
That’s what I said early yesterday morning! Can’t remember the last time I heard an owl, that’s for sure.  It brings me pause…undoubtedly there have been myriad things in my lifetime that were so important at the time that simply slipped away because I didn’t capture them.  We’re told “Stop and smell the roses” (or the coffee). Then, there’s this poignant one:  “You’ll never miss your mother ’til she’s gone.”

I’m reminded that everything is notably important at the time!

When I am in the state of conscious gratitude I can list some things that come to my mind.  BUT, as I write this morning,  clearly there is much more specificity to life.  There is an urgency each moment and that’s what living in the NOW is all about.  It’s all these fleeting moments that have made up my life.  I am an artist, after all!  And my amazing life portrait is captured by my eyes only! The thrills are never gone.  The colors never fade. I am the beholder! All of life is special!  As long as I cherish my life, I’ll have no regrets.

I recall a live stream I did many years ago where I used the phrase ‘exalt yourself’.’  We ought honor and exalt ourselves and our existence.  We have such ability to always be the prize in our own lives.  It is an invaluable treasure we discover when we silently realize synchronicity in our lives; when we begin to grasp the broader scope of our Beingness; when life takes on this specialized opportunity of awareness.

I am at the tip of my own iceberg. I realize now there have been so many iceberg tips! Eureka! There’s always something new coming to me.  How on earth can I ever be bored and without wonder? What an appropriate time of year to express JOY TO THE WORLD! … JOY TO MY WORLD!

Listen in the silence, and see in the darkness, no need to question, all is right NOW.  ~ Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe and Be Well.



I didn’t think I’d be writing another blog before I moved to New Mexico, but this morning, it came to me:  I’ve been living more consciously these past weeks than I think I ever have in my lifetime!

Since I purchased my new home and sold my current one, everything I’ve been doing has been methodically planned, starting with how I began packing to how this whole move will happen.  My calendar is my ‘assistant’ and it has become my go-to-first-thing every morning!  There are stages to moving, as there are stages to life, and there are patterns which I’ve resurrected from my past moves/packings and I’ve enjoyed creating new, more efficient ways to complete some of these repetitious tasks of yesteryears.

The fact is, I’m so conscious of what and how I am behaving during this time.  I keep schedules, I’m reliable to myself, I keep on keeping on until I reach a plateau of accomplishment.  All of this time is so self-fulfilling, and I’m enjoying the repetitive tests of my mental, physical and emotional agility in this process.  I’m amazed at my personal strength of will and desire to continue to achieve what I am setting out to do as what probably may be the biggest life experience attempt I have very consciously made for myself.

Clearly,  there is direct parallel between this very personal experience and how I want to live my life every day, after the move is completed.  I’m alert, self-directed, purposeful, goal-oriented, self-satisfied and self-fulfilled every day.  I give myself compliments and ‘Atta Girls’ all the time…sometimes audibly!  Yes, my stamina isn’t as long-lived as when I was in my 50’s and 60’s, but my Will to Do  is constant.  I’m never disappointing myself.  I do what I can do and respect my body’s signals to take a rest and resume later.  I am not feeling rushed about anything.  I receive the NOW comfortably as I go.

I have overflowing continuous gratitude for this whole experience – I’m developing more patience because as we all know, things don’t necessarily go wrong, but often they do go differently than we want them to go at times! At the end of each day there are more boxes closed up, piled upon each other, I’ve taken the time to eat and rest and take pleasure in doing one thing at a time.  I don’t scatter my energy nor my intention.

Thirteen days left…and there has been an Ease and Grace which is so assuring.  I acknowledge my blessings and, again, I am so Grateful.

Blessed Be and to all Be Blessed.  Stay Safe and Be Well.

Conscious Living provides myriad rewards.   ~Gaya

Oh Happy Day!  All is well with my world!  Whatever that has been lingering on my mind is gone!  My refund was direct deposited!  I’m not aware of a care about anything in this NOW moment!  I AM SO GRATEFUL! I am conscious of some of my many Blessings and when I receive Grace.  I am not the only one.  All have Blessings, All receive Grace.  I AM HUMBLED TO MY KNEES. (And footnote, grateful I can bend my knees!)

How can one have a spiritual practice and not feel humility all of the time?  I’ve been known to say that I had a golden thread to God…and this was never stated in a pompous manner.  Quite to the contrary.  I always felt this with such gratitude and humility.  When I feel my connection, that unequivocal, total unconditional loving and supportive connection to God, I also feel the power and I marvel that I, along with countless other human beings in the world, have a consciousness which comforts me like this: I am not special, I am not a member of an elite group of spiritualists.  In fact, the way I think about this is that anyone I meet could be representative of the Holy Commune of creation blessing me with their presence.  (Like the homeless man who I gave a lift to Good Will last week.)

I am not an untouchable…I am a touchable!  I am approachable.  I do not have to  associate with ‘certain people’ who understand me.  I’ve referred to a homeless man, David, who once prayed over me and brought me to tears.  His words were no less than those of Jesus, and I felt them.

One of my best friends and I have very different spiritual views; yet, when I am sometimes impatient with our differences, I am reminded instantly that this is one of the reasons why we are friends.  Our friendship transcends our spiritual differences. My humility reminds me I cannot begin to presume my precepts are the rule for her to follow…we each live out our lives as we came to do, each to our best ability and with the knowledge we have acquired.   This is love.  This is acceptance.  This is the art of allowing without an air of superiority.  THIS IS HUMILITY.

To paraphrase Ram Dass, a recently departed renown spiritualist, ‘there is a golden light of love in every heart, no matter how opaque the container of that heart may be.’

I can never have enough generosity of heart and humility of soul. These are my personal assurances to myself.

When you ask for help it is a humble request. Your spiritual pursuits

continuously authorize satisfaction of your curiosity.     ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Continue to Be Safe, Stay Well.

The peace I am feeling these days has to do with tending my own garden.   I am the controller of my thoughts, and it is my sole task to make sure these thoughts go in a positive direction and are in alignment with my intention.  You can’t keep a garden properly watered if you spray in a direction away from the plants!

Glancing over my shoulder, worrying at any level (the greatest exercise in futility in my estimation), comparing my progress in anything to another, and forgetting that gratitude comes absolutely first in order to posture myself in tune with more abundance and happiness, are the most significant distractors from my original intention:  expanding my awareness and continuing to have a fully exploratory experience of the greatness that comes with the huge privilege of living my life.

If I am not on top of my game, mere thoughts that haven’t even solidified into any kind of reasonable pattern can cause me to swerve and diverge, and before I know it, I’m off on a tangent of go-nowhere thinking, which ultimately doesn’t make me feel good. This total distraction lures me away from my purpose if I’m not actively holding myself to task.  You’ve heard when someone says, “Don’t go there” [with that kind of conversation].It’s the same thing.  I don’t want to go there either!  I must stay here!

I have to be an active participant in my life all of the time.  I am responsible to hold myself accountable…thought, word and deed.  This takes attention and intention, a game plan.  It takes sincerity and seriousness about what I have figured out is important to me.  It requires me to follow my own star(s), because I am unique, and therefore, my experiences are also unique.  Since ever, I have been formulating my Forever Path…I’ve made good and not-so-good choices, I’ve solved and resolved, learned, fallen and always risen back up, and there has been a reason for all of it.  I am forging ahead, always looking for more to expand my consciousness.

Clearly, the more difficult my experience, the more difficult the lesson.  My entire life has been by design just for me.  I’m planning it all of the time.  It is becoming easier because I am understanding more, and I am seeing the results of my attention and intention.  There is a rhyme and a reason for everything.

I know I’m doing good when I am feeling good about what I am doing.

“Only you can make an impact on your own life. It has to do

with the wisdom you gain along the way.”  ~ Gaya

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.  Be Safe, Stay Well.



I can’t believe it!  I just realized I’ve gone almost a whole month without writing something for this blog!  How could this happen?  One would think with all the time I have on my hands, there’d be plenty of it to offer up something of me…after all, as with all of us, we have been secluded in our homes much more than usual due to the pandemic, and sometimes TV becomes our friend for noise and activity outside our thoughts, doesn’t it?

Our thoughts:  We are left to our own devices then.  We bring up subjects, some we mull over, some we dismiss, we make all our own resolutions without counsel, and we move through the day at our own pace.  Nothing much makes demands upon us, except perfunctory things like appointments,  grocery shopping, gassing up the car, laundry, etc.   I just summarized my own ‘schedule’!

Solitary confinement is what we are in if we aren’t very mindful of including the outside world while we’re living.    I don’t have many friends, and I take advantage of speaking on the phone with them, or we chat online through Zoom, or video chat, or Skype.

What’s important for me is my spiritual practice.  At this time of my life, peace and contentment and feeling self-fulfilled is uppermost in my own mind.  Awareness, spiritual clarity and understanding is key for me to achieve what I think is important to my wellbeing and enjoying the privilege of living my life.

I live in the NOW, and frankly, there seems to be lots of activity happening all the time if I keep on keeping on, i.e., doing what presents to me through whim or immediate plan as I direct my attention and intention to the NOW In TODAY.

Yesterday is a perfect example of how a day can be ‘complete’, living in the NOW.  I’ve been planning for my tax preparation procedure, and still hadn’t received the $600 from the government.  I assumed I’d have to claim it in my taxes. Lo and behold, it was in my mail!  Yippee, I can pay down my credit card!  Our weather has been cold, windy and rainy…very windy…but I decided to trek to the bank to deposit the funds. Whoa!  As I was driving, it wasn’t long before winds and rain became fierce, and though it isn’t far to my bank, I was grateful to get there without incident.  I went to the drive-through, and was told I had to be let into the bank for the transaction.  Really?  NO ONE goes into a bank anymore without permission?  I didn’t know this, as I haven’t had the need until now to go into a bank for service.  So, in I go, and while there, lights flickered on and off, and some people came into the bank to get out of the weather…they were quickly turned out into the weather!  Amazingly, I also heard that a tree had fallen somewhere in the drive-through area and that cars were unable to move away…I HAD BEEN SAVED FROM THIS!

Driving back home in the fierce weather, stop signs were off, and I began to worry I wouldn’t be able to get into my garage…no electricity.  As I drove closer to my house, I saw street lights were on, and thankfully in my area the electricity was still on…HOME SAFE AND SOUND!!

So, what’s the purpose of telling this story?  There are so many blessings inside the blessings!  I was in a car and had an electric garage door opener that I was worrying about,  Not to mention  I had shelter from the horrendous weather, had received the money and was able to transact my business relatively easily, and I hadn’t been struck by a fallen tree!

So, today is another day.  Go figure what’ll be in store.  Now I see how easy time gets away from me when I’m so busily trying to deal with what all presents Now and AGAIN and AGAIN.

Being ‘in the thick of it’ ,  making your choices as you

enjoy the privilege of living your life, allows you to

‘spin’ a self-fulfilling  journey of all the newness that keeps on coming.   ~  Gaya

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe and Well.

It never fails, I have to go ‘through something’ in order to see the light!  I know all the words, I’ve written plenty of posters, all of which I unequivocally believe…in fact, I consider them all inspired works, right down to this blog and my books too.

It’s my Spiritual Practice that keeps me in line.  It’s my fundamental ideas about who I think I am, how serious I am about my life and how I’m living it, and about life in general; how intent am I with my actions, and striving, along with thriving, in my own life.

One thing I know, I don’t do anything alone.  When I’m in problem, I call upon the basics:  I am inextricably connected to, and unconditionally loved and supported by God, Universe, Creator, Source Energy, take your pick.  I trust myself and hold strong to my Faith in That Power Greater Than Myself, from which I was created.  I absolutely know that if I let it and if I ask for help, and if I can have the patience to wait for the answer – which will come when in good timing – all will work out fine.  It is always after the fact that I find this out!

This blog is an affirmation to the above testimony.  For more than a few days I have been working with a friend of mine online with a problem about subscribing to this blog.  I went to my originating sources…wrote all kinds of emails, explained my problem.  I got on their live chats and had long discussions, and kept enlisting my friend along the way to ‘try this or that’ to see if I was making headway.  Nothing seemed to be working, but we both kept on it.  Lo and behold, yesterday, we had the breakthrough.  We both knew it was through our mutual perseverance that we finally were able to solve this problem.

Relationships are no different, and I’ve just been through a pretty trying time along these lines as well.  Thankfully, I have resilience, and personal reliance that says I have confidence that if I keep on trying, keep on looking for the answers, keep on meditating about it, and keep on feeling all the gratitude for how much I am trying – knowing I mean well and am working with love – I will receive expanded awareness to get me beyond what I am considering a problem.  I will receive the guidance to know what I can do to the benefit of all involved.  Today I received this information too.

This is what I refer to when I say, “Let the Winds of Heaven Blow Between Us” and “Let the Dust Settle”. Everything does work itself out as long as I don’t quit.  Everything I do has to do with how important it is to me.  I acknowledge my attention and intention and the continuous choices I am willing to make to see the world I want to see:  Peace and Calm, and expanded conscious awareness comes when I put my heart into something, and then  solution and resolution can be achieved.

All Be Well and Stay Safe.

We are within you and not separate. Your wishes are the command.    ~ Gaya


It’s so important what I think, what I say, what I do. Whatever comes out of my mouth and however I behave tells others exactly who I am for that time. I want to put more conscious awareness upon my actions, words and deeds…not how it relates to what others think about me, but rather,  to what power I have that creates my small world, my happiness and joy, my frustration and dis-ease.

To be more clear:  One can get so swept up in ‘appearances’, when instead, the conscious awareness ought to be on what really is! When I react, as against respond with a deliberate thought about something, I’m not intending to show who I AM at the time.  In fact, the exact opposite occurs:  I show my disorganized mind and emotions,,.my unconscious  unaware  side.

Life happens quickly…moment to moment…and I think it behooves me to slow myself down so I can relish in the delights of the five senses during the precious NOW moments.  What more is there, after all, than enjoying what I’m up to, what I’m experiencing, creating, as I act out my life play?

This is  ‘deliberate’ living ‘ … Authenticity at its best.

When I’m ‘on top of my game’, my inside artist is hard at work, designing in detail what I am thinking about, what kind of attention I’m giving to it, what outcome I am  expecting. In this very process I’m adding the color to my life and when I provide the details, the excitement that begins to happen is essentially me creating my small world for my own pure enjoyment and gratification.  It’s in these moments I am so grateful for all that I have.  I have so many gifts to use which stir from within.  We all do.  It’s a matter of  letting those ‘cats out of the bag’!

Perfect Timing!  I’m intentionally setting a deliberate action plan for me to more consciously initiate. I’m creating more ‘Go’ in my Flow.  I’m bringing more privilege of living my life with the deliberate intention of enjoying the whole journey.

There’s no question about it:  I have no endgame in sight!  I guess that’s what life is all about…we deliberately keep enjoying our ‘lifestyle’.

Blessed Be.  Be Safe and Well, All.

“You’ve Got This!”         ~Gaya

It’s interesting… this journey we’re on!  I was speaking to a longtime friend yesterday, and we both exclaimed it was hard to believe we were at the ages we are. ..she 74, I 83.

In my younger years, NEVER did I spend much time thinking on how old I would live to be, or for that matter, what goals did I have in terms of who I wanted to become, what I wanted to do, what path did I need to follow to reach my dreams and goals.

It seems to make more sense now to think about what have I learned?  How do I assess my life and the choices I have made?  Do I really  have any regrets?  Do I wish I could go back in time and have a ‘redo’?

I know I’m grateful that I have followed my journey with a continuous Faith in a Power Greater Than Me.   I know I am thankful that I never gave up on myself…no matter what was happening, no matter what choices I made.  In so doing, I gained a true trust of Self and my resiliency.

I have to work things out myself to clarity and understanding; I’ve come to accept that each effort I make toward this is admirable. I feel the spiritual connection, my Higher Self, my Soul Self, my Intuitive Consciousness.  It’s not about erasing or lamenting the past.  It’s about valuing it for what it has meant to me in my growth and conscious awareness.  What I may have thought were stumbling blocks were actually building blocks!  It’s about thanking God for the many people and events in my life which appeared at just the right moment.

I can pick that one book that started me on a course of independent learning and has served me well right up to now, AS A MAN THINKETH, by James Allen.  Then there was RISKING, by David Viscott, MD., the book that instilled in me courage to step out on the ledge after tallying the risk.  I learned it wasn’t that scary to try something I had never done before.  I also found out it wasn’t about failing or succeeding, but more about having the experience of attempting and living it in the intention.

Right up to this day, I continuously work on issues and triggers and bothersome, even painful,  circumstances with the same Faith that I will make it better…I will have more understanding and clarity…I will have more resolution.  That’s my optimism.

So, I hold on to what has continued to work, and I try very hard to let go of that which can bog me down and restrict me. It’s important to know that I have a commitment to  enjoying the privilege of living life the best way I know how and enjoying the whole process.  This is the growth and understanding and clarity I keep finding, and the Grace which follows when I reflect on just how great life has been.

We are the strength within you, we are your resiliency, your dreams,

your tenacity,  your curiosity, your love and appreciation for

your life and all it continuously offers.   ~  Gaya




I live on $1338.00 per month, and I think I have an abundant life.  This is well below poverty level, yet,  if someone were to ask me what I need to make my life better,  I’d be hard-pressed to give an answer.

I worked and raised my two sons as a single parent, and made choices toward that which I aspired.  I always had it in my head that I wanted a paid-up homestead.  When I was 65, I achieved this goal. Owning a house was to me a most important thing.

My mother had purchased a little house which she used as a rental, and she figured I’d be her perfect tenant.  It was the late 60’s.  I was living hand-to-mouth, had a good job, no savings, and she figured I may as well pay her the rent as any stranger.  With some persuasion, I did move into that one-bedroom house.   She had profited over the purchase price of the home, and one day, she offered to give it to me, if I paid the taxes and closing costs for transferring the deed.  Down the street there was a bi-racial couple. I had always figured she thought her property was going to lose value, so why not give it to me, as against try to sell it.   She and I saw very little eye-to-eye, so I judged her very harshly on my assumptions of her agenda.  I lived in that house for a couple of years, and without breaking any outside walls,  made it into a two-bedroom, installed a dishwasher and put in an eating nook off the kitchen, added double front windows….all with the help of  “Mr. Peach”, my handyman (who moonlighted this work, after he had installed the dishwasher), along with my pure  gumption and grit that always kept me advancing.

When I sold ‘the little blue house’, it was the beginning of me moving forward, buying another one, and another one after that.  When I moved to Phoenix in 1990, it was that last house I sold to make that move, which I had lived in for 13 years.

I’ve shared this story to illustrate that everyone marches to their own drum…listens to their own music…sees the opportunities and is grateful for their successes, or complains for the lack thereof.  Everyone’s reality is different, and has been shaped by their own personal experience.  My  life wasn’t all rosy.  I made good and not-so-good choices…My father was bi-polar, an alcoholic, and had committed less than stellar acts against me which I recount in my last book, My Beginning Game, Without End (A Handbook to Self-Renewal).

My eldest son took his life in 2011.  The following are excerpts from My Beginning Game. “Chapter Three, Brutal Facts

“Thought for the Day and a Truth:  Every bad thing that happens can be looked at in a more favorable light.  You can be grateful under the worst of circumstances if you choose gratitude….Circumstances could have been much worse!  He could have permanently and irreparably disfigured his face and lived, AND/OR he could have sustained brain damage and lived out the rest of his natural life beyond the 46 years when it happened, as a vegetable! I am grateful for the outcome.

“It is so important that we become more serious about things that happen to us, or around us.  It is absolutely necessary that we ‘put it outside of ourselves’ and look at it the way it is, how it could be, how we can change it, how we can dismiss it, how we can decide whether it is Our Business, ‘Their Business’, or God’s Business (to paraphrase Byron Katie, The Work).

“We are not born victims of life.  I believe we are the perceivers of life. Big difference.  How many years I have lived under the assumption that I made my bed and had to sleep in it.  I figured out this was half true.  Yes, I may have made the bed, but I found out I could move it around every which way until I righted myself.  It is called learning the lesson and making some changes!

“…if you are scoffing reading this, if you are choosing not to see it as a truthful possibility, if you choose to sit in your close-mindedness and willingness to stay in the very place you’ve been to this very minute…STOP IT!  There are even more possibilities to a happiness-filled life than I know and have yet to discover!….It’s all in my hands and I refuse to stop.  My Joy and Happiness is at stake, and by the way, that goes for everyone around me too!”

Sometimes tunnel vision is a good thing.

(Caveat:  I have since thanked my Mother for giving me the ‘house start’…No matter what I thought, it was indeed a gift that never stopped giving as far as I was concerned.  I’m grateful I have broadened my views about so many important things.)

Direction, Persistence, Perseverance, Intuitive Wisdom, Heart Space,

Grit, Stamina, Desire, Attention and Intention…all dependent upon

the strength of choices and actions.        ~Gaya

Blessed Be to All,  To All Stay Safe and Well.




I’m not going to wait to see what the ‘New Normal’ is going to be!  I’ve been configuring my ‘new normal’ for the past few years as I keep changing myself ‘UP’ and ‘FORWARD’ the best way I know how…and this continues to be with a lot of outside help!

Doesn’t it seem curious that Covid-19 had to present itself, before the world society as a whole had to go into crises mode and begin to take LIFE seriously?

Before this pandemic, we were caught up in the fires in Australia, and the drug pandemic and terrorism and school shootings, to say nothing of our own personal life tantrums, everyday lives, births and deaths which are always ongoing.

Years ago, I was told by a boss  he didn’t think I took life seriously.  This remained a quandary in my mind for years…I really didn’t know what he had meant.  I gave him tribute  in my first book:  “To the late ‘Odie’, who said to me, ‘Kaye, I don’t think you take yourself seriously!’.  I carried his words with me without full grasp for more than 30 years.  This wise man spoke to my future enlightenment and made his mark upon my Soul.  His message holds a remarkable place within me and he deserves this special tribute. I know he is aware.”

What is it about the human nature that is so peculiar to each of us when it comes to what ‘reaches’ us?  I know it isn’t the same for everyone.  It seems we have a stubbornness, or a bullish attitude, or some kind of inner stance that necessitates a ‘leg sweep’, bringing us to our own ‘bottom hit’, before something miraculous is able to happen…before we finally grab hold of a perceived threat and get serious within ourselves.  WHAT A SHAME IT HAS TO COME TO THAT!

It’s like we offer up continuous dares to God, Source Energy,the Universe, the Creator, as if our lives were  our own whimsical success story no matter what we did or didn’t do!

Fact!  I have to take even better care of myself.  I have to be even more aware of my surroundings.  I have to realize how imminently connected I am physically with everything and everyone around me at all times.  I have to think more outside the box when it comes to my personal safety.  I have to realize that unseen catastrophes can be averted when I am more mindful living in the NOW.

What I am suggesting to myself is that I need to live more carefully, less carelessly, with less assumption that things are the same more than they are different or changing. The World Is Changing All The Time.   I may not be able to keep up with all of the advances in science and technology and medicine, but I am able to continuously take better care of myself within the societal landscape of my own life.

A neighborhood acquaintance came to my door yesterday…apparently, in total disregard of our current ‘stay home if you don’t have to go out’ ground rules.  I was astonished.  It seemed he came for a social visit.  I immediately asked him to step back and keep his distance…I had no plans to invite him in.  People do strange things!

We’ve been told when we’re behind the wheel of a car, to be a defensive driver.  I think the time has come that we have to become a ‘defensive liver!’  We have to beware and stand ready to take action against thoughtless behaviors of others.  Socially, it seems we are inclined to give leeway to another, giving one the benefit of the doubt, but I think these days are now over.  Instead of being our brother’s/sister’s keeper, we have to be more mindful to make sure our brother/sister is more responsible, by virtue of our own responsibility to self.  We have to always be thinking in the name of the common good.  We cannot be permitting or allowing, in the face of worrying about hurting another’s feelings.  Time has come that we’ve been rapped on the head…or, I’ll say, I feel the rap on my own head…I’ve got to stand up in a different way for my welfare, my safety, my peace and my calm.  IT’S ABOUT BEING MATTER-OF-FACT ABOUT LIFE.

The Times, They Are A-changin’.  I will be more responsible for my place in this world, in my home, my neighborhood and how I view my life.  Life is indeed serious business…it always has been.  Nothing should be taken for granted.

It is good when one recognizes just how precious everything under creation is.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Well and Safe.