Life and Living

Today I am coming face forward to something that I admit to myself I started as a seed thought well over a year ago!

What am I saying?  I’m trying to explain that I am witnessing the dynamic of just how the mind creates what it wants to see…and as long as that initial seed thought is there and germinating, the ‘workings from Source Energy’ are continuing toward the manifestation of this thought.

I can’t explain why I originated that seed thought…and believe me, I am honest with myself that I did, indeed, originate it!  It must be something from another life, is all I think it could be.  After all, when something or someone appears in our life…something or someone I have never known before in this life…there is a ‘lesson’ that is presenting to me.  Yes, a lesson is coming,  and I already know, it is my own integrity and honor and depth of character that is being tested.  I WILL MAKE IT!!!

No, Kaye, this is not from another life.  This is Your Essence bringing an experience to work through yet another lesson which needs to be dealt with, once and for all.  It is You, Kaye,  who has the propensity  either to ‘fall short’…or, as you say, “I will make it!!!”  You are acting out your own movie within the movie of this life and as We see, You are working through it successfully.   ~   Gaya

What a wonderment this blog has turned out to be for me!  I am the one who sits on my own shoulder monitoring carefully what goes on with me!  Call it Conscience or Wisdom or Character or Integrity or Honor or Truth to Self.  Yes, it’s Truth to Self.  

Little did I know when I began this journey of transformation  July 4, 2015, when was originated, what was in store for me.  Thankfully, I  have tried to come from my heart and in honesty the best I know how.  

Living in the NOW requires mindfulness and sincerity of purpose.  I have known this all along.  To be mindful means I have had to slow down…observe, not only my thoughts, but also that which presents to me.  Today’s awareness is an Acme of personal awareness.  It’s like I’m extinguishing a part of me…it’s letting go of something that I have been capable of doing which has never served me well.   As I write these very words, I feel extremely powerful in saying NO!  I WILL NOT GO DOWN THIS ROAD  AGAIN!  

I realize this may read as an unsolved mystery, but believe me, Another of My Mysteries Has Been Solved!  Another mask has been pulled off!   HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

I can’t speak for others, but as much as I’d like to be able to claim, “……Frankly, My Dear, I Don’t Give A Damn!”, I’d be lying if I said this was true!  I don’t want to be affected by others’  less than complimentary  or dismissive actions toward me but, admittedly, I have allowed myself to be affected.

I live  in the ‘in-life’ and  online worlds, and either way, as much as I strive to do my best, and hope others see it…and as much as I continue to gain self-confidence and self-worth and value, and self-fulfillment, knowing full well that all of my strength of self comes from WITHIN.…I accept I will always be fighting the Good Fight of Faith, so to speak, toward  FEELING  the TRUTHIt is ONLY MY approval and respect and acceptance and complete love of myself that counts!

I am in the process of dissecting a dynamic within myself where I CHOOSE and PICK certain people whose attention or opinions ABOUT ME MATTER MORE THAN PRESUMABLY MY OWN!  I know this is quite a public admission!

Here she goes again, writing out loud…she’s  getting to the nitty-gritty now and we’re so very proud of her!  No question, she has been hearing us, and she is letting us show her that nothing will ever be [as she has expressed in the past] her “Kodiak Bear”!  We admire how she keeps clearing her Forever Pathway of Life.                          ~Gaya

Fact:  Everyone whom I know is a human being.  Everyone is endowed with the same feelings.  Everyone has achieved so much in their lifetime and they are capable of achieving much more if they’d care to.  Everyone has frailties and fears which they never express to others.  Everyone is Blessed by virtue of their Creation.    Everyone hits their finger with the hammer.  Everyone cries alone sometimes and doesn’t share their grief.  Everyone wants to be accepted for who they are – Sometimes they are and sometimes they are not.  Everyone has been insulted and scorned in public at one time or another. Everyone feels they are not good enough from time-to-time and they try to hide it.  Everyone has risen from the ashes of their lives again and again.

EVERYONE deserves No More  honor or respect or love FROM Me than I GIVE TO MYSELF!

All the more reason to take a fresh look in the mirror and give myself a warm welcome into a renewed enjoyment of the privilege of living my life, and begin to honor myself  MORE FULLY.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.


I love my introspection, my considerations and my resilience!  I love my tenacity, my good intentions, my ability to objectively  criticize myself without bringing me to my knees of low self-worth.  I love it when finally I don’t have my first knee-jerk reaction of defensiveness; that I can listen, evaluate, and give myself time to assess a situation.  It’s the Peace in it that allows me to move ahead, with a much clearer head! 

Isn’t it interesting that she is now able to write out loud , as she has already been thinking out loud?  It is good she is feeling so comfortable with herself knowing she is opening the gates of Connection to her Source even wider.          ~Gaya

The first descriptive word I used above is Introspection.  I am finding when I have no anxiety or rush to anything,  I am able to just ‘sit with something’ while I figure out the wrinkle I want to iron out.  The ‘answers’ reveal themselves for Consideration.  

In the past, and  up to relatively recently,  I always created an urgency to get to the bottom of something…seeking closure.  It was like I forced myself to wrap it up ..get it out of my thoughts…and move on.   My marriages and divorces are good examples here.  In retrospect, I think this is what created even more chaos in my life! Nothing is so urgent, except if  a person needs to get to the hospital for immediate medical care!

I am much easier on myself these days (and years). I like the feeling of moseying along, picking up on my own innuendos  – taking to heart what presents and how I am triggered by it.  Still, there’s no need for urgency, just an indicator that I know I want to make a change, or  tweak something I’m doing with my Life.  I think life is simple if I keep it simple.  It is as simple as that! 

It is good to take on new experiences just for the sake of that experience.  The only commitment necessary is to honor the intention of taking on that experience.  EGO can destroy good intention.

The expression, “Take your good old-fashioned time” makes better sense to me now more than ever before.  What’s the rush to most things…there’s no fire!

I am always finding My Way Along My Forever Path. 

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.



Go Figure!  My brain is always pushing something out of me!…clever, maybe…profound, maybe…useless? oops! Never useless!

Life continues to amaze me!  The older I get, the more amazing it is becoming…notice that I’m writing in the present tense…nothing about having “arrived” or “figured anything out” for certain!  I have a twinkle in my heart this morning.  Why?  Just yesterday, I followed my nose…IN THE NOW, YOU KNOW…and sat in on a live-streaming show on the internet.  I really didn’t think I’d be staying long…I wanted to watch the host.  Instead, I became mesmerized with the panel of women who were showcasing their talents and success in their individual entrepreneurial endeavors.  My brain was swimming…these young women were sophisticated as they explained what they were up to and how they had figured out their niche businesses.

I couldn’t let it go, and already I have contacted one of them….this is the thing about that spark within me.  Just when I think I have gotten comfortable, and then another ball is tossed to me and in a split second...YES A SPLIT SECOND!...NO TIME TO PUT A THOUGHT OF FEAR INTO IT, ONLY TIME TO KNOW I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, MAYBE ALL TO GAIN JUST FOR ME...ANOTHER CHANCE TO GRAB ONTO THE BRASS RING OF SELF-FULFILLMENT!

That’s it!  I’M A BOOTSTRAP KIND OF WOMAN!  My brain keeps working overtime….and obviously ‘over time’…(these 81+ years).

These fabulous thoughts which produce my actions continue to be wonderful.  They’re not book titles, they are Life Chapters…I did the ‘book thing’… I’m  always DOING the Life Thing!

I’m receiving answers to questions I haven’t even formulated in my head yet!

I’ve pulled up my boots by their straps…They’re made for walkin’…or runnin’ …whatever gets me where I’m wanting to go at the right time, without huffin’ and puffin’…no pushin’ or shovin’.


My gosh!  One thing’s for sure….LEARNING NEVER STOPS…NEVER!  And to top off  this belabored true statement: THE WAYS WE LEARN CHANGE ALL OF THE TIME!

By forces well beyond my control, I am becoming more aware that there have been so many personal introductions to my life and the way I live it!  Said differently,  I continue to look around corners, jump into new experiences with excitement and no contemplation of outcome.  Actually, this is nothing short of  ‘just living in the NOW’, without any particular plans, and certainly no trepidation.

I’m so excited right this minute as I write this blog, I am hard-pressed where to start.  My heart is so full, and so grateful, and I’m intent on offering my experience for others to consider.

I’m 81 years old…for a first-time reader…and life continues to hold me up to a wonderful standard of wanting to continue to enjoy the privilege of living IT!  It thrills me to tell myself in no uncertain terms:   Kaye, keep your head on straight!  Be aware of all of the blessings that you are continuously being granted  because you are looking for and accepting them as they appear.  Always keep in mind that in your own small world you  are continuously opening up an infinite world of possibilities just for you, Kaye, and it is here that you will always thrive, learn, grow, become aware, and continue to follow your Forever Path…  yes, Kaye, your Forever Path of Joyous living toward your Willingness to address whatever triggers your deepest Beingness, and your ultimate countenance of Peace.

As I type this conversation to Self, I know I am in tune with Source Energy and this is my message for today, meant to be written NOW.  And, as I have said so many times in Just Sayin’  “Live”, I trust the words which come from me are meant to be said in the way I say them, and will be heard by those who are meant to hear them.

I’m almost addicted to keeping my windows and doors open  so all those who are meant to come into my life, and all the teachings I am meant to receive, will appear.

This is my absolute FAITH and TRUST in all that brought me to this place in this life, and I have no doubt I will be brought far beyond.

This is the right of passage for us all...finding the many  Pearls in our own Oyster.

Blessed Be All.  To All Be Blessed.


So I’m just beginning to get the ‘hang of observing myself’…and in this process, today I defined “Enlightenment” as “Lightening my emotional load.”  Turns out, this is very big to me.   I’m trying to observe how I think, and this morning in the shower I said, “Kaye, how can you worry about, or dread NOTHING?!”  Yes, that’s what I came up with!

I believe everything in my reality I conjure up in my mind’s eye and ultimately create.  Actually it is not real!  It is what I have thought up as real to me!   Talk about lightening my emotional load!  I’ll be meditating on this maybe forever.

In my process of observing my thoughts (hereafter referred to as ‘IT’) from outside myself, IT is taking the time to wander into an unknown space of consideration,  to learn more.  IT is turning another corner of awareness. IT has a peace.  IT is in a state of RELIEF. 

Lately, I have been ruminating with the thoughts of A Mother’s Love…the boundaries that it encompasses.  I have come to the conclusion, for today anyway, when we extend our feelings toward adult children, we are totally powerless…it turns into the bane of ‘worry out of love’.

From the moment of the birth of my children, the golden thread “became” , and through these almost 53 years, never has that thread frayed.  Instead it has become a life rope  which I have held onto ever so tightly.   Through guided meditation, in recent days I have been Blessed to  more clearly recognize my own radiant light coming from my heart and  I am also recognizing all have this same light, irrespective of how I see the ‘container’ of that light.

Thankfully, I am more able to see with my  ‘mother’s-love eyes’, the glorious golden light  which is in all of us, no matter what. In this realization, these thoughts have become peace giving. I know we are all purposeful and we all ‘make it’ (with or without a Mother’s Love.) ❤ ❤

My heart is permanently attached to the Golden Thread.  I’m now learning to let go of the Life Rope.  We all must be allowed to live the very life we came to this Earth to live…and it is the human part of me that feels the pain.  Never to forget, I am a Spiritual Being already endowed knowing everything …IT  is  Self-Contained.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

So something begins to stir inside of me…what is that, anyway?  It’s that ‘same old feeling’ that I get for EVERYTHING when I know something isn’t quite right, and it is up to me to figure out where it fits and what it means in MY LIFE!

Well Oh Well, let’s just figure it out together!  I’ve defined this feeling before.  It’s like I’m guilty of something, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t do or say anything to feel guilty about!  So, I’m already getting to it…This morning someone said something to me which MY EGO picked up faster than the speed of sound  and I’m feeling insecure, not so sure of myself, about most everything that I’m doing online!  I’m also hearing myself say,   “There’s more, Kaye”…I’m feeling inadequate with a friend.

Oh boy, Kaye…just a minute… what did you write in one of your books about this:

An excerpt from my first book,  Unbridled Commentary…Without Flinch (FROM A WOMAN OF YEARS IN THE ‘MIDDLE OF HER LIFE) , “Love Me…Love Me Not?, You’d think after reading this far that I’d have all the answers down pat when it comes to who I AM, what I think of myself, where my self-esteem throttles, and how my confidence stabilizes most of the time…WELL, I’M STILL WORKING ON IT!…..I believe the Ego is the devil! It doesn’t serve me well.  It causes me to have doubts and question ME, the very one I trust, have faith in, and in whose strength I rely!….I have a ‘kicker test’:  Whenever I have any doubt about any opinion I support as my truth or any decisions I have made in my behalf, or when I am worrying about what anyone else might think about me or my actions, IT’S MY EGO undermining me!  Yes, folks, for me, this is it in a nutshell! This is my story and I’m sticking to it!  I love me, and if I love me, I trust me, and have faith in what I know are my life truths, and I make decisions based on this strong faith.  THIS IS THE LAST TIME I AM PICKING THE PETALS OFF A DAISY!”

There you have it my friends.   ‘We’ came to my answer.  It didn’t take us so long, and ‘that feeling’ has left me and I am as confident as ever and I am on my right track once again!

I AM SO GRATEFUL I don’t cower to myself when I’m at this ONION PEELING!  I have welcome tears flooding my eyes letting me know “I’ve still got it!”  I am in tune with Source Energy!  I persevere to ‘BE’,  TO BE FREE.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

P.S.  If you haven’t already, take my first book, it’s the FREE one! You might even decide to buy the second one (smile).

It came to me this morning that I’ve used the word “fair” often in my lifetime.   I don’t recall saying it so much as a child, but I certainly do remember how sincerely earnest I was with being fair to my sons…I didn’t want to short-change either one of them.    I also recall I used to ask them, rhetorically, “Do you think this is fair?”, or “Am I being fair?”, or something like that.  I know I drove it home too, because all too often I’d hear “That’s Not Fair!”  And, of course, I was quick to point out,  “Who said life was fair?”….and this was rhetorical to me!

I think others can identify when they grow up and maybe didn’t like some particular behavior of their parent(s),  they vowed they’d never do ‘that’ when they became parents!  In my own way, I think this “Fair” recollection was my way of bringing up how I felt I was treated as a youngster and may not have identified it so consciously, but brought it forward in my own parenting intent.

In one of my books I wrote about ‘chips’ people wear on their shoulders.  I’m coming in touch with what may be a very large chip on my own shoulder regarding what I perceived as lack of fair treatment in my childhood, and it may be the integral piece to the ‘why do I sound so angry?’ a lot of the time when I get passionate about things.

So, I asked myself, “Kaye, do you think you have been treated fairly much of the time in your lifetime?”   I spoke my mind from a very early age, but when under  parental rule, it was ineffectual.  In my adulthood, I carried my own torch.  I was quick to answer, in the workplace I was treated fairly. I was comfortable standing my own ground when I felt it was necessary.  I believe in my schooldays I was treated fairly. I don’t recall ever feeling unjustly punished or being bullied.  But, when it came to looking at all the other times in my life, there is no question…by virtue of how I can pick out INSTANCE EASILY…that I felt misjudged, manipulated when I couldn’t stand up for myself properly, relegated (as in being put below ‘company’ when they came to stay at our home), defined as a certain ‘type’ of child by innuendo, or mimicked and belittled at times.   This isn’t fair treatment by standard.  When I query myself about my adulthood, considering the choices I’ve made – good and not-so-good – I think I brought a lot upon myself and even encouraged  it as a form of daring to those who witnessed it…’will you still like me if….’!  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know how a person with low self-worth behaves!

Thankfully and to my utmost joy, there are many fair-minded people who have recognized my ‘do-over’ and through time and consistency, I have been able to come to respectable terms with myself.

TO MAKE THIS STORY SHORTER:  I’m a big girl now, I know what I deserve, I try to make it a point to clarify my feelings when I get the gut-wrench warning, and above all, I know how I treat myself and how I must be treated...So, Little and Big Kaye  acknowledge that it is paramount I make absolutely certain  – and this is in my control – that I am treated fairly.

For sure, Life is not Fair, by virtue of the fluidity of it and the countless interference from Nurture and Nature.  But today, the day before Memorial Day, I am rolling out the red carpet for me.  In honorable memory of everything before today, I salute myself for my resilience and strength and unwavering Faith.  Concurrently, I salute myself in my own parade of appointment to MY LIFE, the treasure trove of experiences and learning lessons which, again, have enabled me to push deeper to my authenticity and declare my Freedom.  I hold no one and nothing hostage that will impede me from celebrating my glorious greatness as a Created Being.   I have settled the heretofore unsettled scales of my own  personal injustices.  I now declare, “I’m Good To Go…AS-IS!”   This is a fair-minded statement!

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.



“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!”  Who said that, anyway?  Lots more people than me!  Some say ‘do’ and some say ‘don’t’!  I know I’ve said it many times in my lifetime!  I TAKE IT ALL BACK TODAY!

This morning a new perspective opened me up.  I’m a basket…that is, the body I’m trekking around everyday…utilizing my hands, my feet and legs, all senses,  and above all, my thinking.…ah, yes, my thinking...trying to make sense of what I’m up to and why I’m up to it!

Many have heard me state, “Life is a series of events”.  I must add on a bit now, “Life is also a series of experiences”.  I  think I view the ‘events’ as being presented to me, and the ‘experiences’ as more my-choice-based.  As I’ve meandered this lifetime I’ve made a whole lot of choices which fostered many experiences…the quality of which don’t matter for now.  What does matter is that as long as I’m meandering, these ‘eggsperiences’ keep filling up my life basket!  They can’t go anywhere else!

This is beginning to become a bit trickier to explain.  All of life experiences have provided me with all of the lessons of my life.  It doesn’t matter if they were outcomes of the series of events in my life or by the choices I made.  HERE IT COMES:  IT DOES MATTER THAT I CONCENTRATE ON PUTTING AS MANY EGGSPERIENCES INTO MY LIFE BASKET AS I CAN,  SO MY LIFE IS AS FULL AND COMPLETE AS I AM CAPABLE OF MAKING IT!

I can’t be  small-minded when I consider this last statement.  In other words, I don’t want to be obsessive or compulsive to any one experience, lifestyle, or credo, which might put me into any kind of imbalance to my nature/nurture self.  Take my FAITH, for instance.  When I consider this, I put my faith in myself and my Source.  I rely on this faith as I come into each day of the NOW.  Each day I silently make a  pact with the unknown series of events that will unfold.  This is a mighty large egg of life I place in my basket.  BUT, as I work with these events, I want to make sure I am deliberately putting into my basket eggsperiences of another sort:  the quality and quantity of my choices that serve as an enhancement to my growth and awareness, and enlightenment. While I am nurturing myself with these deliberate eggsperiences, it is not unlike feather-lining my life basket to continue to make me whole….like taking a risk (nothing harmful in any way to me) to feel a certain joy;  extending myself in a different way to someone, in order to fortify a bond in our relationship; listening to new theories on subjects that sound interesting and even mutual to my own understanding; expanding a generosity of thought toward my musings of my purpose in this meandering through life.  With new understanding, development and growth comes shedding old ways of doing some things so there is always room for new information and quality/quantity eggsperiences.

I must always keep a watchful eye on my Life Basket.  It’s deliciously exciting when I recognize I have peeked around another corner of eye-opening, mind-opening  understanding of why I keep on keeping on.

I want my Life Basket chock full of Eggsperiences to savor and nuture the privilege of living my life. You might call me a Life Zealot!


Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.


Yesterday was a “low Energy” day.  Yes, I can have days like that!  I got up feeling dragged out.  My body wanted to lay down again and sleep and for a fact, after I took care of a favor for my friend, I came back home and did just that.  I slept on the couch the whole afternoon.  I grazed around in the kitchen…never made a meal…did a putzy-purgy  thing in my recipe-hoarder file, tossing what I know I’ll never cook and went to bed at an almost unheard of 9:20!

This morning, I awoke with energy and positivity and glad to be that!  I definitely had feelings  I had let go of the helm.  I hadn’t walked in a while,  a plant was still waiting since Mother’s Day to be put into a pot outside, meditation had been put on a shelf too.  I took a cursory look ‘inside’ and reminded myself I had listened to several lengthy tapes from the Hay House Summit I am currently participating in, and I have been keeping up with my coursework every morning which is proving to be so enlightening to me too.  In a way, I felt like I had been cramming for a very important test.

Where are those horns on that bull anyway?  I want to grab them!  No question, my poster for today said it quite clearly:  “I Make My Day.”   I knew I had to cancel a plan I had made and redirect myself.  That done,  I meditated, showered and went off on my hoof.

Thank God I can always count on Source Energy.  It’s always there to do my bidding.  “Here’s where I want to go, so let’s get going!”    It felt like I was reaching out my hand fully expecting cooperation.  Yes, I had specifics in mind for today, and accomplished them in what seemed like record time.  There was no big plan in place, just a series of following-through thoughts which ultimately got a plant potted, delivered tomatoes to my friend, and ran a grocery errand where I found more than exactly what I needed!  I came back home and headed directly to my desk to do my coursework for the day.  I wasn’t half into my morning!

Life really is much more simple than I make it.  How many times haven’t I heard – and I do believe it –  everything I want is ready and waiting for me to join my energy with Source Energy and spring the law of attraction into action.  I think I muster the gusto…ignite my sparks….pull out the stops, and feel the thrill I’m up to.   Full Steam Ahead!

I had another brightened moment too when I realized that along with sitting on the sidelines of my life, I may have dropped the reins to my plans of who I try to be and want to be as a citizen of my small world.  Thankfully, I got a glimpse that when I sidestep directing my life, I also seem to weaken my own resolve in other ways.  Sort of like when offices instituted ‘casual Fridays’ years ago, it was soon noticed that employees slacked on the job too.

Come to know, it’s good to have the straight-talk conversations with Self from time to time.  I DON’T EVER WANT TO BE TOO BUSY FOR MY SELF-CARE AND UNDERSTANDING.  Who’s my Best Friend after all?  ME!

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.