Life Choices

Talk about an open-ended question!  “What do you want to make of it?”  And, then again, what a powerful suggestion:  YOU CAN MAKE ANYTHING YOU WANT TO MAKE OF ANYTHING!

I absolutely believe my mind’s thoughts create my world.   I am living one way or another by virtue of my perception of what is around me or presented to me.  Another absolute, as far as I’m concerned, is whatever I say and think comes from inside of me.  So, whatever I am up to, one way or another, is preceded by what is inside of me!  To admit and agree to this necessarily abides total responsibility for where I am at any given time in my life, my day, my thoughts, my happiness, my sadness, my satisfaction or dissatisfaction to everything.

If I have disorder in my mind, I have disorder in my life.  It follows this has not only to do with general orderliness in my home, but also the quality of my restfulness and peace and happiness in my day-to-day living.  I know I have written a blog or two on how  letting my mind wander into territory which has not one thing to do with my well being keeps me from tending to fluidity of my spirit.  I want a healthy spirit, mind and body.  I want to live a Spiritual Practice  of my Faith in what I believe to be the ground-rules of my existence.

If I don’t provide myself direction, where will I find myself at any given time?  If I am learning lessons along my pathway of spiritual questing, do I not owe myself the benefit of these lessons to be using them as I keep on keeping on?   My answer to these questions is, this is the Power I have!  

Living in the NOW requires  an immediacy of action without premeditation.  It takes intentional acceptance within Self  that I am able to provide intentional organizational response and this, in turn, assures connection to my Gaya, which is always in abeyance of my heart’s desires toward wholeness.

What is my Bottom Line?  I am a part of all Greatness of the Universe.  I came to be here in this NOW with aim and purpose, to experience everything I can that fills me up, and never diminish what I already am.

Together, We are Alpha and Omega for eternity.  We are each journey chosen. We are as deep as you wish to go. We are the sunrise and sunset.  We are inseparable.  We Are.               ~Gaya

“We” make “It”!

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.




Go Figure!  My brain is always pushing something out of me!…clever, maybe…profound, maybe…useless? oops! Never useless!

Life continues to amaze me!  The older I get, the more amazing it is becoming…notice that I’m writing in the present tense…nothing about having “arrived” or “figured anything out” for certain!  I have a twinkle in my heart this morning.  Why?  Just yesterday, I followed my nose…IN THE NOW, YOU KNOW…and sat in on a live-streaming show on the internet.  I really didn’t think I’d be staying long…I wanted to watch the host.  Instead, I became mesmerized with the panel of women who were showcasing their talents and success in their individual entrepreneurial endeavors.  My brain was swimming…these young women were sophisticated as they explained what they were up to and how they had figured out their niche businesses.

I couldn’t let it go, and already I have contacted one of them….this is the thing about that spark within me.  Just when I think I have gotten comfortable, and then another ball is tossed to me and in a split second...YES A SPLIT SECOND!...NO TIME TO PUT A THOUGHT OF FEAR INTO IT, ONLY TIME TO KNOW I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, MAYBE ALL TO GAIN JUST FOR ME...ANOTHER CHANCE TO GRAB ONTO THE BRASS RING OF SELF-FULFILLMENT!

That’s it!  I’M A BOOTSTRAP KIND OF WOMAN!  My brain keeps working overtime….and obviously ‘over time’…(these 81+ years).

These fabulous thoughts which produce my actions continue to be wonderful.  They’re not book titles, they are Life Chapters…I did the ‘book thing’… I’m  always DOING the Life Thing!

I’m receiving answers to questions I haven’t even formulated in my head yet!

I’ve pulled up my boots by their straps…They’re made for walkin’…or runnin’ …whatever gets me where I’m wanting to go at the right time, without huffin’ and puffin’…no pushin’ or shovin’.


…And a Good Morning it Is!…And a Good Day it Will Be!  When I feel Self-fulfilled, I Feel the Joy and I Feel the Peace!

I’m breaking into the crust of what Self-fulfillment means to me when I Put My Intention to Doing what I Need to Do to Feel It!  It’s all about choice!

I’m meditating now with ritual.  What this means is that I am following through with a commitment to myself which I made after the 21-day meditation experience with Oprah and Deepak.  I commented online after one of the sessions that I was going to include meditation in my daily routine…and this was because I was feeling the positive results early on.  I wrote down all of the thoughts for the day, and the mantras so I am following that…and this is providing me guidance.

When I hoofed this morning it came to me that when I have truly felt self-fulfilled in my lifetime (and most of these times were when I completed projects…and, of course, the highlight of the feeling was when I birthed my sons) I didn’t have to go for the same experience again! 

Let’s take the first time I refinished a piece of furniture.  This was years and years ago when I was raising my sons, and had very little extra money, so when I wanted to ‘see something different’ in my home, I couldn’t just go buy something from a store to augment my rooms…I had to think of a way I could do it with what I already had.  I could afford a can of ‘zip-strip’ to take off furniture finish, and either paint or apply color stain for my ‘new look’.  That ‘first time’ was like none other! I worked extraordinarily hard because I had no past experience, and I followed the directions to a ‘T’. Everything was an unknown.  I was certainly in the NOW and didn’t even know it!  When the final coat dried and I sat back and admired my work…I was overcome with pride of accomplishment.  I loved everything about it, and the absolute glow within myself of self-achievement and the self-fulfillment that accompanied my whole idea in the first place was ENOUGH FOR ME.  There wasn’t any compliment I subsequently received  that came close to my knowing what I had done and how wonderful I felt about my tenacious attitude toward the hard work to get the job done and looking so good.

Since that time I’ve completed many similar projects, and of course, felt self-fulfilled. When I start out a project I already know I can do the job and I know I’ll love the result. I’m not needing that feeling again…I’m loving the ‘hobby of it”.

I’m trying new things these days…new approaches, new logic.  This is about my eating habits, folks.  I’m experimenting with just what choice(s) I can make as I go for some ‘thing’ or some ‘way’ of doing something.  I’m extraordinarily aware of  how I’m thinking about it…and the cream is rising to the top, slowly but surely.  I’m realizing how wonderful I really do feel when I make a deliberate choice to do something that I know is to my best interest and good and ‘feelings about myself’.   Case in Point:  Each day that I have been making such deliberate experience choices, I am creating a snowballing effect of the feeling of self-fulfillment.  My thoughts are not about depriving myself…my thoughts are how I’m thriving and about how capable I am looking after myself….I am feeling the power…I am feeling the joy of taking the reins deliberately!




The more self-confident I become, the more authentic and less vulnerable I AM.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

I recently saw a clip of suggested ball tampering in Australian Cricket.   Neil Armstrong’s fiasco as he peddled to championship after championship is old news, and the ball tampering with The Patriots in our NFL didn’t go anywhere either.   Back a while there was also the scandal  of ‘stand-in’ test taking in some of our colleges and universities. The banking and real estate debauchery was another ‘prize’ for some, and I haven’t even touched on the investment schemes which have cost many investors their life savings.  Is this the  “Everyone-can-be-bought-for-the-right-price” or “Integrity-be-Damned”  or “Win-at-any-Cost” daredevil trip that is just too alluring and apparently never too steep for those tempting their very souls as they pull the plug on what I call at the very least “the principle of the thing?”

In my naivete’  I’ve come to recognize this is a bigger world in more than one view that I never considered much until now.  Is dishonesty and cheating so prevalent in the human experience that the human being of today is bored with doing something which rewards with self-fulfillment?  Is it the pervasive thought to “win at all cost?’ Has it come to “The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil” and it is proving to be so?

I live in a consumers’ world.   I’ve witnessed for years how gross product shrinks in size and/or quality and costs the same or more.  I live in the world of fixed income. I am forced to pay the price for items I need,  and I guess the manufacturers’ view is,  ‘my gross profit margin will not suffer  and I will stay in business… consumer be damned!’  (And not to forget, we, the ‘damned consumer’ are keeping up that profit margin by continuously buying their undergraded, overpriced product!)

I live in a world where people are clucking from every corner how to do this, or that, to accomplish this or that, to be this or that…the world of everybody-has-THE answer-to-ALL-THINGS-FOR-ALL-PEOPLE!

I now  can understand “Stop the world I want to get off!” or “I don’t want to play this game anymore!”  I don’t understand “I Quit!”  I do understand more than ever that idealist thinking and going back to square one, and getting pleasure out of the little things, and words and phrases like pride, humility, gratitude, integrity, and the heralding of times gone by, most probably fall on many deaf ears.  And, when I’m speaking, maybe I am throwing pearls to swine, to paraphrase another biblical reference.

I now conclude more than ever, I will be more my own counselheed more my own adviceguard more my little world steadfastly, and preserve it the best way I know how.  And I also conclude NOT to fall prey to those in the large numbers of  scam artists. This term isn’t just for the ‘artists’ who want to cheat the elderly and more vulnerable citizen.  I think the real SCAM ARTISTS are those whose GREED has taken them over to the point that their own happiness got thrown under the bus!  Their families have suffered for their exclusive AND ADDICTIVE attention to earning the almighty dollar and then having to EARN MORE AND MORE AND MORE.

Are we now a society that has fallen prey to itself?  The word “sacred” comes to mind.  Is there nothing sacred anymore?  And there’s another word, “sacrifice.”  A person can sacrifice the privilege of living life to its fullest, and shrivel up and die inside, while counting their ‘wins’ –  not realizing their ‘losses’ meant everything to their life itself…. what a long road back to square one.  I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

Blessed Be…and to All Be Blessed.


The longer I live…the more I seem to learn….or, is it the more I remember?  This is a good question!

I have been thinking a lot lately.  I’m facing a milestone birthday of the chronological length of time I have been on this planet [this go-around, anyway]; I have been reflecting more on a lot of different things.  Putting pieces into better place in my Life Puzzle, and also sifting through some of my CONSISTENT GRATITUDES that have lingered with me throughout my life,  because they are HUGE sighs of relief (relief that I ‘made it through’ some of the not-so-good experiences I chose to have)!

Let’s take people who have come into, stayed, and then left during my life.  There are memories that spring into action as I muse the first time I met them, and the last time I saw them or spoke with them.  Most represent a long span of time, and my first impressions are definitely not my last impressions!  No sadness, nor resentment…more, my feelings are, again, gratitude that they came and stayed, then disappeared,  by both of our choices.  People change.

There are others, however,  although newer relationships, that now linger with a sweetness of heart – a kind of love, if you will – that reached me at yet another depth, and grabbed those strings that play the fervent melodies.  Passionate Life Chords that I know play more of a fulfillment of my Being.  (Hard to explain, but I’m trying.)   It must be that I can identify and treasure these feelings because I am ‘ready’ by virtue of my own maturity and increasing spiritual understanding.  It is I who pursue this side of my life now – it is I who have the fervor within me and I want everything I can garner in this lifetime toward my joy, happiness, and peaceful fulfillment.

How many times I have said,  I ENJOY THE PRIVILEGE OF LIVING MY LIFE!  This statement means more every time I utter the words.

IMPRESSIONS!  Whatever makes an impression of any kind, COUNTS! I welcome my pensive feelings as I write my message this day.  I love that I have come in touch with mySelf in this way today.



So, I rise and shine early most mornings, and I’m filled with an excitement for what’s to come this day and every day.   Pretty amazing – this feeling of looking for the corner to peek around.

When I use the word “thrill” in no way do I associate it with a roller coaster ride!   I’m always fulfilling a dream or goal that has been swirling around in my brain.  Case in point, I am now in the throes of trying my best once again – without any push and shove – to fulfill THE dream of 75 years!  Yes, I’m planning to make an offer on a property that will, indeed, become my DreamCatcher Ranch!  The very ‘ranchy thing’ I’ve often referred to in videos and in other blogs.

When the stars are aligned and the Universe brings to us what we’ve been putting ‘out there’, suddenly what I have been picturing in my mind’s eye has appeared!  This is the biggest thing to wrap my head around and now, at nearly 80, I just may be finalizing a huge piece of mySelf, and on the heels of it, I already have the ideas for the projects that will take me onward toward more goals.  There’s a gorgeous Western mountain view toward the sunsets, and early morning sunrises will open my days.  Peace and tranquility, coupled with excitement and curiosity for everything I put in front of me, will hurl me to yet another Forever Path.

I hope  readers will follow my facebook page, Just Sayin’   Kaye A. Peters, where I’ll be updating my progress and experience on this journey and I’ll continue my personal life saga when I make the actual move.  Follow me – I have a young heart and I’m full of adventure and joy….like I’ve said, I always enjoy the THRILL of the chase – and when I’m officially  on this high ride – when the papers are signed, the “For Sale’ sign is in my front yard, and hopefully a ‘SOLD’ sign soon to follow,  I’ll continue chasing my dreams and goals.  One way or another, I love the privilege of living my life –  the thrill in and of itself – always.

I’m coming!….can’t wait to hear the howl of the coyote in the distance and the SILENCE.  Blessed Be to All.  And So It Is, And Will Be.

Greetings All!  I’ve been concerned that I’m spending more of my consciousness on videos that I do for my  Facebook personal page Just Sayin’   Kaye A. Peters, and also for the private group of which I’m an active member, BEROYAL.COM, in The Royal Society,  than on my ‘first born’, my baby, my blog,    This said, I have spontaneously come to this outlet today, because I am ready to share something that belongs to everyone.   I now begin.

My life continues to unfold….I am witness to it all, because  my process is an active introspective learn-as-I-go kind of thing, like an audible or visual journal, if you will.  I’ve come to a joy in my transformation process that goes like this:  What I am observing outside of me, is exactly what I’m thinking and believing on the inside of me!  Thus, if I don’t like what I’m observing, I can’t be liking what’s inside of me either!  I create my world in which I live.  I am seeing others as I think they are by my own definitions of my reality.   So, if I’m seeing ugly, negative, sourness, disharmony, chaos, discomfort, lies, cheating, fear, discontent, that is exactly the reflection of what is inside of me.  I’m not saying I, personally, see all of this..  What I am saying is I’m in touch with the fact that whatever I perceive, is exactly what I am inside!

This is not a fatalistic perception.   I know I can change it and this  provides me with two very important strengths:  I am free to do so, to obtain the peace and  harmony I am now insistent to have in my space around me, and I have the inherent, innate power within me to change myself inside and the space outside that has emanated from within me.

For those of us who find discontent in our lives at any level, where complaining has become a norm and we are out of harmony with oneself firstly, and all of those around us, secondly, we can make the freedom choice to go within and begin to excavate our very nature and make it the truth of exactly who we want to be….inside and out.  I’m talking much more than the glass half-full vs. half-empty!   I am the ideal person to make this comparison because I am one of the most optimistic people….that translates to also being a dreamer!    I’m guilty by self-admission!  Now, I can relegate to the  dreamer inside of me to take hold of the reins of my life, and think and believe within me exactly the way I want the world to be around me.  Keep in mind, by writing this and stating it as my truth, I am ascribing it to me and my life principles as well.

It escapes me why human beings shy away from the privilege of taking full responsibility for their lives.  If we blame others or circumstances  for our failures and unhappiness, we have no power at all – for we can’t change others or circumstances.  BUT, if we see that we are the ones responsible for how we do things, see things, perceive others, judge everything in front of us, we are in FULL POWER to change ALL OF IT!  Do we really take joy in kibitzing our own life and circumstances and philosophizing as a voyeur,  living our own life vicariously, when we could instead enjoy the privilege of living our lives deliciously and harmoniously in wonderment of  that which is right in front of us in all glory and perfection?

Having written this now, I know I won’t concern myself anymore with when and how I provide my messages because I have full faith and trust I will do at the appropriate time and through the appropriate medium of communication that which is to my greatest good and to the greatest good of all others present.

Rose-colored glasses?  No match for authentic.



I’ve been trying to excavate my feelings beneath my words these days…to not only feel the feelings but bring them into the light so I can interpret them.

I discovered how absolutely wonderful it felt (while in the shower, of course) to know  my intention was to get back into my morning routine for my peace of mind.   Clearly, if I have peace in my mind there is clarity of thought that provides me with ideas and words that become the action of who I am and whom I am trying to become.

As I stand at the helm of my ship, and look out into the ocean of my world, it occurs to me that I am always looking for beacons (Liferays, if you will), to shine toward me  to show me some direction.  The life inside me stirs and awakens this naturally, I think….if I can be as peaceful and quiet in my mind to be able to ‘hear’ and ‘see’ the gifts that are being extended to me.  By the same token, I, too, send forth beacons that might find places to shine for another.

I’ve openly stated that I write my blog for me first…  it has served as a rewarding and enlightening personal therapy.  As I intuit the material for each article, I am forced to face my words and live them the best way I know how…always learning, always growing.  In so doing, I absolutely know that I am changing and growing in a good way…I know it’s good because I feel extreme freedom and peace as I journey through the whole process.

The windows and doors I’ve opened have allowed a dimension to my life that is proving to be exhilarating and fulfilling.  I have begun sharing ME with an audience. I am amongst likeminded friends and  I now have another way to send a different beacon from my lighthouse.

As I find  my pathway opening up…I am proof that when I intend to make some change, The Universe flings open and sends to me whatever will be to my greatest good.

There’s a subtle caveat within my enlightening journey, however.   As I  move ahead, there are pieces that I want to bring forward with me.  People whom I love and want to keep in my life….Memories that have flavored my soul and softened my hard corners as I learn to accept love and give love.  I have to be careful when I consider all of this, and more than ever keep my eyes on my compass and look for the beacons that are trying to shine toward me.  I proceed in the Faith that my decisions will be made with total consideration and care to the greatest good of All.
















What an amazing concept I intuited this morning.

I recognize when ‘the synchronicity in something’ coincides with my writing or thinking or speaking.  But,  what if it’s me synchronizing with the Universe!  What if it’s my internal recognition of this ‘familiar connect’ and  I’m ready to move and develop in another enlightened way.?   Maybe it’s the communion of my thoughts swirling with likeminded thoughts and when  these thoughts meet, there’s  a natural surge and awakening.   I like it!!  

I did my New Year’s Eve ‘rest, as I encounter my life’, and in this process had to add a few unplanned-for ‘beats to my rhythm’ as the Alpha Year 2016 opened up to me.  Steady as she goes…. I’m still at the helm of my ship!    I must be reading my compass right, because  each day has provided a bit of a cliff to look over, before I jump!  Fact is, I’m loving the new activity  I have introduced into my life and heart! 

I continue to treasure the treasured parts of last year, and have brought them forward to intermingle and shape and sharpen my new learning and enlightenments.   New friends are coming along too – they’re part and parcel of my Treasure Chest!  I’m Joyful and Grateful because of the plethora of experiences that brought me here….SO FAR…SO GOOD.

There’s no question that all of this is coming from inside Me!   This is but another nudge from that which  lives within me…my Soul…my Life Spirit…my Creator…the Universe…The Source… I have  somehow been able to  swing open my heart with the desire to claim and enjoy the life of loving and receiving love, the life of emotional freedom, the life of authenticity – top to bottom – the life of the Joy and Gratitude I’ve been claiming all this time but not feeling it entirely until now.  I know I’m on a marathon journey…I know I haven’t figured any of this out for sure…but I also know, it’s exciting and liberating and full of wondering what’s going to present itself to me?    I’m still on the elevator, going up, taking baby steps.   I’m keeping my eyes and heart wide open.  There’s a giggle and a skip as I continue onward.


Living Life Is Such A Treasure

Living Life Is Such A Treasure






One way or another, all of my thinking involves CHOICE!  Whatever happens to me requires me to make a decision how I will act or react, what I’ll want or not want… choose to stay or go. Choice is Freedom…Freedom is Power! Power over my life, NOT OVER OTHERS’.  Power over  what I want to accomplish, become, or complete.  I’m not referring to projects I  started and chose to abandon.  More specifically, what components toward my life’s destiny do I want to complete?


There are myriad possibilities and opportunities for me to consider….IT ALL DEPENDS UPON ME…Not who raised me, not who hurt me, not even who loves me…IT DEPENDS UPON HOW MUCH I LOVE MYSELF AND HOW MUCH I LOVE OTHERS.

I feel this  Freedom of powerful choice…  my wings readying for flight….my mind swirling with more Joy and more Gratitude  for the privilege of being alive and wanting to peek around a corner, over the cliff (not so much, I’m afraid of heights, but you get the idea!)…..asking questions, considering more ideas, developing new thinking and continuing to open my mind and heart just because I’m alive and am free to do it just for me!

I feel powerful… I am exuberant. These powerful feelings are  peculiar only unto me and  my happiness.   I am want for words and understanding how an iPhone can overtake the wonderment of life and the privilege to live it.

No need to intellectualize, criticize, or externalize….mine is to prioritize, maximize, minimize, accentuate, eliminate what does or doesn’t fit into my vision for my personal fulfillment and completion toward my destiny.  A part of my journey…the marathon of my life.

No pressure…all excitement and enthusiasm to feel what I feel and do what I’m able to thoroughly enjoy Life’s Bounty!

At the end of the day, I am after all, a woman born of privilege and I’ve never realized it more than right this moment.


My Life, My Choice

My Life, My Choice