Funny thing, self-confidence.

There are many areas where I am so self-reliant and self-assured.  I take my own dares all of the time.  Yet, admittedly,  I’m still working with my self-worth.

It escapes me how I can state my truth  on my Just Sayin’  “Live” broadcasts every Friday morning, or when I do videos for my page, Just Sayin’  Kaye A. Peters, and for The Royal Society ( and yet,  I’m fully aware there’s a place deep inside of me that needs to be plowed into!

All of my words come forth unscripted from my heart and I feel absolutely comfortable ‘on the air’ and in front of the camera, but I know I have more inside work to do – how?  Because I feel very uneasy when people give me compliments and accolade about what a wonderful woman I am, or how much my words mean to them, or what a wonderful energy I bring with me, etc., etc., etc.

On the one hand, indeed I speak my truth from my heart.  On the other hand, I am as fragile as the next person and this tells me where I must go – deep inside – to get more answers.

I want to be able to accept compliments with confidence – no brag, no ego – with Ease and Grace,  in joy and appreciation to my Creator for the person I know I am so far! I like her…I love her…I’m proud of her…I support her. There are a few more secrets I have to tell myself FIRST! 

I’ve received the nudge to get down to business and I’m ready for the task!   My heart is open, my mind is too.  I have come to the point of no return….it’s exciting, somewhat scary… but to find more treasures which I can surface and toss to the winds will become my pure pleasure.

You’ve heard me tell of how I’ve been singing in the shower for over two years now.  This ties into what I’m saying.  The higher I go on the scale directly relates to my levels of confidence – I know this intrinsically.  Each morning I hit a high note.  Inside I know what it means to me…I know I am ‘scaling my wall of self-worth’  (pun intended)!.  Now that i have opened up my heart, yet again, I know I’m on another progress run to awareness.

This time I’m goin’ for the Gold!  Blessed Be All.