Peace and Understanding

I’m comfortable where I am.  I’m closer to nature than I have been in years. I can feel that I am going with the flow of my life. I’m meeting people who fit right into ‘my way’.  People around me show me they like my company.  I feel the generosity of others in many different ways, i.e., from a freely offered gesture to be of more help, to actual gifts of sincere budding friendship. I feel my Peace.  I feel my Gratitude.  I feel I belong.  I am happy.  I have joy in my heart.  I’m starting to deeply understand “what is” and it is becoming easier to ‘let it be’. I think there is a ‘Peace of God which passeth all understanding’ and an acceptance of that silent personal Power. I understand the dynamic of making myself happy through visionary accomplishment and achievement and self-fulfillment.

Tomorrow is New Years Eve Day and I’m mindful how I want to revere this particular time of my life.  I have started a new life.  The few constants in my life remain:  My Spiritual Practice, my belongings, my friends, my son and my activities on the internet. I am not a stranger…I feel my connection…my Presence.  My surroundings welcome me too. Each morning I await with anticipation what is presented to me.  I feel my Blessings.  I’m aware I am Blessing my surroundings as well, in particular, I am giving my new home so much loving care.  I am Careful, i.e., full of care for myself and whatever/whomever I encounter.  It feels like I am within a ‘networking circle’.  Information comes to me as I share my needs and interests, and this can be through my thoughts and aspirations as well as verbally.  I believe this is the Universe, God, Creator, whatever you call it, providing what I need.

  • Matthew 10:29-31 Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.
  • I feel complete and competent. I feel uplifted emotionally and spiritually. Little did I know 4-5 years ago when I bought a warm jacket that it’s perfect for this chillier Winter climate!  Unwittingly, I came prepared to this new state and home!

I am building my Faith, it’s inevitable.  LIFE is such a gift. What’s around us is such a gift. Those we meet are such a gift. Every experience we have is such a gift.

“Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

All is meant to be.    ~Gaya

Happy New Years yet to come to All. Stay Well, Be Safe.  Blessed Be to All.





Birth of Consciousness


I can’t write it, nor will I read it, or say it…feel it or think it!  IT all comes from the Universe through us.  From the beginning we have been blessed with prophets, gurus, mentors, knowers, sages…the Holy Information…we still have them walking our earth.  Jesus and Nelson Mandela come to my mind just now.

I think my step mother set such good example for me those many years ago, and it is in these days I’m brought back to her grace and ease and her faith, her exceptional countenance.  She blessed me in so many ways.  It was the best thing my father ever did for me in marrying her and introducing her into my life.  She had that ‘Presence’.

For many years I have accepted spiritual concepts which served me well.  Yet, it is apparent to me now, that when I resonate with a concept, the work begins when I put it into practice.  It is at this time of living the concept that I am beginning to understand…this is very personal work.  It is very holy work. It is work in silence. This work drops the ego at the door, and begins to develop insight and personal application and the outlook is so promising.  Each moment is a gem of experience, without flattery.  It Just Is!

Believing I know something, doesn’t have a permanent place.  It truly is the experience and application which proves the existence of God, Universe, Creator, whatever you choose.  In this process I actually fill up with IT.  The sharp edges are turned, and I receive the ‘Peace which passeth all understanding’ from time-to-time.  It comes in small moments of recognition along with joy. There is an understood  affirmation from within.

I know I am grateful for everything.  There is nothing original.  Be good to yourself and others.  Be kind.  Love what is all around us. This  really keeps it simple, doesn’t it?  There is no need to complicate our lives with input from the outside.  We have all the peace and the way to find more from within ourselves.  Experience life consciously. There is much to be said of Walking in Faith.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Be Safe and Stay Healthy.

There is so much personal power,  from thoughts to choices to experiences.

You create the life you have.   ~Gaya



These days, I’m going for peace, and serenity and equanimity.  One might think this is easy, but it really isn’t!

I live alone and am left to my own devices.  I can choose not to turn on the TV or radio.  I don’t have to say a word to anyone…I can go about my business and shun the world if I wish.  BUT, this isn’t the kind of peace I’m speaking about.  I want peace within the world in which I live.

Peace of mind requires an overall viewpoint of acceptance.  It requires generous thinking…it is living a life of allowance. Of course, dealing with responsibilities in life creates a certain amount of effort, it requires me to change what is.  It requires me to think about what I can do to pre-empt chaos.  This is as simple as changing the oil in my car to avoid engine trouble, for example.  It’s the same thing when it comes to people.  My demeanor dictates  my surroundings.  I am free to do and say that which maintains the space around me. I try to put the best construction on everything without judgment.  If peace is foremost on my mind, then I don’t want to ruffle the waters. I want smooth sailing… I don’t have to go anywhere near the water.

We say, we are in the world, not of  the world.  I can be a contributor to this world I’m in, beginning at my own doorstep.  Peace and calm is a construct of holding oneself in composure.  It’s a posture. It can’t be achieved in arrogance.  In fact, if it is not authentic, it deflates and causes chaos within my mind!

Peace is not achieved easily…it takes time and practice and knowing myself.  It is almost a skill.  I’ve found everything and everyone around me are my ‘peace testers’.  Funny, isn’t it!?  As long as I am given to ‘triggers’ or any kind of dissatisfaction, I am totally aware I always have work to do.  I love this position.  It keeps me humble at the same time I am in such earnest in achieving my intent.

It’s keeping the thoughts at bay.   I say to myself, “New thought, or No thought!”  This works for me.  It tones down the noise in my head which the Ego wants me to tolerate and keep me confused and in unrest.  Isn’t it wonderful we have the capacity to overrule, or override our minds.  We have great personal power.  When we come from the heart, this power exceeds all.  It’s clean and loving and totally well-intended.  What’s outside does not have to enter inside.  We have the keys to that doorway.

There is a Peace of God.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay safe.  Be Well.

Have Faith in your connection to that which created you.  This connection

leads and supports you on your Forever Path.  ~  Gaya


The peace I am feeling these days has to do with tending my own garden.   I am the controller of my thoughts, and it is my sole task to make sure these thoughts go in a positive direction and are in alignment with my intention.  You can’t keep a garden properly watered if you spray in a direction away from the plants!

Glancing over my shoulder, worrying at any level (the greatest exercise in futility in my estimation), comparing my progress in anything to another, and forgetting that gratitude comes absolutely first in order to posture myself in tune with more abundance and happiness, are the most significant distractors from my original intention:  expanding my awareness and continuing to have a fully exploratory experience of the greatness that comes with the huge privilege of living my life.

If I am not on top of my game, mere thoughts that haven’t even solidified into any kind of reasonable pattern can cause me to swerve and diverge, and before I know it, I’m off on a tangent of go-nowhere thinking, which ultimately doesn’t make me feel good. This total distraction lures me away from my purpose if I’m not actively holding myself to task.  You’ve heard when someone says, “Don’t go there” [with that kind of conversation].It’s the same thing.  I don’t want to go there either!  I must stay here!

I have to be an active participant in my life all of the time.  I am responsible to hold myself accountable…thought, word and deed.  This takes attention and intention, a game plan.  It takes sincerity and seriousness about what I have figured out is important to me.  It requires me to follow my own star(s), because I am unique, and therefore, my experiences are also unique.  Since ever, I have been formulating my Forever Path…I’ve made good and not-so-good choices, I’ve solved and resolved, learned, fallen and always risen back up, and there has been a reason for all of it.  I am forging ahead, always looking for more to expand my consciousness.

Clearly, the more difficult my experience, the more difficult the lesson.  My entire life has been by design just for me.  I’m planning it all of the time.  It is becoming easier because I am understanding more, and I am seeing the results of my attention and intention.  There is a rhyme and a reason for everything.

I know I’m doing good when I am feeling good about what I am doing.

“Only you can make an impact on your own life. It has to do

with the wisdom you gain along the way.”  ~ Gaya

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.  Be Safe, Stay Well.



I’ve stated many times that I talk to myself, and I really do believe this inner dialogue is between me and my Higher Self.  The thing is, I have so many thoughts all of the time, and it’s the important ones I want to hold dear.  I’ve discovered how I select which are the important thoughts: I’m nudged to write them down, like in a post, or in my books, or in a journal, or in this blog. I have a Word file which I label Hope and Faith.  I add to this all of the time.  It’s my glossary of excerpts I have written in comments/answers online, and it’s also others’ words which I have found so profound and meaningful to me.

So what am I trying to say?  In my introspection, I know I’ve repeated during live streams that I do them for me as well as for anyone who finds them meaningful and helpful.  Now I’m beginning to think they’re much more for me when I’m trying to get in touch with myself.

Some say it’s through pain and suffering that we find our way as we resolve and solve and triumph repeatedly throughout our lifetimes.  I agree; however,  I also think when I’m quiet and in deep thought because I am searching for some answers, and when I have asked for help in finding my way, these answers seem to appear from me to me.

I’m certain I’ve touched on this theory in prior blogs, but now I’m much more specific to my point. If I can help it, I don’t want to go down the pathway of pain and suffering as a final option just because I’ve neglected to read the signs that are given to me each and every day…and they are in black and white!  My own words!  My own instructions to Me!  My walking my Talk! These are Blessings, it is God-given Grace.

Never to forget I am a Divine Being, living in a human condition.  I have intuition…I know when I am in tune, going with the flow, acknowledging my own inquiry.  I hear it:  “Be still, and know that I am God.”

There is no such thing as being lost, you are your own audience.

When you ask the question, you are prepared to give yourself the right answer.  ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed. Stay Safe and Well.


Thank you Human Brain for leading me to unpredictable places of introspection and learning and growth and expansion of my conscious awareness!

I’m working with Gratitude.  I am grateful for everything good in my life, and this means everything in my life!  Did you notice that I have not conditionally stated I am not grateful for the bad in my life?  Why, because as I’m ‘seeing’ things there really isn’t any bad in my life if I have learned from the experience, which has ultimately meant something good in my life because I am a better person for it!

I see my Spirit Brain as a stream of intelligence  which doesn’t extrapolate from human experience.  It accepts the flow of activity and there is no separation.  It is the Human Brain which makes the distinction of separation.  It is the Human Brain which labels, differentiates, compares and competes for the illusive separation.  It is the Human Brain which concludes there is unhappiness, pain, dissatisfaction, and disruption in the human condition.  The Spirit Brain streams “…merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream”!

Presently there are three individuals in my life which my Human Brain categorizes as ‘difficult to be around’.  Yet, in meditation this morning, I recognized that we are composed of the same stardust.  My Spirit Brain takes no issue…The Intelligence doesn’t qualify or quantify.  The Intelligence just IS and has no problem with anything.

I’m on the ledge of new understanding. A big and very heavy veil is beginning to lift. My Human Brain is trying very hard to lower the Ego to the point that “Everything is as Unimportant as it is Important”…a phrase I coined years ago.  It’s like nudging myself to walk into a room filled with everyone and everything else and just blending in.  No different than adding water to an already half-filled glass.

Enjoy the Privilege of Living Life and Enjoy the Journey as we enter 2021.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe and Well.

Continue to stretch and raise the bar of understanding.

You always know where you are leading yourself.   ~Gaya

It’s interesting… this journey we’re on!  I was speaking to a longtime friend yesterday, and we both exclaimed it was hard to believe we were at the ages we are. ..she 74, I 83.

In my younger years, NEVER did I spend much time thinking on how old I would live to be, or for that matter, what goals did I have in terms of who I wanted to become, what I wanted to do, what path did I need to follow to reach my dreams and goals.

It seems to make more sense now to think about what have I learned?  How do I assess my life and the choices I have made?  Do I really  have any regrets?  Do I wish I could go back in time and have a ‘redo’?

I know I’m grateful that I have followed my journey with a continuous Faith in a Power Greater Than Me.   I know I am thankful that I never gave up on myself…no matter what was happening, no matter what choices I made.  In so doing, I gained a true trust of Self and my resiliency.

I have to work things out myself to clarity and understanding; I’ve come to accept that each effort I make toward this is admirable. I feel the spiritual connection, my Higher Self, my Soul Self, my Intuitive Consciousness.  It’s not about erasing or lamenting the past.  It’s about valuing it for what it has meant to me in my growth and conscious awareness.  What I may have thought were stumbling blocks were actually building blocks!  It’s about thanking God for the many people and events in my life which appeared at just the right moment.

I can pick that one book that started me on a course of independent learning and has served me well right up to now, AS A MAN THINKETH, by James Allen.  Then there was RISKING, by David Viscott, MD., the book that instilled in me courage to step out on the ledge after tallying the risk.  I learned it wasn’t that scary to try something I had never done before.  I also found out it wasn’t about failing or succeeding, but more about having the experience of attempting and living it in the intention.

Right up to this day, I continuously work on issues and triggers and bothersome, even painful,  circumstances with the same Faith that I will make it better…I will have more understanding and clarity…I will have more resolution.  That’s my optimism.

So, I hold on to what has continued to work, and I try very hard to let go of that which can bog me down and restrict me. It’s important to know that I have a commitment to  enjoying the privilege of living life the best way I know how and enjoying the whole process.  This is the growth and understanding and clarity I keep finding, and the Grace which follows when I reflect on just how great life has been.

We are the strength within you, we are your resiliency, your dreams,

your tenacity,  your curiosity, your love and appreciation for

your life and all it continuously offers.   ~  Gaya




My stance is that I am a spiritual being living in a human condition; I am inextricably connected to and unconditionally supported by God, Universe, Creator, Source Energy…take your pick. I believe I chose this continuous journey on my Forever Path, for one reason only, and that is to experience as much as possible which expands my awareness and awakens me to who I am at Essence.

Using my Free Will, I make choices that are peculiar only to me.  My response/reaction to what happens as a result of my experiences is exactly the world I continuously choose to create for my awakening.

I have a consciousness…it is what I call my Soul Self, my Higher Self, my Spirit Self.  It is the Inner Being which sustains me, nudges me, supports me, guides me…it is my Essence.

I think it is my duty to my human Self to take this Life seriously and to enjoy it to the fullest, and as I’ve learned through my many years, it is my thoughts, my attention and intention which exemplify just how seriously I am taking my Life.

I know when I am ‘in the swim of things’…I can enjoy a peaceful calm in an entire day or two…sometimes I can mistake this for tiredness, or boredom, or ‘no action’…but in thinking upon this, I believe it is PEACE.  In retrospect, Life has held such a fast-paced beat to it…a rush, a having-to-keep-up feeling, a don’t-forget-this thought, a do-I-have-enough reminder, etc.

All of a sudden I find myself musing about how things appear to be today.  I find myself wanting to connect to something far bigger than what time of the day is it, or what day is it?  I’m being drawn to a pleasantness in Life.  My attitude has more acceptance, more cum se cum sa, more que sera sera, more ob la di, ob la da.

It is my self-fulfillment, self-satisfaction, self-worth, my countenance which matters…and it matters only to me!  How I view the world and life in it, has to do with knowing what really matters.  This Forever Path I am on keeps nudging me forward.

All is in perfect timing.  My Ego would try to scramble my thoughts, but when I observe them, I can bring myself back to the Peace of God which passeth all understanding.  I am of that which created me…this is the POWER OF MY PEACE.

Everything matters only to me.

Personal solace is consciousness.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  Stay Well, Be Safe.

I’m not going to wait to see what the ‘New Normal’ is going to be!  I’ve been configuring my ‘new normal’ for the past few years as I keep changing myself ‘UP’ and ‘FORWARD’ the best way I know how…and this continues to be with a lot of outside help!

Doesn’t it seem curious that Covid-19 had to present itself, before the world society as a whole had to go into crises mode and begin to take LIFE seriously?

Before this pandemic, we were caught up in the fires in Australia, and the drug pandemic and terrorism and school shootings, to say nothing of our own personal life tantrums, everyday lives, births and deaths which are always ongoing.

Years ago, I was told by a boss  he didn’t think I took life seriously.  This remained a quandary in my mind for years…I really didn’t know what he had meant.  I gave him tribute  in my first book:  “To the late ‘Odie’, who said to me, ‘Kaye, I don’t think you take yourself seriously!’.  I carried his words with me without full grasp for more than 30 years.  This wise man spoke to my future enlightenment and made his mark upon my Soul.  His message holds a remarkable place within me and he deserves this special tribute. I know he is aware.”

What is it about the human nature that is so peculiar to each of us when it comes to what ‘reaches’ us?  I know it isn’t the same for everyone.  It seems we have a stubbornness, or a bullish attitude, or some kind of inner stance that necessitates a ‘leg sweep’, bringing us to our own ‘bottom hit’, before something miraculous is able to happen…before we finally grab hold of a perceived threat and get serious within ourselves.  WHAT A SHAME IT HAS TO COME TO THAT!

It’s like we offer up continuous dares to God, Source Energy,the Universe, the Creator, as if our lives were  our own whimsical success story no matter what we did or didn’t do!

Fact!  I have to take even better care of myself.  I have to be even more aware of my surroundings.  I have to realize how imminently connected I am physically with everything and everyone around me at all times.  I have to think more outside the box when it comes to my personal safety.  I have to realize that unseen catastrophes can be averted when I am more mindful living in the NOW.

What I am suggesting to myself is that I need to live more carefully, less carelessly, with less assumption that things are the same more than they are different or changing. The World Is Changing All The Time.   I may not be able to keep up with all of the advances in science and technology and medicine, but I am able to continuously take better care of myself within the societal landscape of my own life.

A neighborhood acquaintance came to my door yesterday…apparently, in total disregard of our current ‘stay home if you don’t have to go out’ ground rules.  I was astonished.  It seemed he came for a social visit.  I immediately asked him to step back and keep his distance…I had no plans to invite him in.  People do strange things!

We’ve been told when we’re behind the wheel of a car, to be a defensive driver.  I think the time has come that we have to become a ‘defensive liver!’  We have to beware and stand ready to take action against thoughtless behaviors of others.  Socially, it seems we are inclined to give leeway to another, giving one the benefit of the doubt, but I think these days are now over.  Instead of being our brother’s/sister’s keeper, we have to be more mindful to make sure our brother/sister is more responsible, by virtue of our own responsibility to self.  We have to always be thinking in the name of the common good.  We cannot be permitting or allowing, in the face of worrying about hurting another’s feelings.  Time has come that we’ve been rapped on the head…or, I’ll say, I feel the rap on my own head…I’ve got to stand up in a different way for my welfare, my safety, my peace and my calm.  IT’S ABOUT BEING MATTER-OF-FACT ABOUT LIFE.

The Times, They Are A-changin’.  I will be more responsible for my place in this world, in my home, my neighborhood and how I view my life.  Life is indeed serious business…it always has been.  Nothing should be taken for granted.

It is good when one recognizes just how precious everything under creation is.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Well and Safe.


Peace, Tranquility, Equanimity, Silence, Serenity, Unflappable,  Oneness, Wholeness, Connection.  Beyond… way beyond….the Observer,  disallowing any interference.

These were the sensations I was feeling this morning during my meditation experience.  Amazing…Absolutely Amazing.  Let me tell you folks, it’s worth the wait!  It has been my intention to Practice my Spirituality.  In so doing, meditation has become a part of this practice, and I’d be the first to express it hasn’t been easy!  I’ve enlisted the aid of Deepak Chopra, Ram Dass, Echart Tolle… all of whom graciously offer their own experience selflessly.  I listen to podcasts on the subject of meditation, I join free seminars. I’m in a 21-day meditation experience with Deepak and Oprah right now.  Thankfully, I believed their promises that I would be the better for the experience…that my life would be enhanced and my awareness would increase…all toward learning the purpose of why I am here in the first place.

As I listened to Deepak’s words this morning, already in my meditation position, eyes closed, hands folded, I readied myself as usual.  When the time came to ‘begin’, I began to resonate with “I am unbounded changeless self”.   I then began to open up to being changeless and whole, and it slowly made sense that whatever was around me all of the time is that of perpetual change, and subject to all kinds of outside interference and as a human being, I respond and react to what comes to me…Yet…I then saw an aquarium in my mind’s eye, and clearly, the water beneath the surface was still…not moving, not changing…even though the surface was choppy and wavy! 

I am totally grateful for this glimmer-awareness of my Essence…my unflappable Spirit.  The power and strength of this Spirit is unmistakable.  It is that which has kept me from drowning in the choppy waters!

Blessed Be my reassurance that beneath whatever upsets or dishevels me is this Spirit of  Wholeness of Being, which cannot be changed…”a bulwark never ceasing.”

Living life is never in vain.  We provide the stairs and railings, and we ascend as One.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.