My move has been a wonderful experience!  BUT, one thing’s for sure:  I haven’t gotten away from anything about me. In fact, I’m moving toward more about me!

It’s called Baggage!  Whatever issues I’ve had are still mine.  My spiritual practice remains so important to me as I navigate my new life, living in this new NOW…(every NOW is new, of course!). I feel a different aliveness.  I feel a new sense of how I go about ‘things’.  I always want to succeed, whether it’s fixing up this house, making new friends, learning the territory, and in doing this, I’m very aware how I’m tackling these new things.

Having lived in my former home for 19 years, I had become accustomed to my lifestyle.  Now, I’m creating a new lifestyle.  I’m finding new places for things, I have upset my routine. It’s a good thing. 

It is I who created the change, and this is an interesting dynamic. ‘They’ say the elderly don’t accept change easily.  Well, we do when we instigate it!  It’s more like we don’t like being told how and when to do something!  We don’t like surprises!   I’ve said, “Age is no pass to wisdom”.  Now I’ll also say, “Age is a pass to experience.”  No matter what, the more years we have lived, the more experience we have garnered and, hopefully, the more we have figured out about what works for us.

I’ve never loved my life more than this time of my life’  Living life has gotten me ready for living more life! It’s about using  the time I have to do what I want to do.  I appreciate my strengths, and stamina, and interests. The old adage, “If you want it done right, do it yourself” rings a chord these days.

I had lots of help pulling off my move.  My son was exceedingly helpful when we first arrived, and he extended his stay for a few days.  I needed this and was so grateful for his thoughtfulness and aid.  But when he left, I was ready to stand alone and I felt confident.  I drew upon past experience. Independence is a wonderful feeling that hinges with Faith. I have felt the support of the Universe.  I have felt the ease and grace that comes along without push and shove.  I have recognized the synchronicity in my life through this massive choice-experience.  I know I will continue to experience self-fulfillment.

It is true, I am inextricably connected to, and unconditionally loved and supported by, God, Universe, Creator…call it what you will.

Of course,.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay safe and Be Well.