Today in meditation, I spent more time – longer than ever before – as I wandered around in my mind, situating myself with the IT…The answers I keep trying to find.

I have this mind which governs the day-to-day  choices I make as a human being, and these human choices create the activities and experiences and emotions and solutions and resolutions I have in response to it all. I realized in my silence that there is so much repetition, so much recurrence of the same old same old…like I never seem to get through IT, or get IT done! Furthermore, I also realized that because I know how long I have spent on IT, I can reasonably conclude that I have done all I have  to do, I don’t need to concern myself with IT anymore, and I can trust that God, Universe, Source Energy, Creator concur!

I’m letting go of the lead rope!  IT can handle ITSELF!

I am a Spiritual Being.  At Essence I am totally whole and innocent. When I became, I had properties which I implemented at will. I implanted  into the human consciousness.  The Spirit is in the human journey of experience.  The human being creates its reality.  I’ve been aware for some time of the ‘split’, i.e., my spirit beingness and my humanness, but until today in meditation, I had never realized the two plateaus could be observed simultaneously.  I observed what Kaye has been up to, what her consciousness has been concentrating on, right along with what Spirit was sensing:  This is my time to understand the relationship between the two minds, if you will.

My Spirit wants to keep on going.  It doesn’t want to be waylaid for any length of time on an experiential event…it wants to continue to learn and advance consciousness through experience. which has to do with the human choices.  The human mind thinks it is optimum…that it’s all-powerful, that it’s IT.  But, it is not!  The Spirit is IT!

I am consciously allowing my Spirit Mind to lead me through this concept.  I want to continue on….I feel fulfilled and finally, I think  I am better resonating and integrating all of the words I have  ever said and written – in my books, my posters, my posts, these blogs, my comments.  There is more to just believing something…one has to fully integrate and resonate and then very consciously live it…this is what being Mindful is all about I guess… Understanding more and more.  It is the PEACE OF GOD.

Make no mistake, this is no ‘arrival’; however, it is a huge understanding as I see it. I am peeking into my two minds:  My Spiritual Mind and my Human Mind.  The Ego has no place in the Spiritual Mind. The Spiritual Mind is loving and non-judgmental, encompassing whatever the human mind chooses.  The Spiritual Mind has Patience and Understanding, and offers Intuition and Wisdom to the human mind.  I am choosing to link my human mind with my Spiritual Mind to expand my conscious awareness and exalt my  human experience.

Blessed Be to All.  Stay Safe and Be Well.

The present unfolds into the known, and then the past. Cherish the Newness of Life.  ~Gaya


It never fails, I have to go ‘through something’ in order to see the light!  I know all the words, I’ve written plenty of posters, all of which I unequivocally believe…in fact, I consider them all inspired works, right down to this blog and my books too.

It’s my Spiritual Practice that keeps me in line.  It’s my fundamental ideas about who I think I am, how serious I am about my life and how I’m living it, and about life in general; how intent am I with my actions, and striving, along with thriving, in my own life.

One thing I know, I don’t do anything alone.  When I’m in problem, I call upon the basics:  I am inextricably connected to, and unconditionally loved and supported by God, Universe, Creator, Source Energy, take your pick.  I trust myself and hold strong to my Faith in That Power Greater Than Myself, from which I was created.  I absolutely know that if I let it and if I ask for help, and if I can have the patience to wait for the answer – which will come when in good timing – all will work out fine.  It is always after the fact that I find this out!

This blog is an affirmation to the above testimony.  For more than a few days I have been working with a friend of mine online with a problem about subscribing to this blog.  I went to my originating sources…wrote all kinds of emails, explained my problem.  I got on their live chats and had long discussions, and kept enlisting my friend along the way to ‘try this or that’ to see if I was making headway.  Nothing seemed to be working, but we both kept on it.  Lo and behold, yesterday, we had the breakthrough.  We both knew it was through our mutual perseverance that we finally were able to solve this problem.

Relationships are no different, and I’ve just been through a pretty trying time along these lines as well.  Thankfully, I have resilience, and personal reliance that says I have confidence that if I keep on trying, keep on looking for the answers, keep on meditating about it, and keep on feeling all the gratitude for how much I am trying – knowing I mean well and am working with love – I will receive expanded awareness to get me beyond what I am considering a problem.  I will receive the guidance to know what I can do to the benefit of all involved.  Today I received this information too.

This is what I refer to when I say, “Let the Winds of Heaven Blow Between Us” and “Let the Dust Settle”. Everything does work itself out as long as I don’t quit.  Everything I do has to do with how important it is to me.  I acknowledge my attention and intention and the continuous choices I am willing to make to see the world I want to see:  Peace and Calm, and expanded conscious awareness comes when I put my heart into something, and then  solution and resolution can be achieved.

All Be Well and Stay Safe.

We are within you and not separate. Your wishes are the command.    ~ Gaya


It’s so important what I think, what I say, what I do. Whatever comes out of my mouth and however I behave tells others exactly who I am for that time. I want to put more conscious awareness upon my actions, words and deeds…not how it relates to what others think about me, but rather,  to what power I have that creates my small world, my happiness and joy, my frustration and dis-ease.

To be more clear:  One can get so swept up in ‘appearances’, when instead, the conscious awareness ought to be on what really is! When I react, as against respond with a deliberate thought about something, I’m not intending to show who I AM at the time.  In fact, the exact opposite occurs:  I show my disorganized mind and emotions,,.my unconscious  unaware  side.

Life happens quickly…moment to moment…and I think it behooves me to slow myself down so I can relish in the delights of the five senses during the precious NOW moments.  What more is there, after all, than enjoying what I’m up to, what I’m experiencing, creating, as I act out my life play?

This is  ‘deliberate’ living ‘ … Authenticity at its best.

When I’m ‘on top of my game’, my inside artist is hard at work, designing in detail what I am thinking about, what kind of attention I’m giving to it, what outcome I am  expecting. In this very process I’m adding the color to my life and when I provide the details, the excitement that begins to happen is essentially me creating my small world for my own pure enjoyment and gratification.  It’s in these moments I am so grateful for all that I have.  I have so many gifts to use which stir from within.  We all do.  It’s a matter of  letting those ‘cats out of the bag’!

Perfect Timing!  I’m intentionally setting a deliberate action plan for me to more consciously initiate. I’m creating more ‘Go’ in my Flow.  I’m bringing more privilege of living my life with the deliberate intention of enjoying the whole journey.

There’s no question about it:  I have no endgame in sight!  I guess that’s what life is all about…we deliberately keep enjoying our ‘lifestyle’.

Blessed Be.  Be Safe and Well, All.

“You’ve Got This!”         ~Gaya

I’ve been known to say, “Have joyful thoughts”, “Think thoughts of happiness”, “It is your happiness and joy that you search for”…or the like. These phrases sound so glib to me now.

It was early evening yesterday when I was thinking…that thing we do unceasingly every waking hour.  This time I was consciously communicating with myself.  My thoughts weren’t random, reactionary thoughts…they were orderly and I knew I was trying hard to come to some kind of a conscious conclusion.

I agreed that at this seasoned time of my life I am well able to reason how I go about releasing and letting go of troublesome thoughts and how difficult this process can be.  I agreed that initial  Gratitude for everything I have  is a good place to start.  But then, as I looked around the room I realized there was a deeper meaning I was searching for, and it was the simplest thought of all:  What I really want is to feel good.  I want to feel good from the moment I get up in the morning.  I want to feel good in spite of what’s going on around me.  The song, “Whistle While You Work”  from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs came to mind.  Such a light and happy song it is, and as Snow White began to clean up the cottage, all of the dwarfs began to help as they all sang.

One thought led to another and I felt inside me how  Attitude  together with Gratitude are prerequisite Then I thought, it is I who creates these thoughts…these feelings…it is all about me and what I choose to feel about everything.   I recalled how daydreaming was the way I had created so many wonderful feelings…I was always feeling good when I was ‘planning out’ a dream or goal, or just plain imagining a scenario which made me feel so fantastic, so powerful.

We think we know how to bring ourselves away from unpleasantness.  Usually, we resort to complaining about it. Venting maybe feels like we’re getting it out of our system, but really, it’s only letting it resonate deeper within us through our continuous attention to it.  Or, we go to the refrigerator, or go shopping, or take a drink, or whatever else we can think of to override how bad we are really feeling.

IT’S MY CONSCIOUSNESS which will do it all for me with ease, if I let it. It is  my mind over  the matter…my deliberate conscious choice to take the bull by the horns and make the committed decision to bring myself down the path of feeling good no matter what is happening, no matter what my pain.  It is the true release and  deliberate letting go of the thought process which EGO lays on me!  It is the EGO which supplies all the reasoning why I must do and feel the way I do so I can always come out on top, I must always be right… be the best!  It’s the EGO which has to win!  But, I am not my EGO!!

I’m trying not to make this subject complicated.  I am trying to get in touch with my own innocence.   I’m trying to recognize my essence. I’m refusing to be tainted by outside influence which has nothing to do with me unless I allow it to penetrate my thinking.  I’m trying to see the peace and calm amidst a storm which I don’t have to acknowledge.  I am an individual and also part of the collective.  It is my individuality which carries my consciousness and personal well being.  It is truly what I want to believe is the best way for me to go that will support my own peace and calm as I settle inside myself.  Public opinion doesn’t count when it comes to my inner peace and calm.  It’s like the feelings of jealousy and envy which are not innate  to every human being.  These feelings are self-created.  Same goes for dissatisfaction with life and circumstances.

I’m giving myself the challenge to feel good about myself and what I am doing with each day that I have been gifted to live.  I’m going to listen for the good, the positive and uplifting.  I’m going to do what makes me happy and what makes me feel good.  Joy and Happiness spring from those inner feelings of Goodness and Contentment.  Spontaneous random acts of kindness toward myself and others is pure love in action. I have five God-given senses and my conscience to seek out the good in everything and I will trust my Intuitive Wisdom.

Blessed Be.  Stay Safe and Be Well.

Life is to be enjoyed, not feared.  It is a smooth stream of experience

when choices are made which feel good from within your heart.   ~Gaya



It’s interesting… this journey we’re on!  I was speaking to a longtime friend yesterday, and we both exclaimed it was hard to believe we were at the ages we are. ..she 74, I 83.

In my younger years, NEVER did I spend much time thinking on how old I would live to be, or for that matter, what goals did I have in terms of who I wanted to become, what I wanted to do, what path did I need to follow to reach my dreams and goals.

It seems to make more sense now to think about what have I learned?  How do I assess my life and the choices I have made?  Do I really  have any regrets?  Do I wish I could go back in time and have a ‘redo’?

I know I’m grateful that I have followed my journey with a continuous Faith in a Power Greater Than Me.   I know I am thankful that I never gave up on myself…no matter what was happening, no matter what choices I made.  In so doing, I gained a true trust of Self and my resiliency.

I have to work things out myself to clarity and understanding; I’ve come to accept that each effort I make toward this is admirable. I feel the spiritual connection, my Higher Self, my Soul Self, my Intuitive Consciousness.  It’s not about erasing or lamenting the past.  It’s about valuing it for what it has meant to me in my growth and conscious awareness.  What I may have thought were stumbling blocks were actually building blocks!  It’s about thanking God for the many people and events in my life which appeared at just the right moment.

I can pick that one book that started me on a course of independent learning and has served me well right up to now, AS A MAN THINKETH, by James Allen.  Then there was RISKING, by David Viscott, MD., the book that instilled in me courage to step out on the ledge after tallying the risk.  I learned it wasn’t that scary to try something I had never done before.  I also found out it wasn’t about failing or succeeding, but more about having the experience of attempting and living it in the intention.

Right up to this day, I continuously work on issues and triggers and bothersome, even painful,  circumstances with the same Faith that I will make it better…I will have more understanding and clarity…I will have more resolution.  That’s my optimism.

So, I hold on to what has continued to work, and I try very hard to let go of that which can bog me down and restrict me. It’s important to know that I have a commitment to  enjoying the privilege of living life the best way I know how and enjoying the whole process.  This is the growth and understanding and clarity I keep finding, and the Grace which follows when I reflect on just how great life has been.

We are the strength within you, we are your resiliency, your dreams,

your tenacity,  your curiosity, your love and appreciation for

your life and all it continuously offers.   ~  Gaya




When I’m in a crowded place, like a grocery store, I have no attachment to any of the people milling around.  We’re all there for the same purpose, and we’re directing ourselves to the various aisles where we pick up what we need and move along until we check out.  If I can’t find something, I might ask a fellow shopper. That contact is short and purposeful.  In any case, I haven’t relied upon anyone. There are services offered like carryout, and I use them if needed.

I find it interesting, however, when I think upon ‘friendship’…how and why it begins; how it maintains and flourishes; how the connection can form into an attachment, and then, without notice the friend(s) create an agenda.   And the friendship silently shifts from one of enjoying each other’s company and mutual interests, to one of expectation favoring personal gain. Unknowingly and, perhaps, unwittingly, a person generously begins to present themselves in a ‘helpful’ manner…this could be monetarily, doing favors, just plain helpfulness, but in so doing, that person is also deepening reliance between the two of them.The recipient perceives nothing unusual other than the friendship strengthening.

Then, something happens:  The recipient does something unexpected – nothing mean or devious – but the generous friend takes it very personally, and an eruption occurs.  Apparently, the generous friend had become reliant upon the other friend for something that hadn’t been openly stated.  This is a scenario which occurred with me.

There are business relationships and friend relationships and acquaintances.  I happen to think when someone becomes ‘disappointed’ in someone else, they’ve perhaps relied too heavily upon that person.  My friendships are in my inner circle.  They are few and treasured.  Everything that is exchanged between us is from the heart, with no expectation whatsoever.   There is an open exchange of ideas, dreams and everyday drama.  There is a continuous give-and-take between us, and no one feels they owe another anything in light of the friendship.

We are responsible for our feelings and our own actions.  We are not responsible for the feelings of others. One can be easily manipulated if one does not understand and believe this.  I think true friendships are formed between hearts, and much is willing to be overlooked in the name of that friendship.

Each time we examine ourselves we deliberately expand our conscious awareness. 

This is a fearless and selfless act toward greater authenticity.   ~  Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe.




I feel the urge, I feel the surge, and I emerge!  … Again and Again and Again!  I think this is the process of how I continue living and doing whatever I set out to do in my life each moment, each hour, and so it goes, on and on.

I’ve learned that living Life isn’t just cut and dried!   It can’t be just a series of habits and repeat performances.  There is always the mundane,  so it’s up to me to hit my ‘refresh’ button!

REFRESH...I love this word!

I don’t ever want to be a ‘stick-in-the-mud’.  I don’t ever want anyone to say to me, “Awe, you’re no fun”, or “Live a Little!” But, I’ve never liked anyone yanking me out of ‘my way’ based on what they think about how I’m doing what I’m doing! I like the feeling of ‘get up and go’, and it’s up to me to do it, not wait for someone else to nudge me or tug on me or even judge me for not appreciating all of the opportunities that are available to me that enhance and expand my Beingness.

A new book I ordered, Welcoming the Unwelcome:  Wholehearted Living in a Brokenhearted World, by Pema Chodron, is being delivered  today.  I’m really excited…like for some long-awaited company!

I am not only offered each new day, I am given the power to observe my own behavior, assess my level of contentment, happiness, joy and calm,  and I have the cognizance to assert myself  for myself  to  fill up my body-mind-soul vessel.  I believe this is my absolute duty, my responsibility, toward myself and my well-being. I am my own instrument effecting the continuous progress of the privilege of living my life as long as I am being.

When you feel your inner peace and joy, you are coming to more understanding of who you are and what you are capable of doing for yourself.  We infinitely support you to your greatest good.    ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Safe and Well.





I got pretty far with fear, how far will I get without it?  I worry about loved ones to what gain?

Another ‘Aha’ moment surfacing:  I’ve pushed myself through, I’ve dreamed  myself through, and I’ve held myself back out of unfounded fear!  I’ve said, “The measure of your fear is the measure of your faith” and I believe it.  I’ve believed it so much that I’ve kept myself a prisoner because of it! I gave fear a status.

When I remember the anxiety shakes I endured for almost 7 years when I was in my thirties, it  occurs to me now that the fear of the onset caused the onset!  The day I was too busy to be concerned about it, was the day I didn’t experience the anxiety and it ultimately disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

The Mind triggers up our fears, again and again.  You’ve heard the expression, “Nothing to lose, everything to gain”.  As long as we’re physically safe, this is a true statement, isn’t it?  “Try, Try again”.  Of course, and why not?   So, if I put the fear IN, I can take it OUT!  I’m feeling POWER again…MY POWER.  And why shouldn’t I?..why shouldn’t we all feel this way?

Why is it we don’t always have the attitude, “I’ve gotten THIS FAR, and NOTHING is going to stop me NOW?

As for Worry?  We all know it’s an exercise in total futility.  Yet, it’s difficult to let go.  Today, I realized when I’m worrying about someone or something, I’ve first made a judgment.  I’ve decided that a person or a thing isn’t right the way it is.  So, in FEAR of what could happen, I’ve anointed myself a ‘seer’ and worry, which imprisons what I am worrying about to ever free themselves, or any circumstance to change, because I perpetuate my prediction which  holds a person, place or thing in a kind of limboWOW!

Now the expression “If you love something, set it free”, makes much more sense too.  This is about what we do to ourselves and to others when we allow fear/worry to shackle us in our mind.    I must live and let live, I must keep my thoughts on myself, and not entangle them…or shall I say, attach them to someone or something else.  It is when I am detached that I am free to experience Life as it presents to me in whatever form, be it an experience, a parent, a child, a friend, a stranger. Better I  be indifferent and not concern myself with outcome.  We have no hold on anything, or anyone.  Everyone is on their own journey, and circumstances will always arise which may not be to our liking, but we’ve walked on coals before, and we’ll rise from ashes again, which I call Success!

I want to take the path of most allowance and least resistance.   This said, there is no room for fear and worry nor judgment.  They are setups for restriction!

Blessed Be.  All Be Safe and Stay Well.

An open mind and open heart insure expansion of conscious awareness.   ~ Gaya

My stance is that I am a spiritual being living in a human condition; I am inextricably connected to and unconditionally supported by God, Universe, Creator, Source Energy…take your pick. I believe I chose this continuous journey on my Forever Path, for one reason only, and that is to experience as much as possible which expands my awareness and awakens me to who I am at Essence.

Using my Free Will, I make choices that are peculiar only to me.  My response/reaction to what happens as a result of my experiences is exactly the world I continuously choose to create for my awakening.

I have a consciousness…it is what I call my Soul Self, my Higher Self, my Spirit Self.  It is the Inner Being which sustains me, nudges me, supports me, guides me…it is my Essence.

I think it is my duty to my human Self to take this Life seriously and to enjoy it to the fullest, and as I’ve learned through my many years, it is my thoughts, my attention and intention which exemplify just how seriously I am taking my Life.

I know when I am ‘in the swim of things’…I can enjoy a peaceful calm in an entire day or two…sometimes I can mistake this for tiredness, or boredom, or ‘no action’…but in thinking upon this, I believe it is PEACE.  In retrospect, Life has held such a fast-paced beat to it…a rush, a having-to-keep-up feeling, a don’t-forget-this thought, a do-I-have-enough reminder, etc.

All of a sudden I find myself musing about how things appear to be today.  I find myself wanting to connect to something far bigger than what time of the day is it, or what day is it?  I’m being drawn to a pleasantness in Life.  My attitude has more acceptance, more cum se cum sa, more que sera sera, more ob la di, ob la da.

It is my self-fulfillment, self-satisfaction, self-worth, my countenance which matters…and it matters only to me!  How I view the world and life in it, has to do with knowing what really matters.  This Forever Path I am on keeps nudging me forward.

All is in perfect timing.  My Ego would try to scramble my thoughts, but when I observe them, I can bring myself back to the Peace of God which passeth all understanding.  I am of that which created me…this is the POWER OF MY PEACE.

Everything matters only to me.

Personal solace is consciousness.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  Stay Well, Be Safe.

I came across an old video I had done about Love.  I stated in that video that I wasn’t sure at all how many people who said they loved me meant it.. in retrospect, did I really ‘feel’ their love?  Did I believe what they were saying?  Come to find out, today I have come to the conclusion when I feel love from others, it is the level of love I have for myself that connects us and ‘allows’ me to feel their love.

I know how I feel when I have feelings of love inside of me.  It isn’t only about loving another person, it’s about loving everything…it’s the feeling of happiness and joy I have when I’m thinking wonderful thoughts, when I’m creating something in my mind as a project, when I am feeling good about myself, when I welcome each day with enthusiasm, when something new crosses my path and I appreciate experiencing it.

Love is about gratitude and all the wondrous subjects that come up as I humbly acknowledge such Grace that envelopes me.   Love is about all the times I have ‘positive vibes’ about things around me, my general well being and contentment and satisfaction with my life.  Love is ever-present when I am NOT complaining or sad, or upset!  I know love every time I state I enjoy the PRIVILEGE OF LIVING MY LIFE and when I state I LOVE THIS TIME OF MY LIFE MORE THAN ANY OTHER TIME OF MY LIFE!  Love is when I recognize beauty, sensitivity, frailty, compassion from within me.

The more awareness, the more love.

Love has nothing to do with what I want to receive of love from another.  It is the way I perceive things…as I expand my awareness, I expand my love. This truly is the broad view of the expansiveness of the entire planet and all the life on it,  and how it deserves all the love I have to give it.

All the more reason to concentrate on happy thoughts and actions.  I’m feeling very happy and loving right now.  And I’m giving myself this wonderful love right now too.  I open my doors and windows to this holy self-made joy.

We’re here, you feel us, our guidance and support, our interest in you,

our assistance, our inspiration, our inextricable connection. 

We understand Goodness and Well-being. ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  Be Safe and Be Well.