“Going for It”

I am a Wonder of the World.  We all are!

I’ve stated that I think it is good to take our own inventory.  Somehow, this suggests looking at our flaws and frailties so we can get in touch with how we judge others so harshly, which has no place in love.

I come to think now that taking my own inventory ought to be in a loving and kindly way.  Pulling out my goodness and my divinity.  Holding my head up high and proclaiming how special I Am.  Reminding myself that I’ve spent these 82+ years polishing myself up, learning so many lessons, softening my heart, and marveling in the revelation that I am a  spiritual being living in a human existence inextricably connected to, and  unconditionally loved and supported by, God, Source, Universe, Creator, since I became.

I realize I am more than a body and personality and I am stretching my limits and expanding my understanding of Higher Consciousness and Intuitive Wisdom toward more awareness and enlightenment.

I continue to rip off masks of self-deception, and thrill to newfound freedom of spirit.  It’s becoming so much easier to admit “I’ve been wrong”, “I’m trying to understand you”, “I’m listening and I’m interested in what you have to say”, “I care about you”, and above all, “I’ll take that risk!”  in Faith, to enlighten my path.

There are many times my intuition nudges me and I might not be alert enough to follow the needle on my life compass. I can no longer ignore the interconnection of everything.  Why?  Because it starts with me, and how I think; where I place my attention and intention.  I am not separate and apart from anything.  I float in the same stream with the wafting leaf.  I hear and see, as All hear and see me.  We speak the same language:  I AM HERE TOO. WE ARE ALL HERE TOGETHER. WE KNOW THINGS. I ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR PRESENCE. LET US RESPECT EACH OTHER.

Life is a trial-and-error, live-and-learn proposition. Nothing goes unnoticed by Everything that IS.

Blessed Be… To All Be Blessed.  From My Heart to Your Heart.

Kaye continues to tell her story…we enjoy her expression and resolve, as does she.    ~Gaya

Talk About Freedom!  Read this title one more time!  No Restrictions! The Sky’s the Limit!

To think that it is we who put the screech/stop to things!  Everything around us really doesn’t stop.  It keeps on going with or without our participation.  We make decisions that we think will enhance our existence everyday.  We go to the store and buy things that we think will make us happier…things we just can’t do without…things that we must have NOW, or we may never be able to get them again!  And, we ‘NEED’  them so much, because, because, because.

We find our own rabbit holes and on our way we go.

I’m having an Ah Ha moment and I want to share another ring of my Freedom bell.  I’m beginning to understand ‘just being’.  I’m beginning to feel what it’s like just ‘hanging out’ in the ethos of ‘IT’.  These are glimmerings…hints…of the nothingness and the ALL of IT.  It’s the skimming of a new surface of my understanding.

Recently, I was asked how I was and I responded  “As long as there is no endgame in sight, wherever I am, whatever I do, I’m living my life with gusto and plan to do it for at least 10+ years  and I keep offering myself good experiences that give me joy.”  LET’S REPHRASE THIS RIGHT NOW!  “As long as there is no endgame in sight, wherever I am, whatever I do, I’m living my life with gusto and I keep offering myself good experiences that give me joy.”  TIME has nothing to do with it!

I don’t have to hang my hat on anything!  I ought not compromise me, my power, my integrity, my honesty, my attention and intention in honoring my Creator, my Source.  What a privilege I have been given to experience this life…  To have a dream or a goal and start taking the steps to bring it to fruition.  What a privilege it is to recognize that life is meant to be joyful and happy and it is I who perceives this joy and happiness.  It is I who recognizes that the little things turn into the big things in my life.   There is no thin line to walk through life…it is an expansive as-far-as-the-eye-can-see vista awaiting me to express myself with ease and simplicity just for myself.  My life is for my self-fulfillment.  My life is for the expansion of ME.

Oh, Sweet Kaye, We Love You So.  Continue to enjoy the ride.   ~Gaya


Variety is the spice of life!  Trying something new!  Hearing a suggestion and mulling it over for a while and VOILA’….new ideas come into the brain and all of a sudden another picture is formed.  I LIKE IT!

That’s what life is all about, isn’t it?  Clicking our feet in the air!  Resounding with vigor and intention, “YES!”

I can tweak my life any which way I wish.  I can turn a word or phrase into a painting…it depends upon the descriptive words I use.

I will bring new life into my blog.  After all, everything I write about is about me and what I am doing to continue to fulfill my authenticity.

I invite you to come along with me as I share in yet another way.  If you wish to subscribe to Liferays.net, scroll down to the bottom of the Ease of Living page and complete the form and you will receive emails whenever a blog is published.

I am now observing myself in a much different mode.  This feels interesting and new and exciting.  I am thrilling myself.

We share in this new adventure…we’ve been waiting…it has been

stirring and whirling and bubbling to the surface awaiting Creation.

Leave no stone unturned…it is all in your good timing.   ~ Gaya


It just goes to show, I don’t know everything!  It took my endearing and well meaning Deep Friend and Messenger to suggest I might mention my books here in the blog.   In fact, it was also her objective viewpoint when she suggested displaying the books all together.  Initially, as she was talking, I was very resistant.  I couldn’t see a place for mentioning my books here, nor had I even considered that I could be more original whenever I do my minimal marketing.  (I’d say  my ‘minimal thinking’ is why I didn’t think of these things myself!)  I have come to the trilogy and,I believe, the final ‘book-publishing-time of my life!’   There continue to be so many ‘times’ of our lives.

I’ve stood on my authentic premise that I wrote these books for myself first. It was so much fun, and so self-fulfilling through the publishing stages while I worked with my esteemed book formatter and cover designer, along with individuals from the very beginning who today, almost 3 years later, are still close to my heart and, though  relatively newfound friends in my latter years,  their pulse in my life runs very deep and strong within me.

Amazing how the Universe has never-ending supply of exactly what we need when we need it.  How can one ever stay with a frame of mind that life is ho hum, boring, unfulfilling and ever so unforgiving, if they actually do listen to their heart’s desires, or all of the wonderful dreams they play in their mind?  We are the conductor and we stop our own music!

It all started for me with this blog! I write about my personal transformation which surfaced when I was 78.   I offered my first book, Unbridled Commentary…Without Flinch (From a Woman of  Years in the “Middle” of Her Life) permanently free on Amazon Kindle.   This book initiated my life dialog of conclusions that surfaced from nothing less than the ‘onion peelings’ I’ve been doing through these years in my blog here at Liferays.net.

When I start up a blog, it is my getaway within my head where I begin to iron out some of my rough spots, give myself credit for what I know I have come through, and always try to hold myself in a humble state. Without the Grace of the Universe, of which I am a part and connect to,  I would not be able to refer to these exciting times which are exactly why these years are referred to as “GOLDEN”!  As far as I’m concerned, I am sure of this!

I’ve opened my mind a wee bit more in the hope you readers have gotten to know me a bit better.  Life is a cornucopia of bounteous joyful new experiences – one after the other.  My books relate how our minds develop our lives.  I am proof that there is no bogey man, or Kodiak Bear (to which I’ve referred often in my books and here in the blog).  What there is when we face our Self-Truths are balloons after balloons of unfounded fears that we begin to pop, and set ourselves free from our own personal bondage.

Come Ahead.  You hold the easel, the canvas, and you provide the color.  Together, we create your dreams.     ~Gaya        

Life is for the living…So Let’s Live and Laugh at it All!  Blessed Be and to All Be Blessed.



What’s in a face?  Why save face?  Why put on a happy face?  Face forward! Why use make-up to cover up the face?  There is nothing wrong with the REAL FACE!

A while back, in another exercise toward authenticity,  I was determined to strip away whatever labels I had attached to myself:  I went to a gym to strength train; I walked a mile in 18 minutes; I kept my weight pretty strictly between 130-132 pounds (and was proud of it!).  ALL…drum roll please…at the age of 78-80!  This was my picture of Kaye…I prided myself in it.  I had convinced myself this was part of the REAL ME!  “How Great Thou Art, Kaye”!

I’m getting better at recognizing when my  prideful EGO slivers into my consciousness and it is much easier to recognize and peel off  “that face, that face, that beautiful face”, and idle back to the ME that is  JUST ME!..The perfectly imperfect ME… the ME that I smile at every morning in the mirror  with fond recognition.  It’s more than  good enough for me, and that’s all that counts!

Facing facts  as I relax into my ‘easy peasey’ comfortable-with-ME space, I find I am far less concerned about what others are up to!  Everyone else can figure out their own stuff. It’s my peace I care about and my awareness that I’m continuously gaining because I do care more about me and love me more than anyone else.  I can be authentic around anyone, whether or not they are authentic with me.

Kaye has figured out that beneath ‘it all’, rests everything that is sweet and comfortable in her privilege of living her life to the fullest, and she knows it isn’t fancy, or loud or flashy, it is more on the mundane side of things because there is so much joy and happiness that extends to everything around and within her.  She has figured out that there is nothing specific that makes her happy.   She is happy for happiness’ sake.    ~Gaya. 

There is no question, I am working with another aspect of living in the NOW with myself.  I am more serious about what I have inside of me that must come out.  This isn’t necessarily about peeling my onion as much as it is about my Spiritual Nature, my Soul Self, my Higher Self.  I believe I have a Personal Emotional Guidance System and my consciousness wants a deeper connection to it.  I now have a sense that my innate ‘independent nature’ may well be that very System that has always been a part of my character.  I am on untread ground.  I am turning an unfamiliar corner far deeper within.  These aren’t answers carved in stone. This is how I pursue unanswered questions, as I stay interested and open waiting for answers.  ASK and I shall RECEIVE.







Go Figure!  My brain is always pushing something out of me!…clever, maybe…profound, maybe…useless? oops! Never useless!

Life continues to amaze me!  The older I get, the more amazing it is becoming…notice that I’m writing in the present tense…nothing about having “arrived” or “figured anything out” for certain!  I have a twinkle in my heart this morning.  Why?  Just yesterday, I followed my nose…IN THE NOW, YOU KNOW…and sat in on a live-streaming show on the internet.  I really didn’t think I’d be staying long…I wanted to watch the host.  Instead, I became mesmerized with the panel of women who were showcasing their talents and success in their individual entrepreneurial endeavors.  My brain was swimming…these young women were sophisticated as they explained what they were up to and how they had figured out their niche businesses.

I couldn’t let it go, and already I have contacted one of them….this is the thing about that spark within me.  Just when I think I have gotten comfortable, and then another ball is tossed to me and in a split second...YES A SPLIT SECOND!...NO TIME TO PUT A THOUGHT OF FEAR INTO IT, ONLY TIME TO KNOW I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, MAYBE ALL TO GAIN JUST FOR ME...ANOTHER CHANCE TO GRAB ONTO THE BRASS RING OF SELF-FULFILLMENT!

That’s it!  I’M A BOOTSTRAP KIND OF WOMAN!  My brain keeps working overtime….and obviously ‘over time’…(these 81+ years).

These fabulous thoughts which produce my actions continue to be wonderful.  They’re not book titles, they are Life Chapters…I did the ‘book thing’… I’m  always DOING the Life Thing!

I’m receiving answers to questions I haven’t even formulated in my head yet!

I’ve pulled up my boots by their straps…They’re made for walkin’…or runnin’ …whatever gets me where I’m wanting to go at the right time, without huffin’ and puffin’…no pushin’ or shovin’.


So I’m just beginning to get the ‘hang of observing myself’…and in this process, today I defined “Enlightenment” as “Lightening my emotional load.”  Turns out, this is very big to me.   I’m trying to observe how I think, and this morning in the shower I said, “Kaye, how can you worry about, or dread NOTHING?!”  Yes, that’s what I came up with!

I believe everything in my reality I conjure up in my mind’s eye and ultimately create.  Actually it is not real!  It is what I have thought up as real to me!   Talk about lightening my emotional load!  I’ll be meditating on this maybe forever.

In my process of observing my thoughts (hereafter referred to as ‘IT’) from outside myself, IT is taking the time to wander into an unknown space of consideration,  to learn more.  IT is turning another corner of awareness. IT has a peace.  IT is in a state of RELIEF. 

Lately, I have been ruminating with the thoughts of A Mother’s Love…the boundaries that it encompasses.  I have come to the conclusion, for today anyway, when we extend our feelings toward adult children, we are totally powerless…it turns into the bane of ‘worry out of love’.

From the moment of the birth of my children, the golden thread “became” , and through these almost 53 years, never has that thread frayed.  Instead it has become a life rope  which I have held onto ever so tightly.   Through guided meditation, in recent days I have been Blessed to  more clearly recognize my own radiant light coming from my heart and  I am also recognizing all have this same light, irrespective of how I see the ‘container’ of that light.

Thankfully, I am more able to see with my  ‘mother’s-love eyes’, the glorious golden light  which is in all of us, no matter what. In this realization, these thoughts have become peace giving. I know we are all purposeful and we all ‘make it’ (with or without a Mother’s Love.) ❤ ❤

My heart is permanently attached to the Golden Thread.  I’m now learning to let go of the Life Rope.  We all must be allowed to live the very life we came to this Earth to live…and it is the human part of me that feels the pain.  Never to forget, I am a Spiritual Being already endowed knowing everything …IT  is  Self-Contained.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

We are already a whole week into January, 2018, and I’m preparing for my friend’s arrival on the first of February.

I have lived in Phoenix, Arizona, for going on 28 years this coming March, and I received guests especially the first 10 years most every Winter, so this isn’t anything new!  However, there is something very new and different that I have perceived with the planning I am doing these days.  I’M LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF WHAT I AM UP TO…whether I’m cleaning my refrigerator, or my stove top  – even taking out the strainers on the faucets and my shower-head to remove all the hard water deposits!  I’m tending to my home with love and I’m loving the person who is coming to enjoy her stay here..and I’m feeling the love I have for myself because I am intimately connected to all of this process.

I have been practicing living in the NOW for several months and I think this may just be the reason I mention any of this.  My ‘before picture’ was the planning of a things-to-do list which involved making sure my house was in tip-top shape for my guest, and I was hyped to the degree of excitement with anticipation and outcome woven into everything I was planning – all in advance of the actual event.  It was mostly about me, and how I would look, I’m pretty sure…..I didn’t have the glorious feelings I have now that are inclusive of my guest with a partiality to my own feelings not only toward her and wanting her stay to be as comfortable as I can make it, but it also has to do with how wonderful I am feeling as I “refresh” my home because I want ‘it’ to be an extension of my affection for my personal living space that I am sharing with my house guest and friend.

I have no rhyme or reason as to what I choose to do every day, but I know it is going to be perfect out of my intention.  I know she is looking forward to her visit and we talk most every day not only about that, but also the preparations she is making for a side trip she is planning for herself.  It feels so good to be considering someone else in my life right now – living alone provides more solitary thinking remember – and I know the quality of this comes directly from that which I feel for myself.  There is no ego playing into this.  I have no one to impress, nothing to do other than be myself, the woman we already know.   And, there are some special dishes I want to cook for her (which, of course, I have cleared whether she likes them!)

I am expressing my Freedom and Joy through all of the choices I am making surrounding this event.  And, as much as I am certainly looking forward to it, if for some unknown reason it has to cancel, I know the two of us will just say, “Well, when can we set it up again?”  The whole thing is nothing more or less than one of those “series of events’ I refer to often which present to my privilege of living my life.

There’s a lot to be said for being a dreamer, realist and optimist all rolled up into one.  Makes for an exciting time of it, with the knowledge everything always works out perfectly and in its own good time to my greatest good and that of all those around me, right NOW.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.


Each person has their own brand of quarreling when it comes to their individual happiness.

I lived on the desert when I first moved to Arizona, 27 years ago…I liked the houses far apart.  I happen to like the ranchy look – hay bales, chickens in the yards, an old relic tractor standing out front and other memories of ‘how the west was won’ – maybe a wagon wheel (off a covered wagon, I hoped), and a horse barn topped it all off.  Soon enough contractors bought up lots of the land and before I knew it, housing developments started creeping in and ‘the look’ was gone.  At that time this was, perhaps, the most important thing happening in my life.  This may appear pretty shallow to some, but we’re speaking of my individual happiness here.  There was nothing I could do about the encroachment.  Another reason took me away, but for a fact, looking back those many years, I couldn’t have remained because the landscape changed more than I wanted to.

So, I come to this:  When I am disgruntled or dissatisfied with something, do I make a scene about it?  I’ve never questioned whether my behavior challenged any amendments of the United States Constitution.  I guess I’ve always felt I was free to do and say what I wished, trying not to cross personal boundaries (admittedly guilty at times), or violate laws.  Many have cautioned me through the years to keep my opinions to myself, insinuating that my opinions may cause dissension among family members, perhaps, or maybe just plain embarrassment for others.  I don’t believe I ever felt I was challenging ‘the establishment’.  Exercising who I was as a person was never a ‘statement of my freedom privilege’.

These days I am trying first to be true to myself, to my ideals, my principles, my integrity.  Since my son took his life almost 6 years ago, I became more serious about almost everything that pertained to me.  I became even more introspective.  I began to subjectively take areas of my life that I knew I disliked, and I decided to do whatever it took to make the changes within myself that would benefit me and everyone around me.  This is work, but it’s worth it.  I’ll tell you something – there really hasn’t been much time for my mind to be distracted by others’ drama (and there’s plenty to notice) while I keep my nose to my own grindstone.

Many defend their actions based on principle.  It’s everyone’s right to defend their principles.  The question is, does it have to be a public statement?  Or, can it be no different than when we do a good deed for another when no one is watching and we don’t mention it later either?  Can it be done in the confines of our home as we teach our children what we think is right and honorable?

Everything we do gives us learning lessons.  Human beings have been living by the trial-and-error method forever.  It seems we can be very stubborn and self-absorbed.  Thankfully, there seems to be evidence of a slight shift of the heart.  Are people finally beginning to see the dynamic between their level of self-love and self-care as it relates to their ability and level of care and concern that they are capable of having for anyone else around them?  Unmistakably there is the correlation, and no attempted change of anything on the outside can happen until change on the inside takes place.

I have so many ideals and ideas I want to consider, all to the end of my own self-fulfillment and awareness around my privilege of living the best life I can live.  I’m proactive for me.  I am no stoic.  I am a freedom fighter and I have never felt my rights have been violated.

I think it is a huge privilege of life in these United States to earn hundreds of thousands – even millions – of dollars a year, playing the sport one loves to play.  I’ve never heard of any racial discrimination toward anyone who can play the game exceptionally well.

Personal decorum, decency and dignity – very personal, indeed.  I am entitled to my opinions, and I make no judgment –   neither does Karma.  Blessed Be All.



Funny thing, self-confidence.

There are many areas where I am so self-reliant and self-assured.  I take my own dares all of the time.  Yet, admittedly,  I’m still working with my self-worth.

It escapes me how I can state my truth  on my Just Sayin’  “Live” broadcasts every Friday morning, or when I do videos for my page, Just Sayin’  Kaye A. Peters, and for The Royal Society (BeRoyal.com) and yet,  I’m fully aware there’s a place deep inside of me that needs to be plowed into!

All of my words come forth unscripted from my heart and I feel absolutely comfortable ‘on the air’ and in front of the camera, but I know I have more inside work to do – how?  Because I feel very uneasy when people give me compliments and accolade about what a wonderful woman I am, or how much my words mean to them, or what a wonderful energy I bring with me, etc., etc., etc.

On the one hand, indeed I speak my truth from my heart.  On the other hand, I am as fragile as the next person and this tells me where I must go – deep inside – to get more answers.

I want to be able to accept compliments with confidence – no brag, no ego – with Ease and Grace,  in joy and appreciation to my Creator for the person I know I am so far! I like her…I love her…I’m proud of her…I support her. There are a few more secrets I have to tell myself FIRST! 

I’ve received the nudge to get down to business and I’m ready for the task!   My heart is open, my mind is too.  I have come to the point of no return….it’s exciting, somewhat scary… but to find more treasures which I can surface and toss to the winds will become my pure pleasure.

You’ve heard me tell of how I’ve been singing in the shower for over two years now.  This ties into what I’m saying.  The higher I go on the scale directly relates to my levels of confidence – I know this intrinsically.  Each morning I hit a high note.  Inside I know what it means to me…I know I am ‘scaling my wall of self-worth’  (pun intended)!.  Now that i have opened up my heart, yet again, I know I’m on another progress run to awareness.

This time I’m goin’ for the Gold!  Blessed Be All.