Thank you Human Brain for leading me to unpredictable places of introspection and learning and growth and expansion of my conscious awareness!

I’m working with Gratitude.  I am grateful for everything good in my life, and this means everything in my life!  Did you notice that I have not conditionally stated I am not grateful for the bad in my life?  Why, because as I’m ‘seeing’ things there really isn’t any bad in my life if I have learned from the experience, which has ultimately meant something good in my life because I am a better person for it!

I see my Spirit Brain as a stream of intelligence  which doesn’t extrapolate from human experience.  It accepts the flow of activity and there is no separation.  It is the Human Brain which makes the distinction of separation.  It is the Human Brain which labels, differentiates, compares and competes for the illusive separation.  It is the Human Brain which concludes there is unhappiness, pain, dissatisfaction, and disruption in the human condition.  The Spirit Brain streams “…merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream”!

Presently there are three individuals in my life which my Human Brain categorizes as ‘difficult to be around’.  Yet, in meditation this morning, I recognized that we are composed of the same stardust.  My Spirit Brain takes no issue…The Intelligence doesn’t qualify or quantify.  The Intelligence just IS and has no problem with anything.

I’m on the ledge of new understanding. A big and very heavy veil is beginning to lift. My Human Brain is trying very hard to lower the Ego to the point that “Everything is as Unimportant as it is Important”…a phrase I coined years ago.  It’s like nudging myself to walk into a room filled with everyone and everything else and just blending in.  No different than adding water to an already half-filled glass.

Enjoy the Privilege of Living Life and Enjoy the Journey as we enter 2021.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe and Well.

Continue to stretch and raise the bar of understanding.

You always know where you are leading yourself.   ~Gaya