I had occasion this morning to respond to a piece on Facebook.   My friend, whom I gave tribute to in my third book, writes through his personal spiritual connection, Rachael.  He was referring to “clarity” and its meaning in our daily lives.  I automatically typed my response.  It was Gaya responding. I knew I was having a personal Spiritual Breakthrough which finally had made its way to my conscious awareness.  IT’S HUGE!

I quote my response below in its entirety.  The design of this message has utterly opened a door for me that will undoubtedly  continue to re-play in my every day.  It totally expresses the Ease and Grace which I’ve been continuously looking to achieve as I enjoy the privilege of living my life.  It brings to the surface  how easy Life really can be, merely opening up each day with what we have inside of us:  we have an internal zest to thrive in life.  That is precisely why we keep on keeping on. But, in my case, if I don’t keep track of my efforts, and how they relate to my intentions of each day, it ultimately becomes a mish-mash of events…not the tightly woven masterpiece of what I’m really trying to accomplish.

  • “Kaye has been readying for her house guest’s arrival 4/1. This has been going on for some time now. She has been ‘preparing’ for it differently, i.e., doing a little something each day (thinking she tires more easily and doesn’t want to leave it all to the last week!) She realizes now that this really coincides with Rachael’s words, in that her clarity has been intention with completing tasks during each of these upcoming days. She has been choosing ‘details’ over and above the common ones, of floor and window washing, etc. She realizes every action is but a preparation for NOW – whether or not there is a guest arriving in a few days. Kaye is arriving each moment to her life.     ~Gaya”

I am now convinced my Soul, my Universe, my Source Energy, my Gaya, has held me with a tight grasp of love and care since I became; that I have been heard all of my existence, and have been guided and protected as I have made my way on my countless journeys, to exactly NOW.  I trust this will be infinitely so.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.