That’s what I said early yesterday morning! Can’t remember the last time I heard an owl, that’s for sure.  It brings me pause…undoubtedly there have been myriad things in my lifetime that were so important at the time that simply slipped away because I didn’t capture them.  We’re told “Stop and smell the roses” (or the coffee). Then, there’s this poignant one:  “You’ll never miss your mother ’til she’s gone.”

I’m reminded that everything is notably important at the time!

When I am in the state of conscious gratitude I can list some things that come to my mind.  BUT, as I write this morning,  clearly there is much more specificity to life.  There is an urgency each moment and that’s what living in the NOW is all about.  It’s all these fleeting moments that have made up my life.  I am an artist, after all!  And my amazing life portrait is captured by my eyes only! The thrills are never gone.  The colors never fade. I am the beholder! All of life is special!  As long as I cherish my life, I’ll have no regrets.

I recall a live stream I did many years ago where I used the phrase ‘exalt yourself’.’  We ought honor and exalt ourselves and our existence.  We have such ability to always be the prize in our own lives.  It is an invaluable treasure we discover when we silently realize synchronicity in our lives; when we begin to grasp the broader scope of our Beingness; when life takes on this specialized opportunity of awareness.

I am at the tip of my own iceberg. I realize now there have been so many iceberg tips! Eureka! There’s always something new coming to me.  How on earth can I ever be bored and without wonder? What an appropriate time of year to express JOY TO THE WORLD! … JOY TO MY WORLD!

Listen in the silence, and see in the darkness, no need to question, all is right NOW.  ~ Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe and Be Well.