
I AM more than a body and a personality!  I AM a spiritual being living in a human condition, inextricably connected to, and loved and supported unconditionally by, God, Universe, Source, Creator, since I became.

It has been in this 82nd year of my life that I’ve come to know and believe with understanding the above statement….and Oh, What a Mind-Blowing Comfort It Is!

“Living” in the spiritual sense, is not personal at all.  My Essence, the Soul, the Higher Consciousness, my Higher Self,  my Intuitive Wisdom, is IT!  There is no judgment..there is “the interactive passage of energy between us”, the descriptive definition I first gave to this blog,, almost five years ago…but I didn’t fully understand this when I did it!

“Living” in the human sense, however, is very personal I have thoughts, my attention and intention, which become choices and actions which create my world. This is my personal power and my Higher Self is in constant communication with me, offering information and  awareness and enlightenment to the degree which I can understand it.

My heart is in direct communication with my Essence and these huge forces of nature have continuously supported my human existence toward one end:  To realize my true self.

I realize now that life is  serious personal business.  It is absolutely important that I concentrate on my human connection to my spiritual essence so I can relieve myself of all worry, anger and fear.  There is a Divine Mind in the spiritual plane which I can choose to think about.  This Divine Mind is part of me, and it is up to me to become a part of IT.

How do I go about bringing myself closer to that which created me?  I think it begins with Gratitude and  an acknowledgment of the myriad Blessings which come from a bottomless urn. This way of thinking is a state of being…it comes directly from my heart.  It feels holy.  As I continue to practice this, trying to make the connection, I get glimpses of how superficial and limiting the human existence really is.  All the labels and judgments and programming of  the mind are so inhibiting and restrictive, so fraudulent and withholding.

I become a small-minded person, and I am so far away from my spiritual essence, when I put such emphasis on the worldly things.  Take “Love” for instance.  It is an overview,  not a performance. I see it as an understanding of  ‘live and let live’ joined with the compassion of “How can I help you?”.

I am committing to devoting just one hour a week toward thinking on connecting with the Divine Mind.  Through a Wayne Dyer course I have been introduced to new reading and this will further my attention and intention to this end.  The Impersonal Self,  and The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East (6 vols.).

My spiritual practice is important to me.  I already am realizing the benefits from my conscious endeavor.  In my mind’s eye, I’m a member of a spiritual team which will continue to infinitely love and support me unconditionally.  This is a Powerful Presence.

Each new Awareness presents a New Beginning.   ~Gaya



What an eye opener!  Why do tears erupt without warning anyway?  Why, when something joyful happens can I be brought to tears?  Why, when I see an intimate love scene in a movie do I erupt with emotion?  Why, when the horses are running am I crying as they pass the finish line?  Where is this emotion coming from within me?  What is my Soul trying to tell me?  Am I reacting to some guilt or shame?  I don’t think so.  Am I longing for the warm feelings of demonstrative love?  Am I dealing with pent-up love  inside me that I haven’t been able to express all these many years?   Have I come to overflow…  Are these unpredictable tears a spilling out of the love inside me that triggers when I witness feelingful emotional events?  If so, I need to level my playing field!

When have I felt authentic love?  When have I felt someone loved me just for me? Unconditionally?  Good questions, all.

Now my work begins!   Mindful of the mirror, now I really begin to go inside.  It feels like a slippery slope, but I have to admit, there’s a stir within me to get that worm can opened.  I know whatever I discover is not worth keeping under wraps!

Living alone as I have for many years does create biased ways of looking at some things.    The floodgates of my emotions have opened, and  I don’t feel at my wits’ end….I don’t feel crazy….I’m not in a fetal position of fear. I’m  wide-eyed and bushy-tailed and ready for bear….even my oft’ referred- to Kodiak one!

What perfect timing…day before my New Years Eve tradition.   The very time I treasure to be ‘at rest as I encounter my life’.  How exciting!  Lots to think about and try to figure out….not going to happen overnight, of course.   I am experiencing a huge relief in knowing I am pursuing to my greatest good.



I’ve just entered this elevator, and there are no numbered floors.  There’s a button to push and it’s my responsibility to label it.

First Floor, always be kind.  Kindness comes in all shapes and sizes…it could be a smile or a wink… it could be helping a disabled person with a door…it could be just hoping for the best for someone…it could be listening and supporting another’s pathway…it could be the  swelling tears in my eyes realizing that something has seen fit to enlighten me and I’m resonating with it… it could be taking a deep breath of ‘I Love Myself’ and not be so critical of my shortcomings…it could be allowing others to enjoy their lives in their way, without any input from me!…and it is so much more.

I’m learning I don’t know much for sure …. except, I know my Joy and Gratitude for the privilege of living this generous life;  I know this is another beginning for me in my Spiritual Quest.   I know when I feel love,  I know when I give love, and I know when I’m receiving love from someone else. I can only hope I give the same feelings to everyone else whom I love.

I don’t want to carve anything in stone….nor write anything in ink.  And, I don’t want to hold anyone else accountable in that way either.  Life is so fluid, changing second to second, and I’m realizing now it’s all I can do to keep up with this fluidity and motion.  This concept is absolutely freeing to me.  Weights are lifting; there’s a window shining light into  some of my darkened rooms, and I’m straining to see and feel as much as I can.

Although this is  new to me,  it’s not as much  a breakthrough, as it is a plunge-into…..and there’s no going backward.

This is the pathway of .  I  beckoned, and am now accepting,  my own invitation which I stated in my About Me page…..”Let’s Walk this path together and share our Life Rays.”

My intention is to engage with My World…A new step off the cliff of fear and the unknown  into the expanse of stars and endless pure space.   I’m not here to instigate others’ worlds, just navigate and situate my own.    I feel the wind at my back.  This is My Ship, This is My Helm.

Explosion of Life

Explosion of Life

Dedicated to the removal of Self-Doubt

When I continually  feel the resonance of Peace and  Calmness within me…When I conscientiously conduct myself with poise, posture and humility never to disgrace myself or another… When facing an adversary I acknowledge  “it doesn’t matter to me or my life…it matters to that life” and believe it ….When it is no longer necessary to raise my voice out of weakness…When a scale does not set the standard of my self-esteem or self-worth…When I stop looking outside myself for my answers…When I trust myself and have unequivocal self-reliance and Faith which dictate my decision making…When I don’t shrink from my responsibilities to myself or anyone else…When I recognize I need help and turn to the source for that help… When I know I feel love sincerely for all fellow human beings and freely demonstrate these feelings by extending my hand in friendship and caring for their welfare…When I thrill to the notion of living life with abandon, albeit responsibly and self-confidently.…When I stop dreading anything,  knowing I will never face the imagined Kodiak Bear!… When I am always in awe of the Magnificence of the Universe and my place in it…  When I take my daily steps  into the unknown,  deliberately planting my feet with anticipation, excitement, wonder and  welcoming affirmation toward whatever unfolds, knowing and accepting all is ultimately for my best good and growth…When I thank everyone  from my past  and  current experiences again and again for the opportunities that have been afforded me just for the taking, and By the Grace of God…When all of my words and actions are inspired by my  generous heart with no reservations nor expectations…When the words “doubt”, “can’t”, “never”, “always” “hate” or any other word of negativity, restriction, dissatisfaction or judgmentalness  are  passé to me…When at the end of each day I look forward  to bowing my head in humility and integrity, honoring my Creator and being Thankful for the Privilege of Doing My Best Every Day Of My Life to OUR’ SATISFACTION…And, finally…to paraphrase Patrick Overton:

When I come to the edge of all of the light I have, and must take a step into the darkness of the unknown, I will believe that one of two things will happen:  Either there will be something solid for me to stand on – or I will be taught how to fly!




I can’t believe I forgot to include the mother of my step granddaughters when I wrote Matters of My Heart.  Without her, my life would not be on this tremendous path of fulfillment, enjoying an extension of my family with step grandchildren.

This generous woman unselfishly allowed me to scoop up her daughters to love and cherish.  Many years ago she gave me a Christmas gift of a handmade cross-stitched wreath, and it has held the equally sacred place amongst those other treasures which I’ve brought with me along my life’s journey….only this one stays boxed with my Christmas decorations to continually don my diminutive Christmas tree.

The last couple of years I’ve been downsizing my home, using one criteria:  Keep it if I love it or get rid of it!  As my eyes meander throughout any room everything seems to have a story, and I feel like I’m around intimate friends and close family.  It’s comfortable and peaceful, like sitting on a porch swing in a Fall breeze.


One Stitch [back] in Time!

One Stitch [back] in Time!

I’m joyful and grateful for all that I have and don’t have.


My interpretation…  my “nod”, if you will…. forms who I am and what I think.

All these many years I have anointed a select few with my ‘respect’ and credited them with enlightening me, correcting my path,  and caring enough for me to bother to  ‘try’ to reach me.   I now know that it is every single event, happy or sad, devastating, painful or joyful, and every single person in my life, that  are responsible for bringing me to  who I am today and whom I will become in the future.  I am a fluid being, growing all the time, learning all the time and loving all the moments of the student/teacher circle of my life.

I now can feel compassion, forgiveness, and am moving toward love, for those who did not have my best interests at heart and I feel sorry that they had to go to such lengths to fulfill their path of learning, and at the same time, I am grateful they were the teachers in my path of learning.  By the same token, I forgive myself for having strode my path at anyone else’s expense and I’m saddened I was at such a low ebb in my life at those times.   I have suffered my own pain as a result of my choices, and I’m more than aware I’ve experienced myriad life’s learnings the hardest of ways!

No question, when I began to trust my own intuits, I entered the world of my Spirituality, my Quest for meaning of my Creator, my Universe, my Being here, my Lessons , my Joys and my Gratitude, as they all relate to me and those I encounter in this world… in this time.

Keeping my own counsel is a huge intention for me because I’m a talker and a writer.  I know this is the right time in my life to present my Blog.  I’m experiencing a wonderful journey of expressing and receiving new learning.  I’m finding out I am who I am  for TODAY.    Life is about change, and I’m experiencing great comfort as I open and explore  unknown horizons.   I now trust my heart and my soul….my all-knowing Essence.

My friend is an artist….she painted a rock for me when she was here.  I see  Sun, Sky, Clouds, Seagulls, and Water.



Enlightenment and Freedom.

Not Your Ordinary Rock!

I’ve referred to my three step-granddaughters, and how much I love them.   I don’t know how I’ve gotten along without their presence in my life for the better part of  the last 28 years!

In another lifetime,  I was in a 5 1/2 year relationship with their grandfather.   It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that we kindled ties. They’ve all come to visit…one of them twice… and there are plans for a November visit this year and an April visit in 2016!  These cherished women are my loving and extremely loved extended family… right beside my son!  He knows them, of course,  and makes a point of seeing them when they’re here.

All this time, we have been in each others’ hearts and it feels so comfortable and natural.  As I reflect, I should have known there was a significance to the “Pampered Chef” apron I’ve donned all these many years  and, the tiny hand-painted china jewelry jar that I fondly place on my dresser, and not to forget, a miniature figure of a grey cat which I’ve always imagined to be the perfect inclusion in a terrarium, along with small rabbits and a squirrel!  These treasures have had their place alongside a leather cowboy boot key chain that holds a cigarette lighter given to me by my son so very long ago.

Pieces of My Heart

Pieces of My Heart

‘…God works in mysterious ways…his wonders cease to perform.’   I now  look back on the relationship that disappointed me so, and thank my LUCKIEST OF STARS!  But for that relationship, I don’t believe I would have had the boundaries of  my life’s fulfillment thrown open this wide!

I wasn’t able to see what the Universe had in store for me…but I’m sure…more than ever before… that everything that happens in my lifetime has a purpose and moreover, it works toward my greatest good! 

I’m utterly grateful again that Providence… God… the Universe… took the reins and led me to yet another magnificent Wonder of My World!