It’s  a Monday, first day of 365 of  a work week of 52, in a month of 12, which makes up a year… all keeping up with time I claim doesn’t really exist!  I even entitled a chapter in my second book, The Book of Kaye (I AM), “All the time we have is all the time we need.”

This almost sounds like a riddle.  We take time out of our days to do something else, we stretch time to finish a project, we keep track of time as a measure of fulfillment  (baking a cake, finishing college, reaching scheduled appointments, etc.), we regret wasting time, and  yet, we claim we never have enough time.  For something that I claim doesn’t exist in space, I’m using time right now to express myself.

I sit here drinking my ginger-lemon tea, not knowing exactly what’s coming up for my ‘day fill’, and already I can sense I’m wondering about it.  Why wonder?  I live in the NOW!  I’m drinking tea NOW so there’s no going beyond that!  Furthermore, I’m writing a blog about it, so that’s about all of  the ‘NOW’ IN THIS ‘TIME’ I can handle!

And, what about rushing  around ” like a chicken with it’s head cut off”, or multi-tasking,  and all those birds we try to kill with one stone?

No wonder we have phrases like “Stop and smell the roses”, or “Slow down”, “Easy does it”,  “Savor the moment”, and so many more.

When all is said and done, I’m the one who is doing all of this to myself.  It’s for my pleasure I guess…something in my thoughts is giving me the ‘rule’ or the ‘direction’.  Now, I am reminded I recently mentioned in a live stream I was becoming more self-conscious because I was more aware of my thoughts and intentions. This is exactly why I am writing this blog.  To open myself  to more insight and shed more light upon my darkened corners.

I want to enjoy the privilege of living my life with as much peace and joy and thrill as possible.  With this in mind, I want to lose track of time altogether and pull myself inward to the awareness of really ‘being in the moment of the doing’. If I don’t get to it…So What?  All the more reason to Savor what I am into.

   Cherish every single moment as the most important. 

You don’t have to figure out anything more beyond this.  ~Gaya