I had a landslide thought!  I keep working with my authenticity, in order to discover the Real Me!  Just the other day I had what I called a final Whew!  The feeling of wholeness and knowledge of exactly who I finally am and whom I finally want to be as I continue to enjoy the privilege of living my life to the fullest.

Well, that was “…..Just the other day….”!  WHO AM I KIDDING?!!!!!!  I can’t even imagine that I actually felt this way! After all, I’ve said time and again, life is so fluid and ever-changing that I might as well not worry about too much –  certainly not expect or anticipate anything –  and try to be mindful and live in the moment! Now, I come to the conclusion ‘just for today’  to quit describing what I think is going on with me!  When I’m open to everything presented to me, and when I view my options as plums to enhance my experience, the day-to-day of things is quite a whirlwind of events  – a kaleidoscope of  learning and feelings…..none to be carved in stone or written in ink!

I’m on an everlasting life journey that had a beginning, but has no ending.  Presently, I’m filling my Higher Self, Soul Self, Essence, with  experience and lessons to carry forward into another existence, again to be filled up, and forevermore.     Now, I want to offer as much quality, authenticity,  vitality and awareness as I can integrate – a continued gamut of feelings, depths of compassionate expression and Love and Respect for myself and all other life, together with an awareness of what impact I might be able to make that can be positive and sustaining as I continue to move through my journey..Always being utterly grateful for my continued Blessings.

I know I am here on this planet for this time in human form to carry myself with ease and grace and love in my heart for absolutely everything and everyone wherever I am.  We are all here for this same grand purpose of individual fulfillment.  It begins and ends with TOTAL LOVE.   I unabashedly continue to solicit my alignment with the Universe to flood my Being with understanding and compliance to this end.  

This is a Noble Intention