Here, it’s the day after Thanksgiving Day, my absolute favorite of holidays, and I’m beginning to solemnize the coming countdown to the end of the year!

I don’t exactly remember how I started this personal tradition – it was many, many years ago – but it has become an ever so  sweet ‘encounter with my life’ as it  unfolds each past year.  There’s nothing sad about it.  There is a ‘tickling look around the corner’ , and  a standard of personal pride, as I recollect my projects and/or accomplishments, my spiritual ‘questations’, new learning, overcoming whatever challenges that had presented, and my general “Peace in the Valley”, here in Arizona.  It took me about 21 years to return, and now I’ve been here another 25 years, where I absolutely belong and thrive!

Actual New Year’s  Eve presents itself to me as a ‘rest’.  I start my process early evening, and sometimes it lasts several hours…or conversely, it can last only 20-30 minutes.  I think the duration may be directly related in part to my advancing age.

When I was younger I used to look back 10 years and forward 10 years.  I’d gently reflect my past – never came up regretting a thing! – and projected the coming 10 years –  setting out dreams and goals and ideas how I wanted my life path to wend.  Nothing was ever written in ink!  As I aged, the 10-year span lessened to 8 and then 5.   But,  last year I pulled myself up short!  I became quite unsettled in the notion that due to my actual age, I might not have 5 years to project!  For a time, my joy came to an abrupt halt!  Couldn’t I have any more dreams and goals?  Couldn’t I be wishful and even romantic in my mind as I placed one foot in front of the other on my path?  Was I so near the end of my human life that I was left to ‘settling for’ and making plans for my restriction, not my freedom of living?  Thankfully, this horrifying thinking was short lived!

Of course, I had a life in front of me…the same life with the same unknown future length of time! It became easy for me to ‘rest’ again, and review my past 5 and unknown future 5 years, without any intimidation or hesitation, as I formulated my goals and ideas and ‘forever  path’.  I laughed at myself for even entertaining such  paralyzing thoughts!  Fact is, I’ve never known when my time will be up, and never will, so I’ll just keep living ’till I’m stopped!

I’m looking forward to ‘resting’ this coming yearend as I gather all the wonderful memories and ongoing experiences I’ve already accumulated – all of which are new to me – ever!   When I peek ahead, I am aroused by the excitement which builds within me –  not unlike anticipating Christmas morn when I was a youngster –  as I begin to exercise my Magical Thinking and let loose  that side of me where absolutely anything and everything is possible!

By the time New Year’s Eve arrives, I’ll be ready….and  the twists from my magical thoughts will soar into the Universe much to my delight.

Watch Out World, Here I Come!

Ready or Not

Ready or Not