December 2015

What an eye opener!  Why do tears erupt without warning anyway?  Why, when something joyful happens can I be brought to tears?  Why, when I see an intimate love scene in a movie do I erupt with emotion?  Why, when the horses are running am I crying as they pass the finish line?  Where is this emotion coming from within me?  What is my Soul trying to tell me?  Am I reacting to some guilt or shame?  I don’t think so.  Am I longing for the warm feelings of demonstrative love?  Am I dealing with pent-up love  inside me that I haven’t been able to express all these many years?   Have I come to overflow…  Are these unpredictable tears a spilling out of the love inside me that triggers when I witness feelingful emotional events?  If so, I need to level my playing field!

When have I felt authentic love?  When have I felt someone loved me just for me? Unconditionally?  Good questions, all.

Now my work begins!   Mindful of the mirror, now I really begin to go inside.  It feels like a slippery slope, but I have to admit, there’s a stir within me to get that worm can opened.  I know whatever I discover is not worth keeping under wraps!

Living alone as I have for many years does create biased ways of looking at some things.    The floodgates of my emotions have opened, and  I don’t feel at my wits’ end….I don’t feel crazy….I’m not in a fetal position of fear. I’m  wide-eyed and bushy-tailed and ready for bear….even my oft’ referred- to Kodiak one!

What perfect timing…day before my New Years Eve tradition.   The very time I treasure to be ‘at rest as I encounter my life’.  How exciting!  Lots to think about and try to figure out….not going to happen overnight, of course.   I am experiencing a huge relief in knowing I am pursuing to my greatest good.



Who knew?…..My workbook of life affirms that all the conversations I’ve been having with myself for some several years have been working mini-miracles in my favor!

Every morning I look in the mirror and provide the daily pep talk with gusto!  First of all, it’s my affirmation that I’m alive and ‘pumpin’, and I really do think I’m doing well in many areas of my life and I’m proud I’m heartily keeping on keeping on!

Very recently I’m taking a new tact, and I’m looking at myself in the mirror as though I’m inside myself and observing me as I’d see myself from an onlooker’s point of view.  (This is difficult to put into words.)  This takes some concentration and fortitude because it’s inside my onion!

I have to keep on staring while I turn myself inside out and then very carefully look…and see what I have to see, not what I want to see!  For instance, I remember years ago when I was sitting in a therapist’s office  recounting a terribly awful personal event.  When I finished speaking, the therapist said to me something like, “Do you know while you were telling me your appalling and heartbreaking story, you had a smile on your face?”  What a jolt!  Talk about a mask!  On one hand I was telling the truth, and on the other hand I was masking my outside appearance to the world, trying to  hide my feelings about that truth!

This  From-The-Inside-Out approach really pushes me now to want to come clean.  There’s one thing about being honest when telling the story, but another for me to get to the gut-wrenching feelings of it.   I’m sharing a WOW moment.  This isn’t about confessing actions of which I’m not so proud, this is about hiding the destructive feelings inside me that keep me from becoming more whole.  This is about who I am, and who I want people to think I am.  Simply stated, I want to be who I really am!

I don’t see any Kodiak bear in front of me….and, I won’t be destroyed!   What I do see is I’ll try to achieve  more clarity and uncover more answers that will fill in some gaps of my beingness that I don’t even know exist!  This is wonderment time!  This is Kaye, Revelations, Ch. l, v. 1.    My unfoldment.

I’m prepared to stand in front of my full-length mirror from this day forward.  HAPPY DAY.

Yes, It's Really Me

Yes, It’s Really Me



Those of you who follow my blogs, know I receive intuits while I am in the shower, and when I go walking.  Weather in Phoenix has been “bitterly” cold (an expression from my Minnesota days), and I don’t want to wear gloves in Arizona, so thank God I take daily showers and I’ve been relying on ‘information’ this way for the time being until the temperature raises up more than a bit and I can resume my daily walk again.

I’m pursuing an online course in search of my Sacred Purpose.  The absolute in this is that I be brutally honest with myself, and accept that I’m on this path because I’m ready for it now, and have willfully chosen it.   I am, I do and I have.

Doing something just for me, without any consideration for what others think about it, at the same time knowing I’m loving every minute of it and I know I’m not hurting anyone else nor myself, IS THE MOST FREEING EXPERIENCE.

It has always been difficult for me not to share anything and everything with my friends when I have my WOW moments (hopefully not crossing personal boundaries).  And now, I continue to share  with the public at large vis-à-vis

Now I have the opportunity to spread my bread with butter and everyone knows which side the butter’s on!

Don’t think for a minute that I’m sitting in some ivory tower someplace staring down at the world!   Some of my friends have known me for 50-60 years…. they know exactly where I’ve been in detail, and they know me now… some are my closest of friends, some have backed away, and some friends are new in my life, and the test of time will reveal the strength and meaning in our current experience.

“If you’re gonna’ run with the big dogs, you gotta’ get off the porch”…..”Put your money where your mouth is” …..”If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”  These sayings just rippled off my tongue.  Guess they have good meaning to me.  I like it!

So, readers, on this day not too far from my favorite day of “personal tradition”, my New Year’s Eve ‘rest, as I encounter my life’….holding dear that which I choose to focus upon… magical thinking running it’s reel…..I wish everyone their own Joy, Peace and Clarity.  It’s all so personal to us.


Magical Thinking - Magical World

Magical Thinking – Magical World




Elevator Story, Second Floor, Baby Steps, there’s no going back, and it must come from my heart!

I’m on a journey, that’s for sure, and there’s no sense in running!  I get it…there are good days, really good days, and days bad enough to make me feel like I’ve fallen down the shaft!  Not so though!

This is my story, and if I look back to my history, that’s how I got to where I am right now!  Rocky roads don’t mark failure for  me…they’re Blue Ribbons of Success…as long as I stay on the road!   Feeling, living, thinking, receiving inklings of progress, and sensing those assuring nudges along the way to ‘keep on keeping on’…That’s what this is all about for me!  I love that phrase:  Keep On Keeping On!  I can see the glow coming from the Pot o’Gold!  I continuously drink the half-full glasses of lemonade, and whenever I try to read the clouds, there’s always a stream of silver coming straight for me!

I’m pursuing Life’s Path…diligently trying to find some sense of purpose and order for my life while I’m on this planet.  It’s so exciting, scary, unknown, unfamiliar, unending…so many ‘uns’…will I ever reach some kind of plateau of ‘semi’-consciousness?  Come to think, I may be in the state of ‘consciousness’ right now!  My sense is that there is more!  I’m resonating with new authors who subtly lead me to new vistas…I’m consuming information almost by osmosis sometimes.  New friends have appeared offering their knowledge and perspective.  Puzzle pieces keep fitting into place, and I have some WOW moments of encouragement.

I am so very grateful to be able to summon my courage to write this for anyone who may find it interesting and helpful to their own experience.

I’m searching for real peace:  It’s about authenticity.  The real space I’m meant to inhabit and enjoy; the love I have for myself and others; to quietly be whom I am meant to be and find and serve out my purpose in this world.  It’s a process of hard work and brutal self-honesty, toward continuing enlightenment and fulfillment, with spurts of exhilaration beyond measure that accompany my journey.

I’ve enrolled in Life’s University…My diploma:  New Peace…New Understanding.

My Life Formula continues to prevail:  Intention + Effort =  Success

Birth of Consciousness

Birth of Consciousness

I’ve just entered this elevator, and there are no numbered floors.  There’s a button to push and it’s my responsibility to label it.

First Floor, always be kind.  Kindness comes in all shapes and sizes…it could be a smile or a wink… it could be helping a disabled person with a door…it could be just hoping for the best for someone…it could be listening and supporting another’s pathway…it could be the  swelling tears in my eyes realizing that something has seen fit to enlighten me and I’m resonating with it… it could be taking a deep breath of ‘I Love Myself’ and not be so critical of my shortcomings…it could be allowing others to enjoy their lives in their way, without any input from me!…and it is so much more.

I’m learning I don’t know much for sure …. except, I know my Joy and Gratitude for the privilege of living this generous life;  I know this is another beginning for me in my Spiritual Quest.   I know when I feel love,  I know when I give love, and I know when I’m receiving love from someone else. I can only hope I give the same feelings to everyone else whom I love.

I don’t want to carve anything in stone….nor write anything in ink.  And, I don’t want to hold anyone else accountable in that way either.  Life is so fluid, changing second to second, and I’m realizing now it’s all I can do to keep up with this fluidity and motion.  This concept is absolutely freeing to me.  Weights are lifting; there’s a window shining light into  some of my darkened rooms, and I’m straining to see and feel as much as I can.

Although this is  new to me,  it’s not as much  a breakthrough, as it is a plunge-into…..and there’s no going backward.

This is the pathway of .  I  beckoned, and am now accepting,  my own invitation which I stated in my About Me page…..”Let’s Walk this path together and share our Life Rays.”

My intention is to engage with My World…A new step off the cliff of fear and the unknown  into the expanse of stars and endless pure space.   I’m not here to instigate others’ worlds, just navigate and situate my own.    I feel the wind at my back.  This is My Ship, This is My Helm.

Explosion of Life

Explosion of Life

I wonder how quiet this world would become if we stopped voicing our disagreements to opposing opinions!

Everyone has a right to their opinion and to speak their truth. All too often it is at the risk of an adversary refuting their words, just for the sake of it. Why is it so difficult to “just let it go at that’?

I refuse to get into  political or religious frays.  I really do believe everyone has their right to their opinions and convictions, and to publicly state them without hearing from me,  as long as it isn’t directly affecting my life.  I think  opinions are personal business.   They’re meaningful only to the person expressing them.

Someone visits a friend in the hospital, walks into the room and says, “I wanted to bring you a bouquet of flowers”…..but didn’t!   Words of air…meaningless, like my opinion….unless someone solicits it or hands me the bouquet!

There’s no honor in  belittling anyone, or disagreeing with someone just for the point of it.  I know this.   I spent years living this chaotic and deprecating lifestyle …pointing my fingers so loudly…. not to have others point fingers at me!

I don’t want to be in the fight any more.  I will never compromise my integrity nor my truth….I just have to feel it,  and live it.  I’m the one who has to be at Peace and no one has to agree with me to make this happen.

I almost feel like a Freedom Fighter…..  You want an apple, I want an orange….  Truce!   Let’s sit at the Table of Life and eat together.  If we both enjoy the same fruits…. let’s join a pod of like minds and dine on  Life together.

No Winner...No Loser

No Winner…No Loser


I’ve mentioned from time-to-time how I belong here in Arizona…I’ve felt this way from the time I flew over Phoenix when I arrived for my first visit over 50 years ago. My eyes swelled with tears as I stared below through the aircraft window.  I felt like I was coming home, and had no reasonable explanation for these feelings.

This phenomenon happened every time I flew into the city, and each time I left.  I visited several times for many years  and these feelings never changed.  Happy to be home, and always sorry to leave.   In the early 60’s,  I lived here for almost four years.  My two sons were born here.

When I eventually moved here in 1990, it was my final return!  I had spent  years  yearning and planning and dreaming of getting back here and never leaving again.  This time I came by car with the moving van following behind.  I had a home to move into, and couldn’t wait to get into it!  My oldest son (now deceased) drove with me for good reason.  I was  bringing a dog and a cat, and his company was wanted and needed in so many ways.  It turned out to be one of the nicest times he and I ever spent together and this experience is a fond memory  I revisit often.

I arrived in early Spring, and  spent that Summer walking the desert exclaiming “Thank you God, Thank you God!”, and very nearly went broke!.  I was self employed and kept putting off getting my business up and running.  Thankfully, I ‘came to my senses’ and redirected myself; after all, this was no vacation anymore! I was here permanently now, and began to wrap my mind around that fact!  I was finally  home for good!

I reference drums because from day one, I’ve always felt an affinity to the Native American culture.  In fact, when my first son was born, I had hired a young woman from the Hopi nation.  I can’t remember her face, but I have never forgotten her name.  Somehow she felt ‘familiar’ to me.  I’ve been to some ruins, and each time I visit, it’s like I ‘remember’….I have  music of Incan Pan Pipes, Native American Flute….. hauntingly beautiful sounds that stir thoughts in my mind of a time my soul has known.  Sometimes when I walk, I begin chanting in the tribal way, and I can tell when I am sounding to my happiness or my sorrow.

This is the first occasion I have shared any detail along these lines about me.  I think it’s time because I’ve been noticing that I’m stirring inside….I’m continuing on my spiritual path, my intuitive nature is surfacing more, and I’m feeling  a oneness to my surroundings, my place on this planet and in this Universe.  I’m feeling very comfortable with this path I am following.

This morning, from out of nowhere,   I said something to myself (out loud, which is  not unusual), that startled me.   Instantly, I retorted,  “This isn’t You!”…”Stop thinking and saying things like this when you know this isn’t the real you!”  …..and then I heard the drums in my mind….the steady beat…the comforting and familiar sound.  Something inside me has changed.  I know it is all good,  and I also know I must tread slowly, yet confidently.  Clearly, I am enjoying the newness of this.

Some of my friends who follow my blog might surely be surprised by this admission.  All I can say is yes, it’s me, the real me….little by little emerging from a new chrysalis.

My sense is, this stage of development occurs again and again in our lifetimes.   I believe I am gently unfolding and awakening to living my life with a new clarity of purpose by Divine Intention.

The Beauty of the Emergence of Living

The Beauty of the Emergence of Living

Way back in my past, when I was a single mom raising two young sons, I had many blessings in many ways, and many challenges in many other ways!  It seemed  I could always have used more money!

The most sizeable bill – the mortgage –   sometimes played “Peter” so “Paul” could get paid!  When Christmas came around, there was no question, I had to go into more debt, and this was around $250.00.   This was a lot of money 45 years ago, and going  in debt for Christmas presents always gave me a bad taste in my mouth!  Luxuries were few and far between…Christmas was the biggest luxury of all.  Every year I took pictures of the tree and all the packages beneath it.  Sort of a record of this colossal indebtedness and how well I pulled it off!

During my  workweek, I’d stroll a department store on my lunch hour.   One day…there it was!!… a bikini –  sailor blue,  not extreme.  It had a double  breasted cover- up with 4 large white buttons.  This was not your typical spandex suit…the material looked and felt like a washable wool.   I wanted this more than a meal!  Price tag:  $80.00!    For me to spend that kind of money for a swimsuit was unheard of…  I spoke to a sales clerk and inquired whether it’d ever go on sale.  She told me to check periodically for price reductions.   I was on a vigil…the  day came… the price was slashed to $16.00!  It was mine!  Owning this suit gave me an inordinate amount of joy for years to come…. such a trivial luxury thrilled me every time I slipped it on.  I had  waited out the bargain with an “if it’s meant to be” attitude, and never forgot how grateful and Blessed I felt to have it.  Obviously, I still treasure this memory.

Another time I was shopping for a shower curtain…and found the most adorable white eyelet, two piece, with a top ruffle… again, a “had-to-have -it-no-matter-what” love!…  $20.00!  This was a “decorator”  shower curtain, not the $4.00 one that resembled a ‘liner’!  I loved it so much I could taste it!   I bought it…never looking back….and nearly 40 (yes, 40!) years later,  it still adorns my bathroom today! I’ve lengthened it to the new style –  I permanently sewed the ruffle to add about 10 inches to the top, and  was lucky enough to find a white eyelet bed skirt (at a thrift store one day) and  I used that ruffle to add another 14 inches at the bottom.

Valuing something…whether it’s a bikini or a shower curtain…is no different than completing a special project.  It’s the combination of affectionate energy force, frugality, creativity, ingenuity, deep personal interest…and it becomes part of me.  It’s a birthing of sorts…an extension of me.  It’s not at all complicated.  It’s simplistic and sweet…’s part of my uniqueness…a personal treasure…no one could experience it as I do….

I hope I’ll always recognize and remember the treasures that are presented in my life and the intrinsic and Magical value they represent only unto Me!

You Are So Beautiful To Me

You Are So Beautiful To Me



Until recently, I thought I understood the theory of ‘mirroring myself in another’,  I.e., when I become  acutely aware  what I dislike in someone, I’m recognizing a quality  I inherently dislike in myself!  And, when I’m  unexplainably  attracted to someone (male or female) I’m recognizing  traits in that individual that I like in myself!  Sounds simple, albeit annoying!   In these processes,  more than once I’ve been reprimanded for my ‘judgmental’ approach in my criticisms.  Conversely,  I’ve never been complimented  for my ‘judgmental’ favoritism.  Just sayin’.

Consider the word, “discernment”….in my view, this is the independent ability to make decisions about people and things that don’t have to do with mirroring anything….it’s simply an individual’s right and  choice to decide,  based upon personal integrity and perceptions, that something is different [than preferred] and  make a decision accordingly.  Ergo, if I  don’t like public nose picking and view it as a disgusting display, so be it!!

How much house does a person need…. just because it is affordable?    I live in a small home…but admittedly, I’d like one somewhat larger and in a more desirable neighborhood or a ranch property!  This is my Ego talking.   I’m grateful for what I do have  –  a paid-up homestead!  I’m dancing around this admission already!….  knowing full well, I have one foot in the hot water!    Could I even feel ‘at home’ in a  3,000 sq. ft. space, or more?  I don’t think so.  Just as I don’t think I could have two or more places of residence and feel ‘at home’ in all of them equally.  Right now, everything I have in my home has an “attachment value”…I love all of it, as well as me in it…and there’s also a story connected to most everything inside these walls.  This is an outgrowth of downsizing, making my life simpler and less cluttered, more meaningful and special to my heart.   As I write these very words, I believe I’ve just solved a personal dilemma!  ( I do believe I’ve got it! [sic])  I’M FINALLY SATISFIED…. NO YEARNING FOR MORE!






Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough

I'll take One of Everything

I’ll take One of Everything