When I give my word, I want it to mean something.  Until this morning, I figured I wanted it to mean something to someone else.  When I make an appointment time, I’ll be there on time, or a bit before; when I say I’ll call you back, I’ll do so; when I say I’m here for you,   I WILL, I AM.  It’s important to me that I be a reliable person to another person.  I know this is part of my ‘integrity puzzle piece’.

This morning, it comes to me VERY LOUDLY,  do I care as much about keeping my word to myself?  On the surface, this seems like such a simple question/answer.  BUT, the picture I have in my mind’s eye has a much more far-reaching scope.

My word ties to my thoughts…My word has a subliminal message that is meaningful only to me…that is, if I want to dig a little for it.  My  ‘word’ actually has placed me at any given time in the setting of a day, week, month, or year(s) of my life.  My ‘word’ as it relates to self-talk, is the truth to myself…my opinion about myself, unless I am careful NOT to believe me!

She’s talking about the ‘unspoken word’.  The thoughts she knows she has had all of her life, her deep down thinking that she now knows confiscated her life for the time she bowed to mistakes in her assumptions about situations, and people.  The times she thoughtlessly participated in activities that were not in her best interests nor to her greatest good.  She is  resurrecting and excavating again to her authenticity how she could misguide herself by her lack of awareness that thoughts have cemented her to the result, as surely as the verbal words of intention, as she knows now  create her life every step of the way.                                                        ~  Gaya

It is important for me to ask the important questions to myself, and even more importantly, make sure I am giving myself the accurate answers.  I am my own parent and always have been, after I reached the age of majority and began to give myself permission.  I don’t want to trip any more than necessary; I want to be able to fully rely upon myself with clear intention.  

I guess when I look back, there really aren’t any surprises as to where I was at any given time…I was following my subtle dictates and desires and whims, without thinking twice as to the wisdom of my actions.  It’s again another Freedom of the Choices that I recognize now I will make with  more attention and clarity of mind toward my REAL INTENTION TO MY LIFE.

There really doesn’t have to be a ‘flip side’ to life, if I steadfastly hold onto the helm of my ship!  My internal compass knows exactly where I want to be headed.  No more unspoken words to myself!  I am capable of giving myself straightforward responses to my straightforward questions.  Straightforward from the heart receives straightforward from Source Energy, My Gaya.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.