
So, I rise and shine early most mornings, and I’m filled with an excitement for what’s to come this day and every day.   Pretty amazing – this feeling of looking for the corner to peek around.

When I use the word “thrill” in no way do I associate it with a roller coaster ride!   I’m always fulfilling a dream or goal that has been swirling around in my brain.  Case in point, I am now in the throes of trying my best once again – without any push and shove – to fulfill THE dream of 75 years!  Yes, I’m planning to make an offer on a property that will, indeed, become my DreamCatcher Ranch!  The very ‘ranchy thing’ I’ve often referred to in videos and in other blogs.

When the stars are aligned and the Universe brings to us what we’ve been putting ‘out there’, suddenly what I have been picturing in my mind’s eye has appeared!  This is the biggest thing to wrap my head around and now, at nearly 80, I just may be finalizing a huge piece of mySelf, and on the heels of it, I already have the ideas for the projects that will take me onward toward more goals.  There’s a gorgeous Western mountain view toward the sunsets, and early morning sunrises will open my days.  Peace and tranquility, coupled with excitement and curiosity for everything I put in front of me, will hurl me to yet another Forever Path.

I hope  readers will follow my facebook page, Just Sayin’   Kaye A. Peters, where I’ll be updating my progress and experience on this journey and I’ll continue my personal life saga when I make the actual move.  Follow me – I have a young heart and I’m full of adventure and joy….like I’ve said, I always enjoy the THRILL of the chase – and when I’m officially  on this high ride – when the papers are signed, the “For Sale’ sign is in my front yard, and hopefully a ‘SOLD’ sign soon to follow,  I’ll continue chasing my dreams and goals.  One way or another, I love the privilege of living my life –  the thrill in and of itself – always.

I’m coming!….can’t wait to hear the howl of the coyote in the distance and the SILENCE.  Blessed Be to All.  And So It Is, And Will Be.

Here, it’s the day after Thanksgiving Day, my absolute favorite of holidays, and I’m beginning to solemnize the coming countdown to the end of the year!

I don’t exactly remember how I started this personal tradition – it was many, many years ago – but it has become an ever so  sweet ‘encounter with my life’ as it  unfolds each past year.  There’s nothing sad about it.  There is a ‘tickling look around the corner’ , and  a standard of personal pride, as I recollect my projects and/or accomplishments, my spiritual ‘questations’, new learning, overcoming whatever challenges that had presented, and my general “Peace in the Valley”, here in Arizona.  It took me about 21 years to return, and now I’ve been here another 25 years, where I absolutely belong and thrive!

Actual New Year’s  Eve presents itself to me as a ‘rest’.  I start my process early evening, and sometimes it lasts several hours…or conversely, it can last only 20-30 minutes.  I think the duration may be directly related in part to my advancing age.

When I was younger I used to look back 10 years and forward 10 years.  I’d gently reflect my past – never came up regretting a thing! – and projected the coming 10 years –  setting out dreams and goals and ideas how I wanted my life path to wend.  Nothing was ever written in ink!  As I aged, the 10-year span lessened to 8 and then 5.   But,  last year I pulled myself up short!  I became quite unsettled in the notion that due to my actual age, I might not have 5 years to project!  For a time, my joy came to an abrupt halt!  Couldn’t I have any more dreams and goals?  Couldn’t I be wishful and even romantic in my mind as I placed one foot in front of the other on my path?  Was I so near the end of my human life that I was left to ‘settling for’ and making plans for my restriction, not my freedom of living?  Thankfully, this horrifying thinking was short lived!

Of course, I had a life in front of me…the same life with the same unknown future length of time! It became easy for me to ‘rest’ again, and review my past 5 and unknown future 5 years, without any intimidation or hesitation, as I formulated my goals and ideas and ‘forever  path’.  I laughed at myself for even entertaining such  paralyzing thoughts!  Fact is, I’ve never known when my time will be up, and never will, so I’ll just keep living ’till I’m stopped!

I’m looking forward to ‘resting’ this coming yearend as I gather all the wonderful memories and ongoing experiences I’ve already accumulated – all of which are new to me – ever!   When I peek ahead, I am aroused by the excitement which builds within me –  not unlike anticipating Christmas morn when I was a youngster –  as I begin to exercise my Magical Thinking and let loose  that side of me where absolutely anything and everything is possible!

By the time New Year’s Eve arrives, I’ll be ready….and  the twists from my magical thoughts will soar into the Universe much to my delight.

Watch Out World, Here I Come!

Ready or Not

Ready or Not


Black and White Thinker!  I can’t deny it has always been easy for me to make it an “either/or” situation.  Life seemed to be so much tidier when I  wrapped it up in a neat bow of ‘cut and dried!’

Today, life  is more than adding the ‘Gray” word.  The inclusion of “Could” and “If” can expand everything.  If I use more words of positivity, there could be more possibility thinking.

If I could  look at things ‘another way’; that is, if I allow my eyes to see that clearly,  I will need a huge dose of patience and insight because without it, there could be less room for open-mindedness and clarity of thought.

Thoughtfulness before verbal expression!  This requires me to slow down and  choose my words carefully.  When I am around others,  I want to extend my sincere interest and support, compassion, understanding, uplifting mindfulness and deliberate effort.   I want my presence to be celebrated not tolerated (to quote a dear friend).

If I want to make a positive difference in my world,  I choose to take  a more-give-and-less-take view,  and not  focus on how big a difference I make, but instead, consider if Could make any helpful and positive difference at all!

Living alone, making my own rules within my four walls, has unwittingly provided fertile ground  for close-mindedness and minimal consideration of other viewpoints and ideas.   I want to expand my thinking as I move toward continuous personal growth.

Life is anything but Black, Gray and White! It’s a kaleidoscopic blend of love, faith, hope, dreams, goals, joy, gratitude, wisdom, harmony, sadness, gladness, expectation and disappointment within all of us…… in this Whole Wide World.

 The Beauty of Life

The Beauty of Life