Source Energy


Why is it so difficult to believe ourselves?  When speaking to others, lots of times a person will say, “honestly” or “to be honest”, in their sentences…as if they think they aren’t being believed.  Maybe a person is so used to saying lots of things that are more an illusion or even a delusion, than an actual fact.  Maybe people are so used to saying anything they want to say at any given time when they’re trying to make  their point….and they’re more interested in making that point and furthermore, being right, that they aren’t even clocking the actual words they are saying!  And just maybe, that’s why they can’t even take their own counsel when it comes to living their lives, and doing what they think they ought to do, instead of asking for someone else’s opinion…or bringing along a gang with them for reinforcement!

This business of life requires self-confidence and self-trust.  We gain this ability by trying new things, taking risks, dipping our feet into new waters…dreaming, taking our own hints when it comes to how we really do know ourselves.  Yes, we know ourselves the best!  We always have!  If we weren’t so consumed about what others were thinking about us, and if we weren’t so misled to believe that their opinions really mattered, and if we didn’t put more stock into what another person said, and instead put more stock into what we say and think about ourselves and what we want to be up to,  WE’D BE HAVING THE TIME OF OUR LIVES ALL OF THE TIME AS WE ENJOY THE PRIVILEGE OF LIVING OUR LIVES!

Most of us have already figured out if we made a mistake, we can redo it.  Yes, even those who paid a high price for some decisions have made stupendous comebacks, socially or physically, because they knew if they placed their attention to something and added an intention to it, and they felt sincere about what they were trying to accomplish, they knew they could try againNO MATTER WHAT ANYONE  SAID ABOUT ANYTHING!  You see, BIG NEWS is,  all we need to do is champion ourselves, trust ourselves and be confident that our honest opinion about ourSelf,  Bar None, is and always will be more accurate than that of anyone else.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

Your capability is inextricable from us.  ~Gaya

I have been immersing myself  in teachings of wisdom for quite some time.  When I resonate with new information which I solicit,  I expand.  I integrate it and my spiritual world opens up.  I observe more options for thinking which, in turn, allow me to make choices which open up my awareness.  Essentially, this is what I have been up to since I became.

Although I am only conscious to this current life I’m living, my Inner Being is aware of all of the choices I have made since I was whatever I was at the very beginning.

I know I am the formulator and the regulator and the moderator and the terminator of the goings on in my life.  This is Power. I know I am the one who presents myself to others in the way I want to be presented.  I know that I am making all the choices necessary to fulfill myself.  I know I have all the time in the world to do what I came to this Universe to do.  I know that my intuition is my Inner Being giving me direction and guidance.  I know I am connected to what created me.  I know I am connected to all others as well.  I know that I am working with Universal Principles.  I know that there is a non-physical presence which I call Gaya, which supports everything that I think and do.  I know that Gaya holds my dreams in readiness for me to manifest.  I know that my whole Inner Being must be in tune with Gaya in order to manifest my dreams.  I know I am contented with my life or I would change it.  I know I am  a continuous stream of energy which I propel forward as I experience life as I wish to experience it.  I know I gravitate to like-minded beings,  and they to me, in pursuit of joy and happiness. I know when I am feeling at Peace in my day I am in tune, and when I am not at Peace, I have made choices which disallowed my Peace.  I know I can correct my life compass at will by thought, word and deed.

I am my own affirmation by my own words.  When I feel the synchronicity in my life I am at Peace.

And you also know that there is still so much more

to know and this is why you continue making choices.    ~Gaya

Imagine this:  no cravings, no wishes, no criticisms, no dissatisfaction, no despair, no self-deprecation, no regrets, no guilt, no shame or loathe of self, no anger, no discontent whatsoever.   NOW IMAGINE THIS:  just gratitude for all in your life in this moment.  Sit with this thinking just for a bit and FEEL THE INTENSITY of what to me feels like a spacial experience.

Suddenly I have removed myself from the mundane hustle-bustle of the world in another way.  It is so profound to experience the relief of feeling gratitude for my presence in this world.  I feel more generous in my thinking, I’m more aware of such beauty in the remarkable creation as a whole…the amazing place I fit into this global/spacial intricacy of Life.  To feel so entirely content and remarkably  humble as I acknowledge the expansiveness of gratitude….what a huge word it is.  The feeling of gratitude expands my heart and brings tears to my eyes.  I am powerless to the effects it has on me.  It is like I have been picked up by the giant hand of Source and placed on a cloud of understanding.

In the face of gratitude, how can one ever consider complaining or uttering dissatisfaction about anything again?  How can one be ungrateful for all  blessings, most of which are unknown?  How can one assume the posture of arrogance?  What could one be arrogant about, considering the Grace one has been afforded notwithstanding personal actions which may have been unbecoming  of a Blessed Person?

Now is my time to get in touch with what I really am…this spiritual being in a human condition.  When I am in gratitude, I am closer to my Essence.  I am in appreciation for WHAT IS and more in tune with what I have chosen in my awareness.  What a grand feeling consumes me.

Mr. Rogers was right:  “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.”

The music is playing…Let’s Dance!         ~  Gaya


“You’ve been talking with us incessantly for weeks. 

You’ve been thanking us for your joy and happiness.

You’ve been connecting with us at various levels…in your meditation, on your walks, and in your car.

  You know how this works. 

You begin with your attention and follow through with your intention and then your miracles appear…

we align.”    ~Gaya

First I get the title, then I begin.

There’s no getting around it…I must have a clear head, no interference. I’m the one who has to clear the airwaves in my brain and this goes far deeper than sitting down in ‘the position’ readying myself for a meditation.  There is a focus that is required.  I cannot be going about my daily life in a robotic manner…life is new and different every day and it requires me to focus and be mindful of what is presenting to me each day.   I didn’t know I was going to begin today with this blog in this way!

I never know how I am going to begin my day, aside from the routine I go through when I first get out of bed.   It’s a week ago today since my dog, Rosie, crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.  It doesn’t seem that long at all.  My cat, Tippy, has taken the event in stride, and I’ve been sleeping almost two hours later.  My 3:00 A.M. ‘bark alarm’ is no longer, and admittedly, this is a relief.

Back to the title of this blog!  I feel more expansive this morning.  I feel more free.  I feel more organized.  I feel lighter….more peaceful…more directed too.  I have lots of energy and am looking forward to getting into the shower and out on the hoof.  I have a wonderful feeling of well being.

What a grand feeling to the start of this day!  I am working in unison with Source, my Gaya.   No rushing, no pushing or shoving.

I set my daily stage for what I want.  How fitting, it’s the first day of a new month.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.



When I am in problem – especially repetitive problem – it is good to try to put into perspective why I choose to view my problems as such hindrance, as against such privilege for me to gain awareness.  It is all too easy to immediately point fingers outward at people or circumstances and make them the objects of  why my life has chaos in it. Of course, my reaction to everything is key, but as I sit in the silence right now writing this blog, I can’t circumvent the fact that if I choose to be affected by anything outside of me, I have chosen to be attached to it in some way.

At birth I was physically detached from my mother when the umbilical cord was severed.  Henceforth, I became emotionally attached, totally dependent upon her nurturing and physical sustenance.  In the process of maturing, I learned rules and social skills from everyone I was around.  School became the first introduction to existence within another social setting and exposed me to academia and socialization in preparation for my entrance into the world as an independent human being, presumably ready to care for myself and become successful in my own life.

Trial and error, tripping and falling and getting back up for another stab at succeeding became routine. Through the years this process became easier because I learned I was capable; I was resilient; I was Faithful and Hopeful that this process of living life was totally worth it;  I was Blessed to have met certain Earth Angels who guided me and loved me through some difficult times; circumstances offered me opportunities along the way too – some of which I grabbed onto and some I missed.

Through all this, what can I apply to continue on my Forever Path with more ease?  Today I sit in the silence and again realize I need to find the answers within me.  I need to clarify my perception of my position within the chaos.   As much as I certainly do need others around me – friends, colleagues, peers, and neighbors – I am essentially alone.  The chaos I am feeling, is none other than my attachment.

Life serves itself up to me every day!  I live in the NOW of my life the best I can.  Life is nothing more than continuous NOWS, which fleet into PASTS.  Attachment is in the mind and wreaks havoc!

I need to let everything and everyone BE and I need to unconditionally accept ALL as it IS.  This goes for  accepting ME too!  I am FREE to change my perceptions to suit my Joy, Happiness and Peace.  I must be KIND in the face of adversity…kind to others and to myself as well.  This is a GENEROUS act.  I am Grateful.

My saving Grace is my desire and willingness and courage to change the things I can…ME.

We are your support, your anchor, your wind in your sails. We become One in your Hope and Faith.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.


Life can be such a hustle-bustle sometimes!  As a ‘woman of years in the “Middle” of my life’, I keep trying to see the beauty, the good, the remarkable, the peaceful, the joyful side of life…it’s what keeps me keeping on!  I’m a proponent of The Law of Attraction, and I make conscious effort to keep  my innermost Self  connected to Source Energy.  I believe  the energy that comes from me is exactly the energy which will be returned to me in life experience.

On any given day, I awaken to the NOW, and usually,  the day unfolds happily to moments of fruitful labor around my house, or from other intentional activities.  I entertain light-hearted loving thoughts.  I forget that my love to others is the greatest gift I can give.  The more unconditional it is, the more powerful it is as it leaves me and finds its way to someone else.  It’s not even a deliberate action by me…it is by nature an extension of me.  I’m not even aware of the many different displays that my love shows.  It just happens when it happens and all is well, until there’s a disruption…a backlash…a crashing sound to my beingness that hurts!  Oh, does it hurt!  Of course, I dig deep into my thoughts wondering how this can happen when essentially I know my intentions are good.

Love displays differently…from a smile, to  any number of simple kind actions – even a spontaneous gift.  When we display our  love to our dearest ones, it is that deep-love connection that kindles our feelings in warm and sincere ways, and there’s no telling how it manifests its goodness.  How, then, can such a selfless action result in hurt?

I’ve come to now believe when I give love it is the giving of Essential Self and there can be no room for hurt or disappointment.  It is when I make it personal, I feel hurt.  But love isn’t personal…it just IS.  It is our natural, essential state of being.   Said a different way:  a person needs money, and I ask “how much do you need?”  The person answers “twenty-five dollars will do”, and I respond, “take fifty, just in case.”   All in good will. All from the heart.  All in the name of love. I have it to give. If it is paid back, this is good.  If it is not, it is still good.

When a person means well, and in good heart acts accordingly, this intention is love.  What the recipient does with a loving gift need not concern  the giver.       ~Gaya 

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.


Need More?  No I have plenty.

I was musing the word “abundance” the other day, and it is such a big word!  In my mind’s eye I see overflowing…every thing in every way!  We’ve seen the grand cornucopia with foods of every variety flowing outward.  We see homes that are really mansions, in which the staff to keep them up far outnumber the owners.  Collectors display garages full, rooms full, wine cellars full.  All this, and more, is Abundance.

There are those who have aged gracefully who have an aura about them of peace and tranquility, of appreciation for their stage of life and what they have accomplished, and these same ones are in touch with their health which allows them to enjoy their privilege of living the life they have been given.  This is Abundance.

There is the family, young or old, which celebrates reunions and holidays and all togetherness with the extension of that family, with exuberance and joy and gratitude and love, and this fabulous connection has nothing to do with where they live, how much money they have, or even how much food they have in their pantry.  It has to do with the heart of it all.  This is Abundance.

There are those in life who have no living family, few friends, live meagerly, and look forward to every day, in full appreciation of the ‘nature of it all’…they notice the ‘little things’…they’re grateful for the warmth of the sun, the flowers that bloom, the smiles on others’ faces, their ability to get where they have to go.  They take each day as it comes and at the end of each, they are satisfied.  This is Abundance.

I’ve stated all the time we have is all the time we need.  Now I ponder the word “satisfied”.  I’m sitting in my own home, typing on my own computer, fully clothed, looking forward to breakfast, listening to the wind chimes from the sweet breeze outside.  My doors and windows are open and here, it is the latter part of May, in Arizona.  The temperature is a bit chilly!  There is nothing but ‘good’ around me…and I feel ‘good’ within me too.  I like the feeling of ‘enough’.  I muse now, why do I keep looking for another brass ring to grasp?  Perhaps, it has more to do with ‘filling in the gaps’ of awareness and bringing myself even more joy and happiness than I already express with my gratitude for each and every day.

Well, whatever it is, I don’t ever want to lose sight of the peace I know when I can truly say, I have more than enough right now, I live an extraordinarily abundant life right now, I am so grateful for the Blessings and Grace that have been bestowed upon me and my son, and I humbly say “Thank You”.

      We’ve enjoyed this interaction in this silence.  We concur, keep on keeping on!    ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.






I have provided pretty good company for myself all these many years.  I guess living alone means different things to different people.  When parents experience the ’empty nest’ syndrome when children leave home for college or marriage, or whatever else, ofttimes they suffer this ‘loss’ for a time.  I don’t recall feeling this way, but I do feel the ‘loss’ when I have had house guests and when they leave, I experience a letdown which I combat by stripping the bed linens and bringing my house back to ‘my order of things’.  Tomorrow I’m going to be doing just this when my Sister in Heart returns to her home in Spain.  My son left this morning after a near-eight-week-stay…longest I can ever remember.

I’m in my silence now until I retrieve my ‘Sister’  this afternoon from her return off a jaunt she took while here.  We have this evening left together.

I feel it!  There is no undertone of company, except the dog and cat.  There are no echoes of loneliness either. The beginning of the memories are lodged and will fulfill themselves when I kiss my Sister goodbye tomorrow. This is all I know in this NOW.

I was encouraged by a guided meditation of Deepak Chopra this morning:  “Every day my Being seeks new ways to expand.”  This is exactly what I have been feeling.  I guess this is how I keep my good company with myself too.  Gaya, my non-physical friends, and I are in cahoots!  I am provided the fodder for my activities which in turn nurtures me, fulfills me, encourages and supports me, inspires me, loves me, and helps me to keep on keeping on.  Coincidentally, I can only do this alone and unassisted. In this awareness, I am being guided by this loving presence…my Source, my Guidance System…which is focused on me and, of course, on all others.  This awareness is the catalyst to my connection – my immersion with ALL.  There are no limits or boundaries.

In conclusion, I have been renewed in spirit by my son’s presence, and I have been filled and fulfilled by my Sister’s loving visit.  What wonderful blessings have been bestowed upon me.

Kaye’s intention supported this experience.  

Her consciousness of our forever-presence

perpetuates the flow of her joy, happiness and peace.   ~Gaya