I’ve just completed what turned out to be a 22-day meditation experience with Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra.  Today was a ‘bonus day’ – in more ways than one for me!  So much so, I knew in the meditation I would immediately come to my blog to express myself….I need to ‘expose’ my awareness NOW so I don’t let it slip away before I can totally integrate what I now know to be a huge awareness – a huge breakthrough – a huge truth for me, as I continue my spiritual journey on my Forever Path…now more than ever, No Endgame In Sight!

NOW, more than ever, I am able to see how it fits that Life has to be a moment-to-moment, day-to-day experience.  Nothing has ever been written in ink, or carved in stone (at least by my interpretation this day).  Instead, I have believed it to be that way!  Ego has wanted me to believe it was so!

Those who have heard me speak, or followed these blogs, or read my books, have heard me refer to:  “I’m no PollyAnna”, or “I can use a four-letter word whenever it fits”, or “I have a lot of hayseed in my hair”!  I’ve come to believe these statements of mine are no more than “Ego Bluffs”  which I’ve allowed to override my essential spiritual beliefs  for many, many years.  It seems although in my heart of hearts I knew my spiritual truths through these years, my Ego has been  fighting to make sure I would maintain the egocentric side of things…keeping my small Self  believing I wanted to enjoy the human condition more than my spiritual beingness which I have totally believed for years is My Essence.   I AM  now aware of the self-talk which HAS BEEN until now totally defiant of who I AM.

For years I’ve stated “I’m no “goody-goody-two-shoes!”  For years,  I have vehemently fought myself  with the idea if I  ever showed the loving, compassionate side of me I was risking my destruction!  The vulnerable, sweet one, who until this very moment, didn’t understand I was at the same time the strong, able-to-take-care-of-myself one!   MY WHOLE SELF.

So, my friends, I’ll have to see how this new awareness unfolds.  You are getting to know me now…I must put forth my most current discovery in my excavation process toward my authenticity.   It always will be in my best interests and to my greatest good, as I come from my heart in my most honest way.   And too, I feel great humor in this discovery!  Of course, the Universe would never disallow what I love so much in myself…MY RECOGNITION OF HUMOR AS I CONTINUE TO ENJOY THE PRIVILEGE OF LIVING MY LIFE! 

I am grateful I am ‘Receiving Just a Little Bit More’, to paraphrase Deepak Chopra.  Namaste’