
Life is so fluid, and I keep moving along with it, whether I like it or not.  One thing’s for sure though – my thoughts have to stay current with my days!  This is a mouthful, folks!

When I decide something, it becomes a moot point.  My thoughts bring me to my choices and actions right away. Then, off I go to the races to other thoughts that are determining my Forever Unending Pathway.  Concurrently, I am experiencing contrast – some by my own doing, and some through Life’s presentations.  I try to thoughtfully respond, but all too often I react instead.

I think I keep way too much in my head after I have made a decision about something.    It may be because it’s familiar territory, and it’s easier to chew over the same cud rather than begin again and again, but the fact is, life is a continuous stream of  new experiences.

It is my responsibility to keep up with the fast-paced stream, and I also have to keep myself current with what my attention and intention is.  It’s as simple as that!   I want to know where I want to be in all of the activity.  I pretty much stay out of the fray anyway.  I go where I am interested in going.  I won’t be dragged along by others anywhere.

I guess what I’m pointing out to myself is that this NOW I’m trying to live never has a past or a future, only NOW, and this is just enough for me to handle.

As I’ve gotten older, I can look back to ‘simpler’ times, but why?  Those who came after me never knew of them, they’re living what they know NOW.  And to look back and lament is a warped way of complaining as I see it.

Come to think of it, as I grew up and lived my life, things were moving fast too, and I was learning new things all the time.  I never sat with my experiences and asked Life to slow down.  I mostly thought of the ways to resolve and solve what needed attention.

So, I guess the long and the short of this message is an affirmation that I always have been at the helm of my ship, directing my course, whether I was aware of it or not.  Fast pace or slow, I’m always responsible for my actions and words, and what I create

I am a powerful spiritual being, aligned with God, Source, Universe, Creator.

No one is alone…lest in their thoughts.  Breathe in the healing energy,

and breathe out that which no longer serves you.    It is good to  honor

your inextricable connection to God.   ~Gaya




I’ve mentioned before I’ve taken two Tai Chi courses, and still haven’t been able to practice the art the way I wanted to!  I never saw myself as graceful, and as long as I envisioned myself as clumsy, It ‘was what it was’!  I’ve bookmarked many a UTube on the practice, and still haven’t been able to achieve what I thought was how I was supposed to perform this incredible healing art.

Well, the tide has turned today for me on this subject.  I listened to a video today which covered, among other things, the art of breathing.  Most of my meditation courses deal with this as well, but for some reason, the presentation I was working with today reached that part of me where I felt my own ease and grace and alignment and it hit me like a ton of bricks!  I’ve been trying to do something the way I have observed others doing it, instead of doing it the way it feels TOTALLY COMFORTABLE for me to do it.   I do not need a class for me to move my body the way my body knows it can move and wants to move to achieve that feeling of alignment, being in tune, enjoying my own movement just as I choose it.  It’s no different than dancing like nobody’s watching!

I’ve been brought to another awareness of how easy it is to put oneself in a pressure cooker, or rush toward a finish line which doesn’t exist.  It’s Grace and Glory to wake up a bit more and feel the purity of my life and the privilege of living it.

I quoted years ago, ‘my life is by my own design’ and this means much more to me this day.  Freedom abounds…choices are abundant…joy is the continuous discoveries that we make that fit like a second skin.  Oh what a glorious 360-degree picture.

Now you know what a true sigh of relief feels like..It’s breathing us in

and breathing out, at your own rate…and acknowledging it feels so good.        ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

Variety is the spice of life!  Trying something new!  Hearing a suggestion and mulling it over for a while and VOILA’….new ideas come into the brain and all of a sudden another picture is formed.  I LIKE IT!

That’s what life is all about, isn’t it?  Clicking our feet in the air!  Resounding with vigor and intention, “YES!”

I can tweak my life any which way I wish.  I can turn a word or phrase into a painting…it depends upon the descriptive words I use.

I will bring new life into my blog.  After all, everything I write about is about me and what I am doing to continue to fulfill my authenticity.

I invite you to come along with me as I share in yet another way.  If you wish to subscribe to, scroll down to the bottom of the Ease of Living page and complete the form and you will receive emails whenever a blog is published.

I am now observing myself in a much different mode.  This feels interesting and new and exciting.  I am thrilling myself.

We share in this new adventure…we’ve been waiting…it has been

stirring and whirling and bubbling to the surface awaiting Creation.

Leave no stone unturned…it is all in your good timing.   ~ Gaya

Imagine this:  no cravings, no wishes, no criticisms, no dissatisfaction, no despair, no self-deprecation, no regrets, no guilt, no shame or loathe of self, no anger, no discontent whatsoever.   NOW IMAGINE THIS:  just gratitude for all in your life in this moment.  Sit with this thinking just for a bit and FEEL THE INTENSITY of what to me feels like a spacial experience.

Suddenly I have removed myself from the mundane hustle-bustle of the world in another way.  It is so profound to experience the relief of feeling gratitude for my presence in this world.  I feel more generous in my thinking, I’m more aware of such beauty in the remarkable creation as a whole…the amazing place I fit into this global/spacial intricacy of Life.  To feel so entirely content and remarkably  humble as I acknowledge the expansiveness of gratitude….what a huge word it is.  The feeling of gratitude expands my heart and brings tears to my eyes.  I am powerless to the effects it has on me.  It is like I have been picked up by the giant hand of Source and placed on a cloud of understanding.

In the face of gratitude, how can one ever consider complaining or uttering dissatisfaction about anything again?  How can one be ungrateful for all  blessings, most of which are unknown?  How can one assume the posture of arrogance?  What could one be arrogant about, considering the Grace one has been afforded notwithstanding personal actions which may have been unbecoming  of a Blessed Person?

Now is my time to get in touch with what I really am…this spiritual being in a human condition.  When I am in gratitude, I am closer to my Essence.  I am in appreciation for WHAT IS and more in tune with what I have chosen in my awareness.  What a grand feeling consumes me.

Mr. Rogers was right:  “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.”

The music is playing…Let’s Dance!         ~  Gaya