Until recently, I thought I understood the theory of ‘mirroring myself in another’,  I.e., when I become  acutely aware  what I dislike in someone, I’m recognizing a quality  I inherently dislike in myself!  And, when I’m  unexplainably  attracted to someone (male or female) I’m recognizing  traits in that individual that I like in myself!  Sounds simple, albeit annoying!   In these processes,  more than once I’ve been reprimanded for my ‘judgmental’ approach in my criticisms.  Conversely,  I’ve never been complimented  for my ‘judgmental’ favoritism.  Just sayin’.

Consider the word, “discernment”….in my view, this is the independent ability to make decisions about people and things that don’t have to do with mirroring anything….it’s simply an individual’s right and  choice to decide,  based upon personal integrity and perceptions, that something is different [than preferred] and  make a decision accordingly.  Ergo, if I  don’t like public nose picking and view it as a disgusting display, so be it!!

How much house does a person need…. just because it is affordable?    I live in a small home…but admittedly, I’d like one somewhat larger and in a more desirable neighborhood or a ranch property!  This is my Ego talking.   I’m grateful for what I do have  –  a paid-up homestead!  I’m dancing around this admission already!….  knowing full well, I have one foot in the hot water!    Could I even feel ‘at home’ in a  3,000 sq. ft. space, or more?  I don’t think so.  Just as I don’t think I could have two or more places of residence and feel ‘at home’ in all of them equally.  Right now, everything I have in my home has an “attachment value”…I love all of it, as well as me in it…and there’s also a story connected to most everything inside these walls.  This is an outgrowth of downsizing, making my life simpler and less cluttered, more meaningful and special to my heart.   As I write these very words, I believe I’ve just solved a personal dilemma!  ( I do believe I’ve got it! [sic])  I’M FINALLY SATISFIED…. NO YEARNING FOR MORE!






Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough

I'll take One of Everything

I’ll take One of Everything