218 posts by Kaye

What a question I have posed.  This is interesting territory!  Is the pressure ON or OFF?!!

In my small world, I am firstly, a single woman of years… a mother… a friend… a neighbor… an author…a Buddhist practitioner…the host of a weekly online  ‘live’ broadcast from my Facebook page, Just Sayin’   Kaye A. Peters… a member of a few authors’ groups on Facebook…a customer in any retail environment…and at the end of each day, lastly, I am still a single woman of years enjoying the privilege of living my life in the Human Condition with no endgame in sight, but, first and foremost I am a Spiritual Being, and must attend to my Soul.  

Each hour that I am privileged to live, I try to fulfill my roles to whatever degree my responsibility presents itself.  I essentially believe I am ‘living my purpose’ to its fullest,  doing the very best I can and being the very best I can be.  Thus, it follows, by my intentions I am nourishing my Soul and providing myself with joys and happiness and continued awareness and enlightenment that become a perpetuation of self actualization.

I am finding that I have what I will call ‘soulful antennae’.  These are feelers that extend from me and ‘pick up’ mixtures of energies that are always swirling around me and from within me too.  I notice I find it difficult to distinguish them when it comes to what, if any, action is required of me.  I’m concluding right now that it is primary that I decipher what is mine to tackle.  I am responsible to leap my own hurdles.  Sometimes there has been a soft place for me to fall, and sometimes I have been that for another too. Kindness, interest, encouragement and support are wonderful gestures to lend a hand or a leg up to someone on their own path.  Altruistic Action.

The answer to my question,  What is expected of ME?    Whatever I can do that fills my Soul while providing self-fulfillment to my human life purpose, honoring my Creator in gratitude for my well-meaning Presence in the larger world picture.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.



…And a Good Morning it Is!…And a Good Day it Will Be!  When I feel Self-fulfilled, I Feel the Joy and I Feel the Peace!

I’m breaking into the crust of what Self-fulfillment means to me when I Put My Intention to Doing what I Need to Do to Feel It!  It’s all about choice!

I’m meditating now with ritual.  What this means is that I am following through with a commitment to myself which I made after the 21-day meditation experience with Oprah and Deepak.  I commented online after one of the sessions that I was going to include meditation in my daily routine…and this was because I was feeling the positive results early on.  I wrote down all of the thoughts for the day, and the mantras so I am following that…and this is providing me guidance.

When I hoofed this morning it came to me that when I have truly felt self-fulfilled in my lifetime (and most of these times were when I completed projects…and, of course, the highlight of the feeling was when I birthed my sons) I didn’t have to go for the same experience again! 

Let’s take the first time I refinished a piece of furniture.  This was years and years ago when I was raising my sons, and had very little extra money, so when I wanted to ‘see something different’ in my home, I couldn’t just go buy something from a store to augment my rooms…I had to think of a way I could do it with what I already had.  I could afford a can of ‘zip-strip’ to take off furniture finish, and either paint or apply color stain for my ‘new look’.  That ‘first time’ was like none other! I worked extraordinarily hard because I had no past experience, and I followed the directions to a ‘T’. Everything was an unknown.  I was certainly in the NOW and didn’t even know it!  When the final coat dried and I sat back and admired my work…I was overcome with pride of accomplishment.  I loved everything about it, and the absolute glow within myself of self-achievement and the self-fulfillment that accompanied my whole idea in the first place was ENOUGH FOR ME.  There wasn’t any compliment I subsequently received  that came close to my knowing what I had done and how wonderful I felt about my tenacious attitude toward the hard work to get the job done and looking so good.

Since that time I’ve completed many similar projects, and of course, felt self-fulfilled. When I start out a project I already know I can do the job and I know I’ll love the result. I’m not needing that feeling again…I’m loving the ‘hobby of it”.

I’m trying new things these days…new approaches, new logic.  This is about my eating habits, folks.  I’m experimenting with just what choice(s) I can make as I go for some ‘thing’ or some ‘way’ of doing something.  I’m extraordinarily aware of  how I’m thinking about it…and the cream is rising to the top, slowly but surely.  I’m realizing how wonderful I really do feel when I make a deliberate choice to do something that I know is to my best interest and good and ‘feelings about myself’.   Case in Point:  Each day that I have been making such deliberate experience choices, I am creating a snowballing effect of the feeling of self-fulfillment.  My thoughts are not about depriving myself…my thoughts are how I’m thriving and about how capable I am looking after myself….I am feeling the power…I am feeling the joy of taking the reins deliberately!




The more self-confident I become, the more authentic and less vulnerable I AM.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

I’ve just completed what turned out to be a 22-day meditation experience with Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra.  Today was a ‘bonus day’ – in more ways than one for me!  So much so, I knew in the meditation I would immediately come to my blog to express myself….I need to ‘expose’ my awareness NOW so I don’t let it slip away before I can totally integrate what I now know to be a huge awareness – a huge breakthrough – a huge truth for me, as I continue my spiritual journey on my Forever Path…now more than ever, No Endgame In Sight!

NOW, more than ever, I am able to see how it fits that Life has to be a moment-to-moment, day-to-day experience.  Nothing has ever been written in ink, or carved in stone (at least by my interpretation this day).  Instead, I have believed it to be that way!  Ego has wanted me to believe it was so!

Those who have heard me speak, or followed these blogs, or read my books, have heard me refer to:  “I’m no PollyAnna”, or “I can use a four-letter word whenever it fits”, or “I have a lot of hayseed in my hair”!  I’ve come to believe these statements of mine are no more than “Ego Bluffs”  which I’ve allowed to override my essential spiritual beliefs  for many, many years.  It seems although in my heart of hearts I knew my spiritual truths through these years, my Ego has been  fighting to make sure I would maintain the egocentric side of things…keeping my small Self  believing I wanted to enjoy the human condition more than my spiritual beingness which I have totally believed for years is My Essence.   I AM  now aware of the self-talk which HAS BEEN until now totally defiant of who I AM.

For years I’ve stated “I’m no “goody-goody-two-shoes!”  For years,  I have vehemently fought myself  with the idea if I  ever showed the loving, compassionate side of me I was risking my destruction!  The vulnerable, sweet one, who until this very moment, didn’t understand I was at the same time the strong, able-to-take-care-of-myself one!   MY WHOLE SELF.

So, my friends, I’ll have to see how this new awareness unfolds.  You are getting to know me now…I must put forth my most current discovery in my excavation process toward my authenticity.   It always will be in my best interests and to my greatest good, as I come from my heart in my most honest way.   And too, I feel great humor in this discovery!  Of course, the Universe would never disallow what I love so much in myself…MY RECOGNITION OF HUMOR AS I CONTINUE TO ENJOY THE PRIVILEGE OF LIVING MY LIFE! 

I am grateful I am ‘Receiving Just a Little Bit More’, to paraphrase Deepak Chopra.  Namaste’




I’ve most always referred to my “awarenesses” or “enlightenments” but I’ve come to believe that they are BREAKTHROUGHS, which continue to inure to ONE VICTORY…My Freedom!

I’ve been in a 21-day meditation course offered by Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey.  I’ve never been this consistent as I am now to this meditation process, and I’m receiving wonderful benefits from it.  I have put my whole heart into it.  I am mindful that anything I do should have my whole heart into it!  How else do I accomplish anything AND FEEL THE UTMOST SELF-FULFILLMENT FROM THAT VERY ACCOMPLISHMENT?

It occurred to me today that I have had an innate FREEDOM all my life as I know it, and it is through the choices I have made where I undercut that freedom and caused my own kind of misery!  

Let’s take making changes in my own life when I realize I need to make them. We call them ‘bad habits’, I guess.  Well, the truth of this to me is that I AM THE ONE WHO CREATED THESE BAD HABITS IN THE FIRST PLACE!  When I finally realized I don’t like them and wanted to change them (like my eating choices and the way I implement them, for instance) until today, I didn’t connect those dots:  I INSTITUTED THE HABIT, AND I HAVE TO ‘UN-INSTITUTE’ IT!   THIS IS THE BREAKTHROUGH!   THIS IS THE FREEDOM CHOICE I HAVE!

If ever there was an ‘inside job’  it is when I realized it comes down to the course of action I must take in my life …the good-and-not-so-good choices …realizing “I made ’em, and it’s up to me to break ’em!”  AND THIS IS THE FREEDOM PIECE:  I CAN DO THIS IF I INTEND TO DO IT!  I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN DO THIS!  AND IT DEPENDS UPON HOW MUCH I WANT TO CHANGE A HABIT I MADE IN THE FIRST  PLACE!

 We are in charge of writing all of our success stories.  We write all of our life stories…the good and not so good ones…NO ONE CAN ARGUE WITH SUCCESS!  

LET [OUR] FREEDOM BELLS/STORIES RING!  Blessed Be and Blessed Be All.

I recently saw a clip of suggested ball tampering in Australian Cricket.   Neil Armstrong’s fiasco as he peddled to championship after championship is old news, and the ball tampering with The Patriots in our NFL didn’t go anywhere either.   Back a while there was also the scandal  of ‘stand-in’ test taking in some of our colleges and universities. The banking and real estate debauchery was another ‘prize’ for some, and I haven’t even touched on the investment schemes which have cost many investors their life savings.  Is this the  “Everyone-can-be-bought-for-the-right-price” or “Integrity-be-Damned”  or “Win-at-any-Cost” daredevil trip that is just too alluring and apparently never too steep for those tempting their very souls as they pull the plug on what I call at the very least “the principle of the thing?”

In my naivete’  I’ve come to recognize this is a bigger world in more than one view that I never considered much until now.  Is dishonesty and cheating so prevalent in the human experience that the human being of today is bored with doing something which rewards with self-fulfillment?  Is it the pervasive thought to “win at all cost?’ Has it come to “The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil” and it is proving to be so?

I live in a consumers’ world.   I’ve witnessed for years how gross product shrinks in size and/or quality and costs the same or more.  I live in the world of fixed income. I am forced to pay the price for items I need,  and I guess the manufacturers’ view is,  ‘my gross profit margin will not suffer  and I will stay in business… consumer be damned!’  (And not to forget, we, the ‘damned consumer’ are keeping up that profit margin by continuously buying their undergraded, overpriced product!)

I live in a world where people are clucking from every corner how to do this, or that, to accomplish this or that, to be this or that…the world of everybody-has-THE answer-to-ALL-THINGS-FOR-ALL-PEOPLE!

I now  can understand “Stop the world I want to get off!” or “I don’t want to play this game anymore!”  I don’t understand “I Quit!”  I do understand more than ever that idealist thinking and going back to square one, and getting pleasure out of the little things, and words and phrases like pride, humility, gratitude, integrity, and the heralding of times gone by, most probably fall on many deaf ears.  And, when I’m speaking, maybe I am throwing pearls to swine, to paraphrase another biblical reference.

I now conclude more than ever, I will be more my own counselheed more my own adviceguard more my little world steadfastly, and preserve it the best way I know how.  And I also conclude NOT to fall prey to those in the large numbers of  scam artists. This term isn’t just for the ‘artists’ who want to cheat the elderly and more vulnerable citizen.  I think the real SCAM ARTISTS are those whose GREED has taken them over to the point that their own happiness got thrown under the bus!  Their families have suffered for their exclusive AND ADDICTIVE attention to earning the almighty dollar and then having to EARN MORE AND MORE AND MORE.

Are we now a society that has fallen prey to itself?  The word “sacred” comes to mind.  Is there nothing sacred anymore?  And there’s another word, “sacrifice.”  A person can sacrifice the privilege of living life to its fullest, and shrivel up and die inside, while counting their ‘wins’ –  not realizing their ‘losses’ meant everything to their life itself…. what a long road back to square one.  I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

Blessed Be…and to All Be Blessed.


What does it take to ruin a  whole day? My answer to that is NOTHIN’!

I am grateful for my frame of mind.  I am grateful that I can frame my mind…yes, I put myself into the frame and picture it!  I live in the NOW, and always am trying to keep a ‘lookout’ on what I’m looking at, thinking about and trying to figure out.  I know I have an advantage because I am retired and nothing particularly dominates my wakeful hours – like an 8-hour job, let’s say.  BUT, I do recall when I did work for a living, and even then, the series of events that came and went in my day HAD TO TAKE THEIR RELATIVE PLACE FOR CONSIDERATION AND IT WAS I WHO HAD TO PRIORITIZE IT ALL.  In the mornings when the kids were younger, when I drove to work I would  be planning my day  and when driving home I was planning my dinner meal, and wondering if I had laundry to take care of.

Thinking back on this time of my life, I guess it would have been pretty difficult to be in the NOW…at least, it seems like it would have been. I was juggling so darn many balls – while one may have threatened falling to the ground another would flip in and become a part of the circus of my life.  I think all of us who had this kind of action were going with the flow and didn’t even know it…and by and large we all did a pretty good job of it too.

Actually, when I was that busy I guess I was living in the NOW because I had to “take it as it came’…deal with what I HAD to deal with, WHILE I picked up the kids from daycare, got their snowsuits on (wintertime, of course), piled them into the car, continued on to the house, facing the possible snow storm, slipping and sliding on the roadway, pulling into a snow-filled driveway, into the house,  snowsuits off, dinner started, eating done, bathwater run, in bed by 7:00, because we started the rat race all over again at 5:00 the next morning.   In those early years I had demanding jobs, and not to forget, had to get my drinking/wind-down time into this picture, eat later, and get myself into bed by 10:00.  Dishes, phone calls, and whatever socializing while I was overseeing the boys’ activities in the bathroom had to fit in somewhere too.  Also, if it was still snowing I had to get out and clear that driveway so I could leave the next morning…and not to forget, set the alarm earlier if I anticipated more snow had to be cleared before I could back out in the morning to begin the day all over again! As the kids grew school age, God Forbid there was a “School Day”…then I had to scamper to find someone to look after them so I could go to work!


Well, that was then, this is now, and I am grateful I somehow managed to get through the ‘series’…groundwork for today, I suppose.  Yet, thankfully, I’m more conscious of what is coming to me and how I will try to handle it…There is a moral to this story:  I am so glad I am trying to be more conscious to take myself off the wheel of haste, and keep too many cooks out of my ‘life kitchen’, and too much business of others which is not ‘my business’ away from me, and halt the  juggling of balls that don’t enhance my life in any way, and stop as much as I can the activity which keeps me from a modicum of peace and organization, and defers my enjoyment of what is really important!  I always want to be mindful to take optimum care of ME, what is my assumed responsibility, and to treasure my relationships of Love.  And, too, I want to always be mindful to give of what I have, especially if I perceive someone has a need…never to presume what I have is what they need.

NOW I try to hand over the reins to Life and keep uppermost in my mind how grateful I am for every thing that presents itself to me.  There truly is so much joy to be recognized – with humor…even delight…when I remember how minuscule my presence really is, and how all I’m really up to is trying to get through each second of my existence with this gratitude and observation of how everything is as unimportant as it is important.

I DON’T WANT TO BE EXHAUSTED when I go to bed these days at 8:00 at night…I want to feel like I’m ready to close my eyes after a long day of ‘doing my thing’, with an enthusiasm for what’s going to be around that corner of life tomorrow morning.  WELL, I’M AT IT AGAIN, CUZ’ THIS BLOG WAS STARTED AROUND 4:00 AM today!

GOOD MORNING!  WHAT’S COOKIN’?  Blessed Be All, and to All Be Blessed.

Have you ever been handed something from someone for safekeeping?  Years ago a friend of mine was going through a divorce, and she asked if she could put a collector china bowl in my house for safekeeping.  She entrusted this item to me.  My friend never was able to situate herself permanently after that divorce, and she died a few years later.  She never spoke of the bowl from the time she handed it to me nor asked for it back.  It wasn’t until I moved to Arizona, that I sold that bowl…to a reputable collector, again for safekeeping.  I have a bedside table which I purchased from her which brings me directly back to the very day she and I were wallpapering her kitchen getting her home ready for sale.  In spite of the circumstances, I remember we were laughing a lot, as we diligently matched the stripes in that paper!  (Funny how one remembers certain things fondly…she and I had many good times together, and I know she ‘visits’ from time-to-time and so appreciates that I treasure the table I bought from her!)  We were both working single moms, and we met when volunteering to share the position of Co-Den Mothers for Cub Scouts our boys were joining.   We both trusted each other in so many ways.  We said what we meant, and meant what we said.  That makes for a good start of a friendship.  I’m positive we’d be fast friends to this day, had she chosen to spend more time here.

Well, today, I got the same feeling of being trusted..relied upon.  My granddaughter asked if I would proofread her Ph.D dissertation!  What an honor for me!

When I wrote my books, I did proof and edit them…and felt comfortable doing so.  Both my formatter and consultant/adviser had complimented me on the first book, so I didn’t hesitate to do it for the second one.  But today, when my granddaughter asked me if I would do it for her, the feelings were so sweet and I felt so humbled, yet respected and revered as a fully capable person to do a very important job for her.

Come to think of it, I felt the same way when my friend, Jannette, asked me to read the book she had written which chronicled the last days of her mother’s life.  I was honored, and loved doing it for her and, more over, I gleaned so much from her heartfelt story:  a daughter’s devotion and love toward her mother with  her entire family rallying together to serve her in this adoration of those sad events leading to her mother’s passing.

I would say, if you know someone you trust utmost, exert this trust and faith in them…let them know how much you rely upon their safekeeping of your Highest Self….whether it be holding something in confidence, a special teaching you seek only from them, or a skill they possess like none other.  This gift to them will surpass anything of a monetary value, I guarantee it.

Blessed Be, and to All Be Blessed.

I’ve made no bones about the fact I will not discuss politics or religion; however, I have no hesitation stating my beliefs when it comes to anything I feel could be positively affected by my view.    This blog is a compilation of comments I made on Facebook recently, and I have entitled them, “Be Part of a ‘Team for Change'”.


I’d imagine ‘We, the People’ need to start at our local government levels..the big picture is simply too big, I’m thinking.

I would urge anyone who is absolutely in earnest to do something effective, to begin in their own neighborhood, and be very vocal (not rabid) about it.  Volunteer for local politicians (if you trust them, forget about the party, think about their effectiveness in office); work your way through, and become a lynch pin toward solutions in your own local governmental process.

Parents of school age children, go to your school board meetings and be commentators and voters and watchdogs for your schools and your own community.  I’m having a meeting 2/23/18 with an organizer of our own community where I live.  I’ll help her in any way I can – it’s about keeping our neighborhood safe, helping those who can’t help themselves, perhaps, and whatever else she has in her agenda to which I can contribute.  This is through the Nextdoor.com groups that are organizing in several towns.  A personal friend of mine is extremely active in the Sedona, AZ group.  If a person isn’t able to be a ‘Leader’, they can still search out the strength in their own neighborhood and be a part of the Team for Change.

Wherever we are we can always be an instrument of peace and civility and volunteer for change, whatever the venue.  I, personally, resist ‘table-pounders’…sideliners who continue to pour out their venom without leaving their chairs in front of the computer.  (Albeit a heartfelt speaking out for their position, with a resistance to another’s louder rabid voice.)  There have to be people who are willing to define themselves which begins in their own home and how they interact in their own family unit…assessing their own personal priorities which become peace giving expressions first to themselves, and then to their immediate inner circle members.

When I continue to look through enough lenses, I am able to say these things now, and declare my truths…defying what others may think!  I don’t need to hit below any belts, I don’t need to pull together a gang to state my views.  I already do what I think I can do to be effective, and I will continue forward likewise.  I am my own proof of my own peace…and I take the inevitable struggles that may present, in stride.  We never arrive, but we always learn!

THERE ARE MANY SIGNS OF DYSFUNCTION IN FAMILIES.  We need to begin to look at our own dysfunction and work inward and then outward.  This will be a slow-but-sure process.   CHANGE DOESN’T HAPPEN QUICKLY, whether it be personal or social.”    Just Sayin’   Kaye A. Peters.

We are the people…the ‘pool’, if you will, where our government leaders come from.  Let us become serious citizens of this wonderful country where we live, and make every effort to model the caring behavior to our children, and never lose sight that our families must be the first responders from their homes and neighborhoods….With Liberty and Justice for All.

I don’t need the limelight – I am more than willing to carry whatever light I have to whatever cause that can use my contribution.  Blessed Be, and To All Be Blessed.

So, it’s February 14, 2018 – Valentine’s Day….HEARTS DAY!

I got to thinking – yet again – just how big are our hearts anyway?  How many pieces can they be split into, and are we asked to do this?  Well, maybe!  We have Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, Grandparents’ Day, Birthdays of everyone born,  and not to exclude all of the patriotic days which many give their hearts to as well.

Considering what I have just stated, and considering that I believe I am a Spiritual Being living in a human condition, I also acknowledge that my Higher Self, if you will, is purely Love and Light.  Stay with me here:  If ‘the sermon’ is  Love and Kindness as the comportment of all of us, why then do we have these specially denoted days for those that are apparently supposed to be deserving of even more love than we are told we already have for everyone?

My son is  coming in today on ‘vehicle business’, I’m making a pot roast for us, he won’t be staying.   After eating,  he’ll go back to get his trailer and off on a hunt for the rest of this month.  I love him every waking hour of my life!  I love his deceased brother the same way!  I love myself so much that I continue to try to figure out what I can do to become a better person, mother, friend, neighbor, citizen…I don’t have a “Valentine-person”…a lover, if you will, but I do remember one of the last times I was with a significant other, and coincidentally, this memory has to do with Valentines Day!

My other son and significant other were traveling from Minnesota to Phoenix,  to take care of some business.  It was over the Valentine’s Day time.  I received a darling card from my son, and he signed it “Your son, Rambo!”  (I wish I had saved that card…he knew how much I loved all of the Rambo movies.)  My male companion sent a card too…I don’t recall anything particularly special about it, other than it was a Valentine’s Day card.

I really do believe every day is HEARTS DAY!  I really do believe we should wear our hearts on our sleeve for those we love very specially EVERY DAY…And, birthdays?  Well, I’ll continue to give my son a card celebrating that special day that was in MY life…I have loved him every single day of my life since I became a Mother for the second time….and it is nice to tell him how much I do love him, and how proud I am to be his Mother, and how proud I am of him, my Son.

HEARTS ARE VERY BIG….Can’t we sustain BIG LOVE every day?  Kindness is a huge component of Love not to forget.

Boy would the greeting card companies make out big if we were sending 365 cards a year to everyone who is special to us!  To say nothing of candy companies and jewelry stores and floral shops.

So for all of us who show love to our loved ones….this is yet another thing we can do “Our Way”.  HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY ALL!


Blessed Be, and to All, Be Blessed.

I’VE GOT GOOSEBUMPS FROM HEAD TO TOE!  This means ‘get the word out’, one way or another!  First I did a poster about how I can’t seem to stop getting to know myself.! Then I answered a comment on Facebook about how Blessed I felt yesterday when a song from a Tom Jones album (I’ll Never Fall in Love Again, 1967) I had owned many, many years ago appeared…..I listened to it at least 4 times yesterday, three today…I loved it then, I love it NOW!

Music has always been within me…I played piano by ear, sang as a youngster...there’s a story here:  I was about 4, it was Christmas Eve, traditionally our family was at a church service.  Without notice – as the story goes – I left the pew and walked to the head of the church and sang Silent Night, and then returned to the pew.

There’s another story:  My dad took me into one of his customer’s companies (they sold all types of electronics of ‘the day’), and he asked if he would record me singing, which he did…a small ’45’, red disc…I sang Johnny Fedora Met Alice Blue Bonnet!  I used to have this record (sorry to say, not any more)…no matter…that very day, the experience, the record and, of course, me singing the song, is in my heart like yesterday…some 75 or so years ago.

I know I’ve spoken about how much I really do love music…I was about 11 when I was introduced to  Broadway show tunes – Oklahoma, Porgy and Bess, South Pacific, The King and I, to name a few, and my music taste was born.  As years went by I amassed a wonderful record collection of every song I loved.  I had my own little world of music which I turned to regularly to fill my heart.   I was fortunate to have added to this collection when I worked for a radio and TV station here in Phoenix, the first time I attempted to move to Arizona in the early sixties.

As ‘progress’ would have it, vinyl records became obsolete and you know the rest of that  ‘progress report’!  All my many record albums were upright in boxes, moved from home to home, state to state, and about 15 years ago I sold them all to a collector.

The reason I am writing this blog today is that I have finally figured out why I don’t have a radio on all of the time.  I’m positive it’s because I can’t choose any of those songs I loved  the instant I want to hear them!    Instead, I hum them or sing excerpts in my shower or all day long pick and choose whatever comes to my mind, usually with reference to almost any word.  That’s the way songs come into my head…Works for me!  This is one melancholic  mystery of my own experience that has now been solved.

Music has a ‘flavor’ to me…there is a sexuality to it, an energy to it, a culture to it, a heart to it, a rhythm to it, all of which gets into me!  I am someone who dances around my house ‘like nobody is watching’, and I dare say, at 80+,  I don’t miss a  beat!  (The way I see it anyway!)  The sensation is like being drawn to, captured, and carried away into another emotional world.  I’m there…sometime… every single day…enjoying another rhythm and chorus in the symphony  of my life experience.

Blessed Be and to All Be Blessed.