I’ve most always referred to my “awarenesses” or “enlightenments” but I’ve come to believe that they are BREAKTHROUGHS, which continue to inure to ONE VICTORY…My Freedom!

I’ve been in a 21-day meditation course offered by Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey.  I’ve never been this consistent as I am now to this meditation process, and I’m receiving wonderful benefits from it.  I have put my whole heart into it.  I am mindful that anything I do should have my whole heart into it!  How else do I accomplish anything AND FEEL THE UTMOST SELF-FULFILLMENT FROM THAT VERY ACCOMPLISHMENT?

It occurred to me today that I have had an innate FREEDOM all my life as I know it, and it is through the choices I have made where I undercut that freedom and caused my own kind of misery!  

Let’s take making changes in my own life when I realize I need to make them. We call them ‘bad habits’, I guess.  Well, the truth of this to me is that I AM THE ONE WHO CREATED THESE BAD HABITS IN THE FIRST PLACE!  When I finally realized I don’t like them and wanted to change them (like my eating choices and the way I implement them, for instance) until today, I didn’t connect those dots:  I INSTITUTED THE HABIT, AND I HAVE TO ‘UN-INSTITUTE’ IT!   THIS IS THE BREAKTHROUGH!   THIS IS THE FREEDOM CHOICE I HAVE!

If ever there was an ‘inside job’  it is when I realized it comes down to the course of action I must take in my life …the good-and-not-so-good choices …realizing “I made ’em, and it’s up to me to break ’em!”  AND THIS IS THE FREEDOM PIECE:  I CAN DO THIS IF I INTEND TO DO IT!  I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN DO THIS!  AND IT DEPENDS UPON HOW MUCH I WANT TO CHANGE A HABIT I MADE IN THE FIRST  PLACE!

 We are in charge of writing all of our success stories.  We write all of our life stories…the good and not so good ones…NO ONE CAN ARGUE WITH SUCCESS!  

LET [OUR] FREEDOM BELLS/STORIES RING!  Blessed Be and Blessed Be All.