Honoring Intention

I live on $1338.00 per month, and I think I have an abundant life.  This is well below poverty level, yet,  if someone were to ask me what I need to make my life better,  I’d be hard-pressed to give an answer.

I worked and raised my two sons as a single parent, and made choices toward that which I aspired.  I always had it in my head that I wanted a paid-up homestead.  When I was 65, I achieved this goal. Owning a house was to me a most important thing.

My mother had purchased a little house which she used as a rental, and she figured I’d be her perfect tenant.  It was the late 60’s.  I was living hand-to-mouth, had a good job, no savings, and she figured I may as well pay her the rent as any stranger.  With some persuasion, I did move into that one-bedroom house.   She had profited over the purchase price of the home, and one day, she offered to give it to me, if I paid the taxes and closing costs for transferring the deed.  Down the street there was a bi-racial couple. I had always figured she thought her property was going to lose value, so why not give it to me, as against try to sell it.   She and I saw very little eye-to-eye, so I judged her very harshly on my assumptions of her agenda.  I lived in that house for a couple of years, and without breaking any outside walls,  made it into a two-bedroom, installed a dishwasher and put in an eating nook off the kitchen, added double front windows….all with the help of  “Mr. Peach”, my handyman (who moonlighted this work, after he had installed the dishwasher), along with my pure  gumption and grit that always kept me advancing.

When I sold ‘the little blue house’, it was the beginning of me moving forward, buying another one, and another one after that.  When I moved to Phoenix in 1990, it was that last house I sold to make that move, which I had lived in for 13 years.

I’ve shared this story to illustrate that everyone marches to their own drum…listens to their own music…sees the opportunities and is grateful for their successes, or complains for the lack thereof.  Everyone’s reality is different, and has been shaped by their own personal experience.  My  life wasn’t all rosy.  I made good and not-so-good choices…My father was bi-polar, an alcoholic, and had committed less than stellar acts against me which I recount in my last book, My Beginning Game, Without End (A Handbook to Self-Renewal).

My eldest son took his life in 2011.  The following are excerpts from My Beginning Game. “Chapter Three, Brutal Facts

“Thought for the Day and a Truth:  Every bad thing that happens can be looked at in a more favorable light.  You can be grateful under the worst of circumstances if you choose gratitude….Circumstances could have been much worse!  He could have permanently and irreparably disfigured his face and lived, AND/OR he could have sustained brain damage and lived out the rest of his natural life beyond the 46 years when it happened, as a vegetable! I am grateful for the outcome.

“It is so important that we become more serious about things that happen to us, or around us.  It is absolutely necessary that we ‘put it outside of ourselves’ and look at it the way it is, how it could be, how we can change it, how we can dismiss it, how we can decide whether it is Our Business, ‘Their Business’, or God’s Business (to paraphrase Byron Katie, The Work).

“We are not born victims of life.  I believe we are the perceivers of life. Big difference.  How many years I have lived under the assumption that I made my bed and had to sleep in it.  I figured out this was half true.  Yes, I may have made the bed, but I found out I could move it around every which way until I righted myself.  It is called learning the lesson and making some changes!

“…if you are scoffing reading this, if you are choosing not to see it as a truthful possibility, if you choose to sit in your close-mindedness and willingness to stay in the very place you’ve been to this very minute…STOP IT!  There are even more possibilities to a happiness-filled life than I know and have yet to discover!….It’s all in my hands and I refuse to stop.  My Joy and Happiness is at stake, and by the way, that goes for everyone around me too!”

Sometimes tunnel vision is a good thing.

(Caveat:  I have since thanked my Mother for giving me the ‘house start’…No matter what I thought, it was indeed a gift that never stopped giving as far as I was concerned.  I’m grateful I have broadened my views about so many important things.)

Direction, Persistence, Perseverance, Intuitive Wisdom, Heart Space,

Grit, Stamina, Desire, Attention and Intention…all dependent upon

the strength of choices and actions.        ~Gaya

Blessed Be to All,  To All Stay Safe and Well.




I’m not going to wait to see what the ‘New Normal’ is going to be!  I’ve been configuring my ‘new normal’ for the past few years as I keep changing myself ‘UP’ and ‘FORWARD’ the best way I know how…and this continues to be with a lot of outside help!

Doesn’t it seem curious that Covid-19 had to present itself, before the world society as a whole had to go into crises mode and begin to take LIFE seriously?

Before this pandemic, we were caught up in the fires in Australia, and the drug pandemic and terrorism and school shootings, to say nothing of our own personal life tantrums, everyday lives, births and deaths which are always ongoing.

Years ago, I was told by a boss  he didn’t think I took life seriously.  This remained a quandary in my mind for years…I really didn’t know what he had meant.  I gave him tribute  in my first book:  “To the late ‘Odie’, who said to me, ‘Kaye, I don’t think you take yourself seriously!’.  I carried his words with me without full grasp for more than 30 years.  This wise man spoke to my future enlightenment and made his mark upon my Soul.  His message holds a remarkable place within me and he deserves this special tribute. I know he is aware.”

What is it about the human nature that is so peculiar to each of us when it comes to what ‘reaches’ us?  I know it isn’t the same for everyone.  It seems we have a stubbornness, or a bullish attitude, or some kind of inner stance that necessitates a ‘leg sweep’, bringing us to our own ‘bottom hit’, before something miraculous is able to happen…before we finally grab hold of a perceived threat and get serious within ourselves.  WHAT A SHAME IT HAS TO COME TO THAT!

It’s like we offer up continuous dares to God, Source Energy,the Universe, the Creator, as if our lives were  our own whimsical success story no matter what we did or didn’t do!

Fact!  I have to take even better care of myself.  I have to be even more aware of my surroundings.  I have to realize how imminently connected I am physically with everything and everyone around me at all times.  I have to think more outside the box when it comes to my personal safety.  I have to realize that unseen catastrophes can be averted when I am more mindful living in the NOW.

What I am suggesting to myself is that I need to live more carefully, less carelessly, with less assumption that things are the same more than they are different or changing. The World Is Changing All The Time.   I may not be able to keep up with all of the advances in science and technology and medicine, but I am able to continuously take better care of myself within the societal landscape of my own life.

A neighborhood acquaintance came to my door yesterday…apparently, in total disregard of our current ‘stay home if you don’t have to go out’ ground rules.  I was astonished.  It seemed he came for a social visit.  I immediately asked him to step back and keep his distance…I had no plans to invite him in.  People do strange things!

We’ve been told when we’re behind the wheel of a car, to be a defensive driver.  I think the time has come that we have to become a ‘defensive liver!’  We have to beware and stand ready to take action against thoughtless behaviors of others.  Socially, it seems we are inclined to give leeway to another, giving one the benefit of the doubt, but I think these days are now over.  Instead of being our brother’s/sister’s keeper, we have to be more mindful to make sure our brother/sister is more responsible, by virtue of our own responsibility to self.  We have to always be thinking in the name of the common good.  We cannot be permitting or allowing, in the face of worrying about hurting another’s feelings.  Time has come that we’ve been rapped on the head…or, I’ll say, I feel the rap on my own head…I’ve got to stand up in a different way for my welfare, my safety, my peace and my calm.  IT’S ABOUT BEING MATTER-OF-FACT ABOUT LIFE.

The Times, They Are A-changin’.  I will be more responsible for my place in this world, in my home, my neighborhood and how I view my life.  Life is indeed serious business…it always has been.  Nothing should be taken for granted.

It is good when one recognizes just how precious everything under creation is.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Well and Safe.


‘Now is the time for all good men [women] to come to the aid of their country.’  Does this look familiar to some of you?  It is the sentence we used in typing class.  Why I thought of it this morning, I don’t know…but isn’t it appropriate?

If I’m going to come to the aid of my country, I have to come to my own aid first.  This means back to basics when I think this way.

I turned 83 this past week and I must say, it feels good.  I’ve been on this earth quite a long while.  So much has happened. And, these days, we are experiencing something very new…IT’S A FIRST FOR ME IN ALL MY YEARS.  In all my time, I guess it’s the right time for me to experience this pandemic virus, Covid 19.

Every time is the right time for each one of us.  We all have our own perception of things, we have our own reality, we think peculiarly to ourselves.

TIME. I have as much as I need to do what has to be done.  There is always just enough of it to complete each moment I am alive.   It’s always available to me…like an never-emptying vessel. I have it when I’m sleeping and when I am awake.  I can use it however I wish, to do with as I choose.   I can choose to repeat, or change, or waste it.  I can spend time, I can never save it.  Yet, it’s always at my fingertips.

Time is like a magic wand.  Wherever I place my attention and intention, I make choices and take actions and create my world…all in the time I have.  At the end of the day it’s about ME and how I’ve utilized MY time.  At the end of the day, it’s about what I’VE been up to!

As of this moment, I have a new respect and concept of TIME.  I value it more. It is truly an overlooked treasure. As long as I am breathing, I am ‘in the Grace of Time’.  I am the magician in my life.  I can take time to do anything.

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.  All Be Well.

Closer she comes to more clarity and understanding of what is important to her.  ~Gaya



Life is so fluid, and I keep moving along with it, whether I like it or not.  One thing’s for sure though – my thoughts have to stay current with my days!  This is a mouthful, folks!

When I decide something, it becomes a moot point.  My thoughts bring me to my choices and actions right away. Then, off I go to the races to other thoughts that are determining my Forever Unending Pathway.  Concurrently, I am experiencing contrast – some by my own doing, and some through Life’s presentations.  I try to thoughtfully respond, but all too often I react instead.

I think I keep way too much in my head after I have made a decision about something.    It may be because it’s familiar territory, and it’s easier to chew over the same cud rather than begin again and again, but the fact is, life is a continuous stream of  new experiences.

It is my responsibility to keep up with the fast-paced stream, and I also have to keep myself current with what my attention and intention is.  It’s as simple as that!   I want to know where I want to be in all of the activity.  I pretty much stay out of the fray anyway.  I go where I am interested in going.  I won’t be dragged along by others anywhere.

I guess what I’m pointing out to myself is that this NOW I’m trying to live never has a past or a future, only NOW, and this is just enough for me to handle.

As I’ve gotten older, I can look back to ‘simpler’ times, but why?  Those who came after me never knew of them, they’re living what they know NOW.  And to look back and lament is a warped way of complaining as I see it.

Come to think of it, as I grew up and lived my life, things were moving fast too, and I was learning new things all the time.  I never sat with my experiences and asked Life to slow down.  I mostly thought of the ways to resolve and solve what needed attention.

So, I guess the long and the short of this message is an affirmation that I always have been at the helm of my ship, directing my course, whether I was aware of it or not.  Fast pace or slow, I’m always responsible for my actions and words, and what I create

I am a powerful spiritual being, aligned with God, Source, Universe, Creator.

No one is alone…lest in their thoughts.  Breathe in the healing energy,

and breathe out that which no longer serves you.    It is good to  honor

your inextricable connection to God.   ~Gaya




I am a Wonder of the World.  We all are!

I’ve stated that I think it is good to take our own inventory.  Somehow, this suggests looking at our flaws and frailties so we can get in touch with how we judge others so harshly, which has no place in love.

I come to think now that taking my own inventory ought to be in a loving and kindly way.  Pulling out my goodness and my divinity.  Holding my head up high and proclaiming how special I Am.  Reminding myself that I’ve spent these 82+ years polishing myself up, learning so many lessons, softening my heart, and marveling in the revelation that I am a  spiritual being living in a human existence inextricably connected to, and  unconditionally loved and supported by, God, Source, Universe, Creator, since I became.

I realize I am more than a body and personality and I am stretching my limits and expanding my understanding of Higher Consciousness and Intuitive Wisdom toward more awareness and enlightenment.

I continue to rip off masks of self-deception, and thrill to newfound freedom of spirit.  It’s becoming so much easier to admit “I’ve been wrong”, “I’m trying to understand you”, “I’m listening and I’m interested in what you have to say”, “I care about you”, and above all, “I’ll take that risk!”  in Faith, to enlighten my path.

There are many times my intuition nudges me and I might not be alert enough to follow the needle on my life compass. I can no longer ignore the interconnection of everything.  Why?  Because it starts with me, and how I think; where I place my attention and intention.  I am not separate and apart from anything.  I float in the same stream with the wafting leaf.  I hear and see, as All hear and see me.  We speak the same language:  I AM HERE TOO. WE ARE ALL HERE TOGETHER. WE KNOW THINGS. I ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR PRESENCE. LET US RESPECT EACH OTHER.

Life is a trial-and-error, live-and-learn proposition. Nothing goes unnoticed by Everything that IS.

Blessed Be… To All Be Blessed.  From My Heart to Your Heart.

Kaye continues to tell her story…we enjoy her expression and resolve, as does she.    ~Gaya

I AM more than a body and a personality!  I AM a spiritual being living in a human condition, inextricably connected to, and loved and supported unconditionally by, God, Universe, Source, Creator, since I became.

It has been in this 82nd year of my life that I’ve come to know and believe with understanding the above statement….and Oh, What a Mind-Blowing Comfort It Is!

“Living” in the spiritual sense, is not personal at all.  My Essence, the Soul, the Higher Consciousness, my Higher Self,  my Intuitive Wisdom, is IT!  There is no judgment..there is “the interactive passage of energy between us”, the descriptive definition I first gave to this blog, Liferays.net, almost five years ago…but I didn’t fully understand this when I did it!

“Living” in the human sense, however, is very personal I have thoughts, my attention and intention, which become choices and actions which create my world. This is my personal power and my Higher Self is in constant communication with me, offering information and  awareness and enlightenment to the degree which I can understand it.

My heart is in direct communication with my Essence and these huge forces of nature have continuously supported my human existence toward one end:  To realize my true self.

I realize now that life is  serious personal business.  It is absolutely important that I concentrate on my human connection to my spiritual essence so I can relieve myself of all worry, anger and fear.  There is a Divine Mind in the spiritual plane which I can choose to think about.  This Divine Mind is part of me, and it is up to me to become a part of IT.

How do I go about bringing myself closer to that which created me?  I think it begins with Gratitude and  an acknowledgment of the myriad Blessings which come from a bottomless urn. This way of thinking is a state of being…it comes directly from my heart.  It feels holy.  As I continue to practice this, trying to make the connection, I get glimpses of how superficial and limiting the human existence really is.  All the labels and judgments and programming of  the mind are so inhibiting and restrictive, so fraudulent and withholding.

I become a small-minded person, and I am so far away from my spiritual essence, when I put such emphasis on the worldly things.  Take “Love” for instance.  It is an overview,  not a performance. I see it as an understanding of  ‘live and let live’ joined with the compassion of “How can I help you?”.

I am committing to devoting just one hour a week toward thinking on connecting with the Divine Mind.  Through a Wayne Dyer course I have been introduced to new reading and this will further my attention and intention to this end.  The Impersonal Self,  and The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East (6 vols.).

My spiritual practice is important to me.  I already am realizing the benefits from my conscious endeavor.  In my mind’s eye, I’m a member of a spiritual team which will continue to infinitely love and support me unconditionally.  This is a Powerful Presence.

Each new Awareness presents a New Beginning.   ~Gaya



No question, ‘in the middle of my life’ in my senior years, I am taking a renewed interest in Life and how I’m living mine.  I’m all for making whatever changes which suit my attention and intention.  I want to achieve as much peace and joy in my life as possible.

“Peace” is a big word…and I can see how I instigate myself away from peace when I choose to get involved in another’s experiences.  I know I mean well, but the fact is, just because I think I may have a remedy to be considered, that isn’t to say that it’s workable to another person whose mind isn’t at that same place.  Said another way, maybe I should  listen and offer nothing!  Now that would be a switch!

I think I confuse myself when I think how I define ‘communication’:  The giving and receiving of information between people.  There is more to it than this.  Some people just want to vent.  Maybe they like to be in their quandary.   It’s just something on their mind and sometimes I’m the handy one to receive it.  I think it’s me assuming that because a person wants to say something to me, they’re interested in my response...but they are not!

I recall hearing years ago something like this:  When you’re in a room with a group of people – say 5, as the example – each person is responsible for only 1/5 of the conversation.  I also remember this particular wisdom included that people are very uncomfortable in silence, and what may seem like minutes between talking, is really only a few seconds, and most usually, one of the 5 will begin speaking just to break that silence.  Sit in the silence!

Sometimes when a person makes a less-than-flattering statement about themselves, most usually a listener will jump right in and ‘get them off a hook’.  A person might make a leading comment, such as ” I think I’m way too outspoken, bordering on rude.”  Quick enough the savior will respond, “Oh, no, I don’t think so.  You’re just being honest.”   A manipulation occurred, and there was approval.  The wisdom to this example is to let the would-be manipulator have that last word. Allow people to be responsible for what they say. 

I love looking into myself.  I am giving myself this attention for a reason.  My entire life has been a series of lessons of polishing …allowing me to keep on shining more brightly, making everything worthwhile.  It’s the opportunity to revive some of my greatest moments in gratitude and maintain humility, as I  continue to tweak and make changes that I know enhance me, my character and my authenticity, as I awaken and fill my Soul.

We so enjoy these conversations, Kaye. Look straight into your crystal ball.

You will not lead yourself astray.  We are One and we are Peace and we are Joy.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.




Variety is the spice of life!  Trying something new!  Hearing a suggestion and mulling it over for a while and VOILA’….new ideas come into the brain and all of a sudden another picture is formed.  I LIKE IT!

That’s what life is all about, isn’t it?  Clicking our feet in the air!  Resounding with vigor and intention, “YES!”

I can tweak my life any which way I wish.  I can turn a word or phrase into a painting…it depends upon the descriptive words I use.

I will bring new life into my blog.  After all, everything I write about is about me and what I am doing to continue to fulfill my authenticity.

I invite you to come along with me as I share in yet another way.  If you wish to subscribe to Liferays.net, scroll down to the bottom of the Ease of Living page and complete the form and you will receive emails whenever a blog is published.

I am now observing myself in a much different mode.  This feels interesting and new and exciting.  I am thrilling myself.

We share in this new adventure…we’ve been waiting…it has been

stirring and whirling and bubbling to the surface awaiting Creation.

Leave no stone unturned…it is all in your good timing.   ~ Gaya

Life can be such a hustle-bustle sometimes!  As a ‘woman of years in the “Middle” of my life’, I keep trying to see the beauty, the good, the remarkable, the peaceful, the joyful side of life…it’s what keeps me keeping on!  I’m a proponent of The Law of Attraction, and I make conscious effort to keep  my innermost Self  connected to Source Energy.  I believe  the energy that comes from me is exactly the energy which will be returned to me in life experience.

On any given day, I awaken to the NOW, and usually,  the day unfolds happily to moments of fruitful labor around my house, or from other intentional activities.  I entertain light-hearted loving thoughts.  I forget that my love to others is the greatest gift I can give.  The more unconditional it is, the more powerful it is as it leaves me and finds its way to someone else.  It’s not even a deliberate action by me…it is by nature an extension of me.  I’m not even aware of the many different displays that my love shows.  It just happens when it happens and all is well, until there’s a disruption…a backlash…a crashing sound to my beingness that hurts!  Oh, does it hurt!  Of course, I dig deep into my thoughts wondering how this can happen when essentially I know my intentions are good.

Love displays differently…from a smile, to  any number of simple kind actions – even a spontaneous gift.  When we display our  love to our dearest ones, it is that deep-love connection that kindles our feelings in warm and sincere ways, and there’s no telling how it manifests its goodness.  How, then, can such a selfless action result in hurt?

I’ve come to now believe when I give love it is the giving of Essential Self and there can be no room for hurt or disappointment.  It is when I make it personal, I feel hurt.  But love isn’t personal…it just IS.  It is our natural, essential state of being.   Said a different way:  a person needs money, and I ask “how much do you need?”  The person answers “twenty-five dollars will do”, and I respond, “take fifty, just in case.”   All in good will. All from the heart.  All in the name of love. I have it to give. If it is paid back, this is good.  If it is not, it is still good.

When a person means well, and in good heart acts accordingly, this intention is love.  What the recipient does with a loving gift need not concern  the giver.       ~Gaya 

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.


It’s  a Monday, first day of 365 of  a work week of 52, in a month of 12, which makes up a year… all keeping up with time I claim doesn’t really exist!  I even entitled a chapter in my second book, The Book of Kaye (I AM), “All the time we have is all the time we need.”

This almost sounds like a riddle.  We take time out of our days to do something else, we stretch time to finish a project, we keep track of time as a measure of fulfillment  (baking a cake, finishing college, reaching scheduled appointments, etc.), we regret wasting time, and  yet, we claim we never have enough time.  For something that I claim doesn’t exist in space, I’m using time right now to express myself.

I sit here drinking my ginger-lemon tea, not knowing exactly what’s coming up for my ‘day fill’, and already I can sense I’m wondering about it.  Why wonder?  I live in the NOW!  I’m drinking tea NOW so there’s no going beyond that!  Furthermore, I’m writing a blog about it, so that’s about all of  the ‘NOW’ IN THIS ‘TIME’ I can handle!

And, what about rushing  around ” like a chicken with it’s head cut off”, or multi-tasking,  and all those birds we try to kill with one stone?

No wonder we have phrases like “Stop and smell the roses”, or “Slow down”, “Easy does it”,  “Savor the moment”, and so many more.

When all is said and done, I’m the one who is doing all of this to myself.  It’s for my pleasure I guess…something in my thoughts is giving me the ‘rule’ or the ‘direction’.  Now, I am reminded I recently mentioned in a live stream I was becoming more self-conscious because I was more aware of my thoughts and intentions. This is exactly why I am writing this blog.  To open myself  to more insight and shed more light upon my darkened corners.

I want to enjoy the privilege of living my life with as much peace and joy and thrill as possible.  With this in mind, I want to lose track of time altogether and pull myself inward to the awareness of really ‘being in the moment of the doing’. If I don’t get to it…So What?  All the more reason to Savor what I am into.

   Cherish every single moment as the most important. 

You don’t have to figure out anything more beyond this.  ~Gaya