I’ve been digging real deep during this writing…digging toward my center of what real gratitude is all about.

Of course, on the surface, I am grateful I haven’t gotten cancer or any other severe, perhaps terminal, illness.  I am grateful that I accomplished the things I have accomplished.  I am grateful for my two sons.  I am grateful I continue to have the strength to overcome some of the series of events that have appeared throughout my lifetime and I am grateful I continue to enjoy the privilege of living my life with increasing peace and awareness.

BUT, when it comes to the ‘rubs’ in the road…the serious things that ofttimes keep me up at night…how much gratitude do I have for them?  This is the very point of this blog:  To write this out so I can see it in black and white and evaluate what I believe in relation to what I’m living.  To say this another way, “When Life is a Bitch, and I’m being dragged down from my peaceful spot, am I feeling my gratitude then?  Well, I believe I ought to be…I believe I ought to consider that everything that is put in front of me that causes me upset to whatever degree or another is put there as a lesson for me to learn and grow.  I believe when I feel the pinch, I am in it for the ‘inch’ of Faith I have to hold on to; that I might well take the deep breaths or two, settle back, evaluate and review the circumstances, and begin to come up with some operable answers to get on with this continued privilege of living a more fulfilled life of gratitude as I enjoy this privilege.  THIS IS GRATITUDE IN AND OF ITSELF:  Enjoying the privilege….enjoying everything that I have at all moments of my life…in all of my NOWS!

When I do this kind of digging, I try very hard to come from my Essential Self, My Soul, My Higher Self, and I get almost ‘heady’ about it.  After all, I am the observer now, and I can begin to witness the growth I am making as I work myself through whatever difficulty I’m living, and I can feel my progress.  I am not dealing with this repetitive situation as I have in the past.  I  am now grateful for my understanding.  It is I who now feels more peaceful with this new understanding.  I have neutralized the situation by newfound understanding. I have been able to place the turmoil outside of concern and replace it with a new countenance of gratitude for my understanding.

There most definitely is a huge picture to my life…not my human existence, but my Soul Life.

You might call this a Soul Breakthrough…a conscious awareness of what your ‘huge picture to [my] life’ really is, Kaye.  Peace accompanies understanding.  Gratitude brings with it Grace.  ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.