I’ve set up a garden here at my new digs; I continue to have lots to do around my new home and the land around it; my little foster pup, Porter, definitely has my attention; and having turned 85 a little over a month ago, I seem to be more attentive to taking better care of myself in every way, i.e., physically, mentally, spiritually and socially.

This morning the phrase ‘going above and beyond’ came into my mind.  This is what I am doing these days and I’m realizing that this is what LIFE demands of me if I’m going to keep on keeping on with interest in what I’m doing and why I’m doing it!

Take the garden:  Chicago has nothing on Deming, New Mexico, when it comes to wind!  It’s usually westerly, and these winds come with gusty force.  Thankfully, in principle, I don’t mind wind, but for growing, I had to make sure my garden is shielded from the ferocity of this wind.  I put in some beet seeds and keeping them damp till they germinate is absolutely necessary.  Also scattered wildflowers in two raised beds and around a walkway…same thing, have to keep the ground damp. I bought two tomato plants but still have them in pots…they have to grow up a bit more before they can survive the garden, I think. I have lots of hope and faith here, but it’s the effort that I must put forth!

And Porter?  Today is a vet day!  The shelter pays for the visit, but the main thing is his overall health and wellbeing.  He is turning into a wonderful companion, very smart and wanting to please.  He’s a grateful, loyal little guy.

And ME?  I’ve taken on additional responsibilities, notwithstanding the fact I am advancing in age…and so I’m much more conscious of what I owe to myself to succeed! 

More than ever before I’m aware I take nothing for granted.  By the same token, I am ever conscious that I am inextricably connected to and unconditionally loved and supported by God. 

The least I can do for myself is Go Above and Beyond whenever I’m doing anything.  It’s part of the pleasure of living life to the fullest.  It’s part of the contentment I feel at the end of the day when I express my gratitude for everything I have. 

It’s an absolute privilege to Go Above and Beyond the best way I am able.  The Intention matters.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe.  Be Well.

Today is your day … be gleeful and grateful.      ~ Gaya

I’ve said to many lately, “I can’t believe I’m 85!  I simply can’t believe it!”  I’m still flabbergasted that I am living out my dream on my DreamCatcher Ranch!  AND, to top all off, I’m fostering a little dog, Porter, who has stolen my heart and I most probably will adopt him.  Before I moved to New Mexico, I had no animals and I said more than once, I’ll NEVER get another animal.

We form opinions with reasoning behind them…BUT, these reasons change, we come up with new ideas, we compromise, we recognize we have changed, become more open-minded and more compassionate for ourselves (in my case).  One of my main reasons for not wanting another animal was because I figured I’d pass away before the animal!  Also, I’ve had my fill of putting animals down!

But there’s a ‘meantime’ I haven’t considered until I made this move to a new state, new home, new friends.  I’m still living alone.  Porter rather appeared out of nowhere…it was synchronicity as I see it. I accepted his foster, and in a few short days, I also realized he was adding to my life!  He has forced me to alter my routine and consider his needs!

I am an ‘old dog learning new tricks’ from a young dog!  There’s lots to be said about making changes, moreover about choosing to make changes, take risks, look  around the next corner, drop the fear and dread and leap into the unknown with a vengeance.  It’s called continuing to live the life I have been given. It’s all too easy to stay in my comfort zone, but in so doing, I’m sacrificing new feelings and experiences and accomplishments.

I can never receive too much unconditional love and such love is in short supply. Porter is very special to my recent experience because I recognize what he is offering me and what I offer him as well.

I always want to keep my windows and doors wide open…how else do I welcome the NOW into my life with enthusiasm and acceptance.  The Now is always New.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed. Stay Safe, Be Well.

Giving love and seeing joy in another provides Graceful Peace.   ~Gaya








So, I started this blog with a technical problem:  It wouldn’t work!  This is one time I couldn’t accept what is is, without looking into it further, right?  Without any panic, just using my God-given brain, I followed common channels and was able to solve the problem…obviously…I’m typing my new blog!

What is stirring within me right now is the recognition at a very basic level that I have internal power(s) which serve me well at any given time, and they are only interfered with when I allow myself to react rather than respond.  THINKING makes it so…irrational thinking, panic reaction and fear, turn me into a robotic anxious state, and off the rails I can go. I remember this from many instances in my past.

There’s no need to go off the rails at all!  All I have to do is quietly  (within myself) gather my composure and remind myself that I CAN!

(As an aside, I am now reminded that my mother once said that some of my first words were “I can, I can”, and this usually came when she was trying to take my hand to guide me, or she was trying to show me something.  Doesn’t this illustrate,  ‘out of the mouths of babes’?)

I’ve been working on getting my garden in shape at my new home.  This takes planning, hard work, and an attitude which says, how much will I get done today?  NOT  when will I finish, or will I get this done?!!  No question I have worked much more slowly, but it’s coming together. I can’t plant yet till I’m sure no more frosts are coming, but I’ll be ready!  Confidence! This is what I have.  It’s only about me wanting to tackle something that I’m confident I can do, however more slowly I must do it,.. I can still do it!

Atta Girl, Kaye.  You’ve still got it!  And, I’ll continue to ‘have it’ as long as I’m doing something.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay safe, Be well.

There is a non-conceptual intelligence which guides your words and actions

when you go within trusting your silent knowing.   ~Gaya 



Here I am at DreamCatcher Ranch! I’m my own version of a 2022 Pioneer Woman! Life continues as long as we let it…until it stops us! And, this is just what I’m up to now!  I’m no different, really, except I’m polishing and planning every day in my new surroundings. On one hand, it’s ‘old hat’, and on the other, life continues to dish up new and exciting vistas.

I’ve come from my heart, my dreams.  I’ve trusted myself, my energy, my sheer guts and grit, and my God, Universe, Creator,  and in retrospect, in what seemed like a blink of an eye, I transported myself into another world of living!   I’m planted in totally new surroundings which feel familiar.  My experiences are self-fulfilling…like a prophecy.  I don’t have any feelings of having ‘arrived’.  It’s more like, “Oh, I see, this is what I’ve done now.”  And, “I wonder what I’ll be up to; I wonder where I’ll take myself.”

Life has so much promise and as I near 85 years old, it doesn’t feel like I’ve peaked!  This time of my life is not an Acme!  I’ve merely shown myself what a person can do when they pull out some of the ‘stops’!

I’ll say it again, I’ve never loved a time of my life more!  And, I’ve never loved myself more! 

I’m ever-grateful for every experience and person I’ve met along my Forever Path. The falling down, and the picking myself back up. I’ve never had more Faith than I have right now…in myself and in God, Universe, Creator.  We’re held in the hands of greatness that is personal only to ourselves.  Whatever swirls in our minds can be ours if we can conjure up our own, innate magic wand that is ever so powerful to perform our Will.

Napoleon Hill said it:  “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”

Ask and it shall be given unto you; seek and ye shall find;

knock and the door shall be opened unto you.   

…Oh ye of little faith… ~  Jesus

Trust and rely on the Goodness of All Creation

and the connection to your Forever Path.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe. Be Well.


I’ve now come to the conclusion that living life is the accomplishment of life itself!

Was it Laurel and Hardy who said, “Now that’s another mess you got me into”?  Looking at my life like this, boy I got myself out of lots of messes!  Now that was accomplishment too!  Coming through the tunnels of pain and grief and sorrow, self-hate, forgiving another (beginning with forgiving myself)…huge accomplishments! Falling down, and getting up more; keeping Faith and Love and Compassion and Kindness in my beingness after I felt I had been denied it;  finding an optimistic viewpoint, no matter what seemed to be existing to the contrary as I continued on my Forever Path – these were all unsung accomplishments as I continued to live my life.

Ah, yes, perspective:  as I produce a different thought I receive a different feeling which then produces another reality for me to consider.

Recently, I’ve been viewing my life in terms of dreams being fulfilled.  These were conscious dreams. These dreams were filled with wishes and hopes and ‘ifs’.  I wanted them enough to keep them alive, and this is important. But what about all the other positive results and happenstances of my life which I wasn’t ‘conscious’ of?  What about the Blessings I have received throughout my lifetime which involved Grace?  

There is no need to bolster myself up and make claim to what all I think I’ve done in my lifetime.  It matters not to the world at large.  It’s the intrigue about it…that it has happened, in spite of everything else that has happened. I am a hero to myself, that’s all there is to it.

It’s GRATITUDE that fills me with humility right now. I’ve been doing what I came here to do for 84+ years, and I will continue to do just that!  It’s nothing to brag about, but it is something to respect and remind myself that whatever I have done has come through me, and then I gave it form.  This is what I do.  I conceive an idea, grab onto it if it resonates with me, and then I make choices which give my ideas form.  Again, it comes through Blessings and Grace and to realize this sets my EGO on its heels!

How often have I said, ‘there but for the Grace of God go I’?  Why would I  find it necessary to use the misfortune of another to compare my own situation so I can feel better!!

I have found another level of awareness…another shift in my perspective… Peace and Calm… I love myself more right now. I love you more right now. WE all are LIFE, not to be compared…we are unique unto ourselves.  

Living is what Life is About…It is Everything.    ~Gaya

I’m comfortable where I am.  I’m closer to nature than I have been in years. I can feel that I am going with the flow of my life. I’m meeting people who fit right into ‘my way’.  People around me show me they like my company.  I feel the generosity of others in many different ways, i.e., from a freely offered gesture to be of more help, to actual gifts of sincere budding friendship. I feel my Peace.  I feel my Gratitude.  I feel I belong.  I am happy.  I have joy in my heart.  I’m starting to deeply understand “what is” and it is becoming easier to ‘let it be’. I think there is a ‘Peace of God which passeth all understanding’ and an acceptance of that silent personal Power. I understand the dynamic of making myself happy through visionary accomplishment and achievement and self-fulfillment.

Tomorrow is New Years Eve Day and I’m mindful how I want to revere this particular time of my life.  I have started a new life.  The few constants in my life remain:  My Spiritual Practice, my belongings, my friends, my son and my activities on the internet. I am not a stranger…I feel my connection…my Presence.  My surroundings welcome me too. Each morning I await with anticipation what is presented to me.  I feel my Blessings.  I’m aware I am Blessing my surroundings as well, in particular, I am giving my new home so much loving care.  I am Careful, i.e., full of care for myself and whatever/whomever I encounter.  It feels like I am within a ‘networking circle’.  Information comes to me as I share my needs and interests, and this can be through my thoughts and aspirations as well as verbally.  I believe this is the Universe, God, Creator, whatever you call it, providing what I need.

  • Matthew 10:29-31 Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.
  • I feel complete and competent. I feel uplifted emotionally and spiritually. Little did I know 4-5 years ago when I bought a warm jacket that it’s perfect for this chillier Winter climate!  Unwittingly, I came prepared to this new state and home!

I am building my Faith, it’s inevitable.  LIFE is such a gift. What’s around us is such a gift. Those we meet are such a gift. Every experience we have is such a gift.

“Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

All is meant to be.    ~Gaya

Happy New Years yet to come to All. Stay Well, Be Safe.  Blessed Be to All.



That’s what I said early yesterday morning! Can’t remember the last time I heard an owl, that’s for sure.  It brings me pause…undoubtedly there have been myriad things in my lifetime that were so important at the time that simply slipped away because I didn’t capture them.  We’re told “Stop and smell the roses” (or the coffee). Then, there’s this poignant one:  “You’ll never miss your mother ’til she’s gone.”

I’m reminded that everything is notably important at the time!

When I am in the state of conscious gratitude I can list some things that come to my mind.  BUT, as I write this morning,  clearly there is much more specificity to life.  There is an urgency each moment and that’s what living in the NOW is all about.  It’s all these fleeting moments that have made up my life.  I am an artist, after all!  And my amazing life portrait is captured by my eyes only! The thrills are never gone.  The colors never fade. I am the beholder! All of life is special!  As long as I cherish my life, I’ll have no regrets.

I recall a live stream I did many years ago where I used the phrase ‘exalt yourself’.’  We ought honor and exalt ourselves and our existence.  We have such ability to always be the prize in our own lives.  It is an invaluable treasure we discover when we silently realize synchronicity in our lives; when we begin to grasp the broader scope of our Beingness; when life takes on this specialized opportunity of awareness.

I am at the tip of my own iceberg. I realize now there have been so many iceberg tips! Eureka! There’s always something new coming to me.  How on earth can I ever be bored and without wonder? What an appropriate time of year to express JOY TO THE WORLD! … JOY TO MY WORLD!

Listen in the silence, and see in the darkness, no need to question, all is right NOW.  ~ Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe and Be Well.



It’s not ‘same old, same old’;  I realize I make my life  ‘same new, same new’!

So, folks, I made my move.  I’ve accomplished making a new thought come true.  It’s about creation.  It’s about listening to my inner voice.  It’s about self-fulfillment, satisfaction, and self-motivation.  Now that I’m here and settling into my new home, I have turned a new page in my life, and there are new horizons…literally.  Life now presents a newness to me, and my feelings are that I’ve been waiting and readying myself for this time  and NOW THIS IS THE TIME TO ENJOY IT FULLY.

I don’t feel alone.  I don’t feel lost. I feel more like I have found newness in my life.  New friends, new scenery, new creativity, and most of all, I feel comfortable with all of it. This is living!

I am now catching the dream at my DreamCatcher Ranch!  There’s lots to do here. And, I have the desire and time to spend doing it!  There’s no rush…just greeting each day with enthusiasm and gratitude and an optimistic attitude. (Wait a minute…isn’t this the way it’s supposed to be every day? YES!)   And I realize I am always responsible for making it so.  Making a move out of state may sound a bit radical, but apparently, it was what I needed.  I guess the point is, when I recognized I had impetus for making this big change, it felt easy and doable and ultimately it was. Things fell into place…I had lots of help…there was no push and shove…and looking back, it really does feel like it was meant to be.  I guess all things we do are meant to be.

Life is a gift of experience and learning. And, it’s by our own doing we liven things up when we see we are ready for newness and change.  There will always be something around the next corner I guess.  But Here and NOW, I am grateful for recognizing what all has gone into this life I am living right NOW.

I am mindful of a daily prayer:

This morning I will say, something great is on the way, God sends his blessings to me.

God is the light of my life, the source of my imagination, God in the midst of me knows.

He gives me food for thought, ideas for excellent service, divine intelligence and an abundance of faith.

God in his love pours forth his goodness upon me and my life and world show forth his perfect order.

You are Life.   ~Gaya

I didn’t think I’d be writing another blog before I moved to New Mexico, but this morning, it came to me:  I’ve been living more consciously these past weeks than I think I ever have in my lifetime!

Since I purchased my new home and sold my current one, everything I’ve been doing has been methodically planned, starting with how I began packing to how this whole move will happen.  My calendar is my ‘assistant’ and it has become my go-to-first-thing every morning!  There are stages to moving, as there are stages to life, and there are patterns which I’ve resurrected from my past moves/packings and I’ve enjoyed creating new, more efficient ways to complete some of these repetitious tasks of yesteryears.

The fact is, I’m so conscious of what and how I am behaving during this time.  I keep schedules, I’m reliable to myself, I keep on keeping on until I reach a plateau of accomplishment.  All of this time is so self-fulfilling, and I’m enjoying the repetitive tests of my mental, physical and emotional agility in this process.  I’m amazed at my personal strength of will and desire to continue to achieve what I am setting out to do as what probably may be the biggest life experience attempt I have very consciously made for myself.

Clearly,  there is direct parallel between this very personal experience and how I want to live my life every day, after the move is completed.  I’m alert, self-directed, purposeful, goal-oriented, self-satisfied and self-fulfilled every day.  I give myself compliments and ‘Atta Girls’ all the time…sometimes audibly!  Yes, my stamina isn’t as long-lived as when I was in my 50’s and 60’s, but my Will to Do  is constant.  I’m never disappointing myself.  I do what I can do and respect my body’s signals to take a rest and resume later.  I am not feeling rushed about anything.  I receive the NOW comfortably as I go.

I have overflowing continuous gratitude for this whole experience – I’m developing more patience because as we all know, things don’t necessarily go wrong, but often they do go differently than we want them to go at times! At the end of each day there are more boxes closed up, piled upon each other, I’ve taken the time to eat and rest and take pleasure in doing one thing at a time.  I don’t scatter my energy nor my intention.

Thirteen days left…and there has been an Ease and Grace which is so assuring.  I acknowledge my blessings and, again, I am so Grateful.

Blessed Be and to all Be Blessed.  Stay Safe and Be Well.

Conscious Living provides myriad rewards.   ~Gaya

We’ve all heard ‘Never say Never’, right?  And too, we’ve all heard ‘Always follow your Dreams’! Well, I’ve done that, and at 84 years old, I am embarking on what I’ll call another journey…one that I’ve dreamed of since I was five years old.  I’ve written about it in this blog from time-to-time as well:  Finding my ‘ranchy thing’.

At 5:15 A.M. Tuesday, August 31st, I drove 341 miles to a smaller town (approx. 25,000 population) in New Mexico, met with my realtor, viewed 6 houses, made an offer on one, came back to Phoenix the next morning, put my house up for sale, sold it that following weekend, and since then have been performing my due diligence bringing this matter together.  Plans are I will be moving to New Mexico on October 28th.  Everything has gone very smoothly…no push and shove.

I found my “DreamCatcher Ranch”!

It seemed like this two-acre spot has been waiting for me.  When I viewed the property online, it felt like it was meant to be mine, and when I saw it that day and walked into the house it felt like home.  The trip certainly was worth it. 

These past many years I have lived a full life, had some wonderful experiences, came through some difficult times too,  and I’ve always held the special place in my heart and mind for the ‘ranchy place’.  I put the dream on hold more than once, and one time actually said, “I’m done looking!”  That was my brain speaking but not my heart.  Recently, when I revved up my motor again, it was quite unexpected, but there was a newfound energy with it.  All of a sudden the pieces began to fit together, and as I wrote above, the events unfolded and I’m here writing about it a short 3+ weeks later!

Interestingly, when I embarked on the move to Phoenix for the final time 30 years ago, my eldest son made the trip with me.  I was so excited to finally get here.  Now, I’ll be riding with my other son with the same excitement to an adjoining Southwestern state…  an expansion of my horizon.  My life is coming full circle, as I see it.  This move isn’t completing me, it is fulfilling me.  It feels so comfortable and I am ready for it.

I hope this message is inspiring to others.  Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed.  Experiences are meant to be had through the choices we make for ourselves. Dreams are meant to be fulfilled.

Miracles do happen! I am so grateful for every moment, every NOW.

You had this in you all the time, Kaye.  When you speak of property,

you say, ‘Location, Location, Location’…when you speak of

manifesting your dreams, we say, “Timing, Timing, Timing”.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe and Be Well.