

Each person has their own brand of quarreling when it comes to their individual happiness.

I lived on the desert when I first moved to Arizona, 27 years ago…I liked the houses far apart.  I happen to like the ranchy look – hay bales, chickens in the yards, an old relic tractor standing out front and other memories of ‘how the west was won’ – maybe a wagon wheel (off a covered wagon, I hoped), and a horse barn topped it all off.  Soon enough contractors bought up lots of the land and before I knew it, housing developments started creeping in and ‘the look’ was gone.  At that time this was, perhaps, the most important thing happening in my life.  This may appear pretty shallow to some, but we’re speaking of my individual happiness here.  There was nothing I could do about the encroachment.  Another reason took me away, but for a fact, looking back those many years, I couldn’t have remained because the landscape changed more than I wanted to.

So, I come to this:  When I am disgruntled or dissatisfied with something, do I make a scene about it?  I’ve never questioned whether my behavior challenged any amendments of the United States Constitution.  I guess I’ve always felt I was free to do and say what I wished, trying not to cross personal boundaries (admittedly guilty at times), or violate laws.  Many have cautioned me through the years to keep my opinions to myself, insinuating that my opinions may cause dissension among family members, perhaps, or maybe just plain embarrassment for others.  I don’t believe I ever felt I was challenging ‘the establishment’.  Exercising who I was as a person was never a ‘statement of my freedom privilege’.

These days I am trying first to be true to myself, to my ideals, my principles, my integrity.  Since my son took his life almost 6 years ago, I became more serious about almost everything that pertained to me.  I became even more introspective.  I began to subjectively take areas of my life that I knew I disliked, and I decided to do whatever it took to make the changes within myself that would benefit me and everyone around me.  This is work, but it’s worth it.  I’ll tell you something – there really hasn’t been much time for my mind to be distracted by others’ drama (and there’s plenty to notice) while I keep my nose to my own grindstone.

Many defend their actions based on principle.  It’s everyone’s right to defend their principles.  The question is, does it have to be a public statement?  Or, can it be no different than when we do a good deed for another when no one is watching and we don’t mention it later either?  Can it be done in the confines of our home as we teach our children what we think is right and honorable?

Everything we do gives us learning lessons.  Human beings have been living by the trial-and-error method forever.  It seems we can be very stubborn and self-absorbed.  Thankfully, there seems to be evidence of a slight shift of the heart.  Are people finally beginning to see the dynamic between their level of self-love and self-care as it relates to their ability and level of care and concern that they are capable of having for anyone else around them?  Unmistakably there is the correlation, and no attempted change of anything on the outside can happen until change on the inside takes place.

I have so many ideals and ideas I want to consider, all to the end of my own self-fulfillment and awareness around my privilege of living the best life I can live.  I’m proactive for me.  I am no stoic.  I am a freedom fighter and I have never felt my rights have been violated.

I think it is a huge privilege of life in these United States to earn hundreds of thousands – even millions – of dollars a year, playing the sport one loves to play.  I’ve never heard of any racial discrimination toward anyone who can play the game exceptionally well.

Personal decorum, decency and dignity – very personal, indeed.  I am entitled to my opinions, and I make no judgment –   neither does Karma.  Blessed Be All.



What on earth?!  I’m imagining  butterflies emerging from the chrysalis flying around me in all different colors – the most prevalent is the Monarch, the King of butterflies; common to many, strong as strong, making its migration every year in concert rhythm to nature’s symphonic overture to a new life.  This butterfly has four stages in its life cycle, and lives four generations in one year.  I am not intending a primer on the life of a butterfly, but I intimately  understand the association with it to starting a new life and freedom.

For years I have associated every significant event as a life within my life.  Considering this,  I have lived many  lives in these almost 80 years of [this] life.

Summarily, in the past 18 months alone I can include another 5 or 6 lives!   I’d be hard-pressed to try to total all of these lives from,  let’s say, 3 or 4  years old – the beginning of my memories –  moving to different houses, attending different schools, growing up and starting college, my many jobs, creating my executive search firm, 3 marriages, two children, 3 divorces,  and so on and so on.  I’m sure it could reach over 60!  Not surprising, then, at this particular time of my life there are butterflies in my mind!  My goodness, what a life cycle I am having!

Ever-new experiences, living my freedom, fulfilling myself in honor to my creator, the Universe, of which I am a part and in which I thrive as a spiritual being in a human condition,  IS my existence……my privilege of living life.

There is no net that can gather me up, nor crush my essence.  There is no word that can quench my words of my own truth.  I will always view my life as perpetual cycles of newness… more growth and more enlightenment.    I will continue to emerge always beautiful and stronger.  The Phoenix rises from the ashes……. the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis.

…..One and the Same to Me!!  Blessed Be to All.



Greetings All!  I’ve been concerned that I’m spending more of my consciousness on videos that I do for my  Facebook personal page Just Sayin’   Kaye A. Peters, and also for the private group of which I’m an active member, BEROYAL.COM, in The Royal Society,  than on my ‘first born’, my baby, my blog,    This said, I have spontaneously come to this outlet today, because I am ready to share something that belongs to everyone.   I now begin.

My life continues to unfold….I am witness to it all, because  my process is an active introspective learn-as-I-go kind of thing, like an audible or visual journal, if you will.  I’ve come to a joy in my transformation process that goes like this:  What I am observing outside of me, is exactly what I’m thinking and believing on the inside of me!  Thus, if I don’t like what I’m observing, I can’t be liking what’s inside of me either!  I create my world in which I live.  I am seeing others as I think they are by my own definitions of my reality.   So, if I’m seeing ugly, negative, sourness, disharmony, chaos, discomfort, lies, cheating, fear, discontent, that is exactly the reflection of what is inside of me.  I’m not saying I, personally, see all of this..  What I am saying is I’m in touch with the fact that whatever I perceive, is exactly what I am inside!

This is not a fatalistic perception.   I know I can change it and this  provides me with two very important strengths:  I am free to do so, to obtain the peace and  harmony I am now insistent to have in my space around me, and I have the inherent, innate power within me to change myself inside and the space outside that has emanated from within me.

For those of us who find discontent in our lives at any level, where complaining has become a norm and we are out of harmony with oneself firstly, and all of those around us, secondly, we can make the freedom choice to go within and begin to excavate our very nature and make it the truth of exactly who we want to be….inside and out.  I’m talking much more than the glass half-full vs. half-empty!   I am the ideal person to make this comparison because I am one of the most optimistic people….that translates to also being a dreamer!    I’m guilty by self-admission!  Now, I can relegate to the  dreamer inside of me to take hold of the reins of my life, and think and believe within me exactly the way I want the world to be around me.  Keep in mind, by writing this and stating it as my truth, I am ascribing it to me and my life principles as well.

It escapes me why human beings shy away from the privilege of taking full responsibility for their lives.  If we blame others or circumstances  for our failures and unhappiness, we have no power at all – for we can’t change others or circumstances.  BUT, if we see that we are the ones responsible for how we do things, see things, perceive others, judge everything in front of us, we are in FULL POWER to change ALL OF IT!  Do we really take joy in kibitzing our own life and circumstances and philosophizing as a voyeur,  living our own life vicariously, when we could instead enjoy the privilege of living our lives deliciously and harmoniously in wonderment of  that which is right in front of us in all glory and perfection?

Having written this now, I know I won’t concern myself anymore with when and how I provide my messages because I have full faith and trust I will do at the appropriate time and through the appropriate medium of communication that which is to my greatest good and to the greatest good of all others present.

Rose-colored glasses?  No match for authentic.



Elevator Story, Third Floor,  No Coincidences!  This business of peeling the onion – from the outside in, or the  inside out –  is becoming a remarkable experience!  WOW, the Universe sure responds!  (No surprise…after all, I wrote  Second Floor, Baby Steps –  the precursor!)

No time for tears behind my eyes now.  The loose ends are beginning to tie  together…the dots are slowly connecting….the t’s are starting to cross, and i’s are dotting too.

I’ve taken some action,  which has begun to totally shift my world!  Doing the deep digging,  I just might reach China!

It’s hard to admit I’ve been lonely!  It’s hard to admit I want to be loved and I’m ready to love!  It’s hard to admit I’ve opened the doors and windows that I’ve kept shut for too many years.   I’m starting to breathe in fresh new air from a fresh new year!  I’m  an opening flower…I like it!

Of course, this is scary…. not a Kodiak bear!

Today’s the day I return to the gym…strength training, I love it…

Today’s the day I stop twisting in the wind….a little bit more….

Today’s the day I’m trashing more  baggage…

Today’s the day the rubber hits the road….I can hear the screech!

Nothing more to add except….”LIFE”, I JUST LOVE THE ADVENTURE!

Open Wide

Open Wide



Those of you who follow my blogs, know I receive intuits while I am in the shower, and when I go walking.  Weather in Phoenix has been “bitterly” cold (an expression from my Minnesota days), and I don’t want to wear gloves in Arizona, so thank God I take daily showers and I’ve been relying on ‘information’ this way for the time being until the temperature raises up more than a bit and I can resume my daily walk again.

I’m pursuing an online course in search of my Sacred Purpose.  The absolute in this is that I be brutally honest with myself, and accept that I’m on this path because I’m ready for it now, and have willfully chosen it.   I am, I do and I have.

Doing something just for me, without any consideration for what others think about it, at the same time knowing I’m loving every minute of it and I know I’m not hurting anyone else nor myself, IS THE MOST FREEING EXPERIENCE.

It has always been difficult for me not to share anything and everything with my friends when I have my WOW moments (hopefully not crossing personal boundaries).  And now, I continue to share  with the public at large vis-à-vis

Now I have the opportunity to spread my bread with butter and everyone knows which side the butter’s on!

Don’t think for a minute that I’m sitting in some ivory tower someplace staring down at the world!   Some of my friends have known me for 50-60 years…. they know exactly where I’ve been in detail, and they know me now… some are my closest of friends, some have backed away, and some friends are new in my life, and the test of time will reveal the strength and meaning in our current experience.

“If you’re gonna’ run with the big dogs, you gotta’ get off the porch”…..”Put your money where your mouth is” …..”If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”  These sayings just rippled off my tongue.  Guess they have good meaning to me.  I like it!

So, readers, on this day not too far from my favorite day of “personal tradition”, my New Year’s Eve ‘rest, as I encounter my life’….holding dear that which I choose to focus upon… magical thinking running it’s reel…..I wish everyone their own Joy, Peace and Clarity.  It’s all so personal to us.


Magical Thinking - Magical World

Magical Thinking – Magical World




I wonder how quiet this world would become if we stopped voicing our disagreements to opposing opinions!

Everyone has a right to their opinion and to speak their truth. All too often it is at the risk of an adversary refuting their words, just for the sake of it. Why is it so difficult to “just let it go at that’?

I refuse to get into  political or religious frays.  I really do believe everyone has their right to their opinions and convictions, and to publicly state them without hearing from me,  as long as it isn’t directly affecting my life.  I think  opinions are personal business.   They’re meaningful only to the person expressing them.

Someone visits a friend in the hospital, walks into the room and says, “I wanted to bring you a bouquet of flowers”…..but didn’t!   Words of air…meaningless, like my opinion….unless someone solicits it or hands me the bouquet!

There’s no honor in  belittling anyone, or disagreeing with someone just for the point of it.  I know this.   I spent years living this chaotic and deprecating lifestyle …pointing my fingers so loudly…. not to have others point fingers at me!

I don’t want to be in the fight any more.  I will never compromise my integrity nor my truth….I just have to feel it,  and live it.  I’m the one who has to be at Peace and no one has to agree with me to make this happen.

I almost feel like a Freedom Fighter…..  You want an apple, I want an orange….  Truce!   Let’s sit at the Table of Life and eat together.  If we both enjoy the same fruits…. let’s join a pod of like minds and dine on  Life together.

No Winner...No Loser

No Winner…No Loser