Peace and Understanding

This aging business only allows for living in the NOW, so if you haven’t started practicing living in the NOW, I highly recommend that you begin.  The words ‘every day is a new day’ have never been more true.

Since I turned 87, I’ve felt a definite shift in how I view myself and my abilities.  I’ve come to realize I have to rely on my past words. i.e.,  I trust myself, I rely on my history, I have great Faith, keep on keeping on,  there’s more than one way to look at something, there’s more than one way to do something…the list goes on.

It’s all too easy to become discouraged and even dumbfounded when it comes to almost every single thing I do these days! I don’t think I’ve ever come to grip with my age, until now.  I still look in the mirror and said, “Gosh you look good for your age, girl!”, and I’ve never felt I was a candidate for a senior center! BUT, there’s no rushing anymore, showering takes twice as long, taking good care I don’t slip and fall.  Making my bed is more work, and when it comes to pep and energy, I don’t have near enough! I have to ration out my ‘duties’.  For instance, if I have to water outside (which takes a good 1/2 hour, and I do a good deal of walking),  I’m not going to vacuum, and if I dust I do a room or two. There’s no such thing as having a cleaning day anymore.  Everything is done piecemeal, all regulated by how much energy I have and how long I’m on my feet. Going to the grocery store is an accomplishment and I take the rest of the day off.

Make it clear, I’m not complaing, but it is what it is, and  living this way just hasn’t been my style until now.  It’s a huge adjustment for me. I’ve always been a hipshooter, took what came when I made my choices, and never looked back nor qustioned myself.  Now, however, it seems I’m a whole new person (except in the brain) that’s learning everything all over again.

I’ve always been a morning person, and this meant I got up early and got everything done before lunchtime.  I’m still a morning person, but I don’t get everything done before lunchtime anymore.  I have to rethink and CHANGE…lots of CHANGE. There’s no blueprint for what I’m trying to describe.  I’ve had to widen my perspective and my patience with myself as I route myself throughout the day. I don’t need a walker or cane, I tire very easily.  I’m totally grateful I have good health.   Living life these days is a conscious  creative effort.  I’ve never been so aware how new everything is.

All this being said,  I am so very grateful for what I have and what I can do and what I enjoy.  Aging allows me to inspect so many aspects of me and what I appreciate and it reinforces my resilience and desire to keep on finding solutions. I pleasantly surprise myself everyday and that’s a good thing. 

The cup is still half-full, there is a silver lining and gold at the end of the rainbow. I’m blessed to live this long and have these experiences. Once the newness of what comes with aging settles down, I’m  guessing I’ll have found my ‘new normal’ and keep on keeping on.

“Whenever you deeply accept this moment

as it is – no matter what form it takes – you

                                                  are still,  you are at peace.”   ~ Eckhart Tolle

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.



Life can appear as a whirlwind sometimes…and if I let my thoughts pick up and attach and define, I do myself a true disservice.

I’ve been able to observe change, my ego’s attempts to disrupt me even more, and my ability to hold the course of desired peace in my heart.

I am filled with relief, and gratitude, and pleasant surprise, self-awareness, and astounding presence. I believe I have taken a step upward in learning, i.e., upward in the vertical(spiritual) dimension, as against a traditional effort in the horizontal (human) dimension. I have made a conscious decision to hand over the reins and allow my Deep I to lead me. For those readers who are followers of Eckhart Tolle, you will understand what I mean here.

My understanding and spiritual progress is within me and that’s where it belongs.  There doesn’t have to be testament to the intricacies of my process.

It would seem I have created a conundrum or a contradiction; however, I’m merely trying to exemplify what a satisfying experience it is to hold inside myself the ‘meat and potatoes’ of my spiritual progress as I’m writing this blog, yet I want others to also know that it is occurring. I want to give others hope if they have been searching for relief in their own lives and have yet to receive it that it does come and at precisely the right time…CONTINUE IN FAITH.

Now more than ever I intend to keep my own counsel with the understanding that to explode all to the outside does in fact have a diluting effect to a point.  I’m feeling my strength impacting me within and it’s accompanied with a silent understandng that ego must stand down.

I hope this blog can be helpful.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

There are some things which are beyond definition

and explanation.  This may be one such time.     Gaya



These days I’m choosing to sit in stillness more…and I’m trying to accomplish something for doing it:  I want to  place myself  in a state of consciousness.  In doing this, I’m silently communicating with who I am in this silence.

This is an unguided experience so I can’t be concerned if I’m doing it ‘right!’  It’s an action by me with me.

I don’t think Living is just all about doing an overt action or speaking out loud. I’m learning that it has a great deal to do with the silence involved because in silence there is perfect calm along with wakefulness and deliberate intention too.

Meditation is similar to this, but it isn’t the same somehow. With meditation I begin with trying to sit in the silence and quiet my mind.  When I go to this place of finding consciousness, I am hearing sound (I ring a chime), and then deliberately follow the sound until I do not hear it anymore.  I guess I can liken it to ‘white noise’ when I have TV on in the background.  Eventually, I am working around the house and don’t even hear it anymore unless I deliberately go stand in front of the TV and put my attention to it.

This is another concept about deliberate effort while living. I am realizing that I have been ‘living by the basics’…the rules and definitions that have been taught to me…the Human side of me. I’m finding out that there is so much more  about my existence and it doesn’t have a thing to do with neighbors or friends, or what I’m eating or wearing or where I’m planning to go or what I’m planning to do when I get there!

My little dog, Porter, shows me how this is done too.  He’s very active and wants my attention especially early morning when we get up.  He sort of pesters.  Then, after a while, he simply lays down by my feet and goes into his own silence.  He’s undisturbed while I’m working at the computer.  He remains in his own silence and consciousness and he isn’t concerned about me or himself at all until I get up from my chair.

So, what do I conclude in sharing this with you?  The stillness in my life brings me in touch with ME, my real beingness…and this concept is totally removed from ME, Kaye A. Peters. I don’t have an identity when I do this…I am part of all life which isn’t speaking to itself, it just just IS.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

You find your Peace and Understanding in your own good time.   ~Gaya


This is a continuation of my personal experience with COMMITMENT!

I don’t think I’ve ever learned so much in such a short period of time than during the past month since my friend arrived to stay with me for these weeks.

To offer some background, we met on the internet, had spoken a few times on Zoom, and were members of a group. Our initial introduction was, perhaps, 1 1/2 to 2 years ago and our contact certainly wasn’t daily….more like monthly.

Fast forward to the present when events happened and she called me to inquire whether she could come stay with me for a time while she found  her own place in my town. She was familiar with the state of New Mexico. We were ‘adult’ about it before any decision could be made, and ultimately we ‘committed’ to doing it and we were absolutely going to do our parts to make it work!  At this time I had no clue that I was doing myself the biggest favor of my life!

Any relationship has its issues as we all know, but honestly, this whole process has been so enlightening to us both because we know that commitment means “no other alternative”, and so we both have put on our ‘big-girl britches’ and we are totally pledged to not only making it work, but we are enjoying this privilege in our lives.

I am aware that I ‘want’ to bend for the sake of our success toward our commitment. In this process, a sensation comes over me, i.e., I feel compassion sometimes, I feel selflessness sometimes, I feel excitement sometimes when I observe such positive results which come from no inconvenience on my part, but rather, from a sincere endeavor by me.  It’s easy to reflect on those times in my life when it was apparent my focus was so far away from this kind of attitude.

Please understand this is difficult to describe, but it is happening, and I am a far better person for it.  I am expanding my capacity for understanding and altruistic thinking.  Plainly, I am caring outside of myself and it feels wonderful and not only that, I feel like I am completing myself in some important way as a human being.

Incidentally, my friend and I have conversations about this, and her experience is similar.

So, my friends, this is my story and I’m sticking to it!  Ha! 🙂

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

Amen…And So It Is.    ~Gaya


I’ve been realizing these days that I am the only one who can give myself peace of mind.  This said, I don’t spend much time mulling things in my mind which wastes my time…if I observe myself doing it. I try to be more centered on thoughts that fill me up with enthusiasm for life and doing things which project my optimism moment by moment.  I really do spend a great deal of time expressing my gratitude for so many things.

I wrote a poster not long ago which defined “Commitment” as no other option.  Gosh, believing this makes life even simpler, albeit more serious as well.  To me it’s satisfying that I can propose options to myself to most everything when it comes to choices.  Subsequently, I already know  that I will like the outcome because of the intentional actions I take.

I can take  mystery out of my life on a daily basis, and welcome what presents to me which is the joy of living in the NOW. And, when I am then faced with more choices, I can review what I will and won’t commit to, and what I will allow occupancy in my day for the entertainment and pleasantry for as long as I wish.

We all know worry does nothing but upset us.  We also know that acceptance is a key to streamlining our days and relaxing in the flow of the action.  I also keep reminding myself that it is I who dictates where I will stand…I am not a tree, I can move around any which way to get my footing and reposition myself.  Like I said in one of my books, I believe if I made my bed I have to sleep in it; however, I can move it around any way I want in this process.  Nothing is so ultimate except death….and perhaps regret,

I have a friend staying with me for 6 weeks.  We both made a commitment to make it work. We don’t know each other very well,  so we are customizing our positions with pure consideration for each other.  This isn’t always easy, but we continue to remind ourselves that we committed to the arrangement for our individual reasons.  I’m glorifying my position in this, because I  have begun to realize what it takes to commit to something/someone and how important my word and actions are.  They are absolute!!  I am proud of myself and also, I am learning such vital lessons yet to learn this late in my life about how to make the best of everything.  I have been given a great personal life  opportunity by fulfilling this commitment. I realize how instrumental I am about everything in my daily life and how it affects me and others.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

Gratitude is a Connection to Everything.   ~Gaya





Do things really change?   I did change my surroundings, got a new little dog, am meeting new people, have different activities, etc., but inside all seems to be the same.  Days go by, I still have problems to solve, attitudes to moderate, I’m always the optimistic thinker, have my spiritual practice and I continue to postulate my existence and purpose and what is required by me to gain equanimity and harmony while living as a human being on this planet.

I love it that I still marvel at life!  I still become aware of the synchronicities and what I see as miracles.  I’m aware of the support I receive from the Universe and Gaya (my non-physical friends).   I’m following my intuition even more, and I like my reliance on this silent leader. I’m enjoying that I take action on the spur-of-the-moment to make myself happy.

I’m strenuously working around my home outside these days, and it amazes me that I have the stamina, albeit not for more than two hours at a time.  I thrill to my physical strength and Will to do what I am doing.  I’ve developed a connection to this house and the land around it.  It’s like I want to continue to  fulfill my dream, exhibiting my thankfulness by showing it how much I love being here.  As I polish my surroundings I am polishing myself.  It’s my gratitude for it all that is expressing itself, I think.

I try not to take anything for granted…I’m more aware of my blessings and living under Grace, and I’m also more agreeable to acceptance of the not-so-pleasant happenings in the knowledge that life has always been like this and it always works itself out, one way or another.

I am reminded of the song, “Jesus Loves Me, This I Know.”

Life is Good. Thank You, God. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, God.

You are recognized, supported and loved beyond measure.  ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.


What keeps me keeping on keeping on?  I don’t know any other way!

It’s putting one foot in front of the other.  It’s about remembering the measure of my fear is the measure of my faith. It’s knowing my gratitude for all I have and have withstood throughout my lifetime are Blessings and Grace. 

I have my heartache like everyone else.  Though I do not feel I am free to mention it, this does not make me less authentic; however, it does restrict me when in my day-to-day expressions and exposure I try so hard to be exactly who I am.

So, I sit down like this morning and write a blog. I am wrestling with something that occurs in my life from time-to-time, and it is unsettling at the very least.  As I am in my silence, I try to stay level-headed, and invariably I go to words that are calming to me.  Eckhart Tolle says “Wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look and just listen.  No more is needed.  Being still, looking and listening, activates the non-conceptual intelligence within you.  Let stillness direct your words and actions.”

Fears are essentially lies I am telling myself.  I have no way of knowing the future…I fear.  The NOW gives me all I can handle.  It is my choice to enjoy this NOW, and create gratitude for the NOW that I am experiencing.  It is up to me to believe that I am capable to handle anything and everything that presents to me, or that I present to myself through choices I make.  The NOW is my reality.  It is palpable if I focus on it.  I want to appreciate what I am given, not what I make up out of fear.

Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.  When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation…some fact of my life…unacceptable to me and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment.  This is my paraphrase of information I interpreted from Stillness Speaks, by Eckhart Tolle.

And finally, I receive solace from Abraham-Hicks:  “Today, no matter where I am going and no matter what I am doing, it is my dominant intent to see that which I am wanting to see.”

In my silence this morning, I have shared with you how I  keep on keeping on. I am comforted by this and I hope it is helpful to someone else when they may be wrestling with something that needs settling.

I asked for help and in writing this, I have received it.  Thank you Gaya, my non-physical friends, my guardian angels, my guides, all that is connected to me, that love and support and guide me, through my inextricable connection to that which created me, God, Universal Intelligence, Creator, whatever you choose to call it.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

Wherever you are, are we.   ~Gaya

Even at 85, I still think about where I am going in my life, and when I ask the questions I have to answer to myself!  There never is a time in our lives when we can just skip on…without responsibility.

How I try to polish myself, to improve my way of thinking and doing, to the end of more joy and peace in my life is reflected by the ‘outside’ of my life.  There’s no fooling anyone, in particular myself!

When life serves us well, it is evidenced by how each day unfolds.  I know  my ‘countenance’.  I know by how my newly acquired canine friend responds/reacts to me.  I know by how well I get to sleep at night.  I know by how many times I sit in gratitude and amazement when I take the time to take my own inventory.

Life is personal in every single way.  There isn’t a mask I could wear which would hide the truth about me.  There isn’t an excuse I might utter that erases what IS.

When I decided to dig to my authenticity it became my path to freedom.  When I came to the place that I could slowly lift the veils of deception, and emerge in plain view, I realized the sun continued to shine just as brightly on me!   I was able to see where I wanted to begin the work of changing myself and in this process, Life became more meaningful.

Whatever goes on around me is the ultimate predictor. When I participate in Life, I realize how well I am taking care of myself and my responsibilities which I have chosen to assume.  I am realizing more and more that I am becoming the Observer.  It’s an internal experience.  Opinions don’t matter, Inner Peace matters.

Life always comes back to NOW.  It is all there is… NOW.  I recall my coined phrase of long ago, “Everything is as unimportant as it is Important.” There are no degrees of honesty. It’s a continuous deep dig!

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe. Be Well.

Allowance…~  Gaya


I’ve now come to the conclusion that living life is the accomplishment of life itself!

Was it Laurel and Hardy who said, “Now that’s another mess you got me into”?  Looking at my life like this, boy I got myself out of lots of messes!  Now that was accomplishment too!  Coming through the tunnels of pain and grief and sorrow, self-hate, forgiving another (beginning with forgiving myself)…huge accomplishments! Falling down, and getting up more; keeping Faith and Love and Compassion and Kindness in my beingness after I felt I had been denied it;  finding an optimistic viewpoint, no matter what seemed to be existing to the contrary as I continued on my Forever Path – these were all unsung accomplishments as I continued to live my life.

Ah, yes, perspective:  as I produce a different thought I receive a different feeling which then produces another reality for me to consider.

Recently, I’ve been viewing my life in terms of dreams being fulfilled.  These were conscious dreams. These dreams were filled with wishes and hopes and ‘ifs’.  I wanted them enough to keep them alive, and this is important. But what about all the other positive results and happenstances of my life which I wasn’t ‘conscious’ of?  What about the Blessings I have received throughout my lifetime which involved Grace?  

There is no need to bolster myself up and make claim to what all I think I’ve done in my lifetime.  It matters not to the world at large.  It’s the intrigue about it…that it has happened, in spite of everything else that has happened. I am a hero to myself, that’s all there is to it.

It’s GRATITUDE that fills me with humility right now. I’ve been doing what I came here to do for 84+ years, and I will continue to do just that!  It’s nothing to brag about, but it is something to respect and remind myself that whatever I have done has come through me, and then I gave it form.  This is what I do.  I conceive an idea, grab onto it if it resonates with me, and then I make choices which give my ideas form.  Again, it comes through Blessings and Grace and to realize this sets my EGO on its heels!

How often have I said, ‘there but for the Grace of God go I’?  Why would I  find it necessary to use the misfortune of another to compare my own situation so I can feel better!!

I have found another level of awareness…another shift in my perspective… Peace and Calm… I love myself more right now. I love you more right now. WE all are LIFE, not to be compared…we are unique unto ourselves.  

Living is what Life is About…It is Everything.    ~Gaya