218 posts by Kaye

Forget the masks!  They’re chicken feed compared to what I’m uncovering now!  I don’t want to be a fighter anymore!  I don’t want to be a defender of who I am, anymore!  I do want to be A “softie”…I have absolutely nothing to fear and I know this NOW!

To all who may have followed me thus far, we know when I declare “I am a strong woman”,  this is more than an identity I have given to myself.  It is the beginning of ‘the greatest defense to a good offense!’  I am fitting my own battle of Jericho!

Because of a series of events recently in my life, and profound awakening  I now recognize and acknowledge, I am ready to get down to the WHYS and WHAT happened way back when in my childhood that taught me how to put up The Great Wall….never to be devastated to that extent again!

 I’ve been so tightly wound up, it is like a riddle of my own life if I’m ready to unwind myself back to ‘wherever’…and as I write these words, I am smiling and cradling myself in my own arms, knowing everything is quite okay and peaceful wherever I find myself landing.

Vulnerable…Naked…Bare…Defenseless.   I am now more able to share this space with  Nonchalant…Relaxing into it…resting in the lesson(s) that are offered me now to my greatest peace of all!

Suddenly, weights have lifted; so much seems ridiculously simple and easy to discard; it’s like I have just said to myself, “”WOW, how could this have been so simple, and how is it that it has taken me 80+ years to get to this place?!”

Keep it Simple!  YES!  Just Do it!  YES!  It Doesn’t Matter!  YES!  Inner Peace!  YES!   To Absolutely Know what ‘GO WITH MY FLOW’ really means!  YES!  Yes, Oh Yes, I Know what ‘IT IS BETWEEN ME AND ME’ means NOW!  YES!  And the list goes on.

It’s my way to explode with what I feel at the time – and this blog is no exception.  It’s not the be-all-end-all with all my answers, NO IT IS NOT!  But, it is my willingness to crack open my human shell and again, peer through myself to that other side where there may just be nothing…other than my mind’s view…my own thoughts which I have created justifying my existence.  Even this doesn’t really matter in the long run.   I hope I will soon learn there is no need to raise my voice again.  I hope I will soon learn there are times I can easily be quiet.  And, I hope I will always enjoy the privilege of using my voice to speak my truth in my own space in this time.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.


We are already a whole week into January, 2018, and I’m preparing for my friend’s arrival on the first of February.

I have lived in Phoenix, Arizona, for going on 28 years this coming March, and I received guests especially the first 10 years most every Winter, so this isn’t anything new!  However, there is something very new and different that I have perceived with the planning I am doing these days.  I’M LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF WHAT I AM UP TO…whether I’m cleaning my refrigerator, or my stove top  – even taking out the strainers on the faucets and my shower-head to remove all the hard water deposits!  I’m tending to my home with love and I’m loving the person who is coming to enjoy her stay here..and I’m feeling the love I have for myself because I am intimately connected to all of this process.

I have been practicing living in the NOW for several months and I think this may just be the reason I mention any of this.  My ‘before picture’ was the planning of a things-to-do list which involved making sure my house was in tip-top shape for my guest, and I was hyped to the degree of excitement with anticipation and outcome woven into everything I was planning – all in advance of the actual event.  It was mostly about me, and how I would look, I’m pretty sure…..I didn’t have the glorious feelings I have now that are inclusive of my guest with a partiality to my own feelings not only toward her and wanting her stay to be as comfortable as I can make it, but it also has to do with how wonderful I am feeling as I “refresh” my home because I want ‘it’ to be an extension of my affection for my personal living space that I am sharing with my house guest and friend.

I have no rhyme or reason as to what I choose to do every day, but I know it is going to be perfect out of my intention.  I know she is looking forward to her visit and we talk most every day not only about that, but also the preparations she is making for a side trip she is planning for herself.  It feels so good to be considering someone else in my life right now – living alone provides more solitary thinking remember – and I know the quality of this comes directly from that which I feel for myself.  There is no ego playing into this.  I have no one to impress, nothing to do other than be myself, the woman we already know.   And, there are some special dishes I want to cook for her (which, of course, I have cleared whether she likes them!)

I am expressing my Freedom and Joy through all of the choices I am making surrounding this event.  And, as much as I am certainly looking forward to it, if for some unknown reason it has to cancel, I know the two of us will just say, “Well, when can we set it up again?”  The whole thing is nothing more or less than one of those “series of events’ I refer to often which present to my privilege of living my life.

There’s a lot to be said for being a dreamer, realist and optimist all rolled up into one.  Makes for an exciting time of it, with the knowledge everything always works out perfectly and in its own good time to my greatest good and that of all those around me, right NOW.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

Birth of Consciousness


January 1, 2018, is beginning  my official ‘Reckon with My Life’. I am now beginning a New Birth of my Consciousness.  I use this picture for my Facebook cover page, Just Sayin’   Kaye A. Peters, and I entitled it.   True Then…True Now.  We are always in the state of  birthing new consciousness every moment we live. 

Last New Year’s Eve I didn’t pass myself through the portals of the past, nor enter into the unknown of what the future may hold in store.  I actually didn’t remember to have the ‘encounter with my life’ which I have routinely done for years!  It wasn’t until this morning when I did a spontaneous Just Sayin’  “Live” that it came to my mind and I shared it with the world online!  I came to the conclusion I must have realized (unbeknownst to me consciously) that there is no place for this in my life any more, as I earnestly live in the NOW.

Life is to be enjoyed.  I know that the highly elevated “New Year’s Eve” has no more draw where I should muse my past or future years.  I think it would be nice  to reserve  a moment of peace and contemplation every eve, and for that moment,  possess the countenance of such Peace.

Every moment of every day of every year that I am on this planet holds the potential of my greatness because I AM.  Whatever sparks I ignite from within will always become the freedom flames of my privilege of living my life.

Mantra:  I AM as strong as that which created me.   I have Faith in my Faith.  Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.


 ‘God Willing and the Creek Don’t Rise’,  this coming April, another photo will take its place on the Blog Mantle!  Yes, make no mistake, I think these pictures are pretty good.  BUT, irrespective of everything from the Ego side of things, there’s a lot of gratitude in my smile; there’s still a lot of sparkle in my eyes,; there’s a thump to my heart and I’m still filled with Joy as I continue to enjoy the privilege of living my life.

I am about to publish my second book.  Who ever would  have thought (least of all me), that I would accomplish this?  So, having not conceived the thought of it yet, I was actually living in the NOW before I was introduced to The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle, and Life did, indeed, present me with writing these books, and learning so many other things that continue to serve me  well as I ferret out areas of my beingness that require smoothing and honing and excavation, working toward  that pearl in my Life Oyster.

I’m doing life by the ‘seat of my pants’..so to speak –  Whatever feels comfortable to me and resonates familiar.  Leopards don’t change their spots!  People are always who they are and luckily, we can figure out things we aren’t so fond of in our character upon which we can improve.  I am carrying the rights to certain wisdom in my years now because I have figured out that whatever I chose to do in my lifetime, were choices which brought me to outcomes where I took lessons at those given times and applied them to future experience – and even now at 80+ years of age, I still employ relative and current lessons and use them as gateways to even greater positive self-fulfillment.   It’s sort of like ratcheting myself along my Forever Path and it has become easier and more interesting because there are people, places and things which point themselves out to me and often I am able to see the Blessings and Gratitude I have for having recalled the useful lessons.

There are two phrases that have become prominent to me:  “I love it when a plan comes together!”,  (taken from a popular TV show) and “Works for me!”

There is a lot to be said for a peaceful feeling.  I believe it is the responsibility to myself to find contentment and understanding within the world that I chose to enter all those many years ago for my Soul Purpose.  And, I believe I will be entering again and again for years and years to come.    It is interesting how ‘pain body’ works – ‘memory’ of times and events of my past experiences which erupts and hopefully nudges me to delve that much deeper into my response to what Life is presenting to me.  I accept I chose to come to these experiences.  For me, this is where the awareness and enlightenment emerge as I examine my reactionary responses.  I know my energy of good and honest intention will be returned to me by my Universe toward a positive outcome and to my greatest good.

I AM in this experience NOW.  Blessed Be.  To all be Blessed.

I got upset today…and before I went overboard…I mean WAY OVERBOARD….I took the time to make myself behave as rationally as possible so I could think through what I was experiencing.  Boy oh Boy, I had to draw upon every awareness I’ve been working with for the past six months.

These past months I’ve been concentrating on living in the NOW; I’ve been working with pain-body and gaining more patience; I’ve been becoming more  aware to mind my own business!   

My stability depends upon honesty to myself first, of course, and to all others.  How I define “honesty’ is how I ‘do it’.  This said, my definition may not be that of others….and this is the important point.  Everyone is different, and they run their own show by their own set of values and definitions of those values.  I’m beginning to think that to try to work with  the pattern of my dysfunction (again, this is my definition), is to make sure I stand tall with how I define myself…laying no blame on anyone or anything else, and never being passive to less than I AM – which I state as my truth of Self.

I’ve come to realize that I have been working on becoming functional…I’ve been deliberately making corrections in the way I think and perceive behaviors of others..and most importantly myself.  I’ve been polishing myself up!  I’ve been enjoying the privilege of ‘setting my record straight’, if you will.

I don’t like sneaky…in fact,  I detest it!  I don’t like innuendo…I don’t like anyone trying to pull the wool over my eyes.  It has always bothered me if I witnessed someone  behaving differently in front of others than they behave in front of me.  That’s about as sneaky as one can get..a virtual display of arrogance and self-assumed privilege, perhaps. I don’t like being manipulated – or let’s say, someone trying to manipulate me…to what end?  To secure or maintain or even try to draw me into what they have chosen to select deceitfully and sneakily, supporting their own dysfunction and moreover, making a silent attempt at my acceptance of it?


I don’t have to react with disapproval or judgment.  I merely recognize and agree with myself  that I am successfully taking  conscious steps toward breaking a dysfunctional cycle in my own lineage…my concern always is  the direction I take on my Forever Path.



So, today, is the day I consider a more serious side to my life….that side that says, I am not ALL that!

I’ve known,  let me say, believed for a while now that I (and when I use the first-person tense, I really do mean ‘we’) am not only responsible for keeping myself ‘ticking’…which means, keeping up my health internally, as my organs are the mechanisms that keep me running…the better I keep up their care…the better I run! … I am also responsible for keeping the very Universe I’m tethered to by my creation, healthy and in touch with what “LIFE” is all about.  I don’t believe my Universe thinks….I believe it responds energetically.  As my heart pumps (and I feel this pumping, of course), the Universe ‘feels the pump’ of every one and every thing that IS and it must respond…there is no way to refuse!  I breathe the air…   IT IS the air I breathe… my energetic emissions literally demand the response feel.  

I AM IMPORTANT TO MY UNIVERSE…AS IT IS IMPORTANT TO ME!  I am on a team of Universal Players…and the energetic emissions sent out magnetize IN KIND into the ETHOS OF ALL EXISTENCE…and I can imagine huge balls of these magnetized energies floating and exploding and imploding continuously….the majority emissions being the ‘winners’.  

When I am happy, and strive for my personal happiness,  willing to do whatever it takes to achieve personal and familial peace, it is achieved by nothing less than my serious knowledge that I control my bidding and desire for that PEACE!  And this intention requires continuous oversight!



I AM  “all that” after all….I sincerely hope that others want to play for the winning team of PEACE ON EARTH, GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN…so there IS a Future.

Blessed Be All.  



Today I find myself absolutely tenacious when it comes to the subject of ‘SELF VALUE’.  You’ll note I have deliberately exchanged the words here – from ‘worth’ to ‘value’.  I already have done a video for The Royal Society about this very subject, and I’m still able to write about it in this blog.  WHAT DOES THIS SAY?  It says I have made a breakthrough, of sorts, in this very personal area of my life that has reluctantly  invited new information so I could ‘up my price’, so to speak!

I can’t get much of a handle on why I haven’t made more progress with this than I have in my 80+ years.  Oh well, thank my lucky stars that there’s always room for one more awareness to pack into my ‘soul space’, which will, of course, give me more peace and joy as I continue to enjoy the privilege of living my life…(and now I’ll add, as Kaye A. Peters [during this life]).

How is this going to enhance my beingness?  I already feel I have a somewhat different countenance – it feels like more security within ME; that I am providing my own security.  I feel as though my feet are anchored more securely to the ground…I’m more surefooted.  Coincidentally, I don’t feel the need to explain anything.  I don’t feel I have any act(s) to follow.  I AM who I AM at whatever time someone gets ME…with no conditions.

HINT:  I have determined that the word ‘worth’ held definition in my mind connected to opinions from outside input….what am I worth to others?  When I substitute the word ‘value’, I ask myself what is my value?  Just like when I used to place a value on items within my home.  I put the value on me!  These puzzle pieces are almost magnetizing themselves together as I see the picture so much more clearly.

WOW!  If I present myself unconditionally, IS THIS SAYING THAT I ACCEPT MYSELF FOR EXACTLY WHO I AM AND THERE ARE NO IFs, ANDs, OR BUTs ANYMORE?  …..not quite so fast, Katie girl!   When I have this claim to fame, that’s pretty close to my ‘destination’…I’ll pass, and accept I have made great strides toward releasing myself into my forgiving arms…..


Blessed Be All.

Well, now, where am I? I’m at the same computer desk, doing what I love to do:  Figure out who I am!

I try to maintain a modicum of peace within me and in my space around me.  Since I published my book it’s critical to me that I recognize just exactly what my self-talk is and if I believe what I’m telling myself!   

I guess the only thing that has changed is that I’m in a new public venue.  I wrote a book, published it, hope people like it, and my well being and wholeness has nothing to do with that outcome.   This is what I’m trying hard to integrate!  The truth is I feel wonderful that I have finally finished a book, much less published it!  To be fair to myself, I never thought I was worth any less when I didn’t finish three I had started before in my lifetime, so the fact that I have finished and published one now, shouldn’t really have anything to do with inflating my self-worth either, right?   I’m the same person… just completed another project.

I have always coveted my writing.  It never mattered to me what others thought about it.  Now, however, when others get to ‘judge’ and ‘review’ my work, does it matter more to me what they think?   On the one hand, of course, it’s nice to hear compliments….but on the other hand, I know intellectually that nothing from the outside fills me up on the inside.

I want to share what I am experiencing right now, because I want to honor myself  from within.  I don’t want to take an EGO  trip which falsifies my authenticity and the depth of what really matters.     Truth be known, what matters is what I think about my book, my writing, my accomplishment and the self-satisfaction I feel  from writing it!

I’m proud of this new picture for my blogs, I’m proud of my first book, Unbridled Commentary…Without Flinch! FROM A WOMAN OF YEARS IN THE ‘MIDDLE’ OF HER LIFE,  and I’m proud to offer it free to everyone at Amazon.com, Apple and Barnes and Noble.

   I am humbled and grateful for all experiences I am receiving as I enjoy the privilege of living my life.  I KNOW WHO I AM.


Each person has their own brand of quarreling when it comes to their individual happiness.

I lived on the desert when I first moved to Arizona, 27 years ago…I liked the houses far apart.  I happen to like the ranchy look – hay bales, chickens in the yards, an old relic tractor standing out front and other memories of ‘how the west was won’ – maybe a wagon wheel (off a covered wagon, I hoped), and a horse barn topped it all off.  Soon enough contractors bought up lots of the land and before I knew it, housing developments started creeping in and ‘the look’ was gone.  At that time this was, perhaps, the most important thing happening in my life.  This may appear pretty shallow to some, but we’re speaking of my individual happiness here.  There was nothing I could do about the encroachment.  Another reason took me away, but for a fact, looking back those many years, I couldn’t have remained because the landscape changed more than I wanted to.

So, I come to this:  When I am disgruntled or dissatisfied with something, do I make a scene about it?  I’ve never questioned whether my behavior challenged any amendments of the United States Constitution.  I guess I’ve always felt I was free to do and say what I wished, trying not to cross personal boundaries (admittedly guilty at times), or violate laws.  Many have cautioned me through the years to keep my opinions to myself, insinuating that my opinions may cause dissension among family members, perhaps, or maybe just plain embarrassment for others.  I don’t believe I ever felt I was challenging ‘the establishment’.  Exercising who I was as a person was never a ‘statement of my freedom privilege’.

These days I am trying first to be true to myself, to my ideals, my principles, my integrity.  Since my son took his life almost 6 years ago, I became more serious about almost everything that pertained to me.  I became even more introspective.  I began to subjectively take areas of my life that I knew I disliked, and I decided to do whatever it took to make the changes within myself that would benefit me and everyone around me.  This is work, but it’s worth it.  I’ll tell you something – there really hasn’t been much time for my mind to be distracted by others’ drama (and there’s plenty to notice) while I keep my nose to my own grindstone.

Many defend their actions based on principle.  It’s everyone’s right to defend their principles.  The question is, does it have to be a public statement?  Or, can it be no different than when we do a good deed for another when no one is watching and we don’t mention it later either?  Can it be done in the confines of our home as we teach our children what we think is right and honorable?

Everything we do gives us learning lessons.  Human beings have been living by the trial-and-error method forever.  It seems we can be very stubborn and self-absorbed.  Thankfully, there seems to be evidence of a slight shift of the heart.  Are people finally beginning to see the dynamic between their level of self-love and self-care as it relates to their ability and level of care and concern that they are capable of having for anyone else around them?  Unmistakably there is the correlation, and no attempted change of anything on the outside can happen until change on the inside takes place.

I have so many ideals and ideas I want to consider, all to the end of my own self-fulfillment and awareness around my privilege of living the best life I can live.  I’m proactive for me.  I am no stoic.  I am a freedom fighter and I have never felt my rights have been violated.

I think it is a huge privilege of life in these United States to earn hundreds of thousands – even millions – of dollars a year, playing the sport one loves to play.  I’ve never heard of any racial discrimination toward anyone who can play the game exceptionally well.

Personal decorum, decency and dignity – very personal, indeed.  I am entitled to my opinions, and I make no judgment –   neither does Karma.  Blessed Be All.



Funny thing, self-confidence.

There are many areas where I am so self-reliant and self-assured.  I take my own dares all of the time.  Yet, admittedly,  I’m still working with my self-worth.

It escapes me how I can state my truth  on my Just Sayin’  “Live” broadcasts every Friday morning, or when I do videos for my page, Just Sayin’  Kaye A. Peters, and for The Royal Society (BeRoyal.com) and yet,  I’m fully aware there’s a place deep inside of me that needs to be plowed into!

All of my words come forth unscripted from my heart and I feel absolutely comfortable ‘on the air’ and in front of the camera, but I know I have more inside work to do – how?  Because I feel very uneasy when people give me compliments and accolade about what a wonderful woman I am, or how much my words mean to them, or what a wonderful energy I bring with me, etc., etc., etc.

On the one hand, indeed I speak my truth from my heart.  On the other hand, I am as fragile as the next person and this tells me where I must go – deep inside – to get more answers.

I want to be able to accept compliments with confidence – no brag, no ego – with Ease and Grace,  in joy and appreciation to my Creator for the person I know I am so far! I like her…I love her…I’m proud of her…I support her. There are a few more secrets I have to tell myself FIRST! 

I’ve received the nudge to get down to business and I’m ready for the task!   My heart is open, my mind is too.  I have come to the point of no return….it’s exciting, somewhat scary… but to find more treasures which I can surface and toss to the winds will become my pure pleasure.

You’ve heard me tell of how I’ve been singing in the shower for over two years now.  This ties into what I’m saying.  The higher I go on the scale directly relates to my levels of confidence – I know this intrinsically.  Each morning I hit a high note.  Inside I know what it means to me…I know I am ‘scaling my wall of self-worth’  (pun intended)!.  Now that i have opened up my heart, yet again, I know I’m on another progress run to awareness.

This time I’m goin’ for the Gold!  Blessed Be All.