There’s nothing like dusting off and shining up a glass-topped table!  It comes to me that this is not unlike clarifying my thoughts or experiences as I continue to pick up some pieces of my long life and drop off as many others as I can, fully knowing they don’t serve me anymore.

I work with wanting as much Peace in my life as possible, and to get this Peace, I must travel the same roads that caused the chaos and dis-ease within me.  I’ve had to acknowledge that my reactions to the myriad series of events in my life are exactly the driving force which bring about outcomes and these outcomes remain ‘alive and in play’ as I move along my Forever Path.

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty here!!!  If I’m in a happy state, I have no resistance to Happiness…I am essentially at Peace and I like what goes on within me and around me as well.   However, when I decide/judge or predict some negative conditions are looming, I stiffen up and ‘prepare’ for the onslaught of what I alone have predetermined to be adversarial to me!   The War Is On!

All the more reason to be mindful of letting life BE  and be very mindful of keeping myself out of the fray of it all...being the observer not the participant of what happens around me, and not allowing it to happen TO me!  I am the puppeteer, and the puppet…I am the ventriloquist and the dummy!  If I stay within my Soul Beingness as much as a conscious human being can accomplish this, I can place myself in a Peaceful State AROUND and not IN a chaotic circumstance.  It turns out Soul Business is key and it overrides Ego Business if I am mindful to this to the best of my ability.

It is a wonderful Forever Path that ALL choose

when they hold up Gratitude and Generosity of  Spirit Heart

and reap the Abundance and Grace which is awaiting them.    ~Gaya.