When I need a screwdriver, do I need a phyllips or flathead? Considering a project, do I need gloves, a scraper, a saw, some sandpaper?  I ask myself these questions each time I begin a project.. In other words, I go to my tool box or my shed and pick up the exact tools I need for the job.

Living life to my best ability, I have other tools, and they’re intuitive.  I began trusting my intuition about 20 years ago. It’s a process to be sure, and when I made that conscious decision I had only one caveat, if I thought I was supposed to get on a plane and go somewhere, I WOULDN’T! Living intuitively takes practice along with mindfulness and lots of FAITH.

Living in the NOW is spontaneous.  It’s a responsive process to that which LIFE presents to me.  I make no things-to-do lists. I mark appointments on a calendar and do a grocery list. Eckhart Tolle says he provides tools through his books and speaking.  I get it!  My books and other information from my spiriiual mentors are all tools, and I’m free to pick and choose exactly which tool I need for my LIFE PROJECTS! Sitting in the silence begins the solution.

Living my life is not about panicking or fearful thinking.  It’s about trusting self with the realization that my intuition is God speaking directly to me.  I’m speaking to myself! The trick is the LISTENING! There is no urgency to living.  There is thoughtfulness and joy and intention  and personal willingness to jump in with both feet! Ram Dass refers to the GAME.  Games are fun, and tricky and require strategy and they can be won.  In life, my game is not a competitive one. I open doorways and windows for me to see opportunity and warnings.  I recognize blessings and gratitude.  I provide my own soft pillows to fall upon.  I trust my intuition and it is serious business.

There is no need to worry when I trust my intuition because I know I am coming from my heart and as I’ve said many times, I don’t believe anything can go awry when I come from my heart. There is no place for ego.  It is a silent affirmation from me to me that I’m trying my very best in all situations to get the job done!

I have found more peace in my lifetime these days than ever before.  Granted, there was more hurry and scurry when I was younger and more activity in mainstream; however, there was more ego and less awareness and consideration back then as well.  I guess it is a Game of Life I’m in, and admittedly, it hasn’t been boring.  But there’s big truth in recommendations to stop and smell the roses, and sit in the silence and ponder how magnificent creation is.  Everything really is as important as it is unimportant. It’s about my own focal point. There is so much to realize.  It could never be forced on me.  I have been offered countless directions over the years, but it was the choices I made which led me here and NOW.

I love the Serenity Prayer:  “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, oourage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

I think it’s the acceptance that is my  greatest challenge.  Of course, when LIFE provides me pleasure, it’s easy to accept it.  It’s when I am challenged with outcome which I don’t want that it’s difficult to accept.

I think serenity and courage and wisdom  are intuitive, and then acceptance reveals itself.

Ease and Grace and Safety come with Peace.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.

I got to thinking, remember the adage we don’t want to be on our deathbed and say ‘I wish I woulda”?

We all are the pearls in our own oyster! The trouble is, we mostly sit and think and mull over stuff.  One ‘think and mull’ is enough!  Next comes the ‘do I want to? and will I?’ part.

For years I called myself a ‘hip-shooter’. I didn’t necessarily mean this in a complimentary way.  Now, as I’m thinking about who I am and who I want to be more often, I’ve come to understand that hip-shooter describes me as someone who ‘gets to it’ without so much thinking and mulling!  We all get results from our choices, but if we don’t like these results doesn’t necessarily mean we didn’t think it over enough.  There’s a lot more that goes into the action of making a choice.  It has to do with can we handle whatever the outcome may be.

I never viewed ‘failure’ as anything!  It’s just a word!  I think what most refer to as failure, is just a result from a choice and it’s a pointer on how we can modify or improve our future choices to our liking.

We’ve been conditioned for so many years about preparedness and propriety, we’ve lost touch with our own inside knowledge…our intuitive side…our spiritual beingness… The Intelligence (some may call God, Creator, Universe) is unequivocally connected to us, loving and supporting and providing us with fabulous dreams we want to live.  It’s our Ego which flares when we begin to try to fulfill these dreams.  Our Ego gets in our way when it comes to how we make our choices. Ego brings up Fear!

Summarily, I think it has been a good road for me to jump into life.  Yes, Look Before You Leap is good…but most of the time we’re not leaping into an ocean, or off a cliff, we’re just living life from gut instinct.  We weren’t born knowing how to live life, that’s what experience is all about…trial and error. We live and we learn.

Those of you who have followed my blogs read how I tried and tried to find my ranchy thing.  There was a time I even stated I was squelching that dream and moving on.  But something inside me just didn’t let me!  Good thing too.  Last year at age 84, I once again took that Leap of Faith and sold my home in Arizona and moved to New Mexico and NOW I have my DreamCatcher Ranch!  All went smoothly and still does.  It most definitely was meant to be.

Living slips through our fingers if we let it…but there is Charm and Grace that exists for us:  We are in control of what we do and don’t want to do. I think it’s good to grab onto that brass ring! We don’t catch all of them, but in trying, we do catch a lot of them.  I’m proof of that.

At this stage of my life, I’m learning how to smooth out the rough edges. I may be operating a bit more slowly, but I still have intentions and motivation, albeit  it will take me longer to get it done!  Oh well, what’s pushing me?  The journey, not the destination.

Steady as you go…all’s well.    ~Gaya

Even at 85, I still think about where I am going in my life, and when I ask the questions I have to answer to myself!  There never is a time in our lives when we can just skip on…without responsibility.

How I try to polish myself, to improve my way of thinking and doing, to the end of more joy and peace in my life is reflected by the ‘outside’ of my life.  There’s no fooling anyone, in particular myself!

When life serves us well, it is evidenced by how each day unfolds.  I know  my ‘countenance’.  I know by how my newly acquired canine friend responds/reacts to me.  I know by how well I get to sleep at night.  I know by how many times I sit in gratitude and amazement when I take the time to take my own inventory.

Life is personal in every single way.  There isn’t a mask I could wear which would hide the truth about me.  There isn’t an excuse I might utter that erases what IS.

When I decided to dig to my authenticity it became my path to freedom.  When I came to the place that I could slowly lift the veils of deception, and emerge in plain view, I realized the sun continued to shine just as brightly on me!   I was able to see where I wanted to begin the work of changing myself and in this process, Life became more meaningful.

Whatever goes on around me is the ultimate predictor. When I participate in Life, I realize how well I am taking care of myself and my responsibilities which I have chosen to assume.  I am realizing more and more that I am becoming the Observer.  It’s an internal experience.  Opinions don’t matter, Inner Peace matters.

Life always comes back to NOW.  It is all there is… NOW.  I recall my coined phrase of long ago, “Everything is as unimportant as it is Important.” There are no degrees of honesty. It’s a continuous deep dig!

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe. Be Well.

Allowance…~  Gaya


I’m comfortable where I am.  I’m closer to nature than I have been in years. I can feel that I am going with the flow of my life. I’m meeting people who fit right into ‘my way’.  People around me show me they like my company.  I feel the generosity of others in many different ways, i.e., from a freely offered gesture to be of more help, to actual gifts of sincere budding friendship. I feel my Peace.  I feel my Gratitude.  I feel I belong.  I am happy.  I have joy in my heart.  I’m starting to deeply understand “what is” and it is becoming easier to ‘let it be’. I think there is a ‘Peace of God which passeth all understanding’ and an acceptance of that silent personal Power. I understand the dynamic of making myself happy through visionary accomplishment and achievement and self-fulfillment.

Tomorrow is New Years Eve Day and I’m mindful how I want to revere this particular time of my life.  I have started a new life.  The few constants in my life remain:  My Spiritual Practice, my belongings, my friends, my son and my activities on the internet. I am not a stranger…I feel my connection…my Presence.  My surroundings welcome me too. Each morning I await with anticipation what is presented to me.  I feel my Blessings.  I’m aware I am Blessing my surroundings as well, in particular, I am giving my new home so much loving care.  I am Careful, i.e., full of care for myself and whatever/whomever I encounter.  It feels like I am within a ‘networking circle’.  Information comes to me as I share my needs and interests, and this can be through my thoughts and aspirations as well as verbally.  I believe this is the Universe, God, Creator, whatever you call it, providing what I need.

  • Matthew 10:29-31 Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.
  • I feel complete and competent. I feel uplifted emotionally and spiritually. Little did I know 4-5 years ago when I bought a warm jacket that it’s perfect for this chillier Winter climate!  Unwittingly, I came prepared to this new state and home!

I am building my Faith, it’s inevitable.  LIFE is such a gift. What’s around us is such a gift. Those we meet are such a gift. Every experience we have is such a gift.

“Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

All is meant to be.    ~Gaya

Happy New Years yet to come to All. Stay Well, Be Safe.  Blessed Be to All.



That’s what I said early yesterday morning! Can’t remember the last time I heard an owl, that’s for sure.  It brings me pause…undoubtedly there have been myriad things in my lifetime that were so important at the time that simply slipped away because I didn’t capture them.  We’re told “Stop and smell the roses” (or the coffee). Then, there’s this poignant one:  “You’ll never miss your mother ’til she’s gone.”

I’m reminded that everything is notably important at the time!

When I am in the state of conscious gratitude I can list some things that come to my mind.  BUT, as I write this morning,  clearly there is much more specificity to life.  There is an urgency each moment and that’s what living in the NOW is all about.  It’s all these fleeting moments that have made up my life.  I am an artist, after all!  And my amazing life portrait is captured by my eyes only! The thrills are never gone.  The colors never fade. I am the beholder! All of life is special!  As long as I cherish my life, I’ll have no regrets.

I recall a live stream I did many years ago where I used the phrase ‘exalt yourself’.’  We ought honor and exalt ourselves and our existence.  We have such ability to always be the prize in our own lives.  It is an invaluable treasure we discover when we silently realize synchronicity in our lives; when we begin to grasp the broader scope of our Beingness; when life takes on this specialized opportunity of awareness.

I am at the tip of my own iceberg. I realize now there have been so many iceberg tips! Eureka! There’s always something new coming to me.  How on earth can I ever be bored and without wonder? What an appropriate time of year to express JOY TO THE WORLD! … JOY TO MY WORLD!

Listen in the silence, and see in the darkness, no need to question, all is right NOW.  ~ Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe and Be Well.



It’s not ‘same old, same old’;  I realize I make my life  ‘same new, same new’!

So, folks, I made my move.  I’ve accomplished making a new thought come true.  It’s about creation.  It’s about listening to my inner voice.  It’s about self-fulfillment, satisfaction, and self-motivation.  Now that I’m here and settling into my new home, I have turned a new page in my life, and there are new horizons…literally.  Life now presents a newness to me, and my feelings are that I’ve been waiting and readying myself for this time  and NOW THIS IS THE TIME TO ENJOY IT FULLY.

I don’t feel alone.  I don’t feel lost. I feel more like I have found newness in my life.  New friends, new scenery, new creativity, and most of all, I feel comfortable with all of it. This is living!

I am now catching the dream at my DreamCatcher Ranch!  There’s lots to do here. And, I have the desire and time to spend doing it!  There’s no rush…just greeting each day with enthusiasm and gratitude and an optimistic attitude. (Wait a minute…isn’t this the way it’s supposed to be every day? YES!)   And I realize I am always responsible for making it so.  Making a move out of state may sound a bit radical, but apparently, it was what I needed.  I guess the point is, when I recognized I had impetus for making this big change, it felt easy and doable and ultimately it was. Things fell into place…I had lots of help…there was no push and shove…and looking back, it really does feel like it was meant to be.  I guess all things we do are meant to be.

Life is a gift of experience and learning. And, it’s by our own doing we liven things up when we see we are ready for newness and change.  There will always be something around the next corner I guess.  But Here and NOW, I am grateful for recognizing what all has gone into this life I am living right NOW.

I am mindful of a daily prayer:

This morning I will say, something great is on the way, God sends his blessings to me.

God is the light of my life, the source of my imagination, God in the midst of me knows.

He gives me food for thought, ideas for excellent service, divine intelligence and an abundance of faith.

God in his love pours forth his goodness upon me and my life and world show forth his perfect order.

You are Life.   ~Gaya