sitting in the silence of mediation for 15 minutes or so.  I suspend away from thoughts and drift into a space of nothing and everything  and somehow I allow myself to be reached from the beyond, my Gaya, Source Energy,  and when I ‘return’,  the phrase I coined many years ago comes to mind.  “Everything is as unimportant as it is important”.

I’m sitting in this ‘glow’ right now and it feels so wonderful not being tumbled into anything…just sitting in the inclusion of ALL.    Why would I want to stir up things around me?  I am a sentient being and aware when I am disrupting…reacting…feeling the touch of dis-ease within my beingness.  I allow myself to be in tune when I am calm and not restless.  I can feel the difference when I deliberately tune out and away when activity outside of me is not serving me.  I don’t need to have an energetic judgment thought, I can simply weave myself away and out of reach to stay in my peace.

I am feeling gratitude for the realization that I am a part of something far larger than my day-to-day activity or preoccupation with living my life.  I’m on the fringe of beginning to understand that LIFE is pure experience to be hallowed.   I am a life transmitter!  There are dictates inside of me that are always sparking.  My Higher Self thrills when I step beyond thought and planning and move into the doing of life.  This is beyond attitude or a state of mind.  This is making my own way through the ease and grace of living life to my fullest joy and elation with new awareness and understanding of where I am intending to go.  The feeling is like when I was a child and went on the swing.  I could pump myself higher and higher and pretty soon I would be swinging so high it was scary but so exhilarating too….and it was I who controlled it all.  

What a wonderful state of Being.

Enjoy!    ~Gaya

My upbringing was religious in the sense my maternal grandfather was a minister, after all, in the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church.  I recall in conversations, whether in my immediate family or among others in our extended family,  the phrase  “cross to bear” was used,  referring to someone who had an extraordinary burden in life.

As happens with me, I get thoughts which cross my mind, and if the same thought crosses more than twice,  I begin to think I’m being signaled to some kind of awareness.  This is one of those instances.  I’m coming to believe that none of us has a ‘Cross to Bear’…an extraordinary burden in life which we may interpret as ‘a test’ or ‘a punishment’.  Instead, based on my own life, I think this ‘burden’ may be the accentuation of a very important lesson I came to this planet to learn, and until I get it (hopefully, so I don’t have to carry it over into future lives),  I’ll be dealing with it somehow some way until I’m ready to open up to it!

Using this aforementioned theory, I am now beginning to meditate and work with this probability. Information is coming forward to me and ‘The Soul Plan’ is becoming more clear.  I have to say, it’s interesting – rather like negotiating a maze, or solving a riddle. I want to reach the solution and I know that because I have taken this fork in my road, I am on my right trail.  To my way of thinking it has to be a connection from past lives and some loose ends need to be tied up, once and for all.  I’m confident that my intention will reveal yet another awareness and allow me even greater Peace.  I feel I am on the brink of something wonderful that will truly expand my Soul…my Conscious Awareness…my Wholeness.

Keep those doors and windows open, Kaye.  We’re always ready to help!   ~Gaya


I’ve been digging real deep during this writing…digging toward my center of what real gratitude is all about.

Of course, on the surface, I am grateful I haven’t gotten cancer or any other severe, perhaps terminal, illness.  I am grateful that I accomplished the things I have accomplished.  I am grateful for my two sons.  I am grateful I continue to have the strength to overcome some of the series of events that have appeared throughout my lifetime and I am grateful I continue to enjoy the privilege of living my life with increasing peace and awareness.

BUT, when it comes to the ‘rubs’ in the road…the serious things that ofttimes keep me up at night…how much gratitude do I have for them?  This is the very point of this blog:  To write this out so I can see it in black and white and evaluate what I believe in relation to what I’m living.  To say this another way, “When Life is a Bitch, and I’m being dragged down from my peaceful spot, am I feeling my gratitude then?  Well, I believe I ought to be…I believe I ought to consider that everything that is put in front of me that causes me upset to whatever degree or another is put there as a lesson for me to learn and grow.  I believe when I feel the pinch, I am in it for the ‘inch’ of Faith I have to hold on to; that I might well take the deep breaths or two, settle back, evaluate and review the circumstances, and begin to come up with some operable answers to get on with this continued privilege of living a more fulfilled life of gratitude as I enjoy this privilege.  THIS IS GRATITUDE IN AND OF ITSELF:  Enjoying the privilege….enjoying everything that I have at all moments of my life…in all of my NOWS!

When I do this kind of digging, I try very hard to come from my Essential Self, My Soul, My Higher Self, and I get almost ‘heady’ about it.  After all, I am the observer now, and I can begin to witness the growth I am making as I work myself through whatever difficulty I’m living, and I can feel my progress.  I am not dealing with this repetitive situation as I have in the past.  I  am now grateful for my understanding.  It is I who now feels more peaceful with this new understanding.  I have neutralized the situation by newfound understanding. I have been able to place the turmoil outside of concern and replace it with a new countenance of gratitude for my understanding.

There most definitely is a huge picture to my life…not my human existence, but my Soul Life.

You might call this a Soul Breakthrough…a conscious awareness of what your ‘huge picture to [my] life’ really is, Kaye.  Peace accompanies understanding.  Gratitude brings with it Grace.  ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.


I am mindful this morning that I have so many feelings inside of me, and if I don’t stop and sift through them, I’m missing the opportunity to express myself about them…either to myself, or to the world at large.  I think Self Expression rates high with Self-Esteem because to feel good about expressing myself out loud to others, I feel I have self confidence that my feelings are important to declare.

My feelings aren’t only about myself, either.  This is why I like to give credit where credit is due to others.  When I observe outstanding qualities in others, or their appearance, their demeanor which I find to be so exemplary, I’m almost forced inside to say something outwardly so others can feel my admiration.

It comes to mind  how I feel about what I’m observing has all to do with my inward perception and my outward expression of compassion and kindness.  When I’m able to express positive words and actions about another to someone else, I am extending positive energy to the ethos of humankind.

These kinds of feelings point out to me that I am loving myself well too.  The feelings that are inside for another generate from the feelings I have for myself…a softness, an awareness, and general state of well being for me and others.   The world is as harsh as it feels to me…and as welcoming too.  When I am comfortable as I wend my days, I’m comfortable with myself, so I will be comfortable with what is around me too.  I am also reminded that I have a generous heart when I think like this.  That I am thinking outside myself, and it isn’t about me!

From within, Kaye is realizing the ripple effect of what she receives from her connection with Source, and automatically perpetuates this connection with what is around her.  She is feeling the magnanimity of it all.     ~Gaya