So, I’m creating a new story of my life – the story of a new circle of life I am entering, the story that I feel within me before it has unfolded.  Yes, I am living it as I’m writing it!  Yes, I am a believer!  We see what we want to see – we create what’s in front of us.  My veins are pulsating with the vitality of the whole experience. It’s exciting and new…and wonderful.

I am so excited for my future.  I am beginning so many different things that are touching my very soul.  For one, I’m seriously pursuing a property I will call ‘The Ranch’.   One might say, “Oh, my, what’s a woman of your years thinking?!!!!!!!”   Yes, one might say this…but not me.  Why?  Because when I decided to create this life story, there is no room for critical commentary, self-doubt, lack of faith, scoffing, or the like. There’s only space for faith in myself and my dreams and goals.  I cannot put limitation on this energized movement of my heart and soul or I would be suffocating the very life of what dreams and goals are about!

I believe there is a wellspring inside of me and  every human being and it is bursting to bring forth everything I have ever conceived that stayed with me for any length of time…those things that permeated through my brain, to which I gave conceptual ideas and life.  Then, because I either lost interest, or motivation, or whatever else destroys dreams, the ideas faded away.   The Ranch, however, has never faded from within me…it has languished inside of me since I was five years old, and all who know me well, are familiar with ‘The ranch’!  Who knows what might have happened earlier,  had I entertained ‘possibility thinking’ that carries with it absolute faith in everything I am and all that the Universe means to me.

So, dear readers, let’s take another journey together – it’s part of my spiritual quest, and carries me onward with the total faith in me, my decision-making abilities, and my zest for living the whole experience out to a final conclusion…halted only by results of pursuing my quest…..I have exuberantly taken up the Charge Toward Victory.  2016 is my year of continued action, as I uncover just how strong I am, and how much faith I have in my Universe and myself.  I love the feeling of the thrill of the chase.   I know I can accept whatever the outcome is, knowing I will have given my all, no stone left uncovered, pursuing every act of due diligence with ease and grace.  I know that I will be at peace –  whatever the outcome.

Some things  have to be put to rest…but not without that good fight of faith.  I am in it for the long haul and I may have lost sight of this. Action is where it is at.  Sitting with unrest by hesitation or inaction,  and choosing to stay in a flight pattern of the dream, rather than working toward the reality and achievement of that dream, I might as well close it down and put it to bed right now!  Naw, that ain’t gonna’ happen with The Ranch!  I am exhilarated and full of energy toward this mission.  I owe it to myself to bring this out of my mind and give it life.

I’ll find out soon enough if the house passes muster to pursue further.  It is being inspected in a little over a week.  Excitement builds.  The ducks are waddling into a row.

Oh, the name of the place?   DreamCatcher Ranch, what else?