
What a question I have posed.  This is interesting territory!  Is the pressure ON or OFF?!!

In my small world, I am firstly, a single woman of years… a mother… a friend… a neighbor… an author…a Buddhist practitioner…the host of a weekly online  ‘live’ broadcast from my Facebook page, Just Sayin’   Kaye A. Peters… a member of a few authors’ groups on Facebook…a customer in any retail environment…and at the end of each day, lastly, I am still a single woman of years enjoying the privilege of living my life in the Human Condition with no endgame in sight, but, first and foremost I am a Spiritual Being, and must attend to my Soul.  

Each hour that I am privileged to live, I try to fulfill my roles to whatever degree my responsibility presents itself.  I essentially believe I am ‘living my purpose’ to its fullest,  doing the very best I can and being the very best I can be.  Thus, it follows, by my intentions I am nourishing my Soul and providing myself with joys and happiness and continued awareness and enlightenment that become a perpetuation of self actualization.

I am finding that I have what I will call ‘soulful antennae’.  These are feelers that extend from me and ‘pick up’ mixtures of energies that are always swirling around me and from within me too.  I notice I find it difficult to distinguish them when it comes to what, if any, action is required of me.  I’m concluding right now that it is primary that I decipher what is mine to tackle.  I am responsible to leap my own hurdles.  Sometimes there has been a soft place for me to fall, and sometimes I have been that for another too. Kindness, interest, encouragement and support are wonderful gestures to lend a hand or a leg up to someone on their own path.  Altruistic Action.

The answer to my question,  What is expected of ME?    Whatever I can do that fills my Soul while providing self-fulfillment to my human life purpose, honoring my Creator in gratitude for my well-meaning Presence in the larger world picture.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.



We are already a whole week into January, 2018, and I’m preparing for my friend’s arrival on the first of February.

I have lived in Phoenix, Arizona, for going on 28 years this coming March, and I received guests especially the first 10 years most every Winter, so this isn’t anything new!  However, there is something very new and different that I have perceived with the planning I am doing these days.  I’M LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF WHAT I AM UP TO…whether I’m cleaning my refrigerator, or my stove top  – even taking out the strainers on the faucets and my shower-head to remove all the hard water deposits!  I’m tending to my home with love and I’m loving the person who is coming to enjoy her stay here..and I’m feeling the love I have for myself because I am intimately connected to all of this process.

I have been practicing living in the NOW for several months and I think this may just be the reason I mention any of this.  My ‘before picture’ was the planning of a things-to-do list which involved making sure my house was in tip-top shape for my guest, and I was hyped to the degree of excitement with anticipation and outcome woven into everything I was planning – all in advance of the actual event.  It was mostly about me, and how I would look, I’m pretty sure…..I didn’t have the glorious feelings I have now that are inclusive of my guest with a partiality to my own feelings not only toward her and wanting her stay to be as comfortable as I can make it, but it also has to do with how wonderful I am feeling as I “refresh” my home because I want ‘it’ to be an extension of my affection for my personal living space that I am sharing with my house guest and friend.

I have no rhyme or reason as to what I choose to do every day, but I know it is going to be perfect out of my intention.  I know she is looking forward to her visit and we talk most every day not only about that, but also the preparations she is making for a side trip she is planning for herself.  It feels so good to be considering someone else in my life right now – living alone provides more solitary thinking remember – and I know the quality of this comes directly from that which I feel for myself.  There is no ego playing into this.  I have no one to impress, nothing to do other than be myself, the woman we already know.   And, there are some special dishes I want to cook for her (which, of course, I have cleared whether she likes them!)

I am expressing my Freedom and Joy through all of the choices I am making surrounding this event.  And, as much as I am certainly looking forward to it, if for some unknown reason it has to cancel, I know the two of us will just say, “Well, when can we set it up again?”  The whole thing is nothing more or less than one of those “series of events’ I refer to often which present to my privilege of living my life.

There’s a lot to be said for being a dreamer, realist and optimist all rolled up into one.  Makes for an exciting time of it, with the knowledge everything always works out perfectly and in its own good time to my greatest good and that of all those around me, right NOW.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

 ‘God Willing and the Creek Don’t Rise’,  this coming April, another photo will take its place on the Blog Mantle!  Yes, make no mistake, I think these pictures are pretty good.  BUT, irrespective of everything from the Ego side of things, there’s a lot of gratitude in my smile; there’s still a lot of sparkle in my eyes,; there’s a thump to my heart and I’m still filled with Joy as I continue to enjoy the privilege of living my life.

I am about to publish my second book.  Who ever would  have thought (least of all me), that I would accomplish this?  So, having not conceived the thought of it yet, I was actually living in the NOW before I was introduced to The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle, and Life did, indeed, present me with writing these books, and learning so many other things that continue to serve me  well as I ferret out areas of my beingness that require smoothing and honing and excavation, working toward  that pearl in my Life Oyster.

I’m doing life by the ‘seat of my pants’ to speak –  Whatever feels comfortable to me and resonates familiar.  Leopards don’t change their spots!  People are always who they are and luckily, we can figure out things we aren’t so fond of in our character upon which we can improve.  I am carrying the rights to certain wisdom in my years now because I have figured out that whatever I chose to do in my lifetime, were choices which brought me to outcomes where I took lessons at those given times and applied them to future experience – and even now at 80+ years of age, I still employ relative and current lessons and use them as gateways to even greater positive self-fulfillment.   It’s sort of like ratcheting myself along my Forever Path and it has become easier and more interesting because there are people, places and things which point themselves out to me and often I am able to see the Blessings and Gratitude I have for having recalled the useful lessons.

There are two phrases that have become prominent to me:  “I love it when a plan comes together!”,  (taken from a popular TV show) and “Works for me!”

There is a lot to be said for a peaceful feeling.  I believe it is the responsibility to myself to find contentment and understanding within the world that I chose to enter all those many years ago for my Soul Purpose.  And, I believe I will be entering again and again for years and years to come.    It is interesting how ‘pain body’ works – ‘memory’ of times and events of my past experiences which erupts and hopefully nudges me to delve that much deeper into my response to what Life is presenting to me.  I accept I chose to come to these experiences.  For me, this is where the awareness and enlightenment emerge as I examine my reactionary responses.  I know my energy of good and honest intention will be returned to me by my Universe toward a positive outcome and to my greatest good.

I AM in this experience NOW.  Blessed Be.  To all be Blessed.

Well, now, where am I? I’m at the same computer desk, doing what I love to do:  Figure out who I am!

I try to maintain a modicum of peace within me and in my space around me.  Since I published my book it’s critical to me that I recognize just exactly what my self-talk is and if I believe what I’m telling myself!   

I guess the only thing that has changed is that I’m in a new public venue.  I wrote a book, published it, hope people like it, and my well being and wholeness has nothing to do with that outcome.   This is what I’m trying hard to integrate!  The truth is I feel wonderful that I have finally finished a book, much less published it!  To be fair to myself, I never thought I was worth any less when I didn’t finish three I had started before in my lifetime, so the fact that I have finished and published one now, shouldn’t really have anything to do with inflating my self-worth either, right?   I’m the same person… just completed another project.

I have always coveted my writing.  It never mattered to me what others thought about it.  Now, however, when others get to ‘judge’ and ‘review’ my work, does it matter more to me what they think?   On the one hand, of course, it’s nice to hear compliments….but on the other hand, I know intellectually that nothing from the outside fills me up on the inside.

I want to share what I am experiencing right now, because I want to honor myself  from within.  I don’t want to take an EGO  trip which falsifies my authenticity and the depth of what really matters.     Truth be known, what matters is what I think about my book, my writing, my accomplishment and the self-satisfaction I feel  from writing it!

I’m proud of this new picture for my blogs, I’m proud of my first book, Unbridled Commentary…Without Flinch! FROM A WOMAN OF YEARS IN THE ‘MIDDLE’ OF HER LIFE,  and I’m proud to offer it free to everyone at, Apple and Barnes and Noble.

   I am humbled and grateful for all experiences I am receiving as I enjoy the privilege of living my life.  I KNOW WHO I AM.

Again I have swung open my doors and windows  to continued freedom and I have  walked the walk of the talk that I talk!  THANK YOU UNIVERSE, I AM ALIGNED!

I’ve  often stated when I do a video or make a speech of any kind – on the stage or face to face (it doesn’t matter) – when I spout my opinion as my absolute truth, the Universe will, within 12-48 hours, present a situation in front of me that will force me to the exact test of the words that I spoke….DO I WALK MY TALK?

I’m aware of the dynamic, and I sometimes have to sift through events that have presented and meet the collision and affirm my position right then and there!  Sometimes this is not so easy.

I seriously began excavating my Self with a vengeance toward my authenticity some two and half years ago.  It has become my sweetest pleasure as I lift myself out and cast to the winds pieces of me that have  held me back from joy and happiness and fulfillment as I enjoy the privilege of living my life.

I have emboldened myself to speak out my truths, and I have never taken this act lightly.  Now more than ever I know I have a responsibility to always remain true to my Self, and this carries with it the absolute necessity to make sure I have instilled a checks and balances proviso in my behavior.  I’m conscientious to this, and in fact, the Universe helps me and I am grateful.  I can change my mind, and if I do, I also have to disclose this change, honoring myself and my listeners.

I know that holding myself in my integrity is my absolute strength toward myself.  I answer to no one as I continue to create to my greatness.

I trust one realizes I consider this everyone’s responsibility to Self.  How can anyone lead themselves down the Life Path if they don’t know themselves well enough to make the best possible choices to the greatest possible life experience?

I’m now beginning to put more of my own puzzle pieces together and it occurs to me that each time I was presented a learning lesson, it most probably was the same collision where I was meeting the walkie-talkie challenge all along!  I have only begun to associate it so clearly in my later years because I have taken on the added responsibility of speaking my mind so openly and it follows, of course, that I’d decipher the necessity that my integrity must be held in tact, or, plainly said, I’d be a fraud and hypocrite.

So, taking this whole subject that one step further, all the more reason to search deep toward our authentic self and work with the walkie-talkie challenge as early as possible.  I know it makes for much smoother sailing.  I am living proof of this.

Mirrors are good.  They most definitely are there for us to find our inner Self and finally  become unconditional friends  with the one we ought to have been  honoring all along.

When did I lose sight that I have been Blessed From My Beginning of My Time!

Time for me to Honor This Blessed One forevermore.


Years ago, one of my bosses said to me,  “Kaye, I don’t think you take yourself seriously!”    I was so cocky in that time of my life, I didn’t bother to ask him directly what he meant, but for years I wrestled with that off-the-cuff remark.

I wonder why schools don’t offer subjective curriculum on living life. Would it make a difference if we had classes in kindergarten focusing on human similarities and importance of family?    How about classes on feelings… how to work with them… why we have them?  When should a child learn they really do come first and  how do they learn to love themselves when they are not being shown love?  Knowledge on finance is one thing, but when and how does one learn that money is really just a means of exchange, and integrity, honesty, self-satisfaction, peace, contentment,faith, love and gratitude are the MEASURES of abundance in life.

Parents and teachers can’t have all of these answers – they have their own problems!   A downhill spiraling ripple effect exists, and what I observe is yet another target for change at depth is being ignored.   I must hold myself accountable and insist others around me do the same.

I learned so late that I was my best friend and my opinion about myself was the only valid one.    Peer pressure couldn’t exist if we trusted our own decision-making, strength and commitment to being the best we can be,  following our own personal dictates.   Life’s learning lessons are more  a privilege  we receive when we are alert and serious about the choices we are making as we mature.

I started a much more serious spiritual journey in 2011, after my eldest son took his life.   I saw his image on my kitchen wall  two days after he passed, and when I finally got over the startle, my introspective nature surfaced with purpose and  I began weaving some of the loose ends of my ‘Forever Path’ tapestry.  Clearly, beginning this blog in 2015, is evidence of how my Higher Self has led me in my journey toward my truth.

In these senior years, I am learning  living life is so much easier as I continue to explore and excavate just exactly  how important am I to ME?    My peace and liberty depends upon these answers.  I’ve had to get much more serious about how I think about everything that has to do with living!

Each day I awaken presents the OUTCOME of my choices.  As I zero-in on who I am and WHAT I AM BECOMING, I know that sincere, honest and undivided attention to where I’m headed is required.