Go Figure!  My brain is always pushing something out of me!…clever, maybe…profound, maybe…useless? oops! Never useless!

Life continues to amaze me!  The older I get, the more amazing it is becoming…notice that I’m writing in the present tense…nothing about having “arrived” or “figured anything out” for certain!  I have a twinkle in my heart this morning.  Why?  Just yesterday, I followed my nose…IN THE NOW, YOU KNOW…and sat in on a live-streaming show on the internet.  I really didn’t think I’d be staying long…I wanted to watch the host.  Instead, I became mesmerized with the panel of women who were showcasing their talents and success in their individual entrepreneurial endeavors.  My brain was swimming…these young women were sophisticated as they explained what they were up to and how they had figured out their niche businesses.

I couldn’t let it go, and already I have contacted one of them….this is the thing about that spark within me.  Just when I think I have gotten comfortable, and then another ball is tossed to me and in a split second...YES A SPLIT SECOND!...NO TIME TO PUT A THOUGHT OF FEAR INTO IT, ONLY TIME TO KNOW I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, MAYBE ALL TO GAIN JUST FOR ME...ANOTHER CHANCE TO GRAB ONTO THE BRASS RING OF SELF-FULFILLMENT!

That’s it!  I’M A BOOTSTRAP KIND OF WOMAN!  My brain keeps working overtime….and obviously ‘over time’…(these 81+ years).

These fabulous thoughts which produce my actions continue to be wonderful.  They’re not book titles, they are Life Chapters…I did the ‘book thing’… I’m  always DOING the Life Thing!

I’m receiving answers to questions I haven’t even formulated in my head yet!

I’ve pulled up my boots by their straps…They’re made for walkin’…or runnin’ …whatever gets me where I’m wanting to go at the right time, without huffin’ and puffin’…no pushin’ or shovin’.