I learned something this morning which resonated so deeply, it gives me the shivers!

This is what I commented on after listening to a video by Eckhart Tolle:  “Thank you for this thrilling message! To emphatically realize I am not at the mercy of anything of this world! My Presence, my Consciousness, keeps me free from what I would ordinarily have termed pain or unhappiness or discomfort. It is like being in a room where there is a fan noisily running, and I am the on/off switch.”

I have my share of life’s interruptions which throw me off, get me emotionally involved.  There’s no question I’m a happy person these days and I continue to enjoy the privilege of living my life…but, after all, I am always reckoning with the human condition which I believe I chose to experience in order to learn lessons and grow in awareness and enlightenment on my Forever Path.

Then, as faith in my inextricable connection to, and unconditional support and encouragement of God, Universe, Source, Creator, would have it, I heard the words, “…I am not at the mercy of anything of this world!…” from Mr. Tolle.  I learned when I am in My Presence,  when I feel THE CONNECTION, and realize that I can rise above and remove myself from anything to be riled over, I am on a pathway of creating my own life, my own perceptions, my own reverie of my own life. And, it is unequivocal that others have the same governance over their own Presence.

As enlightenment and awareness increase, so does consciousness ever-expand my life horizon and I feel my Wholeness.  What a beautiful experience this world really is.  What a magnificent opportunity we have to enjoy everything about it when we realize all is to our greatest good and happiness if we are able to enjoy our Presence in it.

Here’s to our Spiritual Beingness…Our Presence in this world.

We enjoy Kaye’s expression of her spiritual growth and awareness, as does she.  ~ Gaya

Blessed Be to All.  To All Be Blessed and Safe and Well.