
It’s not ‘same old, same old’;  I realize I make my life  ‘same new, same new’!

So, folks, I made my move.  I’ve accomplished making a new thought come true.  It’s about creation.  It’s about listening to my inner voice.  It’s about self-fulfillment, satisfaction, and self-motivation.  Now that I’m here and settling into my new home, I have turned a new page in my life, and there are new horizons…literally.  Life now presents a newness to me, and my feelings are that I’ve been waiting and readying myself for this time  and NOW THIS IS THE TIME TO ENJOY IT FULLY.

I don’t feel alone.  I don’t feel lost. I feel more like I have found newness in my life.  New friends, new scenery, new creativity, and most of all, I feel comfortable with all of it. This is living!

I am now catching the dream at my DreamCatcher Ranch!  There’s lots to do here. And, I have the desire and time to spend doing it!  There’s no rush…just greeting each day with enthusiasm and gratitude and an optimistic attitude. (Wait a minute…isn’t this the way it’s supposed to be every day? YES!)   And I realize I am always responsible for making it so.  Making a move out of state may sound a bit radical, but apparently, it was what I needed.  I guess the point is, when I recognized I had impetus for making this big change, it felt easy and doable and ultimately it was. Things fell into place…I had lots of help…there was no push and shove…and looking back, it really does feel like it was meant to be.  I guess all things we do are meant to be.

Life is a gift of experience and learning. And, it’s by our own doing we liven things up when we see we are ready for newness and change.  There will always be something around the next corner I guess.  But Here and NOW, I am grateful for recognizing what all has gone into this life I am living right NOW.

I am mindful of a daily prayer:

This morning I will say, something great is on the way, God sends his blessings to me.

God is the light of my life, the source of my imagination, God in the midst of me knows.

He gives me food for thought, ideas for excellent service, divine intelligence and an abundance of faith.

God in his love pours forth his goodness upon me and my life and world show forth his perfect order.

You are Life.   ~Gaya



Birth of Consciousness


I can’t write it, nor will I read it, or say it…feel it or think it!  IT all comes from the Universe through us.  From the beginning we have been blessed with prophets, gurus, mentors, knowers, sages…the Holy Information…we still have them walking our earth.  Jesus and Nelson Mandela come to my mind just now.

I think my step mother set such good example for me those many years ago, and it is in these days I’m brought back to her grace and ease and her faith, her exceptional countenance.  She blessed me in so many ways.  It was the best thing my father ever did for me in marrying her and introducing her into my life.  She had that ‘Presence’.

For many years I have accepted spiritual concepts which served me well.  Yet, it is apparent to me now, that when I resonate with a concept, the work begins when I put it into practice.  It is at this time of living the concept that I am beginning to understand…this is very personal work.  It is very holy work. It is work in silence. This work drops the ego at the door, and begins to develop insight and personal application and the outlook is so promising.  Each moment is a gem of experience, without flattery.  It Just Is!

Believing I know something, doesn’t have a permanent place.  It truly is the experience and application which proves the existence of God, Universe, Creator, whatever you choose.  In this process I actually fill up with IT.  The sharp edges are turned, and I receive the ‘Peace which passeth all understanding’ from time-to-time.  It comes in small moments of recognition along with joy. There is an understood  affirmation from within.

I know I am grateful for everything.  There is nothing original.  Be good to yourself and others.  Be kind.  Love what is all around us. This  really keeps it simple, doesn’t it?  There is no need to complicate our lives with input from the outside.  We have all the peace and the way to find more from within ourselves.  Experience life consciously. There is much to be said of Walking in Faith.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Be Safe and Stay Healthy.

There is so much personal power,  from thoughts to choices to experiences.

You create the life you have.   ~Gaya



These days, I’m going for peace, and serenity and equanimity.  One might think this is easy, but it really isn’t!

I live alone and am left to my own devices.  I can choose not to turn on the TV or radio.  I don’t have to say a word to anyone…I can go about my business and shun the world if I wish.  BUT, this isn’t the kind of peace I’m speaking about.  I want peace within the world in which I live.

Peace of mind requires an overall viewpoint of acceptance.  It requires generous thinking…it is living a life of allowance. Of course, dealing with responsibilities in life creates a certain amount of effort, it requires me to change what is.  It requires me to think about what I can do to pre-empt chaos.  This is as simple as changing the oil in my car to avoid engine trouble, for example.  It’s the same thing when it comes to people.  My demeanor dictates  my surroundings.  I am free to do and say that which maintains the space around me. I try to put the best construction on everything without judgment.  If peace is foremost on my mind, then I don’t want to ruffle the waters. I want smooth sailing… I don’t have to go anywhere near the water.

We say, we are in the world, not of  the world.  I can be a contributor to this world I’m in, beginning at my own doorstep.  Peace and calm is a construct of holding oneself in composure.  It’s a posture. It can’t be achieved in arrogance.  In fact, if it is not authentic, it deflates and causes chaos within my mind!

Peace is not achieved easily…it takes time and practice and knowing myself.  It is almost a skill.  I’ve found everything and everyone around me are my ‘peace testers’.  Funny, isn’t it!?  As long as I am given to ‘triggers’ or any kind of dissatisfaction, I am totally aware I always have work to do.  I love this position.  It keeps me humble at the same time I am in such earnest in achieving my intent.

It’s keeping the thoughts at bay.   I say to myself, “New thought, or No thought!”  This works for me.  It tones down the noise in my head which the Ego wants me to tolerate and keep me confused and in unrest.  Isn’t it wonderful we have the capacity to overrule, or override our minds.  We have great personal power.  When we come from the heart, this power exceeds all.  It’s clean and loving and totally well-intended.  What’s outside does not have to enter inside.  We have the keys to that doorway.

There is a Peace of God.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay safe.  Be Well.

Have Faith in your connection to that which created you.  This connection

leads and supports you on your Forever Path.  ~  Gaya


We see what we see…why can’t we leave it at that?!

When we go to the woods, we expect to see trees, lots of them, different varieties perhaps, along with other plantings like ferns and moss and maybe a variety of vines. A forest is a forest. What we watch out for is poison ivy or poison oak!

If we suffer from allergies,  we know exactly what to do to fend off the symptoms of our pollen or food reactions.

If we’re not a good swimmer, we stay out of the deep waters.

When we’re growing a garden, we know we have to water and fertilize it to realize a good crop, and when we have pets, we know we need to look after their food and shelter and health needs.

We’re born into a world of people, and as infants we don’t differentiate.  People are people. They laugh, and cry, and shout.  They can be tender or rough.  We soon find out some people are easier to be around.  We recognize kindness and compassion, and we know when we are ignored.  We know when we are welcomed into a room and when we are shunned.  Very early on we seem to learn what is expected of us!   We learn there is a demand that we must please someone else…for our own sake!  We learn by our own experience when we make a friend and lose one.  We learn trust and mistrust.  We learn fair-mindedness and ruthlessness.  We think we have to belong, and we learn how to play that game, and at this precise time, we realize we are compromising our integrity, our  beingness, our own authenticity, and the question then comes, WAIT JUST ONE MINUTE! WHAT’S HAPPENING HERE?!!

When does the line get fuzzy when it comes to how we treat other people? When do we figure out that it is up to us  to trust ourselves when it comes to how we treat others? We have such good intuition when it comes to how we feel about others.  The Bible says treat others as we want to be treated.  How difficult is that?  The Bible doesn’t say “treat others who look like you” the same as you want to be treated!  (And just who looks like us anyway?  Some of us are fat, skinny, tall, short, Asian, African, Caucasian, Native American, crippled, blind, and the list goes on.)

Think of the restaurants we frequent.  We are extremely open-minded (because we are pleasing ourselves looking to satiate our appetite) when we choose ethnic foods.  We’re very polite when we order, and when we’re finished most often we are very gracious in thanking someone for the wonderful food.  We find no barriers then! AND THINK:  This is quite an intimate setting, considering we are trusting someone who is not of our own race to prepare our food!

Is this not hypocritical?

I guess what I’m trying to point out is that we have ‘selective bias, or racism’, and we exert it at will and probably it is when we feel threatened (whatever that means).  When we are ‘frequenting the world’, we are rubbing shoulders with other shoppers, tourists, diners, sports enthusiasts, hobbyists, animal lovers, etc., and we don’t give it another thought.  In these venues, we enjoy our commonality.

Well, then, can we finally realize that as human beings we have one commonality in the world, and it is that we are all human beings, trying to make it, get along in both good and difficult times, that we all have the same needs, i.e., food, shelter and clothing,  along with desires for educational opportunities, and personal livelihood pleasures, like owning a home, a bike, a car, if we want one., and we all have the same fears too.  What is it in some people who have  a need to drive someone down and hold them there?  Fear of competition?  Fear of equality?  Fear of loss?   I  happen to think it is a personal fear that they will be found out that they aren’t who they pretend to be!   And, who better to pick on but those who they don’t see as competition!!  This is nothing short of a bully attitude!

It seems human beings have to put everything to their own personal litmus test…which at best, is flawed.  Going back to the Bible, “He who has not sinned, cast out the first stone.” Now that’s a litmus test!

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Continue to Stay Safe and Well.

There is only one picture:  The Big Picture…Broad Vista…beautiful to behold.  ~Gaya


The peace I am feeling these days has to do with tending my own garden.   I am the controller of my thoughts, and it is my sole task to make sure these thoughts go in a positive direction and are in alignment with my intention.  You can’t keep a garden properly watered if you spray in a direction away from the plants!

Glancing over my shoulder, worrying at any level (the greatest exercise in futility in my estimation), comparing my progress in anything to another, and forgetting that gratitude comes absolutely first in order to posture myself in tune with more abundance and happiness, are the most significant distractors from my original intention:  expanding my awareness and continuing to have a fully exploratory experience of the greatness that comes with the huge privilege of living my life.

If I am not on top of my game, mere thoughts that haven’t even solidified into any kind of reasonable pattern can cause me to swerve and diverge, and before I know it, I’m off on a tangent of go-nowhere thinking, which ultimately doesn’t make me feel good. This total distraction lures me away from my purpose if I’m not actively holding myself to task.  You’ve heard when someone says, “Don’t go there” [with that kind of conversation].It’s the same thing.  I don’t want to go there either!  I must stay here!

I have to be an active participant in my life all of the time.  I am responsible to hold myself accountable…thought, word and deed.  This takes attention and intention, a game plan.  It takes sincerity and seriousness about what I have figured out is important to me.  It requires me to follow my own star(s), because I am unique, and therefore, my experiences are also unique.  Since ever, I have been formulating my Forever Path…I’ve made good and not-so-good choices, I’ve solved and resolved, learned, fallen and always risen back up, and there has been a reason for all of it.  I am forging ahead, always looking for more to expand my consciousness.

Clearly, the more difficult my experience, the more difficult the lesson.  My entire life has been by design just for me.  I’m planning it all of the time.  It is becoming easier because I am understanding more, and I am seeing the results of my attention and intention.  There is a rhyme and a reason for everything.

I know I’m doing good when I am feeling good about what I am doing.

“Only you can make an impact on your own life. It has to do

with the wisdom you gain along the way.”  ~ Gaya

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.  Be Safe, Stay Well.



I’ve been known to say, “Have joyful thoughts”, “Think thoughts of happiness”, “It is your happiness and joy that you search for”…or the like. These phrases sound so glib to me now.

It was early evening yesterday when I was thinking…that thing we do unceasingly every waking hour.  This time I was consciously communicating with myself.  My thoughts weren’t random, reactionary thoughts…they were orderly and I knew I was trying hard to come to some kind of a conscious conclusion.

I agreed that at this seasoned time of my life I am well able to reason how I go about releasing and letting go of troublesome thoughts and how difficult this process can be.  I agreed that initial  Gratitude for everything I have  is a good place to start.  But then, as I looked around the room I realized there was a deeper meaning I was searching for, and it was the simplest thought of all:  What I really want is to feel good.  I want to feel good from the moment I get up in the morning.  I want to feel good in spite of what’s going on around me.  The song, “Whistle While You Work”  from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs came to mind.  Such a light and happy song it is, and as Snow White began to clean up the cottage, all of the dwarfs began to help as they all sang.

One thought led to another and I felt inside me how  Attitude  together with Gratitude are prerequisite Then I thought, it is I who creates these thoughts…these feelings…it is all about me and what I choose to feel about everything.   I recalled how daydreaming was the way I had created so many wonderful feelings…I was always feeling good when I was ‘planning out’ a dream or goal, or just plain imagining a scenario which made me feel so fantastic, so powerful.

We think we know how to bring ourselves away from unpleasantness.  Usually, we resort to complaining about it. Venting maybe feels like we’re getting it out of our system, but really, it’s only letting it resonate deeper within us through our continuous attention to it.  Or, we go to the refrigerator, or go shopping, or take a drink, or whatever else we can think of to override how bad we are really feeling.

IT’S MY CONSCIOUSNESS which will do it all for me with ease, if I let it. It is  my mind over  the matter…my deliberate conscious choice to take the bull by the horns and make the committed decision to bring myself down the path of feeling good no matter what is happening, no matter what my pain.  It is the true release and  deliberate letting go of the thought process which EGO lays on me!  It is the EGO which supplies all the reasoning why I must do and feel the way I do so I can always come out on top, I must always be right… be the best!  It’s the EGO which has to win!  But, I am not my EGO!!

I’m trying not to make this subject complicated.  I am trying to get in touch with my own innocence.   I’m trying to recognize my essence. I’m refusing to be tainted by outside influence which has nothing to do with me unless I allow it to penetrate my thinking.  I’m trying to see the peace and calm amidst a storm which I don’t have to acknowledge.  I am an individual and also part of the collective.  It is my individuality which carries my consciousness and personal well being.  It is truly what I want to believe is the best way for me to go that will support my own peace and calm as I settle inside myself.  Public opinion doesn’t count when it comes to my inner peace and calm.  It’s like the feelings of jealousy and envy which are not innate  to every human being.  These feelings are self-created.  Same goes for dissatisfaction with life and circumstances.

I’m giving myself the challenge to feel good about myself and what I am doing with each day that I have been gifted to live.  I’m going to listen for the good, the positive and uplifting.  I’m going to do what makes me happy and what makes me feel good.  Joy and Happiness spring from those inner feelings of Goodness and Contentment.  Spontaneous random acts of kindness toward myself and others is pure love in action. I have five God-given senses and my conscience to seek out the good in everything and I will trust my Intuitive Wisdom.

Blessed Be.  Stay Safe and Be Well.

Life is to be enjoyed, not feared.  It is a smooth stream of experience

when choices are made which feel good from within your heart.   ~Gaya



I feel the urge, I feel the surge, and I emerge!  … Again and Again and Again!  I think this is the process of how I continue living and doing whatever I set out to do in my life each moment, each hour, and so it goes, on and on.

I’ve learned that living Life isn’t just cut and dried!   It can’t be just a series of habits and repeat performances.  There is always the mundane,  so it’s up to me to hit my ‘refresh’ button!

REFRESH...I love this word!

I don’t ever want to be a ‘stick-in-the-mud’.  I don’t ever want anyone to say to me, “Awe, you’re no fun”, or “Live a Little!” But, I’ve never liked anyone yanking me out of ‘my way’ based on what they think about how I’m doing what I’m doing! I like the feeling of ‘get up and go’, and it’s up to me to do it, not wait for someone else to nudge me or tug on me or even judge me for not appreciating all of the opportunities that are available to me that enhance and expand my Beingness.

A new book I ordered, Welcoming the Unwelcome:  Wholehearted Living in a Brokenhearted World, by Pema Chodron, is being delivered  today.  I’m really excited…like for some long-awaited company!

I am not only offered each new day, I am given the power to observe my own behavior, assess my level of contentment, happiness, joy and calm,  and I have the cognizance to assert myself  for myself  to  fill up my body-mind-soul vessel.  I believe this is my absolute duty, my responsibility, toward myself and my well-being. I am my own instrument effecting the continuous progress of the privilege of living my life as long as I am being.

When you feel your inner peace and joy, you are coming to more understanding of who you are and what you are capable of doing for yourself.  We infinitely support you to your greatest good.    ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Safe and Well.





I got pretty far with fear, how far will I get without it?  I worry about loved ones to what gain?

Another ‘Aha’ moment surfacing:  I’ve pushed myself through, I’ve dreamed  myself through, and I’ve held myself back out of unfounded fear!  I’ve said, “The measure of your fear is the measure of your faith” and I believe it.  I’ve believed it so much that I’ve kept myself a prisoner because of it! I gave fear a status.

When I remember the anxiety shakes I endured for almost 7 years when I was in my thirties, it  occurs to me now that the fear of the onset caused the onset!  The day I was too busy to be concerned about it, was the day I didn’t experience the anxiety and it ultimately disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

The Mind triggers up our fears, again and again.  You’ve heard the expression, “Nothing to lose, everything to gain”.  As long as we’re physically safe, this is a true statement, isn’t it?  “Try, Try again”.  Of course, and why not?   So, if I put the fear IN, I can take it OUT!  I’m feeling POWER again…MY POWER.  And why shouldn’t I?..why shouldn’t we all feel this way?

Why is it we don’t always have the attitude, “I’ve gotten THIS FAR, and NOTHING is going to stop me NOW?

As for Worry?  We all know it’s an exercise in total futility.  Yet, it’s difficult to let go.  Today, I realized when I’m worrying about someone or something, I’ve first made a judgment.  I’ve decided that a person or a thing isn’t right the way it is.  So, in FEAR of what could happen, I’ve anointed myself a ‘seer’ and worry, which imprisons what I am worrying about to ever free themselves, or any circumstance to change, because I perpetuate my prediction which  holds a person, place or thing in a kind of limboWOW!

Now the expression “If you love something, set it free”, makes much more sense too.  This is about what we do to ourselves and to others when we allow fear/worry to shackle us in our mind.    I must live and let live, I must keep my thoughts on myself, and not entangle them…or shall I say, attach them to someone or something else.  It is when I am detached that I am free to experience Life as it presents to me in whatever form, be it an experience, a parent, a child, a friend, a stranger. Better I  be indifferent and not concern myself with outcome.  We have no hold on anything, or anyone.  Everyone is on their own journey, and circumstances will always arise which may not be to our liking, but we’ve walked on coals before, and we’ll rise from ashes again, which I call Success!

I want to take the path of most allowance and least resistance.   This said, there is no room for fear and worry nor judgment.  They are setups for restriction!

Blessed Be.  All Be Safe and Stay Well.

An open mind and open heart insure expansion of conscious awareness.   ~ Gaya

I learned something this morning which resonated so deeply, it gives me the shivers!

This is what I commented on after listening to a video by Eckhart Tolle:  “Thank you for this thrilling message! To emphatically realize I am not at the mercy of anything of this world! My Presence, my Consciousness, keeps me free from what I would ordinarily have termed pain or unhappiness or discomfort. It is like being in a room where there is a fan noisily running, and I am the on/off switch.”

I have my share of life’s interruptions which throw me off, get me emotionally involved.  There’s no question I’m a happy person these days and I continue to enjoy the privilege of living my life…but, after all, I am always reckoning with the human condition which I believe I chose to experience in order to learn lessons and grow in awareness and enlightenment on my Forever Path.

Then, as faith in my inextricable connection to, and unconditional support and encouragement of God, Universe, Source, Creator, would have it, I heard the words, “…I am not at the mercy of anything of this world!…” from Mr. Tolle.  I learned when I am in My Presence,  when I feel THE CONNECTION, and realize that I can rise above and remove myself from anything to be riled over, I am on a pathway of creating my own life, my own perceptions, my own reverie of my own life. And, it is unequivocal that others have the same governance over their own Presence.

As enlightenment and awareness increase, so does consciousness ever-expand my life horizon and I feel my Wholeness.  What a beautiful experience this world really is.  What a magnificent opportunity we have to enjoy everything about it when we realize all is to our greatest good and happiness if we are able to enjoy our Presence in it.

Here’s to our Spiritual Beingness…Our Presence in this world.

We enjoy Kaye’s expression of her spiritual growth and awareness, as does she.  ~ Gaya

Blessed Be to All.  To All Be Blessed and Safe and Well.